Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

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Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#1 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Early Morning the sun is just peaking through the trees and over the mountain. Two weeks have passed since the werewolf attacks stopped, and the Necromancer was taken down. The town is starting to return to normal, travel between the logging settlement and Northvale have resumed now that the threat of attacks at night when the moon is full are no more. Ryukben, Crow & Pheras all have silently slipped away with not much as a word of farewell to the others. Rician has assisted in helping the guards, and Rethor captain of the guard, taking guard shifts as needed and helping to better train the guards in a more proper militia tactics for battle. Arthur has found a new place in town to setup his alchemy shop and now has a small business in making potions, salves and other useful concoctions to aid the locals. He works quite closely with the local clergy and healers. He's settling in well and given up his adventuring ways to stay and help Northvale and the logging settlement. He's even got an apprentice in training that is keeping Arthur quite busy at the moment. Bandir has learned all the spells Arthur had in his spellbook and has found things to occupy his time while staying in Northvale. Arastor serves as a local forester and helps teach the guards how to better track, as well as assisting in hunting for the locals teaching how to walk quieter in the forest so as not to spook that which is being hunted. Arastor has also helped take up guard watch duty as needed, but mostly sticks to the ways of the woods while remaining in Northvale. Krakus has mad good use of his strength after seeing the half-giant named Dwayne, the barbarian has taken to working closely with the big burly man, even challenging him to feats of strength ever so often for sport. Krakus and Dwayne worked on collapsing the tainted necromancer's cavern. Krakus has also taken to being the local guard for the tavern when one of the loggers gets out of hand it takes very little for him to toss them out if they wont calm down. Mathias decides it's time to hang up his adventuring and settle down working more as a cleric he relocates to the logging settlement and works there as the local clergy for the time being, his residency there has even brought some dwarves to the area to create a little mining company not far from the mill. This has raised the dwarf cleric's spirits having some of his own kin in the area.

Some new faces to the area one calling himself Rukiel the Fickle he claims for his fickle ways but so far he proves to be a bit of a jesting type or so the ladies say. His cocksure ways of trying to impress and woo the local ladies has them calling him a different name. He's caused no trouble since he arrived and has been expressing great interest in joining the others should they take to the road of adventure anytime soon. In the meantime Rukiel has not trouble finding things to occupy his time. A half-elf fellow named Keathan also arrived to the area recently he's taken a great liking to Arastor already having much in common with the ways of the forest, and knowledge of nature. It is by no surprise that Arastor discovers that Keathan is not only a Ranger but practices the ways of the Druids as well. Keathan has been a great help to both Arastor and the hunters of Northvale as he has been of great assistance in helping Arthur to locate and use herbs and local plants for his potions and salves. Arastor has informed Rician, Krakus & Bandir that if they should set off for another adventure he would really like to include Keathan in their group.

About two days after the events a man entered the area of Northvale calling himself Brother Canis based upon his garb and the holy symbol he has he looks to be a cleric of some sort. He at first is rather reserved, he is a bit portly with a receding hairline that he has closely cropped which makes him look almost like the fabled Monks some have heard tales of. He does smile and greet folks and has the look of not being a stranger to hard work with his calloused hands and firm grip as he shakes hands in greeting. Soon he finds his niche in the town helping the local clergy, and even helping with any manual labor needs the town has. He's made quite the impression on the townfolk and even the adventurers, it's decided that if they take to the road on another quest they will be asking Brother Canis to come with. Brother Canis and Rukiel get along fairly well, it appears the cleric enjoys Rukiel's jesting and loves watching when his flirtations fail on the ladies, how it gives the cleric a good chuckle. Things are essentially back to normal in the area though their population is down a family or two after the attacks. The wall-less village decides to take example of the smaller logging settlement south of them and have walls build to help in the defenses of the village. The mayor of Northvale reaches out to the leader of the logging settlement which recently he has learned decided upon a name for the growing thorp is now called Sparrow's Point. The men at the mill make a deal with the mayor of Northvale and have set to work building a wall similar to that of the one Sparrow's Point has. It takes about a week for most of the wall to be constructed.

Rician, Arastor, Bandir & Krakus are invited to meet in Rethor's office, he informs them that word has spread of a lost mansion that was possibly located north of Northvale deep in the forest. Knowing well the reputation of the four Rethor hopes that they will take on the quest in locating this mansion. They are informed it is the lost mansion of the founder of Northvale though thought lost over the last thirty years and suspected haunted, the mansion contains some important history to the town and might well hold some treasures as well. They are told that they can keep any items of magic in the mansion as payment along with any other items of value though if any are historically relevent to the founder the mayor likely will pay them for the items to be added to the town archives/museum. The items they wish to have brought back however are a ledger, and some scrolls thought to contain more information of the founder Lord Northvale. One other thing it has been mentioned that potentially a young dragon has been seen around the mansion.

