TREEHOUSE (tavern)

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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#181 Post by SirOwen »


"Thank you, sir,"says Avalaa. "I'll be back for all three in a little while."
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#182 Post by SirOwen »


True to his word, Avalaa returns to the Treehouse a couple hours later. He pays Randall the three silver coins for the bowl of stew and two coconuts. He tells Randall, "OK, let the bowl of stew cool off a little. I'm going to show you how to make more money from coconuts."

If Randall is interested in making more money, Avalaa takes takes the two coconuts, opens them, cuts the meat out and dices it into smaller and smaller pieces. He boils the meat in water and then strains it off carefully. "Here," he says, handing the strained meat to Randall. "You can put this into pies, puddings, whatever. Folks will love it."

He holds up the strained liquid, and then covers it. "I'm going to leave this right here and let it cool. It will be ready tomorrow. When it has, the curd on top can be used to thicken stews, soups, stuff like that. Make your food go further. More for you, more for the poor. More for your customers.

"The coconut oil on the bottom is mine. I need it to seal a desk for Mr. Nehru. When you use it, you can sell it to ladies to keep their skin soft, fry food with it, all kinds of things. But this first batch is mine, right? Now is that worth your time?"

He then takes his now cold bowl of stew and goes back to his shack. He eats about half of it, and extends the food he brought for Rollo with the other half, knowing that the Mastiff eats as much as he does, and maybe a little more. He walks Rollo, plays with him, and then they return to the shack. He relaxes in his hammock for a couple hours and then heads back to the beach, this time with a fully-armored Rollo beside him.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#183 Post by SirOwen »


As soon as he finishes copying spells with Chauncey, Avaala returns to his shack, puts his belongings away, gets Rollo, and heads over to the Treehouse. He leaves Rollo down below, with a firm "Rollo, stay." and heads upstairs.

"Good afternoon, Randall!" Avaala calls out. "Ready to get that coconut curd? I know I'll be needing the oil today!"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#184 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Randall looks somewhat terrified when he sees Avalaa climb back up into his tavern. He answers the young man with a voice that is filled with fear and extreme trepidation.

"Yesa! You oil is ready to go. I haff it rite ear! I did da tings ya show me wit da coconuts an was juss star-ting ta figure it out. But den mi ran out of coconut."

The dark skinned barkeep looks around his establishment with nervous, darting eyes, even though there are currently no patrons inside the place. Finally, he reluctantly continues his story.

"Mi wanted to keep spare-menting wit da boiling, so me sent out a few of da local kids to fetch I more coconuts from da beach dis marnin."

He hangs his head in embarrassment.

"Dem no come back yet, an me getting real worried bout dem. I neva should haff sent likkle kids, but me was busy wit da boiling, and dey didn't mind doing it. Now mi no know where dem are and it juss a matter of time before someone aks bout dem."

"Now mi no know what to do!"

The man throws his arms up in frustration before eventually covering his face with his hands in sheer embarrassment.

"Can ya elp I out?"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#185 Post by SirOwen »


"Of course I'll help. And I'll try to get the others to help, too!"

Avaala thinks through what Randall has told him. "Randall, do you know where the kids usually get the coconuts? Or at least what direction they go? I need to know everything about where they went."

As soon as he knows everything Randall has to tell, Avaala heads back down to the ground. "C'mon, Rollo, heel." He then takes off for the crab trap, remembering something the others said about using something like it to kill a big sea monster. With the words "big sea monster" running through his head, Avaala doesn't get too close to the water and keeps Rollo close to him. If he sees any of the other adventurers he has worked with along the way, he quickly gathers them up, telling them "Missing kids... need help!"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#186 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Randall calls out to the mage as he leaves the tavern.

"Dey went up da beach to da west a couple miles! Dats da only place ya can fine good coconuts round ear nowadays. Please fine dem an bring dem ome safe!"

