General information and Hero Arc Recap (spoilers)

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General information and Hero Arc Recap (spoilers)

#1 Post by Rukellian »

World History and Notable Names

The world is a different place right now, the lines of fiction and reality having been blurred into one. Beings from a different dimension have opened the door to our world; they were running, escaping the collapse of their own, and a score of few hundred, all of different kinds made it through. Some appeared human, some very alien in nature, others robotic, but one thing remained the same, their trip here was a one-way ticket and they stayed.

On a global scale, no one really recognized this trans-dimensional occurrence at first, save a few individuals; over time though, this changed dramatically. The supers from the other dimension could not ignore their new home for too long and acted. Crime on the streets being taken care of, vigilantes of all sorts appearing in cities across the world, villains alike as well, causing chaos and destruction, things they knew best. Struggles between these two groups occurred naturally, and the humans of this world, the onlookers of these spectacular battles and events, they watched, some in awe, others in deathly fear.

The world as a whole was quick to take action. Some extended the metaphorical olive branch; others clung to their fear and hatred of the unknown, forming extremist groups dedicated to cleansing the world of the super contamination. And then there are those that have looked farther past the surface of things, which understand and want to understand more of what is truly going on, what is now possible…
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Re: General information and Hero Arc Recap (spoilers)

#2 Post by Rukellian »

Atlas City was born during this era of supers, as well as many corporations and organizations who now wield great power on a global scale. To name a few, you have Arikas Shipping Inc, Chiron Pharmaceuticals, Chocolo Sweets, Poseidon Electronics, Rook Industries, Supers for Hire (sfh), and many others.

Arikas Shipping is a multi-billion dollar, international company that has ownership stakes all throughout Europe and Asia. Arikas Shipping, a worldwide conglomerate of air, sea, and freight transportation and shipping, has many subsidiary businesses based in the US and Atlas City, including oil refinement/production, newspaper circulations and a producer of various media forms. Joseph Arikas is the founder of this company and Maximillian Arikas/Aether is the sole heir to the family business.

Chiron Pharmaceuticals is the leading figurehead in all things medical and pharmaceutical. Originally based in the dimension of supers, they traveled to our Earth with the sole purpose of preserving their advancements and knowledge in the medicine and health industry. Chiron Pharmaceuticals has hospitals set up in various countries, research centers, and places for disease control and quarantine. Their main headquarters, like many super-based companies, can be found in Atlas City. Shortly after their visit to this dimension, the state of health for everyone greatly improved, where their help was accepted of course.

Chocolo Sweets is a super-owned candy and chocolate company that specializes in sweet chocolates. Many Choco Sweet Shops have sprung up all over the world, and has become the number one producer and seller of all things sweet and delicious. Met with great criticism by anti-super groups and skeptics alike, many think that the sweets produced by Chocolo Maester, a super, is dangerously addictive, and that if eaten in large quantities, can produce abnormal side effects. It is only because of this level of distrust and campaigning against Chocolo Maester that other competitors like Hershey are still alive.

Poseidon Electronics is the leading producer in all commercial technologies around the world. Using state of the art sciences from the world of supers, the European based company has set the pace of technological advancement outside of Atlas City. Inside of Atlas City, they are legends in their own right, rumored to have been originally founded by great scientific minds of super-origin like Positron, Synapse, and Anti-matter. The company boasts a professional line of vehicles for transportation, day-to-day gizmos and appliances for the common person, advanced holographic computer systems, drones and robots with positronic brain relays. Poseidon Electronics also deals in various security systems, used by private and commercial firms.

