Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

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Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#1 Post by Nidhogg »

The Elf Campaign:
Rites of Spring
(Action Thread 1)

Please also read, "Introduction to Rites of Spring", if you haven't done so already. :)


It’s Springrite. Each year with the coming of the spring, the elves celebrate the Rites of Spring with a huge festival. A great feast, full of dancing, singing and drinking, all week long. From all over the world, people come to the elvish cities to witness and participate in the amazing Rites of Spring. So did you. You’ve come to the lands of Alfheim and the city of Eolo, home to the Sylvan Elves and their Queen Loreley.

The festival started with a great feast, and a welcoming speech by Queen Loreley to all those present. Thousands of people had come to Eolo. The streets were full of humans, dwarves, halflings and gnomes, coming from all over the world. They were, naturally, still vastly outnumbered though by the large amount of elves. Elves from every breed and every kind had come to the the city of the Sylvan Elves. There were of course the High Elves, the most commonly seen type of elves, but also aquatic elves, grey elves, half-elves, sylvan elves and dark elves. But also more rare and exotic elvish races were present, such as the winged elves or “avariel”. Queen Loreley welcomed them all. She looked young, likely not more than 300 years old, yet wise and regal and every word she uttered she spoke with complete determination and confidence. She talked about the differences between the elvish races, how in the past the quarrelled, and about different prejudices. She also talked about union between the elves and how the similarities between the elves are greater than their differences. After the opening speech, large quantities of fey-wine came and the feasting didn’t end for 6 whole days and nights. Dark elf fire breathers made several performances, each more spectacular than the one before. The grey elves sang and the aquatic elves made music and half-elf bards told amazing stories and legends of elvish wars with goblins and lizard men. The sylvan elves performed plays and gnome illusionists had come to perform great acts of illusion and ventriloquism.

The festival has now come to an end though and you’ve had a great time.

When morning eventually breaks, after the last night of partying, all the elves and all the foreigners who’ve enjoyed the festivities, gather in front of the city gates of Eolo and take their place in one of the many hunting parties, setting out into the woods searching for game. That, as you learned in the past few days, is how the festival traditionally ends, with a great hunt, in honour of the gods.

As the hunting parties gather inside Eolo wooden’s palisade, a crowd gathers to celebrate the occasion. Elvish children laugh and scream as they chase each other through the assembled throng. Dogs bark in excitement, eager to be off.

In front of the gates, the chiefs of the village’s most prominent clans draw their conversation to a close and bid each other good hunting. As they return to the parties they are leading, the gates are unbarred and swung open to the sound of hunting horns and the cheers of the settlement. The cheering continues as the elves depart on the great first hunt of the season. You take your places in the procession, after being, randomly, selected to join the hunting party of a half-elf ranger called Belgos. He’s a strong and handsome half-elf with long black hair. He wears a silver torque or “neck ring”, beautifully decorated. During your stay in Eolo you learned to look out for these torques, since they are is a sign that the wearer belongs to a special order of knights, called Titania’s Guard, a group of elvish militia, highly respected in all of Alfheim, responsible for keeping order and peace and serving the queen of the sylvan elves. Joining Belgos are 3 other elves, 1 wood elf and 2 high elves, and you guys:

Lady Clarissa, an elvish assassin, (played by onlyme)
Ragnar Harold, a human paladin, (played by Vargr1105)
Sergius, a human wizard, (played by zebediah)
Agrim the Wanderer, half-orc cleric and fighte, (played by ragnboneshopper)
Risto, a gnome thief and illusionist, (played by rfrahm87)
and Yoan, human ranger, (played by Double-edged)

Prologue: The Hunt

Before you go into the woods, Belgos turns towards all of you (not just you guys, but everyone in the hunting party) and introduces himself: “Welcome! I see we’re joined today by many new faces. That’s... great.” (he doesn’t sound too thrilled by it though and sounds more sarcastic, he continues. “As you might know, I am Belgos, son of queen Loreley. You might not know this, but each year my half brother, Prince Halimath ‘wins’ the hunt by bringing in the best game. Each year I try to out-hunt him and prove my elvish worth. Each year I fail. This year I want to win and therefore, before we go out, I want to know exactly of how much use you’re going to be. So please, before we continue, tell me, who you are and how much experience you guys actually have with hunting.”, he asks, in a quite unfriendly manner.

