On the island: Exploring the northern trail

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ENT: The scout trio have a porcine encounter...

#61 Post by Argennian »

~ The three northern trail scouts continue on course towards the purported cliff cave to carry out their reconnoiter mission...

The trek has been so far uneventful, but when Sorel leads the others around a huge clump of brush and thicket, he stops dead in his tracks. Up ahead on the trail, about 50 feet or so away, is a pack of wild island boars. They stand between 2 to 3 feet high and are well muscled, weighing in at what looks like 100lbs give or take. They have greyish, spotted skin with dark orange manes and tail tufts, and large yellow tusks.

They look up in collective surprise at the suddenly-appeared island invaders. Sorel slowly lifts his bow and knocks his readied arrow. Although his movement is slow and slight, it's still enough to cause reaction. Most of the ones visible turn to scatter, revealing what must be the big alpha male of the group. He's nearly twice the height and girth of the others and his massive yellow tusks look like dual short swords ready to impale anything unfortunate enough to get in their way. As soon as it spots the half-elf easterner archer, it snorts and charges.

Sorel draws back and lets fly with his readied arrow. The shaft zips through the morning island air and hits the large warthog in the head (3dam). Instead of sinking in, the eastern missile shatters on the animal's thick skull and opens a small gash. The charging beast covers the distance surprising quick and the archer realizes he will not get off another shot. He tosses his coveted short bow in the brush to his right as he steps to his left and draws his short sword. His doing so gives Bog just enough room to maneuver himself and his spear into position before the beast arrives...




*** Need Declared Actions and any attack rolls for the end of Round 1, please! ***

Damage taken by opponents:
- wild island boar: 3 points of weapon's damage (from Sorel)

OOC: Due the tight quarters, there's not going to be much room for Ulrich in the rearguard to move up next to Bog & Sorel to make a melee attack. If he wants to get into position to do so, he'll have to leave the trail and try to circle around them. The boar is a big one but still considered small/medium for damage purposes.

If you have any questions, or need some additional clarification, please let me know!

TOD: now 9:57am of Day 9 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Ulrich 22/22 ; Sorel: uninjured
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – masterwork spear & shield / masterwork longsword ; Ulrich – mace & shield / Holy symbol or SC (SC = spell component/spell to cast) ; Sorel - short sword (arrows fired: 1)
Spells cast:
Ulrich: none

M.O./Location On the trail, headed towards the cliff cave: Sorel , Bogdan , Ulrich
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail & watery cav

#62 Post by Alethan »

Bog steps up and sets his spear to the boar's charge...

To Hit, Spear (melee) [1d20+2] = 2+2 = 4

But he's lucky he doesn't impale himself on the spear, with that kind of roll...
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ENT: Encounter 15 A big wild island boar attacks...

#63 Post by Argennian »

Encounter with Hogzilla: Round 1 (TOD:0957hrs)

~ The big wild boar charges down the trail towards the island invader trio with obvious malevolent intention, apparently not at all dissuaded by Sorel's flight arrow. When the Half-elf easterner moves to the side and draws his sword, Bogdan steps up and sets his Karagonian masterwork spear to receive it.

The huge hog covers the distance, and having two targets of opportunity, decides it wants payback on the specialist archer. It somehow misses the business end of the big fighter's set spear and slams into Sorel with terrible force! When it makes contact, it rears it's head upward, delivering both of it's massive, yellow short sword-sized tusks on target and penetrating the Half-elf's eastern leather armor (8dam). Sorel is lifted off his feet and flung backwards like a toy, nearly cleaning out Ulrich behind him in the process, and landing on his back hard!




*** Need a d6 initiative and attack rolls for Round 2, please! ***

Damage taken by party:
- Sorel: 8 points of tusk damage

Damage taken by opponents:
- wild island boar: 3 points of weapon's damage (from Sorel)

OOC: Due to Sorel being effectively knocked out of the way, Ulrich can now move up and engage the big angry hog. Bog can attack with his spear or draw his longsword and still get his 2 specialist attacks in.

If you have any questions, or need some additional clarification, please let me know!

TOD: now 9:57am of Day 9 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Ulrich 22/22 ; Sorel: -8hp
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – masterwork spear & shield / masterwork longsword ; Ulrich – mace & shield / Holy symbol or SC (SC = spell component/spell to cast) ; Sorel - short sword (arrows fired: 1)
Spells cast:
Ulrich: none

M.O./Location On the trail facing the big hog: Bogdan , Ulrich
Lying on his back behind them: Sorel
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail & watery cav

#64 Post by Alethan »

Throwing his spear aside, Bog swiftly draws his longsword, a weapon he is much more comfortable with, and delivers a chopping blow to the back of the wild boar.

