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Character Sheets

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:45 pm
by tibbius
Ildu wrote: Ea - Human Female
Origin: Jungles of Qush
Languages: Lemurian (spoken/written), Sea Tongue, Beshaari
Physical Description: Ea is a tall, muscular young woman with tanned skin covered in tattoos, a mane of silver-white hair, and icy blue eyes.
  • Boons
  • Jungle born - Roll a bonus die when tracking, trapping, hunting, or carrying out other similar activities (not fighting) in a jungle environment. Born deep in the jungles of Qush, Ea spent many of her childhood days hunting, foraging, trapping, and building shelter from the elements. Though she has been away for many moons, the Qushan barbarian still remembers how to swing from vines and which berries to eat.
  • Hard-to-Kill +2 to LB. An oracle was summoned at Ea's birth, and foretold of a great calamity. Sure enough, her family's hut was ransacked the following night by panthers. Ea was unharmed. A storm wrecked the ship she was serving on in Satarla. Ea was unharmed.
  • Attractive In situations where good looks may be important, roll an extra die. There is something many find seductive about the tall, muscular barbarian with her snowy hair and icy gaze, perhaps making them reluctant to reveal her location to her hunters. A little vainglorious, Ea is aware of her looks, and has used them to swindle and get her way.
  • Cerulean Strength +1 Strength, maximum raised to 6 from 5. Ea is a large woman, thickly-corded muscle lining her body. It has been rumored that the blood of giants runs in her family's bloodline...but it is also rumored Ea was raised by Grooths.
  • Flaws
  • Country Bumpkin You take a penalty die in city survival tasks. As a native of the Qushan jungles, Ea is unused to life in civilization, finding the customs strange, even after her time spent among the Halakhi and in Satarla. There is just something about the Qushan that stands out to city-dwellers.
  • Fear of Reptiles There is something that you have a great and irrational fear of. Roll a penalty die in the presence of (or when confronted by) your phobia. As a native of the Qushan jungles, Ea has often come toe-to-toe with dinosaurs and reptiles, hunting them for sustenance and glory. But having seen her kinsmen devoured by a massive chark has given Ea a fear of reptiles, causing her breath to catch and knees to buckle at the memory.
  • Hunted (Halakhi Nobility) Placed in the most dangerous game of her life, the hunter is now the hunted. Ea must make use of her wit and talents to escape from the Halakhi and regain her freedom, or die trying.
Careers: Barbarian 2 Hunter 1 Merchant 1 Slave 0
Attributes: Strength 2 Agility 2 Mind 0 Appeal 1
Abilities: Brawling 0 Melee 3 Ranged -1 Defense 2
Hero Points: 5 / 5 Arcane Power: - / - Lifeblood: 14 / 14

Weaponry: Khastok (d6+2, +5 to-hit), Cudgel (d6+1, +5 to-hit)
Protection: Chainmail Bikini (1), Leather Greaves (1)
Items: 2 days' rations, a fistful of coins (-1 to bartering rolls on all but rations)

Backstory: Ea was born to a tribe of nomadic barbarians who traveled the Qush and Qo jungles, hunting and warring with neighboring tribes, on a cloudless night, when the stars of Hurm's castle lit the sky. As custom to her tribe, the local druid portended her fate, reading a destiny of death and triumph. Soon after, a wild grooth tore through her parents' hut, killing everyone in sight before it slunk off into the night. No one knows how Ea was spared, but through much deliberation, it was deemed that she was protected by the gods. Ea was then raised by the tribe's hunters and warriors, learning to track and scout, lay traps, and trade with other tribes. Participating in many raids on rival chieftains, Ea earned her first trophy, the jade war-club of Utu, by breaking his skull with the cudgel. Passing into adulthood and becoming a full member of the tribe, Ea was then sent on her final raid, one that separated her from her tribe. Hunting a jungle-dragon is no easy, and some would venture possible, feat. Ea found firsthand how difficult it can be when her kin were eaten by the colossal beast, their spears and clubs barely penetrating its hide. Ea fought the beast for an entire day, pushed back and giving ground until she was pressed to the edge of a cliff. With one swipe of its tail, the massive beast knocked the Qushan barbarian over, where she awoke some time later on the sands of a beach, surrounded by men in strange garb calling themselves pirates. Forced to battle one of their prisoners--a mutineer--for her life, Ea prayed to Hurm for strength, and managed to break the mutineer's neck and secure her own place aboard the vessel. For months Ea served aboard The Manta, learning the intricacies of rigging and sailing, and also about the land of Lemuria, and how much more there was to the world than her jungles. Finding life as a pirate little different than as a barbarian, Ea sailed along to Lysor, Parsool, Urceb, and even Zalut, before a sudden storm and a colossal beast that none anticipated tore the Manta piece by piece. Once again lost at sea, the Qushan swam for days, before finding herself in a port where she could buy passage to Malakut. There in the city, the barbarian chose to sell her muscle in war against Halakh, seeing it as one more raid. What Ea didn't expect was to be captured by the enemy and forced to serve in shame. Rebellious to a fault, and a danger to her buyers and would-be masters, Ea was sold to the gladiatorial pits, where she was given a choice: face their captive jungle-dragon, or participate in their hunt, as their monthly lottery had just begun, and there were lords who were dying to seek vengeance against the Qushan savage. Ea smiled.