One of the high elves, a female, looks a bit scared and replies. “eh, I’m Mist.” Judging from her clothes, you think she’s a paladin. She has fiery eyes. “And this is my little brother, Evoric.” She points towards the other high elf in the party. He’s maybe a head smaller than Mist and a bit shy, doesn’t say much, but looks somewhat scared of Belgos as well. “We’ve both taken part hunts before, Belgos. No need to worry about that”

The other wood elf looks annoyed. He’s middle-aged and has a grim look about him. His skin hangs loose and sickly, likely from malnourishment and dark bags under his under his eyes reveal that something robs him of his slee. Angrily, he replies to Belgos: “My name’s Aelgar and I’ve participated in way more hunts than you, Belgos, son of Loreley. Don’t ruin the sacred hunt, by turning it into a competition, though. We'll catch some game and the Gods will be pleased. That's all that matters.”

Belgos, ignoring Aelgar’s words, now looks at you, hoping not to be disappointed.
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#2 Post by zebediah »

Sergius either bows or does the equivalent salutation according to elven court & hunting standards "Deeply honored for joining Your Highness, I am Sergius from the House of Steele. Hunting is one of the arts I favour the most, one could say it is poetry taken to an extreme. I am also well versed in more esoteric branches of poetry which I hope might be of use if we come into trouble in the course of the hunting ceremony."

He nods at his dog and falcon "I would also not be surprise if Rufus and Azure were more experienced hunters than many seasoned ones who might be entering these mighty forests today. Proud and loyal animals these two."
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#3 Post by onlyme »

Lady Clarissa giggles after hearing the other elves speak. She makes eye contact with Belgos, curtsies and smiles... Oh, Prince Charming, I cannot imagine you failing at anything you desire.

She flips back the hood of her cloak to reveal her long black hair. And then laughs, My name is Clarissa, and fate has apparently sent me here from Chaia just to help you succeed in your conquest.

She then looks over at Aelgar, and softly nods, before returning her eyes toward Belgos. I do agree with my fellow hunter, though. I have heard for so long about the sensual awakening in this glorious event. Oh,we shall win this contest of yours and you shall have your prize, but let us not forget the traditions.

She glances at the human, Sergius... And greetings to you, kind man. I believe I noticed you earlier, talking with a beautiful elf at one of the dances. I was simply green with envy of her.

She continues her salutations, looking at the competition... Good top of the morning Mist. I am so glad to see a kindred spirit on this adventure. I hope you dont distract all these young males. We need to watch each other's back if you know what I mean She grins in delight.

Finally, after looking over the others gathered, she smiles and says, I feel so much better seeing all these strong fellows here to protect me, and I know we will have so much fun. Evoric, dont be so shy. I believe you can teach me quite a bit based on your experience. While I have hunted prey before, this will be an adventure I am sure we shall remember the rest of our lives
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#4 Post by Vargr1105 »

Ragnar thoughts are still wandering about the orgy of food and drink, shapely elvin limbs and other, more mundane matters.

As the elfling prattles on he doesn't pay much attention to the speech (by Odin's Eye! he thought Queen Loreley would never shut up and leave folks free to drinking and eating a few days prior). Only when the group is questioned directly does show any interest.

"Experience? None if ya mean huntin' fer sport. We did hunt back in the north but it ain't been fer fun or glory. We hunted 'cause we needed meat fer our tables. I've taken part in fair share of boar-huntin' with spear, afoot or from horseback. What exactly we huntin' for here? If we be shootin' at birds with bows I fear I cannay help much."
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#5 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Agrim looks uncomfortable and makes almost as if to bow as Sergius did, then thinks better of it. He cringes at the gravelly sound of his own voice in the presence of elves who are so well-spoken:

"I am Agrim, a wanderer of no great repute. However, the hunt is a sacred tradition from where I hail in Dunherc. My crossbow has been known to aim true on such occasion. I shall pray to Odin that he might send Uller to guide arrow and bolt to their targets in honor of this sacred rite. And perhaps Frey himself will make appearance on this day of days to honor us all."

He pulls out the holy symbol he wears around his neck, the blessed images of Yggdrasil and Odin's all-seeing eye, and begins to mutter under his breath.
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#6 Post by Vargr1105 »

Ragnar arches his brow in amazement at Agrim's words and actions.

"Ye bear the mark of the orqui on yer features, yet ye worship the Æsir and carry the holy symbol o'Odin the All-Father...? I've ne'er seen nor heard of such a thing."

