On the island: Exploring the northern trail

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Re: ENT: Bog begins searching through the bones...

#101 Post by Alethan »

SocraticLawyer wrote:"Let's see if there are any other items of interest amongst these bones," says Ulrich. "Once we've found all there is to find, I can determine which, if any, are magical."

Ulrich continues to dig through the bones.
"Hmmm..." Bog thinks for a second, "Would it serve us better to try and see what items have magical properties where they lay, then we might not overlook something that is mundane in appearance but magical in nature?"
Argennian wrote:It takes the better part of 10 minutes to search through most of the immense amount of animal bones present due the thick, choking undergrowth, but Bogdan eventually uncovers the remains of three humans or humanoids. One is the size of a normal human, one the size of a small human with a funny-shaped skull and sharpened teeth, and one that looks to be gnome.

On and about the human-sized bones is a rotted and rusted suit of studded-leather armor, a rusty short sword in bad repair, an axe head with no handle, and a rotted pack containing the remains of what must have been a bunch of canvas sacks or perhaps a folded tarp or blanket.

On the small humanoid-sized remains is a rotted animal-skin loincloth and pair of sandals, as well as a necklace and charm bracelet of strange-looking, tiny animal skulls. Tied to what appears to be a rotted hemp belt nearby is a stoppered earthenware flagon that appears intact, a bone knife and a small pouch that's rotted out with nothing in it.

On the remains of the gnome, however, is a shiny and surprising score. The skeleton's wearing what looks to be brand new suit of leather armor, a set of exquisite high, soft boots, a silver necklace with 5 ruby-like stones and a plain gold ring. Still attached to the armor are two shiny hand-axes and a jeweled-handled throwing knife that sparkles brilliantly in the sunlight. Next to the remains is a large backpack that's still in decent condition and full of mountaineering, or perhaps dungeoneering gear. Wrapped in a blanket within is a crowbar and small steel pick. There is also a small hammer and a dozen iron spikes, a 100 foot silk rope with what looks to be a retractable steel grapnel, an oiled canvas bag of strange-looking hand tools and chisels, 3 six-foot long chains, 3 fine padlocks with keys, and a set of 12 strange caltrops. At the very bottom of the pack under what looks to be an oiled tarp is a bone scroll case, an oiled pouch with 6 large pearls and what could be small bags spell components and a small iron lockbox, which is locked with no signs of the key anywhere.
"Looks like this first bloke might have been from a ship. This might be a spare sail. Worth keeping, maybe," Bogdan says, looking at the canvas tarp. He carefully unfolds it to see if it had anything on it that might indicate where it was from.

Then he picks up the stoppered flaggon and sets it aside next to the canvas so as not to forget it.

"Now this fellow has some useful gear. And even the normal stuff doesn't look too bad, which means he hasn't been here but a few years, maybe less. Wonder what he was doing trying to climb up to that cave with all this gear?" Bog shrugs then inventories the items as he collects them to the side with the canvas and the flaggon...
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

#102 Post by SocraticLawyer »

"You know, that's not a bad idea," says Ulrich. "Let's see what we have here..."

Ulrich casts Detect Magic on the items found thus far.
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ENT: The trio further scrutinize the items in the bone pile

#103 Post by Argennian »

~ After Bog discovers the items amongst the remains of what must've been the assassin vine's unlucky past victims, Ulrich declares he'd like to have a look-see through the remainder of the undergrowth-choked pile of bones as well, to make sure they didn't miss anything. The curious dwarf also offers to cast a detect magic spell on the items once he's done so...

Bogdan ponders their unlikely floral-intertwined find, and also Ulrich's subsequent offer of divine magical identification. After a thoughtful moment or two, the big fighter suggests that perhaps it would be better he cast the spell now, just in case there's something present that is magical in nature but appears normal and mundane to their ongoing, assessing considerations.
Ulrich raises his eyebrows in consideration of his fellow northern trail scout's idea and agrees it a wise proposal. He holds his holy symbol in one hand, makes a somatic motion with the other and casts the spell...

The items on and about the human-sized remains yield nothing magical in nature. Bog carefully unfolds the tarp, thinking it may be a sail or something else they could use, but it appears to in fact be a small tent, minus the poles and spikes. Located inside of it are 3 large canvas sacks and a bag of trail rations that have long since rotted...

On and about the bones of small humanoid with the rotted animal-skin loincloth, Ulrich declares that both the necklace and charm bracelet of strange-looking, tiny animal skulls radiate magic. The stoppered earthenware flagon does not but Bog collects it anyway...