“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Boffin (Boff) Stonegirdle Dwarf Thief - Earthquakes in the Jotens
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Pimlan 'Pim' Greenstride Halfling Fighter/Thief - Revisiting the Classics: Mod 1 “Return to Kendall Keep”
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
Svendt Gnome Bard - Wrath of the Righteous
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#2 Post by Rukellian »

Rukiel the Fickle

His hands were trembling in anticipation. Hours of careful concentration has finally culminated in this masterpiece of a tower. The other patrons of the tavern could not help but gather in silent awe, each holding their breath for fear of the inevitable.

The stakes were high and bets were already placed. There was no backing down now. This was a formal challenge against fate itself! Everyone says he cannot do this, that it is impossible. Rukiel lives to perform the impossible! Towering a great 4 feet high, stretching across an entire table, the patient and most talented of men is but one card away from achieving the greatest card tower all of Northvale has seen the likes of. Just. One. More. Card.....

The man next to Rukiel coughs. Rukiel jumps in fright, and falls on top of the tower of cards, having only been teetering on a stool to reach the top of his, well, would-of-been masterpiece. For a moment there is a collective gasp, then awkward silence. Rukiel stares up wide-eyed at the ceiling above, still in shock of what just happened. Then slowly, but surely, a laugh starts to build up inside, and then pours forth from his aching ribs. "Well, that happened," he chokes between his fit of laughter and tears.

The other patrons of the tavern cannot help but join in his infectious laughter. Truly, if any other man should have attempted this and failed so spectacularly, he would not laugh at his own expense, but it was not them who failed, so the patrons pointed, and they joined in the laughter. It was good times like these that Rukiel treasured.

Satisfied with the outcome of his venture, the man of young 30 something leaped from the table with uncanny grace and did a flourish as if finishing a performance. He flashes a grin and walks up to a young lady who still persisted in her giggling. Combing his hair back with this hand and straightening his tunic, he puts on his best appearance as he strides towards her table, fairly confident that he remembered to use the soap this morning.

*ahem* "Surely a man of such dexterous skill might catch the fancy of a fair maiden such as yourself?" Rukiel bows for extra effect. "My card stacking skills are legendary, and if it were not for that bumbling fool, I would have set a quite the new record. And because I am a man of such great stature and standing with the card stacking associations of many a city, I can assure you that you would always be in good, luxurious, company." He extends his hand towards her. "What say you?"

Instead of the fair maiden's hand, as Rukiel was expecting, a broom was thrust into his instead. He looks up stupefied and finds that he is no longer facing a pretty face, but the owner of the tavern.

"Then a man of your GREAT talents should have no problem sweeping up that mess in no time at all, right?"

"Ahahahaaaa, right.... Look, you think I-"



"No. You sweep."

Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#3 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Meanwhile...elsewhere in Northvale....

A young woman with long black hair in a pony tail, green eyes and pale skin, enters the Red Eyed Tavern in time to see Rukiel's card stacking skills falter as the man is started by a mere sound cough. She snickers silently as she enters the tavern watching everyone with a careful eye. Then slipping over to the bar as the owner hands the broom over to Rukiel and heads her way to the new comer. Rukiel takes notice to the woman that entered the establishment he's grown to feel is his home for the time being. Feeling the urge to do something else other than sweep he considers making a move. Seeing Rukiel heading towards the young lady it is at this time the tavern owner asks the woman "What will yah have lass? Haven't seen you around here before? New to the area what brings you to Northvale?" Brother Canis having watched his friend Rukiel make his usual scenes in the tavern the priest after a good chuckle moves to intercept him before he reaches the young woman. Keathan having decided to dine at the Tavern for his meal today enters seeing the tale ending of all the excitement. Wondering whom the new woman is takes a seat at the bar, and awaits his chance to order and learn of this newcomer.