Ragnar's own silver holy symbol of Odin, worn around his neck, glints in the morning light as he speaks.
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#7 Post by Nidhogg »

The elves listen to your introductions. All of them start smiling, even Belgos, and greet you.

"It's an honour to meet you as well, Sergius,"
Belgos says, while admiring your falcon. "I remember little from my father. One of the things I remember most about him was his falcon. He practiced falconry and would take me and my mother to the plains, letting the bird fly and catch his prey. They are marvelous birds, aren't they? Have you had Azure for long?"

Belgos start blushing, lightly, when Clarissa starts flattering and flirting with him. He nods in agreement and smiles softly: "You are of course right, Clarissa. Forgive me. You too, Aelgar. The hunt is sacred. Let's honour the gods the best way we can and if it's the will of the Gods, we shall win."

Both Mist and Evoric react surprised and somewhat puzzled by Clarissa's words. Obviously impressed by her appearance and charisma, Evoric stammers, unsure what to do. It's quite obvious he has a crush on her and finds her attractive. "I.. eh. I.. It...It's an honour meeting you, my lady. Don't worry... We..we'll catch something big, I'm sure of it. " Mist on the other hand doesn't know how to respond to Clarissa's flaunting. She remains quiet and just nods and smiles. Both of them being are apparently something socially awkward.

Aelgar responds to Ragnars question. "Don't worry, my brother. We'll be hunting deer, wild boar and rabbits. I think you'll do fine."

Mist listens intrigued though at the discussion that's started between Ragnar and Agrim. She carries an holy symbol as well, namely the silver chalice of Balder.

Meanwhile, Belgos looks expectingly at Risto and Yoan.
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#8 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Agrim finishes his muttered prayers with a stone-faced look, puts his holy symbol away under his shirt, and runs one hairy hand over his half-snout/half-nose (a very orcish gesture). He responds, croakingly, to Ragnar:

"I am...not usual. As a stripling, sat I ever at the feet of my mother, who saved me from the orqui and did her best to teach me the ways of men. Her gods are my own." He pauses, glances at Mist, then gestures to the symbol of Odin around Ragnar's neck. "I find myself in company of like mind, perhaps. These days are of my very dreams."
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#9 Post by zebediah »

Sergius also salutes Mist and the remained of the elven company "Lady Mist, sires, I will do my utmost to emulate your valour through this noble enterprise for I am too humble and self-conscious to aspire of mirroring thus much."
onlyme wrote: She glances at the human, Sergius... And greetings to you, kind man. I believe I noticed you earlier, talking with a beautiful elf at one of the dances. I was simply green with envy of her.
"Gracious Lady Clarissa, your words are a kindness of which I am yet to prove myself worthy. May the sun and the elven woods be witness to my word to do you honor."
Nidhogg wrote:
"It's an honour to meet you as well, Sergius,"
Belgos says, while admiring your falcon. "I remember little from my father. One of the things I remember most about him was his falcon. He practiced falconry and would take me and my mother to the plains, letting the bird fly and catch his prey. They are marvelous birds, aren't they? Have you had Azure for long?"
"Marvelous indeed Your Highness, dealing with them is both a joy and an inspiration. When I returned home from my tutelage years ago Azure was already with my family, but he quickly grew used to me. In fact I became his favorite among my brothers, the animal has proven to have quite a strong personality."
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#10 Post by Vargr1105 »

Ragnar smiles wholeheartedly and places one hand one the half-orc's shoulder.

"Aye, tis truly a sign from the Gods!" he says, "I've trust'd in Odin's guidance on my travelin' trhu foreign lands. And now I find meself among a brother and sister of the faith..." he pauses he looks at Mist, extending his other hand in a gesture of friendship, "...of different races. Me people hold not either of yours in high regard and yours own folks do much warrin' against one another. But if us three are a-standin' here together and in peace; is verily sign of the Æsir's blessins'. Seein' this is worth the travellin' I've done twice over. Odin an his kin be prais'd!"
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#11 Post by zebediah »

Vargr1105 wrote:Ragnar smiles wholeheartedly and places one hand one the half-orc's shoulder.