The stuff found on and about the remains of the gnome generates a distinct and bright aura for the cleric to see. The brand new-looking suit of leather armor, the set of exquisite high, soft boots, the silver necklace with 5 ruby-like stones and the plain gold ring all radiate magic. The two shiny hand-axes and the jewel-handled throwing knife are also detected as magical in nature, as well as whatever is inside the bone scroll case and the small, still-locked iron lock-box.

~ While the cleric's detection spell is still going, he scans the rest of the bone pile and sees that there are in fact two things they did not notice previously that also radiate magic. One of the items is a long, canine-like tooth with a hole in it, perhaps tied to something or worn as a necklace at some point. The other is what appears to be strange, uniquely shaped bone index finger. It's large and looks to be from the hand of a big human, humanoid or demi-human more so than that of an animal or primate. It's shaped as if it was slightly curved on itself and is pointed on the end.




OOC: ok guys! Heh, Al thinking to use that detect magic spell while still in the pile of bones was a good call. Otherwise, neither of those last items would have been found! 8-)

POP: please indicate who is taking what along with them when you all leave the brush & bramble below the cliff & stone stair. Bog already indicated he's putting the earthenware flagon and the small canvas tent aside...

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

TOD: now 10:55am of Day 9 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 12/34 ; Ulrich 22/22 ; Sorel: -6hp
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – none ; UlrichSC / mace & shield ; Sorel - short sword / bow (arrows fired: 1)
(SC = spell component/spell to cast; * indicates loaded and ready to fire)

Spells cast:
Ulrich: cure light wounds x2; Detect Magic

Down in the thicket and bramble below the stair: Bogdan , Ulrich , Sorel
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

#104 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich opens the scroll case, hoping that it contains clerical magic. If not, he will replace it in the case and stow it.

"I'm sure someone at camp can identify all this stuff," he says.

Ulrich grabs the necklace, charm bracelet, silver necklace with rubies, and ring. He places them in his pack (using gloves)."We should take this back for one of the stealthier types to try to unlock,"he says, picking up the lockbox. "Can you carry the rest?" he asks Bogdan. OOC: that should leave the leather armor, hand axes, boots, knife, tooth, and finger.

OOC2: Good call on the Detect Magic, Al! :D

OOC3: Al, I just noticed that Bog is down to 12 HP. Want a CLW (or 2)?
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

#105 Post by Alethan »

Ooc: yes, pls, on the hit point boost! And thanks! I try to have good ideas. ;)

Bog uses the newly found sacks to stow the rest of the magical items and gear to take back to camp for identification.

Then he asks Ulrich if he has any further healing spells available, still feeling the effects of the fight with the assassin vine.

He looks up. "Still need to get my sword and check out the cave."
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

#106 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich casts CLW on Bogdan.

Cure light wounds [1d8] = 1 D'oh!

He tries again, hoping to bring more relief to his injured companion:

Cure light wounds [1d8] = 4 Yikes! :o

"Now, let's find your sword and see if we can get back into the cave, says Ulrich.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

#107 Post by Alethan »

Bog watches a scratch on his arm close up and glances at Ulrich with a raised eyebrow.
Then he starts climbing the route again to make his way towards his sword, still sticking in the assassin vine. Once he retrieves his sword, he will continue on to the cave.
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ENT: The trio gathers the items/returns to the mission

#108 Post by Argennian »

~ The cleric announces the results of his detect magic spell and the trio of northern trail scouts begin to gather the magical goodies...

Ulrich opens up the bone scroll case. Inside he finds 2 spell scrolls. Both look to contain magic-user or perhaps illusionist spells. There's also a 6-page journal with many notations and sketches of strange-looking shapes and diagrams, as well as a beautiful, ornate wrought silver quill stylus. He returns them and places the scroll case in his pack. He then dons some gloves and collects the magical native necklace and charm bracelet, as well as the silver necklace with 5 rubies, the plain-looking gold ring and the small lock-box. Once stashed safely in his pack, he queries Bog about gathering and carrying the other divinely-notated items.