To Hit, Longsword [1d20+3] = 20+3 = 23
Damage, Longsword (S/M) [1d8+6] = 3+6 = 9
(Sorry, I don't remember the rule for critical hits...)

After the downward stroke, Bog pulls his arm back and thrusts his Masterwork Karagonian sword into the boar's side.

To Hit, Longsword [1d20+3] = 17+3 = 20
Damage, Longsword (S/M) [1d8+6] = 2+6 = 8
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail & watery cav

#65 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Glancing briefly at Sorel to make sure his wound wasn't fatal, Ulrich steps up and takes a swing at the boar with his mace. He will do his best to heal Sorel once the boar has been dealt with.

Initiative roll: Initiative [1d6] = 1 D'oh! :shock:

To hit with mace [1d20] = 15

If that's a hit:
Damage with mace [1d4+1] = 4+1 = 5 Hope that was a hit!!
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ENT: Encounter 15 A big wild island boar attacks...

#66 Post by Argennian »

Encounter with Hogzilla: Round 2 (TOD:0958hrs)

Party: 1
Hogzilla: 6

~ Once the big, mean and inhospitable island boar sends Sorel flying back wounded through the air, it turns it's wide, wild eyes on Bogdan. It moves with incredible quickness for it's girth and tries to impale him with it's now-bloody yellow tusks as well, but is unable to find purchase through the big fighter's banded mail, nor knock him from his armored feet.

Being unable to produce the desired pork kabob when the beast charged them, Bog tosses his spear and draws his longsword. The specialist swordsman chops down hard on the animal's back and delivers a massive blow (14dam) that sprays mammal blood and chopped fur everywhere and flays open a huge chunk of raw ham from the animal's thick flank.

Worried about Sorel but seeing that he's still very much alive, Ulrich moves up to fill the gap next to his Half-orc companion and swings his mace at the big, 4-legged island threat. The dwarf cleric's aim is true and he delivers a hearty bash (5dam) to the side of the beast's bony head that resounds a loud kerrack!

The big boar staggers under both blows, and looks to be in pretty bad shape. How bad at that particular moment, however, will likely never be known as Bogdan recovers from his first swing, lifts his sword high and brings it down on the hostile hog with tremendous force (8dam), driving the blade in deep and snuffing out what was left of it's life-force. The beast crashes down on the trail in a pile of definitely dead.

Sorel scrambles to his feet with his sword in hand just in time to see the big fighter deliver the deathblow. He looks around quickly for any more porcine threats but sees none, as the big male's pack has apparently already scrambled away through the brush to safety. He sheaths his sword and checks his wounds before moving over to collect his coveted short bow. He regards his fellow northern trail scouts, standing there covered in warm, sticky animal blood, as he reequips his bow and readies another arrow. "Guess it'll be meat for dinner once again tonight, eh?. Suits me fine. I was getting tired of fish and all that crab anyways..."




Damage taken by party:
- Sorel: 8 points of tusk damage

Damage taken by opponents:
- wild island boar: KIAed with 30 points of weapon's damage (from Sorel, Bog & Ulrich)

OOC: The big wild boar is dead and by exactly by 1 hp too!

Alethan wrote:... (Sorry, I don't remember the rule for critical hits...) ...

yeah, when you guys roll a natural 20 (or a nat 1), I roll some dice and determine the results of the critical hit or fumble. For Bog's critical hit, I rolled max weapon damage + all bonuses! 8-)

If you have any questions, or need some additional clarification, please let me know!

TOD: now 10:00am of Day 9 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Ulrich 22/22 ; Sorel: -8hp
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – masterwork longsword ; Ulrich – mace & shield / Holy symbol or SC (SC = spell component/spell to cast) ; Sorel - short bow (arrows fired: 1)
Spells cast:
Ulrich: none

M.O./Location On the trail standing over the dead hog: Bogdan , Ulrich , Sorel
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail & watery cav

#67 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich casts a CLW on Sorel:

Cure light wounds [1d8] = 2
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail & watery cav

#68 Post by Alethan »

Bog cleans his sword and sheathes it. Using his Karagonian dagger, he removes the tusks from the brutish boar and stows them in his pack, thinking that such tokens might make a good talisman or... could be used to wrap the hilt of a special sword or some such thing that might harness the creature's spirit.