"Aye, tis truly a sign from the Gods!" he says, "I've trust'd in Odin's guidance on my travelin' trhu foreign lands. And now I find meself among a brother and sister of the faith..." he pauses he looks at Mist, extending his other hand in a gesture of friendship, "...of different races. Me people hold not either of yours in high regard and yours own folks do much warrin' against one another. But if us three are a-standin' here together and in peace; is verily sign of the Æsir's blessins'. Seein' this is worth the travellin' I've done twice over. Odin an his kin be prais'd!"
Sergius admires the moment shared by the brothers in faith "Auspicious moment... I wonder about the significance of this and all the circumstances at play." The usually cheerful youth turns his gaze down in deep thought and tries to search his recollection of the many tomes he studies during his time as Zebediah's apprentice. Was there any reference or prophecy that could be connected to this seemingly fateful meeting?
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#12 Post by rfrahm87 »

Risto rubs his chin and looks curiously at Clarissa. "It seems our friend Belgos has the scent of a fresh tart to distract him from the hunt this morning....hmm, Clarissa?" He turns to look at Belgos. "While we stand here boasting of our past deeds, Prince Halimath leads his group in search of a glorious trophy kill. You should tell us what we can do to help you gain the advantage in this years hunt, Belgos. What say you?"
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#13 Post by ragnboneshopper »

zebediah wrote:
Vargr1105 wrote:Ragnar smiles wholeheartedly and places one hand one the half-orc's shoulder.

"Aye, tis truly a sign from the Gods!" he says, "I've trust'd in Odin's guidance on my travelin' trhu foreign lands. And now I find meself among a brother and sister of the faith..." he pauses he looks at Mist, extending his other hand in a gesture of friendship, "...of different races. Me people hold not either of yours in high regard and yours own folks do much warrin' against one another. But if us three are a-standin' here together and in peace; is verily sign of the Æsir's blessins'. Seein' this is worth the travellin' I've done twice over. Odin an his kin be prais'd!"
Sergius admires the moment shared by the brothers in faith "Auspicious moment... I wonder about the significance of this and all the circumstances at play." The usually cheerful youth turns his gaze down in deep thought and tries to search his recollection of the many tomes he studies during his time as Zebediah's apprentice. Was there any reference or prophecy that could be connected to this seemingly fateful meeting?
Looking to Sergius and all around with something as close to a smile as his serious face can make, Agrim says, "Perhaps all will be made clear in time." Then looking to Ragnar and Mist: "Odin sits and watches, to be sure, but his wolves have feet and his ravens wings. Time for the wanderers to move limb and venture forth once more, though now in happy company. And Risto has the moment by its nose: Belgos?"
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#14 Post by Double-edged »

Yoan listens with a neutral expression as people speak but then addresses the question put to them directly with a quirk of his lips and a shrug of his shoulders. We can stand here and boast of our prowess all day long but the proof is in actions, not words. Let's get to it.
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#15 Post by onlyme »

rfrahm87 wrote:Risto rubs his chin and looks curiously at Clarissa. "It seems our friend Belgos has the scent of a fresh tart to distract him from the hunt this morning....hmm, Clarissa?"
Clarissa blurts out.
Pie for breakfast? I cannot fathom anything more enjoyable than something so sweet to start the day

She felt the verbal dagger, nonetheless, thrust her way. Risto needs to be neutralized. Same, possibly as Mist. The lack of a response worries Clarissa. And worry is not something she does very well. Clarissa eyes the crowd. Evoric will be tied around her finger whenever she needs to tighten the string, she is now certain. Belgos as well, though it may take just a bit more effort. That is acceptable. A large prize like that is worth playing a lady a day or two. That is, if Risto and Mist dont fowl up her plan.

Her other worry, intensifying by the minute, is the visible display of religious fervor by so many. She feels somewhat disappointed by the orders discussed. None belong to the one she is privately seeking. Maybe next time. That being as it may, she knows that religion can cause folks to react differently than her calculated assumptions. She does not like that thought. At all. She is happy that most seem ready to move on.

She gathers her wits, and addresses the crowd.
After hearing so much experience and confidence, I too am eager to begin. I want his highness to enjoy his victory feast.

sorry for the multiple edits...had the color coding wrong
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#16 Post by Nidhogg »

Mist nods in agreements to Sergius and says to Ragnar and Agrim. "It must indeed be a sign. Maybe the Aesir will guide our spears during the hunt."

She too lays a hand on Agrim's shoulder. "Fear not, my friend. Your heritage is of no importance to me and most elves here you will find to be tolerant, I think. There haven't been an orc in alfheim for centuries."

