Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

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Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#1 Post by Grognardsw »

Chapter Six - Deeper and Harder!

The last echoes of combat fade in the cave corridor as the reptilian terror lies dead at the  adventurers’ feet. Boddin the hobbit breathes heavily, his wounds bleeding, as Albertus the cleric reveals the depth of his convictions.

The others are surprised, especially after the effort to resurrect Albertus. Easia the warrior-priestess tries her best to bring forth divine healing, but finds her spiritual reservoir tapped. Words are exchanged. Tension hangs in the air.

Boddin speaks bold words to Albertus. He stares at the hobbit, his cold look softening for a moment. He silently approaches Boddin, lays hands on shoulders and heals him of some wounds (3 HP.) Then Albertus' face hardens again. "I am done here," he says, and walks away south down the passage, turning east back out the way the party came.

Not a minute passes when...There is distant noise from the south. The clatter of many feet, clink of much metal, snippets of rough voices.  The orcs are returning to their caves! The battle with the grey aliens must be over. The adventurers look at each other quickly, determining what to do. They have mere minutes – escape through the secret door, or take on what sounds like a large force of orcs on their way in?
- MrHemlocks has opted out of the campaign. He wanted the actions I posted. You can still respond to Albertus, and perhaps change MrHemlocks mind. Or chase after him, though that may be problematic given what is coming. I won't be NPCing him.
- Albertus CLW on Boddin [1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#2 Post by greyarea »

Asherrion the elf(?)

Asherrion says,I'm surprised by Alburtus' actions, but then again I knew him not. I say we flee down the secret path, for if they can kill those aliens, they can kill us too.
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#3 Post by Zhym »

Boddin tries to thank Albertus for the healing before the cleric leaves the party.

"I would flee out of this place. I do not want to be trapped here by a large force of orcs. But if the orcs are on the way back, leaving that way may not be an option, even if the orcs might be injured from their battle and so easier to attack. But, despite Albertus's parting gift, I am in no shape to fight, so I leave that decision to others."
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#4 Post by doughx99 »


I do believe it is time to flee for now and regroup
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#5 Post by dok-el »

Eryndir nods in agreement with the others,

"A tactical withdrawal would seem to be the wisest course of action."
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#6 Post by AleBelly »

"I guess part of Burt's brain stayed rotten during the resurrection" quips Wulfhart. "What a shame - I liked him, and he was a stalwart member of our group. Unfortunately, I think he'll die a second time facing those orcs. Let's get through that secret door."
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#7 Post by Zhym »

"Let's not go too far past the secret door too quickly," suggests Boddin. "I don't know what 'Norkers' are, but they don't sound friendly."
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#8 Post by Grognardsw »

The adventurers make haste through the orc quarters toward the secret door. Porphyry the satyr and Eryndir the elf lead the way, having been through this way before.

The cave corridor ends but Porphyry puts pressure on a certain area and a concealed, weighted door swings open. The party crosses through and finds they exit through what looks like a dark maw.
These caves are stranger than from whence they came. Whether natural or carved, the walls have spaces, indents and alcoves, some of which are lit from within by torches. The effect is eerie.

The corridor meanders west, with a north portal-way at 40' and a south turn at 90' (see map.)
At the north opening 40' down there are mostly empty weapon racks on the south wall. A few spears remain. Further down there are chalked and painted words and crude lewd drawings on the north wall.

Eryndir says the south passage was how they entered from the outside. Momentarily safe from the orcs, the party pauses to assess the paths before them.

"Let us have a moment of prayer for Desertfox and Foracor," says Vorkath the paladin. He bows his head and speaks: "Grant, we beseech Thee, O True God, that the souls of Thy servants and warriors, the memory of whom we keep with special reverence, and for whom we are bidden and are bound to pray, and the souls of all our benefactors, relatives and connections, and all the faithful, may rest in the halls of Thy benevolence. Amen."

"Let us continue our quest, for it is righteous and good." He draws his sword.

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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#9 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Fingal shakes his head in disgust as Alburtus seems to be walking back into certain death......again. He gives Boddin a perturbed look.