Rook Industries, formerly owned by the Sanderson family, is a world-wide producer of technologies, much like Poseidon Electronics, its origins, however, lies within arms manufacturing for the military and public defense forces of the world. The company has branched out into production of robotic drones used for both military and civilian jobs, field suits commonly used by the ASF, supers, and other private contractors, miscellaneous machinery used for factories and other high tech facilities, and just recently, the company has dived into the energy market, producing their own line of energy generators built off of a miraculous and very new substance, its origins in which are kept a company secret in the eyes of the public. Rook Industries is the source of many wild rumors, some of which claim that it is actually Crey Industries or Aeon Technologies in disguise. Others claim that it is seeking world domination, but that rumor in particular has been put down time and time again. To this day, it remains a staunch competitor to Poseidon Electronics, and any other producer of technologies, a company who is not afraid to bare its fangs in shows of power and aggression.

Supers for Hire, is a security force regiment comprised solely of supers. They work together with other world-wide agencies, or sometimes alone, to help bring in and sometimes even eliminate super-powered threats of all sorts. Supers for Hire are located mainly in Atlas City, but has branches spread throughout all major countries of the world. The group has been the target of much political and social activity, their roles in this world directly affecting many things like world governments, economies, security, and even standard of living. With a proper hero license level, a super within the Supers for Hire organization has many privileges granted to them: freedom, protection, flexibility in the law, political power, career opportunities, free education, a roof over one’s head, just to name a few. Many look to join Supers for Hire solely for these reasons.
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Re: General information and Hero Arc Recap (spoilers)

#3 Post by Rukellian »

The Heroes of the Campaign and their stories thus far…

The events leading up to the official Atlas City Arc can be told from 4 different points of view. We will start with Steve Sanderson and his involvement with Rook Industries:

Sanderson's family had controlling interest in Rook Industries, an arms company. For generations, they had been exempt from military service, but Steve Sanderson was a late baby and his father wanted him to see something of the world before he took over. So Steve enlisted and became a bomb technician in Afghanistan.

When he came back, he enrolled in school: he wanted to help people. After all, that had been half of their mission in Afghanistan. With team-mates from college, they built the IRES: the Individual Rescue and Evacuation Suit. As the most physically fit of them, Steve learned and wore the suit.

But before they could move out of the prototype stage, two things happened. First, the work done by his new (and now ex) stepmother has caused Steve's family to lose control of the company. His father and he have a large voting bloc--45%--but not a majority.

Second, most of his engineering team was killed in a series of "accidents." Sanderson suspects the new controllers of the company, but can't prove it. What he has left is the rescue suit and the money that comes of being a part owner. He trusts only a few people right now, Professor Cortez, who was an unofficial consultant on the project, Lt. Gallishaw, who was his commanding officer over in Afghanistan, Professor Feldon, a leading expert in robotics and professional consultant to the IRES project, and S.C.A.M.P., a robotic canine built by Maurice Feldon who has frequently aided Steve in the past.

Through a series of events underneath an abandoned chemical plant, Steve Sanderson and S.C.A.M.P., known now as the hero Flicker and just SCAMP, has teamed up with a group of supers. Together, they uncovered a black market operation, as well as the identity of a dangerous alien substance known as Ichnorite.

Bringing it back to Professor Feldon’s Laboratory for study, Ichnorite proves to be much more of a problem then he originally thought, learning also that Rook Industries may be tied into more than just one sinister plot.

Armed with knowledge and new friends, Steve ventures to Atlas City, in the hopes of bringing Rook Industries evil plans to light as well as eventually stopping the threat of Ichnorite.

During the series of “accidents” that were causing havoc in Steve’s life, another attack was taking place on a much grander scale…
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: General information and Hero Arc Recap (spoilers)

#4 Post by Rukellian »

Aether or known as Maximillian Arikas is the heir to Arikas Shipping, a worldwide conglomerate of air, sea, and freight transportation and shipping. His father's family moved from Greece to NYC at the beginning of the war to evade the Nazis and continued as well as grew the family business to a multi-billion dollar company. Max grew up pampered and he was sent to the best boarding schools in Europe until he was accepted to Harvard. During the summers he was in high school, he worked in the corporate offices in Manhattan, a giant skyscraper on 5th Avenue.