Bogdan proceeds to do so but when he unrolls the newly-found sacks that were with the tent, he finds they're rotted out and unusable. Sorel happens to have a large sack in his pack and hands it over forthwith. The big fighter gathers up the dead gnome's magical leather armor, exquisite boots, 2 hand-axes and the jeweled throwing knife. He also collects the large tooth and strange, pointed finger bone. Still feeling diminished from the nasty effects of the assassin vine, the Half-orc then queries Ulrich about any further healing before looking up longingly after his masterwork weapon stuck to the hilt in the heart of the dead killer plant. He announces he'd like to get it back and complete their mission.

The dwarf cleric nods affirmatively, moves over to and proceeds to cast his last cure light wounds spell (+1hp) on his still-injured companion. He then confirms his agreement that they retrieve the fighter's sword and try and get into the cave waiting up above...

Bog is almost mesmerized as he scrutinizes the actual physical effects and changes that result from the application of the divine magics. He stretches out and flexes his massive muscles in confirmation before shouldering his pack and large sack of island loot, and then pushing his way back east towards the clearing. Ulrich gathers his gear and follows, as does Sorel behind him.

~ The trio of northern trail scouts return to the clearing and regroup. Sorel gets out and readies his bow as Bog prepares to make the climb for a second time. He leaves the sack of gathered loot with Ulrich to have both hands free and begins climbing the entangled stone stair again...


*** Need 2 d20 climbing checks (STR + DEX /2 +2 overall modifier) for Bogdan here, please! ***

OOC: we'll have the 1st roll apply to Bog reaching the heart-mass of the dead vine and being able to yank out his sword. Success indicates he gets it out without falling. Failure indicates he gets it out but falls in the process.
The 2nd roll will be for him being able to climb over the mass and make it up to the cave mouth successfully.

POP for Al: If Bog fails either roll, go ahead and roll a follow up d20 saving throw vs petrification to grab on and another follow up climb check to get back up to the stair.

~ Spells cast & treasure taken noted; TOD/HPs adjusted.

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

TOD: now 11:00am noon of Day 9 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 17/34 ; Ulrich 22/22 ; Sorel: -6hp
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – none ; Ulrich – mace & shield / SC ; Sorel - short bow* / short sword (arrows fired: 1)
(SC = spell component/spell to cast; * indicates loaded and ready to fire)

Spells cast:
Ulrich: cure light wounds x3; Detect Magic

Climbing back up the entangled stone stair: Bogdan
Down in the clearing: Ulrich , Sorel
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

#109 Post by Alethan »

Before climbing, Bog makes sure he has the hemp rope. Then he climbs his way to the plant to retrieve his sword...

climbing roll [1d20] = 13 (STR + DEX / 2 = 16 + 2 = 18 Target)

... and then he continues on to the cave...

climbing roll [1d20] = 16 (STR + DEX / 2 = 16 + 2 = 18 Target)

... with success in both cases. Once there, he finds a way to secure the rope and drops it down for the other two to climb up.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

#110 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich gives Bog a thumbs-up, and then proceeds to climb the rope himself.

OOC: Does Ulrich need a Climbing roll as well?
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ENT: Bog climbs up to the cave...

#111 Post by Argennian »

~ With the Half-elf easterner archer reloaded and looking out for danger once again, as well as the dwarf cleric continuously monitoring his upward progress and status, the Half-orc fighter begins climbing back up the still-entangled stone stair...

Bog finds the dead assassin vine now feels much softer and spongier than before, but is still well enough secured to the cliff side for him to continue the climb. He makes his way up to the large mass at the center of the killer plant and proceeds to climb up on it. After getting into his previous position once again, the big fighter reaches down and yanks his specialized weapon free. It makes a strange sucking sound but comes out easy enough. He wipes off as much of the yellowish ichor from the blade as he can, sheaths it and continues climbing. Once up and over the main growth, he can get his armored boots back onto the stone steps of the stair and the going is made easier again. Within another minute he reaches the mouth of the cliff cave and pulls himself up inside...

The cliff cave is mostly circular in nature, about 10 feet in diameter, and proceeds further back southward into darkness. It's walls, ceiling and floor are fairly smooth surfaces and appear to have been naturally formed, sort of like the underwater passages they explored previously within the coastal cave. Bog finds avian and small animal droppings and some scattered plant detritus on the floor just inside the entrance and can quickly deduce due the thick layer of dust present, that nothing bigger than a bird or small vermin has been there in quite some time.

Looking back outward from their new, hard-gained vantage point, the big fighter finds a great view of the northern side of the island over the treetop canopy and can make out the three larger islands to the northeast on the watery horizon. Peering further east, the Half-orc can also see that there is large cove just past the section of heavy thicket and tangled brush, say about 200-250 yards or so. Although he cannot see much further to the east, he does not spot any ships in open water or masts sticking up over the treetops to the east.