If one more a you pussies wants to tie up orcs instead of killing them, I'll be the next one leaving this group! We just lost a dang important and stalwart member because of a stupid disagreement. That ain't smart!

Fingal thinks about it a bit longer and says maybe Wulfie is right though. Perhaps Berts melon weren't quite all there anymore. Who just wanders off alone in a place like this?

You new guys and goats got any recollection a this area? he says looking for any ideas to help out in there escape. Maybe we should get outside and see if the hubbub is all done with?
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#10 Post by Pulpatoon »

Porphyry: "We passed through this way, but I can't say we took much time to mark the sights. We were at pretty much a full run until we had that door behind us." The satyr hooks a thumb over his shoulder towards the secret door. "Still... let's see... our prisons must have been this way.

"Or maybe that way. Er... could be either. Or maybe we weren't in this corridor at all?"
He shrugs. "Apologies. Not much use, I'm afraid."
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#11 Post by Hotgoblin »


Mumbling to himself...Ima glad I ain't wasted no coin on Berty, thats the thanks you guys got for carting his stinky corpse around...told yas Orcs ain't worth nothing!!
Keeps checking out the walls and ceiling.. Battle-axe ready to go if needed.
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#12 Post by dok-el »

Eryndir looks around, brow furrowed in concentration,

"Such a warren of a place... Let's see... We came in through there, from the south... beyond that I can say very little, as our exploration was cut rather short. There may be a side tunnel down the south passage that yet remains unvisited, if memory serves me right..."
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#13 Post by doughx99 »


maybe we should take a look outside then find a safe place to rest up.
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#14 Post by Pulpatoon »

Porphyry: "If the skirmish with the grey-skinned homunculi has ended, then perhaps it would be best to get our bearings from outside. And, to be honest, eager as I am to view the insides of my captors, I wouldn't mind some good air in my lungs, after being held in this mucid dank.

"Do tell, what brings your company to this benighted warren? The elf and I were captured, but you seem to be here of your own volition. Are you fortune seekers? Or do you have some other mission?"
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#15 Post by Grognardsw »

"We are here to vanquish evil, expose corruption at the Keep, and hunt down my murderous cousin Tayne Tsaridian," answers Vorkath the paladin to Porphyry's inquiry. "He is a murderer, but so are many in these Borderlands."

The adventurers, curious to glimpse the outside, move south to the entrance. The weird cave corridors seem to glare balefully as they pass.


As they approach they see that it is heavily blocked. It appears that part of the earth above the entrance has fallen, along with a few trees and the body of a large dead ogre. It is not completely covered; there are gaps and holes through which the outside can be seen. The crashed metal sky-ship has stopped burning. Most of its structure is ruined. There is no more fighting. Orcs, gnolls and kobolds scramble around it, some coming and going inside of it.

The open caveway in the west wall of the south corridor leads into a large 30'x40' chamber that appears to be a meeting hall, judging by the many rough wooden tables and benches. No "norkers" are seen, though no one is quite sure what one would look like. The party surmises that the monsters are, like the others, absent at the moment due to the recently ended battle outside.
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#16 Post by Pulpatoon »

Porphyry, surveying the swarm of monsters, says with studied casualness, "The sunlit stroll will have to wait, I suppose. Shall we sally down the corridor and see what new delights await our wondering eyes?"
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#17 Post by jakegreenxxxx44 »

not sure what we shall do and what lies ahead. Shall we rest and heal or continue on she asks? she's closes her eyes and prays for strength and readies herself for what may come next. I'm starting to get hungry, as she looks for some food in her knapsack.
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#18 Post by Zhym »

"I would gladly welcome a rest, if such a thing is possible in this place," says Boddin.
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#19 Post by AleBelly »

"Satyr, your words are beautiful, but make my head hurt." Wulfhart looks at him. "I think you suggested continuing down the corridor. That seems to be the only way we will find rest" he agrees.
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Re: Chp. 6 - Deeper and Harder

#20 Post by dok-el »

In the southern passageway:

Eryndir knods toward the side-chamber,

"I vote we rest here a while. One way in, one way out. And not much reason for the locals to use this passage with the entrance blocked."

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