“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Boffin (Boff) Stonegirdle Dwarf Thief - Earthquakes in the Jotens
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Pimlan 'Pim' Greenstride Halfling Fighter/Thief - Revisiting the Classics: Mod 1 “Return to Kendall Keep”
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
Svendt Gnome Bard - Wrath of the Righteous
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#4 Post by Rex »

Hantae sits at the bar as she watches the men in the room converge towards her. "Some venison and a pitcher of wine barkeep." tossing a GP on the bar, "I was traveling with a troupe of performers until recently and decided to go my own way so I suppose I am currently looking for some work. Most likely just travelling through but you never know." Turning towards the approaching Rukiel, "not a bad card tower at all, but I have seen higher."
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#5 Post by Dram »

Krakus- Ready to be out in the wilds. Not much village life sits at the bar when a young lass comes into the tavern sits next
to him. Good evening. We are all looking for work lass. Rukiel, Bandir and myself are looking to replenish our numbers. A few of last group set out on different paths. Krakus will point out his friends. We were going to post flyer on the village board.
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#6 Post by Cwreando »

Bandir keeps quiet for a bit then adds,"We had a really good crew too. If you can hold your own in a fight you'd be welcome to join us."
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#7 Post by Rukellian »

Rukiel the Fickle

Rukiel's right eye twitches ever so slightly as he tries to maintain his smile. He never could take slights directed towards him well, though... she is easy on the eyes. Perhaps he could forgive her. Setting the broom aside, he clears his throat and prepares an elegant rebuke.

"And you- uh, hold on." He raises his hand up for silence. He could have sworn he had something ready to fire back with. 'Horse excrement! You're making a fool of yourself now. Say something Rukiel, anything!' He looks up again, his hand still holding his chin like so, and looks Hantae straight in the eyes, her pretty green eyes.... 'Whelp, you lost this one, my friend. Time for Plan B.'

"Thank you! If you were able to recognize the greatness of that tower than you must certainly have quite the refined and cultured taste in art." Rukiel nods his head with his eyes closed, smiling towards himself in satisfaction. "I think we will get along just fine."

Rukiel performs his customary bow and does a fancy flourish with this arm, hand extended. "The name is Rukiel, a pleasure to meet you."
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#8 Post by Rex »

Looking back at Rukiel, "a pleasure to meet you as well Rukiel." Turning so slowly around so her gaze passes over all those she is talking to she elevates her voice slightly louder "I am Hantae, and when performing I usually go by Hantae the Dark. I am fair with a blade and bow when it comes to a fight. What kind of work do you do?"
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#9 Post by Bluehorse »


First things first... Arastor will look for a shop that sells some soft leather boots for sneaking. He looks up at the heavens. "You hear that? Real sneaky boots! Sneaky sneak!"
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#10 Post by Dram »

Krakus- Hello Hantae, Sorry I did not introduce myself My name is Krakus. We are adventurers. As my friend Bandir said we had a good crew. We are looking to replace a few of our friends that moved on.
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#11 Post by Rex »

"Hi Krakus, I might be interested. Do you have any more specifics?"
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#12 Post by Dram »

Krakus- We have a mission. We have a lost mansion to find. We also have items that we left back in the first village. Are interested in joining us? He says to Hantae
Last edited by Dram on Thu Jul 06, 2017 12:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#13 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dram wrote:Krakus- We have yet to find a mission. I am eager to be back on the road. We have items that left back in the first village. We should leave in the morning.He says to Hantae
Actually you do have a mission
GreyWolfVT wrote:Rician, Arastor, Bandir & Krakus are invited to meet in Rethor's office, he informs them that word has spread of a lost mansion that was possibly located north of Northvale deep in the forest. Knowing well the reputation of the four Rethor hopes that they will take on the quest in locating this mansion. They are informed it is the lost mansion of the founder of Northvale though thought lost over the last thirty years and suspected haunted, the mansion contains some important history to the town and might well hold some treasures as well. They are told that they can keep any items of magic in the mansion as payment along with any other items of value though if any are historically relevent to the founder the mayor likely will pay them for the items to be added to the town archives/museum. The items they wish to have brought back however are a ledger, and some scrolls thought to contain more information of the founder Lord Northvale. One other thing it has been mentioned that potentially a young dragon has been seen around the mansion.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Boffin (Boff) Stonegirdle Dwarf Thief - Earthquakes in the Jotens
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Pimlan 'Pim' Greenstride Halfling Fighter/Thief - Revisiting the Classics: Mod 1 “Return to Kendall Keep”
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
Svendt Gnome Bard - Wrath of the Righteous
Torvik Shadowhood Dwarf Fighter/Thief - Nocturne
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#14 Post by Rukellian »

Rukiel the Fickle

Upon hearing Hantae ask about mission specifics, Rukiel is more than happy to throw this two copper in. "There is an old mansion to the north, full of treasures and ancient artifacts, ripe for the plucking.... if you can believe the tales. The mayor seems to think so, and wants some 'brave adventurers' to go in and find some historical documents." Rukiel holds a hand to the side of his mouth as if he was saying something secretive and quickly adds, "The rumors say it's also guarded by a young dragon. Only the brave or the foolish would undertake the task."