While his two fellow northern trail scouts wait below, Bog removes his pack, retrieves his rope and looks around for something to secure it to. Unfortunately, there is no such geographical eventuality at the entrance and he realizes that he'll likely have to try and drive a spike into one of the small cracks or fissures present to do so.




OOC: okay guys, unless Bog can find a way to secure the rope up top, Ulrich & Sorel will need to make climb checks to join him there. Sorel is pretty strong, highly dextrous & unencumbered, as well as only wearing leather armor, so he could probably do so with only a small chance of failure. Ulrich has a decent DEX but average strength and is wearing chain armor, so his chances of success would be less.

POP: just a reminder that the northern trail scout mission was to climb up to the cliff cave to get a better look around for any ships that may be anchored at the isle or sailing nearby. Not saying you can't do any further explorations, of course, just thought to state that the others were waiting back in the cove for their report...

OOC for SL: I realized that Ulrich, as a 3rd level cleric with 16 WIS, only has 4 1st level spells & 3 2nd level spells, not 5 & 4 respectively. I therefor had to discount that last CLW cast on Bog for +4hp (as Ulrich had already cast a CLW on Sorel back on the trail after the battle with the big boar); adjusted Bog's HP & Ulrich's Battle Sheet accordingly.

~ Spells cast updated; TOD/HPs adjusted.

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

TOD: now 11:05am noon of Day 9 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 13/34 ; Ulrich 22/22 ; Sorel: -6hp
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – none ; Ulrich – mace & shield / SC ; Sorel - short bow* / short sword (arrows fired: 1)
(SC = spell component/spell to cast; * indicates loaded and ready to fire)

Spells cast:
Ulrich: cure light wounds x3; Detect Magic

Up in the cave: Bogdan
Down in the clearing: Ulrich , Sorel
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

#112 Post by Alethan »

"Oi," Bog cups his hands and directs his call down to the others as quietly as he can, "Didn't that gnome have a grappling hook in his pack? Dig it out and toss it up into the cave here. I can use that to set the rope."

While he waits for them to dig out the grappling hook, Bog takes off his pack, retrieves a flask from it, and drinks his healing potion.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

#113 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich digs out the grappling hook. When he's sure that Bog is ready, he will toss the hook up to him.

OOC: I think I had Ulrich's spells at 5/4 because that's what he will have after he completes training. Since he hasn't yet, you are of course correct that it should be 4/3 instead. Sorry about that! :shock:
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

#114 Post by Argennian »

OOC: Ok guys, let's pick up the action in the new Exploring the cliff cave thread here:

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ENT: The scout trio return from their mission...

#115 Post by Argennian »

~ After departing the cliff cave, the scout trio regroup in the small clearing below. They gather the items they retrieved from the bone pile of the assassin vine's past victims and head out back to the northern trail. Sorel reequips his bow, readies an arrow and takes the lead. Bog follows and Ulrich brings up the rear. They make it back the short distance to the main trail and turn left (west). From there, they make it safely through the initial thicker foliage and soon arrive at where they were attacked by and slew the large island hog. Not wanting to leave behind the massive meal of fresh pork, nor any of their hard-earned treasure, Sorel works quickly to fashion a travois as a solution to their over-encumbered situational status.

Once they get the huge payload of the other white meat and island treasure items secured on the makeshift dragging stretcher, Bogdan grabs the handles, nods he's ready and the trio head out once again. Sorel takes the lead with arrow nocked, followed by Bog and Ulrich as before. The big fighter shows off his immense strength, dragging the extremely heavy bundle along with naught but a grunt or complaint while fully armored and equipped. They reach and thankfully pass the next three intersections without further complications from the island's prolific population of challenging flora and fauna and approach the ship & cove...


Ok guys, let's pick up the action back up here: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=1576&p=185088#p185088

TOD: now @ 11:55am noon of Day 9 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 17/34 ; Ulrich 22/22 ; Sorel: -6hp
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – travois ; Ulrich – mace & shield / SC ; Sorel - short bow* / short sword (arrows fired: 1)
(SC = spell component/spell to cast; * indicates loaded and ready to fire)

Spells cast:
Ulrich: cure light wounds x3; Detect Magic

Returning on the northern trail: Bogdan , Ulrich , Sorel

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