IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taking

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IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taking

#1 Post by The_Wanderer »

Month 12, Day 30
Bitterpan, Hex 12.16

The ship taking you northward made no stops as it cut through the cold winter wind blowing across the inland sea known as The Cold Grave. There are not many stories told in the southlands of Broken Valley; whether this is because there is nothing to tell or because the place has seen more destruction than most places is impossible to tell. What you do know is that His Excellency, Duke Emmanuil was given this land by the King of Men and asked to finally tame it. How the Duke plans this remains to be seen but a part of it must begin with his call for adventuring parties. On the ship with you are a number of figures that bear the confidence and danger of an adventurer, while others, curiously have a somewhat more modest bearing with rough hands and homespun clothing. There are even several small families crowded into the hull.

The Captain of your ship takes his time piloting the ship in, giving one of the moored sailing vessels a chance to depart the town's lone dock, and before you know it, you are back on dry land again. The town itself is not impressive. It appears clogged with people yet there are very few structures in town to house them. This mismatch is clearly the reason a tent city has formed in the soggy lowlands near the dock.

Looking at the town itself in addition to the handful of small wooden houses, two establishments face each other across the only street in town. One is has a rough wooden sign labeling it as The Squirrel and Dragon, while the other has a pair of armed men standing at attention outside and a sign identifying it as The Brass Wand. In addition, a small stone tower stands sentry near the treeline at the edge of town. Across Sybilla's Stream, the town's small herd of livestock graze an area that has been cleared of trees. Notably, several armed men with dogs mill about among the herd.

Your invitation from Duke Emmanuil is set for tomorrow morning. In the meantime, you are free to do as you see fit.
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Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#2 Post by Paladin »

Marcus the Hammer

The wind is frigid this time of year. Marcus shudders and pulls his cloak tighter against the frost-breath of winter and blows into his hands to warm them. He rubs them vigorously together before flinging a handful of crude bone dice to the deck.

Snake-eyes. A roar erupts from his comrades and Marcus curses his luck with a good-natured chuckle. The giant reaches a massive palm into his purse and tosses a handful of copper pieces into a growing pile on the deck. The other players in their huddled circle grin and await their turn.

Without warning, a white blob splatters on the deck. "What--" Marcus shades his eyes against the hoary winter sun and gazes skyward to spot several white gulls coasting on the steady wind. "Seabirds," he rumbles. Slanting his gaze in the direction opposite the bird's flight, he sees land dimly silhoutted against the far horizon.

"Look, lads." He gestures toward the dark mass bulking from the sea-mist. "Our new home." The game is forgotten, both dice and coins abandoned as Marcus approaches the deck-rail and leans across it to monitor their approach.

"The Captain knows his work," he mutters appreciatively as they come alongside the dock. The battered old warrior gathers his gear and shoulders his pack. He glances at the others aboard ship. "I would say goodbye, but--" he gestures toward the small town. "I know we'll see each other again."

With that, he thanks the captain and heads ashore. The place has the bustling air of a frontier town, a vibrant energy lacking in more civilized cities. Marcus fills his lungs with the salty sea air and contemplates his newfound freedom here, at the edge of the world. "The Squirrel and Dragon," he says as a rough-hewn sign comes into view. "That'll do me. Dry land and a stiff drink." He heads toward the tavern with a ground-eating stride.
Last edited by Paladin on Fri Dec 20, 2019 3:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#3 Post by sulldawga »

Ender the Dextrous

Ender shook his head as he disembarked and took in the scene in Bitterpan. What a dump, he mumbled to no one in particular.

Moving down what passed for Bitterpan's main drag, he stopped briefly and considered the two commercial establishments in town. Turning to look from one to the other, the rogue frowned slightly at the site of the guards in front of the Brass Wand. He instead stepped into the Squirrel and Dragon.
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Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#4 Post by ybn1197 »

Nymandus the Repellent

Nymandus keeps a half-interested watch on the game of dice before. As the gulls bestow their luck, Nymandus chuckles. Normally he was the one life bestowed it's "luck" upon. The cry of land-ho returns him to the present from his own musings. Finally a chance to get off this piece of floating driftwood. As everyone disembarked, Nymandus takes a moment to get his bearings. The fact that he did so at the bottom of the gangplank forcing everyone to work their way around him did little to bother him. Spying the two establishments, Nymandus heads toward the Brass Wand and the two guards. Once he arrives there he looks at the two and says, "Making sure this place doesn't go anywhere?"
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Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#5 Post by thirdkingdom »