"We can bring it back if it's still here when we're done checking out the cave..."

Once he's done with the tusks, he helps move the boar to the side of the trail and stands at the ready. When Sorel is ready, Bog will follow him.
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ENT: The party regroups & moves to the cliff cave...

#69 Post by Argennian »

~ The northern trail scouts regroup after their encounter with the huge hog...

Ulrich steps over to Sorel and casts a cure light wounds spell on him (+2hp). The Half-elf easterner thanks the priest of Moradin for his divine magical benevolence, and is no longer worried about having to clean the wound to prevent infection. Bogdan diligently cleans his masterwork longsword of boar's blood before sheathing it and settling in for some impromptu field surgery to collect the beast's large yellowish tusks. As he begins carving, he offers that if the beast is still there when they return from their mission, they'll bring it back to camp. Sorel and Ulrich keep watch for any further danger or threats whilst the big fighter extracts the token prizes and stashes them in his pack for some potential future application. With the gruesome task completed, Bog drags the big mammal off to the side of the trail and cleans up from his handiwork. He collects his masterwork spear and indicates his readiness to continue. Sorel nods back and taking point once again with bow and readied arrow to hand, begins heading eastward on the trail once again.

It's less than a hundred yards down the path when the trio arrive at another T-intersection. Sorel indicates that this is the northern offshoot that heads to the other watery cave he found on his previous reconnoiter. The trail is littered with wild boar tracks and even a few of the large reptilian ones, but there are no further sightings of any such potential dangers being present, so the scouting party continues. The trail becomes a bit more restricted with vegetation as they progress but not so much that it impedes progress greatly. They travel less than 50 yards before reaching the next intersection with the southern offshoot. Sorel pauses to look and listen for a moment before turning right and leading them down the small, floral-choked trail.

In less than 100 feet, they break through the thick brush and impenetrable canopy and arrive at a small clearing at the base of the cliffs. Looking up past the edge of the treetop ceiling and back westward, they spot the cave that the Half-elf easterner described. It's about 50 feet west of the tiny clearing and 30 to 35 feet up above the ground in the side of the northeastern-facing cliff. They also note the distinctive steps carved into the cliff-side leading up to the cave, as well as the huge growth of thick, funny-looking vines that occupy most of their span. The steps themselves are indeed somewhat shallow, but not so much that they couldn't be navigated if cleared of the hanging floral obstruction.

Sorel sets down his bow and quiver and removes his pack. He produces a 100 foot silk rope, a grapnel hook, a hatchet and a heavy bag with a dozen broad-headed iron spikes and a hammer. "Those vines are choking off most of the length of the stair, so I thought we could cut and clear them away as we go. I was also thinking we could drive these spikes into the cliff above the steps and string the rope along their length to give us something to hold onto as we ascend them. What do you think?"




OOC: Please feel free to pose any alternative ideas or methods to Sorel's plan here. Moving up the stone stairs as is would not be possible wearing armor but one could potentially climb the vines to do so if unencumbered.

POP: The brush and flora west of the clearing along the cliff base to directly below the cave is very thick and would prevent passage and being able to throw a grapnel & rope up unless cleared. Doing so would take hours.

If you have any questions, or need some additional clarification, please let me know!

TOD: now 10:30am of Day 9 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Ulrich 22/22 ; Sorel: -6hp
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – masterwork spear / longsword ; Ulrich – mace & shield / Holy symbol or SC ; Sorel - short bow* (arrows fired: 1)
(SC = spell component/spell to cast; * indicates loaded and ready to fire)

Spells cast:
Ulrich: cure light wounds x1

M.O./Location On the trail below the cliff cave: Bogdan , Ulrich , Sorel
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail & watery cav

#70 Post by Alethan »

OOC: Are the vines physically completely blocking the steps or are the vines making it difficult to use the steps because they are in the way? Would Bog's Ring of Free Action work to allow him to climb the steps without being affected by the vines?
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ENT: Clarification OOC to Al & Bog's chances

#71 Post by Argennian »

Alethan wrote:OOC: Are the vines physically completely blocking the steps or are the vines making it difficult to use the steps because they are in the way?
OOC: Good question/point of order and apols for my ambiguity, Al. I most certainly failed my DM clarification descriptor! :oops:

The vines cover the steps from just past their start (@ 5' in/up), to about 3/4 of the way (@ 22.5' in/up) to the mouth of the cliff cave. Technically, I'd say it's more of the later the first half of the distance, in that it'd be difficult to stick ones foot/boot through the vines to find the step. Difficult but definitely not impossible, as one could hold onto the vines with their hands as they go for grasp/support purposes.