Re: Character Sheets

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:45 pm
by tibbius
The Walrus wrote:Korok the Keen - Human Male
Origin: Jungles of Qo
Languages: Lemurian (Written/Spoken. Dialects: Eastern Qo Tribes, Malakut, Halakh), Grooth, Beshaari
Physical Description: Korok is a tall and lean young man, with dark skin, black hair, and purple eyes marking him of Shamballan descent.
  • Boons
  • Keen Eyesight Roll one extra die on mind checks to perceive with eyesight. Korok was apprenticed to his tribe's healer for most of his childhood, and developed a good eye for picking out medicinal herbs and plants out of the riot of colors composing the interior jungles of Qo.
  • Keen Hearing Roll one extra die on mind checks to perceive with hearing. Surviving the jungles of Qo requires constant alertness to danger, which meant learning to recognize the sounds of approaching predators amidst the squawking of birds and buzzing of insects.
  • Sneaky Roll an extra die where stealth is important. Already adept at avoiding breaking branches or rustling leaves when traveling through Qo, training with the Thieves' Guild of Malakut taught Korok the art of moving quietly in urban environments as well.
  • Flaws
  • Landlubber Roll an extra die on all activities undertaken while at sea. The most Korok's ever seen of the sea is the river to the east of Malakut. Burdened with a sensitive stomach, he'd surely be terribly seasick on any ocean-going vessel.
  • Hunted (Halakhi Nobility) Maybe Korok's boasts about having the favor of Piandra have a hint of truth to them, given his luck in winning the monthly lottery. Of course, this turn of affairs could easily prove to be very unfortunate for him if he can't get away from his pursuers in time...
Careers: Barbarian 0 Healer 2 Thief 2 Slave 0
Attributes: Strength 0 Agility 3 Mind 2 Appeal -1
Abilities: Brawling -1 Melee 0 Ranged 3 Defense 2
Hero Points: 5 / 5 Arcane Power: - / - Lifeblood: 10 / 10
Weaponry: Bow (d6, +6 to hit), Spear (d6, +3 to hit, +6 when thrown)
Protection: Battle Harness (1), Bracers (1)
Items: Waterskin, rucksack with two days rations, a fistful of coins (-1 to bartering rolls on all but rations), quiver with twenty arrows
Backstory: Korok was born to the Yu, a minor tribe of barbarians living on the eastern fringes of the Jungles of Qo, descendants of the great city of Shamballah on the opposite side of the jungle. As the only son of the tribe's herbalist and healer, it was always expected of him that he'd take up his father's trade. Although Korok learned quickly, studying herb-lore and medicine bored him. He wanted to be a hunter and accomplish great deeds such as were sang of in his tribe's legends. After years of practicing archery and spear-throwing, he finally managed to convince an elder to let him go on a hunt. That was when disaster struck. Korok shot and killed a wounded boar when it came rushing out of the trees at him, which was soon followed by a pair of grooth hunters. They believed that they were entitled to the kill, having done most of the work bringing it down, while Korok's opinion was that the killing shot decided everything, and therefore the boar was *his*! In the ensuing altercation, Korok ended up killing one of the grooth. This upset the uneasy peace the Yu tribe had with the grooth, and precipitated a number of skirmishes which lead to the death of several important figures in Korok's tribe. The blame for the incident was layed squarely upon Korok's shoulders, and he found himself exiled.

Unsure of what to do next, Korok figured that he could try to become a healer in the city of Malakut, which his tribe sometimes traded with. He quickly discovered that the people of the city were entirely unwilling to trust the medical ability of an illiterate barbarian, and soon turned to pick-pocketing to survive. The infamous Thieves' Guild of Malakut noticed him and offered him a place in their ranks, at the same time warning him of the consequences should he continue to operate in the city without their approval. Korok accepted the offer and became trained as a thief, and participated in a series of increasingly daring heists upon the local merchants and nobles of Malakut. In his spare time, Korok learned to read and developed a better understanding of 'civilized' medicine, which he used to treat fellow thieves who were injured during work.

