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CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 4:05 pm
by Norjax

Hagalton; 321D/81 (Evening)

After settling into your encampment outside of Hagalton, you have discussions over the campfire concerning tomorrows activities. Denslow suggest finding Syrus Plak to inquire about the expedition into the Palakan Mountains to the north. His offer was 140 gp each for the 14-day excursion (all expenses paid) to help him seek a lost treasure vault.


Hit Points [Luck Points-320D]:

Denslow – 39/42 [14/16]
Silvestri – 59/60 [8/14]
MacMak – 68/68 [7/17]
Bruce – 49/50 [4/12]
Kurot – 50/50 [6/15]
Farmanus – 86/87 [13/13]


Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 5:51 pm
by greyarea
Denslow thinks of the wonderful soil rations he could get on an all-expenses paid trip to the mountains to the north. He sets about trying to find Syrus.

Denslow will also inquire about anyone who can teach a plantient like himself about these pigmonn (or other) firearms. They seem to be very useful to his friends, so if he could be trained...

Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 10:00 pm
by rossik
MacMak agree. He is willing to test his best. He enjoyed getting that claw, so he thinks about making monster souvenirs. Maybe he can manage to do a knife with the claw

Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 10:19 am
by Yrkoon

Forty gold pieces! Farmanus has never seen this much money in his life. In his time in Rodenbury as a civil guardsman, he was paid in gruel, root vegetables, and silver at best.

He would like to stock up:

1 silk rope, 50' 10gp
5 flasks of oil 5sp
1 shovel 2gp
8 torches 3sp
5 sheets (parchment) 1gp
1 vial of ink 8gp
1 map case 1gp
22gp, 8sp

Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 5:19 pm
by shaidar
Silvestri agrees we should speak to Syrus Plak, including asking about mounts as some members of the group aren't very fast.

Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:45 pm
by Norjax

Hagalton; 322D/81 (Morning)

Denslow seeks out the location of Syrus Plak to find out if his offer still stands. He and Silvestri find him at the inn enjoying an expensive breakfast of eggs, bacon and xybo melons. Syrus asks you to be seated and continues to eat while you engage in conversation.


“The mountains contain rich soil suitable for your plantient needs,” Syrus says to Denslow. “Though, I wouldn’t stray too far from the safety of numbers. We will be in proximity to Pigmonn country.”


Silvestri inquires about mounts for he and his comrades.

“I’ve purchased over a dozen camelids for the expedition,” Syrus begins. “Once we return to Hagalton, I can part with at least six. In place of any individual’s share of potential excess treasure, I will offer a mount.” The Lantican pulls a roll of parchment from his shirt pocket and hands it to Silvestri.

“As promised,” The lanky human states. “Here is my list of what I seek.”

  • (5) 2x2x2 ft. sealed metal cases marked with a jagged line inside a square
    (10) 1 ft. long artificial flying insects (look like giant bees)
    (1) 2x2x6 ft. cabinet constructed from artificial bone (plastic)


Farmanus uses his coin from the insectillian hunt to purchase supplies and equipment.

OOC: Character sheet has been updated

MacMak explores the idea of making a knife from the insectillian claw. The town fletcher offers some advice and indicates the bone will not hold an edge for cutting but will make an adequate stabbing weapon.

Kurot and Bruce make self-repairs and take inventory of their weapon ammunition.

Action Details:




Hit Points [Luck Points-320D]:

Denslow – 42/42 [16/16]
Silvestri – 60/60 [9/14]
MacMak – 68/68 [7/17]
Bruce – 50/50 [4/12]
Kurot – 50/50 [6/15]
Farmanus – 87/87 [13/13]


Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 5:51 pm
by Zhym
Kurot returns to the shops to refill and restock on ammunition.

He would fill 3 empty shells and buy two more to bring him back up to where he was before the insectillian hunt. He will also inquire as to current prices for extra rounds, seeing as he may be going 14 days without an opportunity to restock.

When Syrus appears, Kurot tries not to gawk at the man's mechanical arm. It appears to be quite a piece of work. But there is business to be done first. "Just to make sure we are clear about the terms before we accept them," he asks, "these items you list constitute the entirety of 'exempt' items? Anything else we find would be 'excess treasure' that we could divide among ourselves?"

Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2020 6:23 pm
by greyarea
Denslow thanks Syrus and inquires when they might leave.

He will then go in search of a long-range firearm, hopefully something that does not require the use of ammunition or has it in abundance. A Pigmonn rifle or something that can share that ammo could do the trick, since they will be traveling through that country.

Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 2:38 am
by Norjax

Hagalton; 322D/81 (Morning)

After Kurot presses Syrus on the totality of his claim, the Lantican turns to face the android.