Just at/past halfway up (@ 15' in/up), however, the vine is massed to a point where it would have to be climbed across/over to get to the next reachable step. That particular section would cover the stair @15' to 22.5' in/up, and would have to be traversed by hanging on and pulling oneself across with their hands/arms alone (no footholds) like going rope to rope in an American Ninja contest. :)

Applying a mechanic: Strength + Dexterity divided by 2 base, with success being equal to or lower than the roll. In Bog's case, that would be 18.42 + 14 /2 = 17 (16.21 rounded up).

Negative penalties for banded armor are -15% (or -2) & also encumbrance. Unencumbered -0 , Lightly encumbered: -2, Moderately encumbered: -4 (to -6), Severly encumbered: not possible. Since Bog has an 18/42 Strength, he is unencumbered, and so suffers no penalty.

So that puts his base roll for success at 15. Failure indicates slipping and failing at d6 per 10' of falling damage; the character would fall into the brush and bramble below and would need minimum of 2-3 rounds (give or take for modifiers) to get back to the clearing. A Save vs Petrification roll could be made to grab hold of the vines, since they're continuous the entire way down the cliff side to the ground.

Alethan wrote:Would Bog's Ring of Free Action work to allow him to climb the steps without being affected by the vines?
In thinking about this, the magic of the ring works to rebuff the adverse/negative effects of environmental conditions on one's movement. That wouldn't necessarily give Bog better Dexterity, per se, but imo it would definitely grant a boon to the task at hand. Let's call it a +4 to the roll attempt. So even with his banded armor on, that would make his modified roll of success a 19 or lower on a d20.

Not too bad a chance I'd reckon.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail & watery cav

#72 Post by SocraticLawyer »

OOC: so if I understand correctly, Bog has a 95% chance of successfully climbing up. If so, then he can clear away vines etc while Sorel and Ulrich attach spikes and rope, no? If so, we should do that.
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail & watery cav

#73 Post by Alethan »

Bog agrees to the plan of climbing first with the rope, clearing vines when safe to do so, then lowering it from the cave when he reaches it
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ENT: Bog begins climbing up the steps toward the cliff cave.

#74 Post by Argennian »

~ After some brief considerations, the party decides on a plan. Bogdan will take the rope and make the climb up to the cliff cave to secure it. He will then throw the slack back to the other two northern trail scouts waiting in the clearing below just east. He will attempt to do so while still wearing his banded metal armor due the magical benefits of the Ring of Free Action.

Sorel hands the silk rope and grapnel off to Bog and then picks up his bow and quiver to make ready in case anything dangerous appears to try and interrupt them. The big fighter secures them and begins the task of ascending the vine-covered steps. The going is made difficult by the thick floral impediment but he takes his time and holds onto the vines above him for support.

As Sorel and Ulrich wait below, Bog approaches the thick part of the vine growth and prepares to traverse it...


*** Need that d20 climbing check (STR + DEX /2 +2 overall modifier) for Bogdan here, please! ***

OOC: Bog just needs to roll a 19 or less on a d20 to successfully navigate the vines here without slipping and failing. Success indicates he'll be considered as across it and up to the cave without falling. Failure indicates he loses his grip and falls (but he'll still get a saving throw).

POP: If a 20 is rolled, go ahead and follow that roll up with a d20 save vs petrification to see if Bogdan can grab the vines before he takes what will be @ 20 foot fall. Success indicates he grabs hold and pulls himself back up (where he'd make another climbing roll), while failure indicates he falls into the thicket & brush below.

If you have any questions, or need some additional clarification, please let me know!

TOD: now 10:32am of Day 9 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Ulrich 22/22 ; Sorel: -6hp
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – vines / longsword ; Ulrich – mace & shield / Holy symbol or SC ; Sorel - short bow* (arrows fired: 1)
(SC = spell component/spell to cast; * indicates loaded and ready to fire)

Spells cast:
Ulrich: cure light wounds x1

@ halfway up the stairs: Bogdan
On the trail below the cliff cave: Ulrich , Sorel
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail & watery cav

#75 Post by Alethan »

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ENT: Bog begins climbing over the growth...