Eventually, Korok's pride once again got the better of him. Tired of having to give the guild a large portion of his cut, he struck out on his own and traveled to the city of Halakh to act as an independent thief. But, alone and inexperienced with the city, he was soon caught and made a slave as punishment. For several months, he toiled from dawn to dusk in the desert heat, laying down bricks and hauling marble blocks to construct the sorts of palaces and mansions he used to rob. He managed to pick up the Beshaari language from a few other slaves, and was working on a scheme to escape when fate intervened and he was chosen for the monthly lottery.

Re: Character Sheets

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:46 pm
by tibbius
Banato (JbeJ275) - Human Male
Origin: River Oom
Languages: Lemurian (Spoken/Written)
Physical description:
  • Boons
  • Born Sailor He was literally born on a shallow draft boat, travelling down the River Oom.
  • Sneaky Whether dodging pirates, tariff watchmen, overzealous captains or just staying light on his feet to keep up in the rigging he has had plenty of time to learn the arts of staying out of the way.
  • Haklaton Agility Though not of the Winged Folk he spent much time in the foothills of the Axos, where his agility was tested trying to navigate rapids or climb up through waterfalls. For all the time that has passed he is still very light on his feet.
  • Flaws
  • Fear of Fire
  • Hunted (Halakhi nobility)
Careers: Sailor 2 Hunter 2 Merchant 0 Slave 0
Attributes: Strength 2 Agility 3 Mind 0 Appeal 0
Abilities: Brawling 2 Melee 1 Ranged -1 Defense 2
Hero Points: 5 / 5 Arcane Power: - / - Lifeblood: 12 / 12
Weaponry: Machete (1d6+2, +4) Garrote(1d6+1,+4)
Protection: Boots, Bracers
Items: 2 days' rations, a fistful of coins (-1 to bartering rolls on all but rations)

Re: Character Sheets

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2020 2:52 am
by Urson
Kimse the Torturer
from the Axos Mountains
Languages: Lemurian, Haklatii (Literate)
Hard to Kill +2 Lifeblood
Quick recovery Regain 1 extra lifeblood after combat.
Landlubber +1 die to all activities while at sea.
Careers: Barbarian- 1, Hunter- 1, Torturer- 2, Slave- 0
Strength- 2
Agility- 1
Mind- 1
Appeal- 0
Brawling- 1
Melee- 2
Ranged- 1
Defense- 0
Hero Points: 5/5
Arcane Power: 0/0
Lifeblood: 12/12

Two-handed Axe (1d6+2)
Spear (1d6)
Battle Harness (1)
Boots (1)
Helm (1)
Other Trappings:
Breeches, pouch, empty pack, handful of coins, waterskin
Added in the city
30' coil of rope, camp axe

Re: Character Sheets

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 4:22 pm
by tibbius
Dark skinned, kinky and poofy dark hair, purple eyes. Slender and supple. Dressed in a pale green silk romper. Wears a braided rope belt with a kir at the back, and a ribbon with a throwing knife at the inside of each thigh. Carries a satchel.
from Beshaar
Languages: Beshaari, halting Lemurian
Tumbler 2
Slave 0
Appeal 1
Defense 1
Lifeblood 5
Halakhi kir (d3), 2 throwing knives (d3)
No armor
Satchel: 2 days rations, a few coins

Abnormally tall, heavily muscled, bald and hairless, blue-tinged skin. Wears a brown loincloth, bracers, knee-high boots, and a cutlass. Wears a rucksack.
from the Pirate Isles
Languages: Sea Tongue, Cerulean
Pirate 2
Slave 0
Strength 2
Melee 2
LIfeblood 7
Cutlass (d6+2, +2 to hit)
Bracers (1), boots (1)
Rucksack: jar of oil, tinderbox, 2 days rations

Moderate height, thick muscles. Reddish wiry hair on body, curly red hair and beard on head; pale skin sunburnt. Dressed in a white tunic smeared with orangeish brick dust. Wearing battle harness with a short sword. Carries a sack.
from Lysor
Languages: Lemurian (Lysorian), halting Beshaari
Noble 1
Slave 1
Strength 1
Melee 2
Lifeblood 6
Short sword (d6+1, +2 to hit)
Battle harness (1)
Sack: 2 days rations, a few coins