Deities of Thaaed

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Re: Deities of Thaaed

#2 Post by Shonuff »

Eilynne (Eye-Lynn) G
The She-Sun, the Golden Ray
Light, Birth, Dawn, Renewal
Greater Deity
Eight pointed Yellow sunburst star


INFO: Eilynne is the Lightbringer. “She Who Walks With The Dawn.” Eilynne is the goddess of light, protection within light, and renewal. She is seen in sunlight, reflection of the sun, and in the faces of newborn infants.
She shows herself often to her faithful in the form of a ray of light, or a thick obscuring beam from the sun. She is worshipped by many different people. From goodly clerics seeking purity to beautiful women, asking for their youth to keep. Children pray to her, asking for her to bring them the dawn, and push the terror invoking shadows of night. Her blessing is sought by those wrongly accused in prison hoping the light will shine and show the truth.
Eilynne is a loving goddess. She acts often with her faithful, but her most enjoyable acts, is showing her presence to those on the fence about her existence. She is a ray of light in a dark dungeon, or a surrounding column of light preventing undead from touching a mortal in peril. These bring Eilynne the most joy, knowing the mortals will seek to the stars above, looking for her.
She is known throughout most of Thaaed, and is known by different names in different countries. Her faithful and followers are always welcome in towns and cities and even are asked to bless certain holidays for good weather and sunshine.
The followers of Eilynne are called Lightbringers. The priests are often found helping the poor or fighting off undead attacks in towns with no protection. These are the tenants of the Lightbringers.
There is a small group of Lightbringers, called “Dawn Shields. The order of the Dawn Shields are a militant based organization that travel the lands of Thaaed, seeking corruption and hidden evil within cities, using their powers to “bring light to the dark hearts of men.” Their Inquisitorial actions often bring frowns from citizens, and even outright rage from true Lightbringers. The symbol of the Dawnshields is the gold yellow star of Eilynne, but rimmed with blood red. They often have been seen crucifying corrupted barons, and hanging vile officials, before moving on to the next city.
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Re: Deities of Thaaed

#3 Post by Shonuff »

Specialty Priest: Eilynne

Alignment: LG,NG
Favored Weapon: Morning Star
Weapons Allowed: Cleric Only
Turn Ability: +1 level


-Light is purity. Light rises above all.

- Those that do not walk in the light may need aid seeking its warmth. Your duty is to help them.

- The morning sunrise is the holy time. Prayers are given to Eilynne as the dawns new light is given to you.

- Undead are the bane of Eilynne. A new dawn means rebirth. Undead are an example of heresy tto the face of the Light.

- Enlightenment is as essential to growth as Light is to a plant. Feed your mind as well as your spirit.

- Honor and memorialize death as you would celebrate life. A birth cannot happen without a death to refill the Source.

-You cannot have light without some darkness. Do not promote darkness, but allow it to exist, for it merely allows a chance for a new dawn.


-Your cleric vestments must be of white or bright yellow. These must be cleaned when possible.

-Those of lower class than you often battle with darkness. Your goal is to bring light to their life in some way.

-Prayer time is dawn.

-Alchohol is not allowed.

- Casting of darkness spells must immediately be followed by a light spell, when time/events permit.

- Newborn death is forbidden, even if it is a monster. Newborns must be left to live.

- Help those in power as long as they promote the Light. Use your light to help shine upon corruption and show it to the world.
- No touching of the dead, unless during burial rights or consecration. Looting of a consecrated tomb or burial site is forbidden. Touching the undead to slay them is allowed.a

- Turning undead is done at 1 level higher than clerics actual level.

- Bonus prof: Fire building, Navigation,

- Bonus weapon proficiency (Morning Star)

Level - Ability
1. Cast “Eilynne’s Aura” Priest takes one round concentration and can surround himself with aura of light. D4 dmg to undead who touches cleric. 3/day

3. Cast Continual light 1/day instantly (init +1)

5. Cast “Eilynn’s Blessing” +1 to weapon of choice in
Light, (lasts 1rd/level of caster)
- Cast Continual light 2/day

7. “Light Shield”- Summons a column of light. Can be cast on others or on location. 5’ wide column of light gives +1 to hit/+1 dmg while in the light. Gives auto saves versus any magic from plan of shadow or negative material plane. (stacks with Bless)

8. “Lights Warmth” All healing spells done in daylight can be cast at a range of 30 yds as long as target and cleric are in sunlight. All cure spells give maximum HP back while healed in bright daylight.
- “Eilynn’s Blessing” now gives +2 to hit and +2 to dmg.
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Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:26 am

Re: Deities of Thaaed

#4 Post by Shonuff »

Morgrum (Mor-grum)
Blood God, Orc Lord NE
Orcs, Power, Strength, Battle
Greater Deity
Tower of red, over yellow crescent moon

INFO: No name brings more calm or fear to the hearts of orcs than Morgrum. Morgrum is the God of Orcs Power, Strength and Battle. As orcs know not much else than killing, battle and strength, Morgrum is given homage daily. When a tornado touches down and destroys a forest, it was Morgrum's will. When a flood drowns babies and allows the strong to survive, it is Morgrun's test. When plague sets in from the filth and dozens of orcs die, or crops whither, it is Morgrum's punishment. All things not magical, is the will,whim and under the control of Morgrum. Most orcs only pay homage to Morgrum twice. Once during or before battles, and another when something bad happens. It is usually the Warshamans of Morgrum that point to the green masses that other things happen due to Morgrum's will.

Morgrum appears to his faithful as a huge ten foot tall orc in black and red platemail wielding Feykiller, his two handed battleaxe +3/ +5 vs. elves. Morgrum is paid homage before and during every battle and as such is constantly given homage.

His shamans known as "warshamans" or "Kla-durek" dress in red or black and adorn themselves with gold as symbols of glory Morgrum’s power brings in the form of treasure or war profits.
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