It was on the day of his eighteenth birthday that the fateful day occurred. Standing on the rooftop of his family’s skyscraper, he enjoyed the warm summer breeze and dusk, gazing out upon the city from his high vantage point. It was only after he heard a large explosion from underneath him, following the fire alarm that he looked down from the building ledge to see what was going on. He saw an attack helicopter firing on an office down below.

He realized it was his father's office.

The events that followed were chaotic and fast, but suffice to say, the young super’s inherent powers were finally unlocked. He saved his father and learned that he was descended from a long line of supers, naturally born from this planet, heralding all the way back to Greek Mythology. It was shortly after the emergence of his powers, which Joseph Arikas called upon an old friend to see to the boy’s education, Professor Percival Perryton, Peerless Pursuer of Preternatural Prodigies!

The Professor is not a hero or adventurer. He’s a run-of-the-mill academic engaged in on-site research of occult and paranormal phenomenon. It’s not his fault that sometimes his research activities involve saving the world. Because really, where would his research be published if the world ended?

After agreeing to take on Aether as his new student, he studies the extent of the boy’s abilities and puts it to the test as they descend into the Marina Trench in search of the lost underwater city of Gorillapolis. The city turns out to be a galactic size space cruiser that crash-landed into Earth’s ocean. Hosted by a race of Telepathic Moon Gorillas, the professor and Max are pitted against these highly advanced apes, mentally and physically.

They pass the rite of strength and gain entrance to the city. There, they learn of Ichnorite from The Mind, and are given a prophecy of what the near future is to be if they do not intervene. They are given clues as to how to go about preventing the imminent world-wide cataclysm. They must obtain Vibranium, and use it to destroy the Ichnorite that has already found its way to Earth. This course of action naturally lends itself to the heroes also squaring off against evil corporations and villains who would seek to use and abuse the alien substance.

Before the Telepathic Moon Gorillas leave the planet on their ship, having obtained the necessary fuel source to do so, thanks to the Professor, the duo learns that the submarine crew that accompanied them, tried to steal technologies from the gorillas. The professor is dismayed by this information for the crew was handpicked by Arikas Shipping. With some questions of their own, the two are teleported back to the Arikas Shipping HQ and confront Max’s father on the issues above.

They eventually learn of the company’s role in all things as they help uncover the black market operations under the abandoned chemical plant. Arikas Shipping is merely a facilitator for the exchange of goods and services. It is Rook Industries that has caused most of the problems so far.

Back at Professor Feldon’s laboratory, Professor Perryton learns more of Maurice Sheldon and the alien substance known as Ichnorite. After speaking with the other supers that he and Max encountered, it is unanimously agreed upon that there next destination is Atlas City, home of the supers, and more importantly, Rook Industries.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: General information and Hero Arc Recap (spoilers)

#5 Post by Rukellian »

This is all I managed to get done so far. It goes over some general world history, important names and groups, as well as provides some back info on the heroes of the story as well as their accomplishments thus far.

Note that Steve and SCAMP's were combined as well as Max and the Proffesor's. I may elaborate further on SCAMP the next time I get around to this, and by then, hopefully have Permafrost and Raven's exploits completed as well.

I also plan on compiling all known in-game information on Ichnorite into its own seperate post, after everything is said and done. These portions will be completed either later today, or tomorrow, or even the next day. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but my work schedule is very limiting right now, so I hope you understand.

Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: General information and Hero Arc Recap (spoilers)

#6 Post by Rukellian »

Dark machinations are at work as an individual wakes to the sight of horrifically mangled bodies, shattered glass, and sinister machinery. It is dark, and the complex he finds himself in is barely functional. Eventually making his way out of the hellish place, all in a blurry haze, he stumbles his way through a forest in the snowy areas of northern Montana. It is in the small town of Dunnet that the man comes to the realization that he knows nothing of himself, a case of forced amnesia from what he can tell.