“Why, I didn’t realize we were in the Congressional Chamber of Nuv Vano,” Syrus coolly responds. “My list is what I seek and expect; nothing more. I’m sorry if my previous statement was...ambiguous.” He smiles at Kurot and bounces his staff off the ground. “Is your suspicion protocol fragmented?” the scholar inquires, squinting his eyes. “Too bad those who could replace your systems have long since turned to dust.”

Addressing Denslow, Syrus says, “I’d prefer to leave tomorrow morning.”


OOC: Kurot: 3 empty shells 5sp ea.
New rounds = 1.5gp (1gp, 5sp ea.) Roll 3d6 to see how may are currently available.


Denslow discovers that there are no Pigmonn weapons currently available. There are some black powder rifles available for 100gp each. This includes enough balls, caps and powder for 15 shots.

OOC: Range 80-160-240, Rate of Fire is 1/3 rounds. It takes 2 uninterrupted rounds to reload. Damage is 1d10/2d10 if aimed for 1 round.

Action Details:




Hit Points [Luck Points-320D]:

Denslow – 42/42 [16/16]
Silvestri – 60/60 [9/14]
MacMak – 68/68 [7/17]
Bruce – 50/50 [4/12]
Kurot – 50/50 [6/15]
Farmanus – 87/87 [13/13]


Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 3:27 am
by Zhym
“No offense meant.” says Kurot. “I merely find it perspicacious to discern the terms of an agreement before committing to it. I’m sure you understand. Your conditions seem quite reasonable.”

Ammo availability: [3d6] = 10

"By the way—when you say 'all expenses paid,' does that include paying for additional ammunition for the long journey?"

Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:07 am
by Yrkoon

Farmanus blinks confusedly at the techno-babbled being bandied about by Kurot and the popinjay Syrus. He nods knowingly as he listens, then excuses himself before anyone seeks his opinion. He has none, trusting implicitly the judgement of intellectual superiors.

He decides he can afford a few Pigmonn rifle shots and wanders away in search of.

Available Pigmonn rounds [3d6] = 11

He'll buy 7.

(total = 10gp, 5sp)

Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:48 pm
by Norjax

Hagalton; 322D/81 (Morning)

Kurot presses his luck and asks Syrus about supplying ammunition.

“It would seem,” Syrus begins, “ammunition IS a consumable I should provide. Very well, construct, send me the bill and I will take care of it.” He then looks at the others and adds, “That goes for your companions as well.”

OOC: Kurot made a successful PER check vs. DC 12.

The Lantican scholar senses hope from Denslow.


”Weapons are NOT considered a supply,” he preemptively answers the plantient.

Action Details:


Hit Points [Luck Points-320D]:

Denslow – 42/42 [16/16]
Silvestri – 60/60 [9/14]
MacMak – 68/68 [7/17]
Bruce – 50/50 [4/12]
Kurot – 50/50 [6/15]
Farmanus – 87/87 [13/13]


Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 6:54 pm
by greyarea
Denslow's branches droop like a willow's at the news. He does not buy a weapon at this time.

Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:00 pm
by shaidar

"Thank you master Syrus. I have some equipment to purchase, but I don't think any of us are far from being ready to go"

Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 7:10 pm
by Zhym
Kurot would raise an eyebrow at the "construct" remark, had he an eyebrow to raise. Instead, he just glances at Syrus's mechanical hand. Sometimes not having clear facial expressions is a benefit to diplomacy.

He excuses himself for a moment to buy ten pigmonn rifle rounds and 20 more arrows. (20 gp total billed to Syrus)

10 rounds are available for Kurot to purchase, based on the previous roll. He had 36 rounds of rifle ammo before hunting the insectillian. He used 5 rounds against the insectillian and refilled 3 cartridges. That should put him at 44 rounds of rifle ammo.

Arrows are 2.5sp each, right? Adding 20 more arrows should give him a total of 60.

Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 8:15 pm
by shaidar
Silvestri heads off and purchases the following:

20 arrows
1 lantern
6 vials of lantern oil

and he manages to locate 17 rifle shells

shells: [3d6] = 17

sorry, not sure of the prices of the above

Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 10:26 pm
by Ardak2000

Having simply been an interested observer during the banter between Kurot and Syrus, simply nods in understanding of Syrus' offer to pay for ammunition and proceeds to search for those supplies.

Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2020 10:32 pm
by Yrkoon

Farmanus thanks Syrus and picks up the 11 Pigmonn rounds he had managed to locate.

With his freed-up coin reserves, he would like to pick up the following before departure:
- a whetstone for sharpening his spear and sword
- bag of rags
- a belt pouch containing flour
- a flask of medicinal alcohol

What's the damage on those items?

Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 10:40 pm
by rossik
MacMak will ask for a waterskin, some oil flasks and some food.

And he is ready for action!

Re: CHAPTER 10d: R&R at Hagalton III

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 3:01 am
by Norjax