Mass Combat Miscellany

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Mass Combat Miscellany

#1 Post by Wyzard »

I'm going to fill this thread up with things that I will otherwise lose in the depths of the OOC thread.
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Re: Mass Combat Miscellany

#2 Post by Wyzard »

Division A:

Rhys, Mystic 4, Command ability 4

1. 6 Townfolk 1 UHP, Morale 8
2. 5 0-level + 1 Townsfolk 1.5 UHP, Morale 8
3. 5 0-level + 1 Semele + Rhys 4 UHP, Morale 9
4. 6 Townfolk 1 UHP, Morale 8

Quint, Magic User 4, Command ability 4
5. 5 1st-level fighters + 1 2nd-level Cleric + Quint. 4.5 UHP, Morale 10
6. 6 Townfolk 1 UHP, Morale 8
7. 5 0-level men + 1 Townfolk 1.5 UHP, Morale 8
8. 6 Townfolk 1 UHP, Morale 8

Division B

Severi, Elf 3, Command ability 6

9. 5 Elves (1 Sleep-capable) + 1 Townsfolk 2 UHP, morale 11
10. 5 Elves + 1 2nd-level Cleric + Severi + Bruno, standard-bearer. 4 UHP, morale 11
11. 5 0-level + 1 townfolk UHP 1.5, Morale 10
12. 6 Townfolk 1 UHP, Morale 10
13. 6 Townfolk 1 UHP, Morale 10
14. 6 Townfolk 1 UHP, Morale 10

Thurgan, Dwarf 4, Command ability 3

15. 5 Dwarves + 1 Townsfolk 2.5 UHP, Morale 8
16. 5 Dwarves + 1 2nd-level cleric + Thurgan 5 UHP, Morale 9
17. 6 Townfolk 1 UHP, Morale 8

Division C

Tev, Fighter 4, Command ability 4
18. 5 1st-level fighters + 1 2nd-level cleric + Tev 4.5 UHP, Morale 10
19. 5 0-level + 1 townfolk 1.5 UHP, Morale 8
20. 5 0-level + 1 townfolk 1.5 UHP, Morale 8
21. 6 Townfolk 1 UHP, Morale 8

Vanco Basou, Cleric 4, Command ability 4

22. 5 1st-level clerics + 1 Townfolk 3 UHP, Morale 10
23. 5 1st-level clerics + 1 Townfolk + Vanco 4.5 UHP, Morale 11
24. 6 Townfolk 1 UHP, Morale 8
25. 6 Townfolk 1 UHP, Morale 8
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Re: Mass Combat Miscellany

#3 Post by Wyzard »

Current Standing Orders:

1. Kill any enemy you see. Fallen enemy should be stabbed once or twice more for good measure. No prisoners shall be taken. Enemies who attempt to surrender are to be fired upon by crossbows.
2. All materiel and supplies which cannot be safely captured are to be destroyed. Tents are to be slashed or set alight. Supplies are to be fouled or burned. Weapons are to be carried off.
3. Orders from the Commanders (the PCs) are to be obeyed immediately, especially orders to withdraw in an orderly fashion. Failure to do so may be deemed treason.
4. Any booty or treasures seized from the enemy are to be turned over to the commanders. Shares will be paid out at the conclusion of the campaign.
5. Enemy battle standards are to be captured, if this can be done without unreasonable danger. Any squad that retrieves one shall receive a bounty in gold.

Flag Code
1. Green flag if everything is going according to plan.
2. Black flag if either team returns inside the gates.
3. Yellow flag if there are substantial enemy reinforcements on the way. This is directional. If there are reinforcements headed north, then it gets waved on the north wall, and vice versa.
4. Red flag if either team suffers substantial losses.

Basically, Green means go, Yellow means caution, Red means stop, Black means abort.
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Re: Mass Combat Miscellany

#4 Post by Wyzard »


Magic missile can be used to either autohit for .5 uhp, or target a commander and trigger an automatic morale check if a Save v. Death is failed. Standard bearers get a +4 to the save.
Charm Person Save v. Spells to trigger a morale check.

Invisility. Gain one additional attack per casting.
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Re: Mass Combat Miscellany

#5 Post by Wyzard »

thirdkingdom wrote:This is what I've come up with. I'm exhausted, and probably missed some stuff, but it should be enough to get things started:

Combat Guidelines

This is a scaled down version of the Domains at War battle system. We will be using unit sizes of 6 man-sized creatures or 3 large (ogre, troll or mounted) troops. The PCs will get the chance to command their own units as well as direct the flow of battle. Each PC has a leadership score equal to 4 plus or minus their Charisma modifier. This represents the maximum number of units a PC may command (the PC is assumed to command one unit directly, and the additional units do not require a direct lieutenant) and the distance at which she may command her units (in hexes, from the hex the PC occupies). Commanders also have morale scores, equal to their Charisma modifiers. All units under their command apply the PC's Charisma modifier to their morale scores.