"An don't tell no one dat I sent dem out der!"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#187 Post by OGRE MAGE »

SirOwen wrote:Jaxsen
Deciding that the watering hole must get its food from somewhere, he turns around and goes back to the Treehouse. He climbs up and looks around. "I will work as a hunter for this hive!" he says to everyone present. "Who are the other hunters and where do they dwell?"
Randall smiles widely at the newcomer, hiding his anxiety over the missing children.

"Yesa! Welcome to da Tree ouse! If it is unting dat ya seek, ya come ta da right place. Dis island is full of dangerous tings ta kill."

"Watch ya drinkin?"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#188 Post by SirOwen »


"Why thank you! Water, please." Jaxsen looks around the tavern, and then continues, "I'm glad I ~did~ come to the right place. So which of these men are the hunters?"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#189 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Randall draws a tin cup of water out of a larger barrel behind the bar and sets it down in front of Jaxsen. He looks around at the nearly empty tavern before replying.

"Mi no see any unters in ear right now, dem usually don't come round till lata. Der is one guy dat just show up ear recently. Him claim to be a great unter an all dat. Him also from da islands, like me. But me haff noooo idea where him went off too. Ain't heard from him since!"

"If ya looking fi someting to unt, I tink I haff an idea you might like ta ear."
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#190 Post by SirOwen »


"Yes, please," says Jaxsen. "It is my peoples' way to always contribute to the good of the group. How may I help?"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#191 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sorry Sir O.
I totally spaced on this one.

Randall pulls Jaxsen aside and leads him out to the railing around the tavern. He points up into a nearby tree and stares for a few minutes.

Der! Rite der! You see dem? Dem tings no good at all! Dey must be dealt wit."

Jaxsen shades his eyes from the bright sun with his hand and strains them while staring at the trees, but he does not see whatever the barkeep is talking about. After looking around for some time, he finally spots one kobold sized furry creature at the very top of a far off tree. Though he can barely make it out from this distance with his human eyes, he would swear that the creature looks a lot like a cross between a raccoon and a monkey.

Randall notices that the man eventually spots one of the things.

"You see it now, ya? Dem need to be unted and killed off before dey make any more trouble round ear! Will ya elp out wit dat?"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#192 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jaxsen studies the creature carefully. "They are a threat to this hive? Then they must die." The tone of Jaxsen's voice contains neither anger nor excitement. It is simply as though killing the enemies of his home is a perfectly normal, logical conclusion. As though it is simply what must be. He turns away from the small creatures and looks at Randall again. "Where are the other hunters? I will join them and we will destroy this threat."

He pulls one of his javelins from the quiver on his back and tests its point. 'They think themselves safe,' he thinks. 'But I can climb, too, and have a sting they have not felt before.'
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#193 Post by OGRE MAGE »


"Oh, yes mon! Dem noting but a tret to dis town. Mi even ear one time dat dey stole a baby. A BABY! Right from its mudders crib! Dey steal food and udder tings too."

"If you aksing fi elp, one good size group juss set out up da beach searching fi missing kids. A nudder big group also searching out by da river. I hear dey found some native people dat needed some elp, but mi no know nuttin bout dat, really."

"If you want to unt dem tings now, you may haffi do it on you own unless der is some mo folk dat come back soon. Not many go into jungle alone, but it can be done ya know!"

"Did ya come to da island all alone, bredren?"
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#194 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

OOC: What is the range from the railing of the Treehouse to the nearest Monkoon Jaxsen could see? And how high up in the canopy is it?

"Well, Randall," says Jaxsen. "If the rest of the hunters are out hunting, then I can at least take the measure of our enemy. And I am NEVER alone. The Hive Queen is always with me."

Jaxsen checks his belts and quiver, making sure that the small amount of gear he carries is secure.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#195 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Randall grins broadly.

"Yesa! Dat sound real good ta me! Let me know how you do out der!"

The monkoon that you can barely see is a long ways off. About 250 to 300 feet away, past the logging trail and well into the jungle.