Rukiel beats his chest once with pride and stands straight. "Fortunately for you all, I am both!"
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#15 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Tavern Owner the lady chimes in chuckling why she says this "what a fool and a big talker?" then she points back to the cards on the floor and the broom "Aren't yah forgetting something Rukiel you got some sweeping to do."
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Boffin (Boff) Stonegirdle Dwarf Thief - Earthquakes in the Jotens
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Pimlan 'Pim' Greenstride Halfling Fighter/Thief - Revisiting the Classics: Mod 1 “Return to Kendall Keep”
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
Svendt Gnome Bard - Wrath of the Righteous
Torvik Shadowhood Dwarf Fighter/Thief - Nocturne
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#16 Post by Rukellian »

GreyWolfVT wrote:Tavern Owner the lady chimes in chuckling why she says this "what a fool and a big talker?" then she points back to the cards on the floor and the broom "Aren't yah forgetting something Rukiel you got some sweeping to do."
"If you will excuse me then. It would appear as if I have to do my good deed for the day sooner than later.... was hoping she would forget to be honest." Rukiel resumes his sweeping, sort of turning it into a game in the process.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#17 Post by Rex »


Chuckling, "That sounds interesting, I would be on board for that if you will have me. I have also been called both brave and foolish before, but not many acrobats worth anything that haven't."
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#18 Post by Dram »

I edited previous post.

Dram wrote:Krakus- We have a mission. We have a lost mansion to find. We also have items that we left back in the first village. Are interested in joining us? He says to Hantae
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#19 Post by PyroArrow »

Rician Lockwindberg - Paladin - Banded Mail AC 4 + Stone Warden Shield (+2): AC 2 (Now AC 4 until repairs are made) - HP: 5 /27:

Rician, has been sitting at a table with other off duty local guardsmen, chatting it up with them, while occasionally watching the Rukiel fellow, build up his card tower, then spritzing out his tea in laughter, when Rukiel and the card tower falls. He too, sees the lovely Hantae enter the tavern, but does nothing. Rician, talks about Mayor Rethor's, request to look for and investigate the town founder's lost mansion, looking to see if any of the guards were interested in coming along, too at the least, guard any encampment that is set up. Rician, also tells them how he thinks it would be a better idea to turn the Mansion into the museum itself and that he hopes the possible guarding dragon is a good natured one that can listen to logic and reason.
Dungeon Master : Guido's Keep on the Borderlands & the Hills of Horror & Chaos (1st Ed D&D) :
1A: The Inheritance (1st Ed D&D)

Erico Caravellino - Thief : Elphand Adventures (ACKS Wilderlands - On Hold)
Stanilus Peri -Fighter (Bard) : Wardens in the North (D&D 1st Ed - On Hold)

Maximillian Arikas [Aether] & Steve Sanderson [Flicker] : Rebirth of Power: 4C System
Rician Lockwindberg - Paladin Knight : A Village With No Name (1st Ed D&D)
Theodore Mumfordian - Half-Elf Ranger : Terrible Trouble at Tragidore (1st Ed AD&D) [Completed]
Vicentio Senereno : Human Wizard : Veranar (5th Ed. D&D)
Tonkioso 'Gizzy' Gizmoebius : Clockwork Child : At the Forest Edge (Beyond the Wall & Other Adv)
Rician Lockwindberg : Human Paladin : A Village With No Name (2nd Edition AD&D)
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Re: Chapter 2 Part 1: New Adventures

#20 Post by ravenn4544 »

Brother Canis laughs at the card trick gone awry and chides his new companion "Rukiel, my friend, it seems your card tower mimics your reputation with the ladies, it seems - you just can't seem to keep it up!" With a friendly laughter that implies good nature ribbing he lumbers to the bar.

"Dear Tavern Keeper - a brew for felling trees is thirsty work. Indeed, the tale of a scary mansion hidden in the woods is thirstier still!" He plunks a few coins down and drinks deep before thinking of ordering a quick second. "Did you know, Good Keeper, that beer is indeed a noble thing? It is true! What other greater example is there of proof that the Lord above loves us and wants us to be happy!" He says with a deep chuckle as he finishes his first and orders a second.

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