The World - students, faculty, and other monsters

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The World - students, faculty, and other monsters

#1 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Okay, since I don't always have the opportunity to look up my Google docs, I'm going to lay out some basic NPC info here for reference.

I'll reserve the next couple posts for my listing.
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Students, A to M

#2 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Chen, Julie
  • Class: Senior
  • Used to be good friends with Lucinda Price.
  • Lie: Julie said she was going to visit her grandmother this summer, she actually was taking Victoria out to the abandoned house on the lake where the two girls would always go to drink and gossip on Friday nights. What's even worse is that Julie won't say a thing about what happened up there even though it was obviously something embarrassing since Julie and Victoria won't even make eye contact with each other now.
  • Oddly enough Julie has been seen hanging out with Summer.
  • Lucinda's strained relationship with Julie led to Summer's creation.
Clark, Angie
  • Description: Angie is a tall, strong and solidly-built african-american girl.
  • Link: Went out with James (who is no longer at the school).
  • Location: St. Francis Chapel (Attendee)
  • Her mom found some weed in her room that James had left there after covertly spending the night. She adamantly refused to smoke but he kept trying to get her to. Despite that, and the trouble it got her into, she refused to rat him out about it and the Principal had her enroll in a rehab program out-of-state over the summer to keep the school's reputation intact. That, of course, further strained things between our two lovebirds and deepened her conviction that she loves him infinitely.
Corrohn, Duke
  • Location: St. Francis Chapel (Attendee)
  • When Marcus arrived @ St. Francis and started to become a regular attendee, no one could figure out why, given that he already has quite the rep. Duke was forced to leave shortly after this. Rumor has that blackmail of some sort was involved, no doubt connected to Marcus.
  • Duke Corrohn is the star-athlete of the Acrewood College Prepatory school. He has a surprisingly good vocabulary and is trying to recruit Seth Varron onto the football team. He's on good terms with Angie and respects her as a fellow athlete. It has been said though that he has strange eating tendencies... always talking to the local butcher in town about his 'special' stock.
  • ever since his younger sister got the Leukemia, Duke has gone to church like clockwork every Sunday and every Thursday. Back in May, however, he abruptly stopped going, and even dropped out of the church youth group he had joined.
Flenchez, Pavo
  • Pavo Flenchez is an exchange student from Columbia that has just arrived after a few weeks of school have gone by. He's been found talking to James outside of school a lot, why is that? He has also been spotted near the local cemetary, bringing a shovel along each of his trips and a burlap bag. Someone knows about this, who and why?
  • Mrs. Meecher always asks Pavo to hand out papers.
Jericho, Celeste
  • Link: Kate's sister
  • Ever since Kate's accomplishment over at Summer Camp got the attention of their parents, Celeste has felt cast aside, forgetten and not as important. She hates Kate's guts now for stealing the limelight all of the time and is always trying to one-up her in everything that is non-monster hunting.
  • Celeste has joined many groups in school as a result, including Mrs. Meecher's club (not sure what you had in mind for that or if you were leaving the selection up to us), the fencing team, the school's student government body and surprisingly enough, Mr. Finney's extra fine art program, all in the name of gaining attention, or so everyone thinks.
Johnson, Victoria
  • Class: Senior
  • Description: She is quite attactive, blonde, stands around 5'8 and has an athletic build.
  • Link: Helps the Chosen One, Kate Jericho
  • Her mom died when she was 8. Her father came home from work to find what looked like fang marks protruding from her neck and claw marks that mangled her body. Her father, Mark, has never been the same, trying to put up a smile for his children but otherwise being an extremely bitter and cold individual, consumed with trying to find the monster responsible. Her older brother, Jason, also changed since then, always training and looking in the paper for monster sightings or possible murder scenes; it seems he is following in his father footsteps. All the while Victoria tries to make sense of it all and still live up to her families traditions (monster hunting) and live with her family.
  • Victoria has been trying to get closer to Vanessa as a friend, keeping tabs on her for some reason. It's only been creating more awkwardness though between the two, Vanessa not being all that sociable or accepting of it.
  • Formerly good friends with Julie Chen.
  • Awkward, embarassing weekend with Julie at the lakehouse. Julie and Victoria won't even make eye contact with each other now.
  • A monster killed Victoria's mom, probably a werewolf, but werewolves aren't the only monsters out there. Neither are vampires, ghouls, witches, infernalists—no, the world is full of very human monsters: corrupt politicians, money-hungry CEOs, drug dealers and child molesters. Evil is coming to a boil in the human soul. The Apocalypse is at hand, and when it comes, only people like Kate and Victoria will survive the purge. Victoria wants to be, will be, Kate's right-hand woman in the good fight.
  • Victoria was trying to get Kate's input on her current investigation of Vanessa, who has just been a mess since her "accident" (the polite adults' euphemism for Vanessa's suicide attempt, though everyone really knows it was no accident). After careful observation, Vic has caught on to Vanessa's list of names and wonders--is she going to harm people? Is there something supernatural going on? Vic's at a loss about what to do, and is leaning on Kate's guidance as she tries to insinuate herself into Vanessa's life.
Lokhart, Vanessa
  • Class: Senior
  • Link: Seth's girlfriend
  • Link: Werewolf Pack
  • Link: Sworn to the Emissary of the Horned Prince
  • Link: Mister Finney's target for abuse
  • Mr. Finney was finding many unusual ways to punish Vanessa for something and have her stay after class, ridiculous things really. Did he hate her for some reason, or is it something much more personal?
  • Really wants to go to Yale, which has one of the best BFA (Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts) programs in the United States
  • Rumor has it it that she tried to take her own life at the beginning of the school year. This landed her two weeks in the hospital with some major blood transfusion work. She is now no longer allowed to handle or be in the possession of sharp objects? Vanessa has not talked about this as much with anyone, maybe Clarence.
  • Vanessa attempted suicide when her abortion became public knowledge and her parents and the school administration pressured her to reveal the father. Frederick, who had been playing the "nice guy" by driving Vanessa to the clinic, spilled the beans pseudonymously on Facebook when Vanessa definitively refused to put out for him. The father's identity is still known only to Vanessa, and only a couple of people know Frederick was the one who told on her. Vanessa suspects Frederick, of course, but can't prove it.
  • "She visits the library late at night."
  • "She zones out on a regular basis."
  • "She's been seen talking to and hanging out with Clarence a lot."
  • "She's been caught writing down people's names onto some sort of list..."
  • "She dyes her hair a different color each week."
  • "A lot of people call her a freak, creepy."
  • Strings (Seth): 1
Mrkic, Haro
  • Haro Mrkic is a tomboy whose family emigrated from the Czech Republic twelve years ago. She's got intensely dark freckles and brown eyes under a heavy brow, and always seems to be frowning.
  • Jealous of Summer's skill at fencing.
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Students, N to Z