#76 Post by Argennian »

~ Bogdan reaches the large, bulky growth of vine and begins to traverse it. There are no places for him to stick his feet through so he uses only his hands and immense upper body strength to grab hold and pull his armored and fully equipped self up and across...

Despite the difficult going and conditions, his grip holds true on their awkward floral handholds. As he's passing over the center of it, however, the big fighter suddenly feels a warm liquid saturate through his armored gauntlet and onto his hands. It appears to be coming from the plant itself and becomes instantly uncomfortable...


*** Need a d6 surprise and a d20 saving throw for Bogdan here, please! ***

*** Also need a d6 surprise roll for Ulrich, too! ***

If you have any questions, or need some additional clarification, please let me know!

TOD: now 10:33am of Day 9 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Ulrich 22/22 ; Sorel: -6hp
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – vines / longsword ; Ulrich – mace & shield / Holy symbol or SC ; Sorel - short bow* (arrows fired: 1)
(SC = spell component/spell to cast; * indicates loaded and ready to fire)

Spells cast:
Ulrich: cure light wounds x1

climbing over the vine growth: Bogdan
On the trail below the cliff cave: Ulrich , Sorel
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail & watery cav

#77 Post by Alethan »

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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail & watery cav

#78 Post by SocraticLawyer »

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ENT: Encounter 17: The assassin vine on the stair strikes!

#79 Post by Argennian »

~ As soon as the mystery liquid seeps through to his hands, Bogdan senses the giant vine is moving around him! He quickly assesses it's attempting to wrap itself around his legs and waist in an effort to hold him fast. When he makes an attempt to pull back from this, the magic of his ring allows him to pull free and be able to move...

As the big fighter quickly considers his plight and what he's about to do about it, the warm liquid grows hot and begins to burn his hands (6dam; saved for half)

SocraticLawyer wrote:Surprise [1d6] = 3

~ Down below in the small clearing, Ulrich was thankfully watching his large fighter companion's ascent closely, and therefor was not caught by surprise when it began to move!




Damage taken by party:
- Bogdan: 3 points burn damage (from volatile plant liquid)

Damage taken by opponents:
- none

OOC1: Bogdan made his save vs paralysis/poison and so only takes half damage (3dam) from the burning liquid. He would ordinarily have to make that saving throw vs the plant's liquid secretion AND also one vs Petrification to evade it's grasp, if he wasn't surprised! :shock:

Thankfully, he was not only not surprised, but is wearing a ring of free action, and therefor cannot be held fast by the assassin vine! That means Bog now has some options! 8-)
Such as:
- making one more climb check roll to attempt to either climb up to the cave entrance or back down to the clearing below to escape it
- he could "let go and kick off it" to escape, but would fall down @ 20' below into the thicket and bramble for 2d6 damage (save for half with successful DEX check)
- or draw a single-handed weapon and attack it (large+ creature for damage purposes)*.
(* I say that as he would still need to hold on with one hand to be able to attack it since he has on the ring)

~ Ulrich was also not surprised below, so he can declare and take an action in the surprise round (which we'll consider as Round 1). So he too could attack the outer edges of vine from below (large+ creature), cast a spell, alert Sorel and take some other action, whatever.

OOC2: I also rolled a d6 surprise roll for Sorel (1) and so he will be considered as watching the trail for danger when this occurred and therefor surprised. In other words, he will not know what's happening until someone calls out or everyone moves and takes action!

POP: It's somewhere between the first 3 to 4 segments (of the 10 segments) of Round 1

If you have any questions, or need some additional clarification, please let me know!

TOD: now 10:33.5am of Day 9 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 31/34 ; Ulrich 22/22 ; Sorel: -6hp
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – vines / longsword ; Ulrich – mace & shield / Holy symbol or SC ; Sorel - short bow* (arrows fired: 1)
(SC = spell component/spell to cast; * indicates loaded and ready to fire)

Spells cast:
Ulrich: cure light wounds x1

climbing over the vine growth: Bogdan
On the trail below the cliff cave: Ulrich , Sorel
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Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail & watery cav

#80 Post by Alethan »

Bog draws his Longsword and attempts to slash at the vines.

To Hit, Longsword [1d20+3] = 4+3 = 7
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