Units are further grouped into companies of between 5 and 7 units.

Note that a round in mass combat represents one minute. In order to gain the benefits described below, unless otherwise stated, a unit must be comprised of a majority of the troop type. In these cases, a “majority” is defined as 5 or 6 out of 6. Therefore, a unit of bowmen must have a minimum of 5 bowmen in order to inflict damage at range.

All units are represented by the following statistics:
Unit Hit Points Each unit has between, on average 2-6 uhp. Each successful hit against a unit does one uhp damage. A unit must make a morale check when reduced to half uhp, and is destroyed when reduced to 0. PCs attached to destroyed units may make a Save v. Death Ray to avoid being killed.
ACEqual to the average AC of the troops comprising the units.
Attack bonusEqual to the average base attack bonus of the troops comprising the unit.
MoraleThe morale score of the unit. Units under direct command of a PC have their morale increased by one, regardless of the PC's actual Charisma score.
AttacksListed. Each successful attack does one uhp, unless otherwise stated. Missile weapons have a given range, in squares.
MovementUnless otherwise stated, each foot unit can:
Move one square and make an attack
Make an attack with a +1 modifier to hit
Move two squares.
Units can charge and move three units. In the subsequent round, they accept a -2 penalty to their attack roll, but if they hit they do an additional 1uhp. The unit must be able to move three squares (four, for mounted units).
Units with spears, lances or pole-arms can set to receive a charge. Regardless of the initiative roll, they attack at the same time as the charging unit, gaining a +2 to hit and doing an additional 1 uhp damage.
Mounted units can move an additional square.
Units with shields can form a “turtle”, negating reducing damage from missile fire by one uhp. Units in the turtle formation can move one square, but cannot attack after moving.

Special Circumstances
Units with a mage capable of casting Sleep can make one additional attack (reducing the number of Sleep spells by one, automatically hitting and doing one uhp. Therefore, a unit comprised of five light foot and one mage can make a normal attack, plus one casting of Sleep. Once the mage is out of Sleep spells, they can no longer make the extra attack. Note that this use of Sleep is only effective if used at the same time as another damage dealing attack; a mage attached to a unit of light infantry, with no ranged attacks, would find his spell spoiled if cast at an enemy out of melee range, since those enemies awake could simply wake their companions.
Units with a cleric capable of casting at least one first level spell have their unit's uhp increased by .5
Units composed of a majority ( 5 or 6 out of 6) of clerics have their morale increased by 1 and do an additional 1 uhp to units composed primarily of undead, in addition to having their uhp increased by 1.
Units composed of a majority of dwarves gain +1 uhp.
Units composed of a majority of elves have missile fire ranges increased by one square.
Missile fire ranges are as follows: slings two squares, shortbows/light crossbows three squares and longbows/heavy crossbows/Sleep four squares.
Having a standard increases the morale of all units within a company by one, as long as the standard flies. Each company must have its own standard. The loss of a standard automatically forces a morale check for all units within the company.


Contestants on either side of a battle can declare a Challenge, in which they call out a champion on the other side to do single (or group) combat. The death or defeat of a champion forces an automatic morale check for all forces on the losing side; the check is modified by the relative strength of the two champions. We will use Hit Die to determine the relative strength. For instance, a 4th level PC defeating a single ogre (4 HD) isn't that big a deal, but the same PC defeating two ogres, or mowing through a gang of 8 goblins, is much more impressive.
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Re: Mass Combat Miscellany

#6 Post by Alethan »

Arms and armament of the various troops, so you know what weapons your troops have...
300 townfolk (Normal Men) armed with bows and clubs.
30 0-level Men (City guard), armed with crossbows, clubs and leather armor
10 1st level fighters (City guard), armed with crossbows, short swords and chain mail
3 2nd level fighters (City Guard), armed with crossbows, short swords and chain mail
1 3rd level fighter (City Guard, captain)

10 1st level clerics
5 2nd level clerics
1 3rd level cleric

10 elves, armed with longbows and swords and leather armor
10 dwarves, armed with axes, shields and chain mail
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: Mass Combat Miscellany

#7 Post by Wyzard »

thirdkingdom wrote:Unless otherwise stated it's light crossbows and shortbows. Magic Missile has a range of two hexes, Charm Person of one.
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