#3 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Owen, Marcus
  • Link: Emissary of the Horned Prince (servant)
  • Location: St. Francis Chapel (attendee)
  • Marcus Owen has never been good (Infernal NPC?), while some think Seth is a simple troublemaker those same people call Marcus a piece of trash, his name comes to mind whenever something bad happens; be it drugs, fights, or simply not caring about the rules or respecting others. He is often flirting openly with the female faculty as well as the other students, when he isn't doing that he is usually being a terror to others.
  • Upon checking his art teacher that got beaten up, he was shocked to see Marcus Owen sitting in the same room. He overheard parts of their conversation and the drug name "staircase to heaven" came up, a highly addictive and potent street item that is said to cause temporary amnesia if taken in small doses. He didn't confront them because the conversation had a nervous and quiet undertone behind it, that and Clarence was afraid to get caught up in something so shady...
  • Marcus has been causing a lot of trouble for Mrs. Meecher, openly disrupting her lessons when he finds something boring, playing pranks and such. The pranks have become more dangerous though, disturbing as well. What started off as nails on a chair, became rats jumping out of desk drawers and the occassional floating eyeball in a cup, real eyeballs at that. Marcus would always laugh these things off but... well, that doesn't stop people from jumping to their own conclusions about the guy.
  • Has the Greek letters Alpha and Omega on his backpack. Those symbols mean something, they have a religious significance. Marcus is not a holy man by any means, so Clarence might assume he is part of some cult. Not an uncommon practice in the darker areas of Acrewood.
  • aaa

Price, Lucinda.
  • Link: Maker of Summer
  • Deals drugs, mostly out of the old Pioneer's Graveyard
  • Lucinda doesn't deal drugs for spending money; she has all she wants from Daddy anyway. She deals drugs to push the boundaries, as teenagers do. The money just sort of piles up. It's score tokens in the game to her, and an increasingly tempting prize to Summer.
  • Her father ("Mister Price") donates a pretty big chunk of change to the school every year. He can afford it, since he's the owner of the real estate management firm that's the landlord to 80% of the businesses in town. So no one does anything about Lucinda for fear of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.
  • Her mother ("Mrs. Price-Watson") is the Principal of Acrewood College Prep. She was formerly a teacher at the school. She married Mr. Price after his previous wife (Clarence Dufonte's mother) passed away.
  • Lucinda was born out of wedlock.
  • Lucinda is giving Julie the silent treatment because she just found out that the weekend Julie said she was going to visit her grandmother this summer, she actually was taking Victoria out to the abandoned house on the lake where the two girls would always go to drink and gossip on Friday nights. (What's even worse is that Julie won't say a thing about what happened up there even though it was obviously something embarrassing since Julie and Victoria won't even make eye contact with each other now.)
  • Lucinda's cell phone # is written on a stall in the boy's bathroom, with the information: "Lucinda and Summer—they'll let you watch"
  • Strings (Seth): 1
  • Conditions: Friendless
Van Sarloos, Cassidy
  • Description: A pretty girl with light brown skin and very curly reddish brown hair. Her backpack has a Dutch flag sewn on it, and her flaming orange BMW M3 Coupe has a European Union bumper sticker with the letters NL (for the Netherlands) on the back.
  • Cassidy's note wanted to know if what she's heard about James being the person to talk to about a good time is true. It's not entirely clear from how it's worded whether she means drugs or not.
  • Cassidy wants to be in Lucinda's clique and wants to jump Duke's bones. Two birds, one seat. Lucinda's been making eye contact with Cassidy, and Duke wrote the above epigraph for the ages.
Last edited by Q.Q Elf on Tue Dec 09, 2014 6:28 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Acrewood College Prep Faculty