He took upon the name of Raven and returned to where he had awoken. There, he came across a shimmering blue beauty. It is later learned that her name is Permafrost, and that she is a super who is traveling the lands for excitement and adventure. Agreeing to team up with Raven, they both enter the dark complex in the nearby mountainside and find many unsettling things inside. Humans mutated to the state of green, alien-like beasts, secret human experimentation records conducted by Rook Industries, a large green man who seems to be behind the creation of the mutated humans, and another evil figure, a fiery villain going by the name of Hot Streak.

It is upon this fateful meeting that Raven is hinted to a very important past he once knew. The villain was a friend, and there was betrayal mixed in. The villains escape from the complex, and the supers, Raven and Permafrost, manage to escape as well, barely… The complex was rigged to explode, as well as all of its secrets.

Returning to the small community of Dunnet, the two supers try to relax and unwind from their stressful encounter, but only find more stress in the process. They learn very quickly that Raven was a private detective super hero named Mr. Nelson Warren, and that he was investigating Rook Industries and the series of kidnappings that may or may not have been tied to the corporation. Apparently he got in too deep and was made the next test subject for their sick experiments. On top of all of this, he learns that Hot Streak has been tracking him for some time and attempts to blow him up again using a bomb delivery service.

One thing lead to another, rocket launchers and a private jet, and before the two knew it, they were on the east coast, helping a group of supers with their black market troubles. Their aims aligned with the rest, and with that, both Permafrost/Elsa and Raven set out to Atlas City as well. Permafrost wants to prevent Rook Industries from creating any more havoc on the world scale, and Raven… he is out to reclaim his past and perhaps revenge as well.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: General information and Hero Arc Recap (spoilers)

#7 Post by Rukellian »

Some information that I forgot to fit in with the recap.

S.C.A.M.P. was developed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as the next generation in the wars against terrorism and illegal narcotics. It was built not only to smell bombs and drugs with incredible skill but also to read minds. S.C.A.M.P. knows if you’re carrying drugs. Or if you’re thinking about carrying drugs. Or if you’d like to do drugs. Or if you ever did drugs. S.C.A.M.P.’s (removable, expandable) memory units are admissible as evidence in forty-seven states.

Shortly after initial deployment in the field, the robotic dog achieved sentience. As a side effect of its psychic ability—or as DHS put it, “due to a spontaneous psi-associated undocumented feature outside original design specifications”—S.C.A.M.P. can also control minds. It is prone to using this power to make humans bring it treats. No one knows why DHS programmed a robotic dog to eat treats.

Because DHS did not plan on a robotic dog needing to speak, S.C.A.M.P.’s dog mouth is incapable of forming most human words. Thus, despite S.C.A.M.P.’s exceptional intelligence, its spoken vocabulary is extremely limited. Its primary means of communication is telepathic.


Permafrost/Elsa is the first born daughter of King and Queen Arendel. Rulers of a small island nation near the Kara Sea of Northern Russia.

Generations ago, the nation founded by her great ancestors was found to be rich in a substance known as Vibranium, which was most likely deposited in the soil from a meteorite detonation above northern Russia, thousands of years ago.

Elsa was born into the wealth of her small nation and at the young age of 11 her "curse" rose to the surface. Absorbing radiation from a small amount of vibranium she'd ingested as an infant, she began manifesting the one element Arendel had in surplus. Snow and ice. Not being able to rule a kingdom properly with her unstable abilities, she travels the world as a super, putting her abilities to good use. She leaves the ruling of her home kingdom to her younger sister in her stead.

After learning of the significance of Vibranium from Professor Feldon, and its uses against Ichnorite, she promised to arrange a shipment of the valuable material sometime in the near future. Such arrangements though can take time… Permafrost also has a personal contact within the Interpol agency, working on her behalf to further investigate Rook Industries and alleged criminal activities.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: General information and Hero Arc Recap (spoilers)

#8 Post by Rukellian »

Post reserved for info on Ichnorite.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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