It is in the very top branches of a tall tree, probably 100 feet off of the ground by your best guess.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#196 Post by SirOwen »

Jaxsen Reiter

Jax climbs down from the Treehouse and approaches the jungle tree line. He stops just short of it, and stands stock still, staring into it and listening intently. If he hears nothing more menacing than the insects, and sees nothing within his immediate area, he slowly enters the trees, halberd at the ready. He only goes in about 20 feet, and then turns to his left and parallels the tree line. He keeps his senses sharp, looking, listening and smelling. This place is new to him, and he knows it is the threat you don't see coming that eats you.

His primary intent is to not get eaten.
His secondary intent is to learn about the Monkoons.
His tertiary intent is to acclimate himself and learn the nature of the area around the town. (His new hive.)

He will follow the tree line, stay within 20 feet of it, and move perhaps a mile, all the while looking, listening, smelling and committing to memory.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#197 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The tavern actually has a small crowd in it tonight. There are a few townies inside, drowning their sorrows with low grade rum. There are also a few adventuring types inside as well. They mostly keep to themselves at private tables in small groups of 3 or 4, but they are friendly enough and nod hello as the new patrons enter.

You also see 2 of the battered group that you met on the beach. They seem a little less friendly now and actually ignore anyone from your group that enters the bar.
Bluehorse wrote:Monocar heaves a satisfied sigh and climbs up to the bar for his free drink or two, settling into a stool beside his orange haired spiritual leader. As Randell walks over he looks up and smiles at the cup of grog. "Say, Randell, how about a bowl of stew? What's the rumor mill got going today? Has anyone heard from the Monkoon Chief about Owen?"
Randall looks at the Mountain in shock and accidentally spits out some of his grog.
"Wayasay bout O N? Him been missing fi days!!! Ya tellin mi ya know where him is?
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#198 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Urson wrote:Luther
maybe we need to talk about priorities and decide what's most feasible. We're still running around "like cave roaches in a bucket," as I heard a dwarf say once.
Luther gathers anyone who is interested around him to discuss the details of the upcoming troll hunt. He adds a little color to his statements with some good old fashioned dwarven logic.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#199 Post by Inferno »

Jack, lost boy:

Jack slams the medieval equivalent of a Shirley Temple and figures the two grumpy adventurers won't talk to him. Because he's a kid.
Since they're inclined to ignore him, like most grownups, he'll casually get within earshot of them and secretly eavesdrop on their conversation.

OM, how old do these two look? Any grey hair? Thanks.
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Re: TREEHOUSE (tavern)

#200 Post by Bluehorse »

OGRE MAGE wrote:
Randall looks at the Mountain in shock and accidentally spits out some of his grog.
"Wayasay bout O N? Him been missing fi days!!! Ya tellin mi ya know where him is?
Looks genuinely surprised and leans over towards Luthar, whispering so quietly, he can be heard on the mainland. "I assumed you told someone.." Looking up at Randall, the large man tries to look unworried. "Turns out he was clearing timber that happened to be part of the Monkoon's settlement in the trees. These aren't just animals it turns out. They are people just like you and me. They have a chief and everything. Luthar and I were clearing wood with some of the villagers *** days ago when we noticed Owen was nowhere to be seen, but when we looked up, Luthar spotted what looked like houses in the trees. He started calling out and they lowered a rope down and hoisted him up. They have a whole civilization up there. Turns out they are holding Owen since he was destroying their home, but they said they would like to open negotiations with us and become friends. They said if we can kill that damn troll that has been terrorizing the beach, they would release Owen and we'd all be friends. That is why we have been trying to come up with a trap or plan of some kind like how we got the crab yesterday. We want to kill that damn thing before it kills anyone else like it did Devrin" He takes off the blood and tear stained helm and looks at it a moment before laying it on the bar and saluting it with his drink before he looks to Luthar. "Does that about cover it?"
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