"I know how it is to worship foreign deities. A traveling human bard introduced me to your"
, she points at Ragnar, "pantheon and ever since I've tried to serve them as well as I could. Becoming their priest though is difficult, as an elf in elvish lands. Yet I serve them, nonetheless"

Meanwhile, while the discussion between them continues, Lord Belgos continues to admire Sergius' bird. However, soon, his attention returns to the task at hand, when Yoan introduces himself and the others ask for his leadership.

"eeh, right! Well, thank you all for joining us. I think we have a splendid group together with a variety of talents. I don't think my chances have ever looked so good!"

After those words, the hunting party sets out east, towards the forest. The day is overcast and dew is thick on the grass. The world has the feel of having not yet fully woken up. It's quiet, the birds haven't yet started singing. The elves seem in good spirits, Belgos, Mist and Aelgar competing with ever more outrageous claims of what they will be bringing back to Eolo at the end of the day. The hounds are racing ahead, chasing each other through the meadow, periodically returning as though demanding that you try to keep up with them.

Evoric tries to stay close to Clarissa. Giving her advise and hunting tips. "Don't mind them." - pointing towards Belgos, Aelgar and his sister. "Pay close attention and look out. Be very careful and stay close to the group. Stranger, more dangerous, creatures than deer or wild pigs have been found in these parts of the woods."

When you reach the edge of the forest the dogs are leashed, to prevent them scaring off prey prematurely. Eventually, the group comes to an halt. Mist has found some tracks, belonging to deer. Moving as quietly as you can, you follow it. There is a twisty path leading deeper into the woods. The undergrowth is dense to either side, with vines winding around and between the trees. As you approach a sloping hill, you see a clearing open up. Belgos gestures for everyone to stay back while he has a closer look. He crawls forward slowly and disappears into the bush.

Meanwhile, the group waits. While Mist and Evoric seem calm and relaxed, Aelgar doesn't. He seems nervous: trembling hands, looking around him, as if expecting an ambush or something. He's mumbling: "I don't like this... I don't like this at all."
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#17 Post by onlyme »

Nidhogg wrote: Evoric tries to stay close to Clarissa. Giving her advise and hunting tips. "Don't mind them." - pointing towards Belgos, Aelgar and his sister. "Pay close attention and look out. Be very careful and stay close to the group. Stranger, more dangerous, creatures than deer or wild pigs have been found in these parts of the woods."
Clarissa blushes and answers, Why darling Evoric if I didnt know better, you were trying to scare me just so I would hold your hand. You know? I am flattered and I promise you can protect me whenever you want...
Nidhogg wrote: ... Mist has found some tracks, belonging to deer. Moving as quietly as you can, you follow it. ... Belgos gestures for everyone to stay back while he has a closer look. He crawls forward slowly and disappears into the bush....
Meanwhile, the group waits. While Mist and Evoric seem calm and relaxed...
Clarissa doesnt care for Mist's coolness. Could Mist have sent away Belgos to prevent him from protecting Clarissa. She needs to find out. Why Mist. Are you sure these are harmless deer tracks? I am starting to think you sent goood noble Belgos to his doom, just because he smiled at me...
She looks back and forth toward the males, and pleads,
I would feel much better if some brave soul would check on him. Is there anyone capable?
Dandelion - female half-orc beautyqueen in training (The Lone City in the Wildlands) OSRIC
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#18 Post by Vargr1105 »

Nidhogg wrote:Meanwhile, the group waits. While Mist and Evoric seem calm and relaxed, Aelgar doesn't. He seems nervous: trembling hands, looking around him, as if expecting an ambush or something. He's mumbling: "I don't like this... I don't like this at all."
Ragnar notices the discomfort of the elder Elf and accosts him.

"What be the matter, grandfather? What be worryin' ye so?"

Occ: what weapons have we been given for this hunt? Spears?
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#19 Post by rfrahm87 »

Risto will attempt to disappear into the undergrowth without being noticed. He will move in the direction that Belgos took when he left the party.

OOC: Risto will have Phantasmal Force memorized to start this scenario.
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Re: Action Thread 1: Rites of Spring

#20 Post by zebediah »

Sergius checks on his dog and falcon, making sure the animals can assess their surroundings. Do Rufus and/or Azure look disturbed or unquiet?
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