#4 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Donavon, John
  • The designated security officer for the last two years, before that he was in the military service, doing two tours somewhere, he never specifies.
  • He is a stocky individual with short blonde hair, hazel eyes, and square cut face.
  • He is normally a no-nonsense kind of person.
  • He is usually one to follow all of the rules, and enforce those rules on everyone;
  • But secretly he carries around a can of tobacco dip and a hidden tazer, these are against the no drugs or weapons rule of the private school.
Finney, Gavin
  • Art teacher.
  • No class during 1st period.
  • Strange relationship with Vanessa.
  • Connections at Yale.
Meecher, Amie
  • Description: Mrs. Meecher is a petite young woman with long red hair and green eyes. While most teachers at the school dress a bit more casually, Mrs. Meecher has been coming to class in very formal button up blouses and pencil skirts. She tries to keep a very cheerful smile on her face, but her green eyes sometimes say otherwise.
  • Mrs. Meecher is a young teacher who just finished her teaching degree at the local university. She was Mrs. Vanetti's assistant last year for AP English before Mrs. Vanetti retired. Everyone loved Mrs. Vanetti. She was a good teacher, and the parents resurrected her.
  • Mrs. Meecher's husband was wounded in Afghanistan, and was honorably discharged from the USMC due to injuries suffered in combat. He also got some kind of medal for that, but nobody talks about it.
  • Oddity: Summer (who has, if you'll recall, been taking her social cues from our Fae) did her best James-soulful-look and James-light-touch-on-arm and said, in her James voice, "It's OK. It's all going to be OK." And sure enough the words spilled right out. It didn't make a huge amount of sense to Summer but there was stuff in there about her Master lending her to someone not nice. Summer had to try really hard to stay calm and sympathetic after that, and made her excuses as quickly as possible. Since then, Mrs. Meecher has not made eye contact with Summer or called on her in class, and Summer's gotten all A's on her quizzes and homework even when she really shouldn't have.
  • Some rumors are spreading that she is close to Pavo's father... intimately...
  • Duke has his eyes on Mrs. Meecher. The teacher.... she swings a lot of ways, being a hot mess already, barely keeping it under wraps. A lot of the students in her class know her very well.
Upton, Dirk
  • a tall man, an obvious former high school sports hero, with his meaty build and persistent limp from a past (though surprisingly recent) injury.
  • He has a rumpled face that was probably handsome in his youth, graying sand-colored hair, and dull brown eyes.
  • Upton is the gym teacher and also coaches Acrewood Prep's football and swim teams.
  • He has a severe gambling addiction he nurtures on the lonely weekend, mostly by betting on high school sports. He regularly bets against his own teams.
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#5 Post by Q.Q Elf »

Mr. Price

Mr. Holden
  • Mrs. Price-Walter's Lawyer
  • The man waiting for Lucinda/Summer in the office looks to Summer as though he might have been a Mafia legbreaker earlier in his career: a clean-shaven gorilla in a thousand-dollar suit. ("Clean-shaven" in this case including his head—he has no visible hair except eyelashes and bushy blonde eyebrows.) He's smiling pleasantly and chatting with the receptionist in a resonant baritone that belies his Neanderthal appearance. Summer has never seen him before, and something about him frightens her on an instinctual level.
Last edited by Q.Q Elf on Wed Dec 10, 2014 6:58 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: The World - students, faculty, and other monsters

#6 Post by Q.Q Elf »

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The Supernatural

#7 Post by Q.Q Elf »

The Emissary of the Horned Prince
  • Fallen Angel
  • Clad in smoke and flames
  • Temptress
  • Strings (Clark Defray): 3
The Horned Prince
  • Mmmmmmm... could it be... SATAN?!
The Pack
  • Seth's "pack" came to the town for a few different reasons, one they were told to by the regional pack leaders and two because a certain family of hunters were picking off monsters, some even being their own kind, something the Alpha's wanted resolved before the other monsters were able to. Seth's father stalked his prey to their home, breaking in already fully transformed to destroy the family, unfortunately it was a random night out and only the mother was there.
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