Brignum Mai, Fighter

Brignum heads straight for the Squirrel and Dragon alongside Ender. She looks around curiously at would could be her new home.
Looks like I can get back into the US character builder. I'll finish up tonight.
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Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#6 Post by The_Wanderer »

Month 12, Day 30, Late Afternoon
Bitterpan, Hex 12.16

ybn1197 wrote:Nymandus the Repellent
...Nymandus heads toward the Brass Wand and the two guards. Once he arrives there he looks at the two and says, "Making sure this place doesn't go anywhere?"
The two guards turn their heads toward Nymandus at his question. The lips of one of the guards curl into disgust as he says, "Nothin' for you in here. Keep moving. Tents for the work camps are down by the river. If you don't have a tent, ask about and maybe you can find space in one of the shared spaces. Master Sigrist is not meeting with any new workers today. The Duke's got him in all day meetings again. Come by late morning tomorrow for your assignment."

Inside The Squirrel and Dragon
The shift in pace from the bustling streets to the inside of the inn is slightly jarring. As your eyes adjust to the dim light in The Squirrel and Dragon, you see a large man behind the bar...and little else. "A bit early ain't ya? The games won't be starting for another few hours. We're even having music tonight for the New Year's as well." He turns away and returns to a conversation with the lone figure at the bar. "...and so I says to him, this ain't nothing like it were when Old Mats was havin' his way. I mean imagine I'd told you a year ago that them chaos spawn got across the river from us without so much as a warning bell...and what of the folk down in Tanwen's Field..." Looking up again at his now larger audience, the barkeep shakes his head and continues in a lower voice that you can't quite make out.
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Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#7 Post by sulldawga »


The rogue walks over to the barkeep and waits for a pause in the conversation.

Got a few minutes? I need a room for the night and I've got coin. Also wouldn't mind getting the lay of the land from a local.

He places a gold coin on the bar.
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Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#8 Post by Paladin »

Marcus the Hammer

Marcus ducks reflexively as he enters, then stretches to his full height and sweeps the room with a curious eye as the door closes behind him. He rubs the greying stubble on his cheek and grimaces. Hard to get a good shave aboard ship.

The old soldier strides across the room, nodding to those who make eye contact as he approaches the bar. Lowering himself onto a barstool, he sighs appreciatively--nothing is rocking underfoot. Nothing is damp. It's warm and dry. He tunes in to the barkeep's tale, patiently awaiting his chance to order a drink.
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Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#9 Post by The_Wanderer »

sulldawga wrote:Ender

The rogue walks over to the barkeep and waits for a pause in the conversation.

Got a few minutes? I need a room for the night and I've got coin. Also wouldn't mind getting the lay of the land from a local.

He places a gold coin on the bar.
"Coin's good. Better'n the scrip most got these days. Also means you're new here. Welcome to the Squirrel and Dragon. My name's Barton." As the barkeep speaks he prepares drinks for all who belly up, not bothering to take an actual order. It appears there's just one choice here. "Bitterpan's a pretty small place, even with the Duke's men clogging up the old fields by the dock. You'll find the Duke across the way at the 'Wand, if you're interested. Old Mats lives in the tower up the road. He's the reason we made it through the last war. You can find your basic supplies here in town...might be the only place in the valley for all I know. The Duke's men have been busier 'n termites since they got here, knocking down trees and digging ditches. Then outta the blue yesterday a group of them bugbears come running out of the trees across the river. 7 feet tall I'd say..."
"...I heard 10 feet...", replies the bar's other patron.
"...not if they weren't trolls they weren't...Anyway theys come running out of the trees, spooking the cows. What happens? The cows go stampeding right through the monsters, driving them back into the trees. Ha! Never heard of such a thing happening before. Problem is they went running back west and there's a small town out that way about 10, 12 miles. Don't have nearly the bodies to protect themselves...nor the cows for that matter. Other than that, tonight's the New Years so expect even more hub bub in town..."
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Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#10 Post by Paladin »

Marcus the Hammer

Marcus nods his thanks and slides a coin across the bar, then tips his mug back as he absorbs the names and places and events mentioned by the locals.

A small town in danger of being overrun by bugbears. A stone tower home to someone called Old Mats. He nods to himself and finishes his drink, then rises from the bar and makes an unobtrusive exit. As unobtrusive as a 6'7" mountain carrying a wrist-thick bow and a massive two-handed blade can be, at any rate.

Orienting himself toward the stone tower near the treeline, Marcus strikes out in search of Old Mats. He wants to lay eyes upon the man responsible for winning through the chaos of war.

He sweeps the area for signs of anyone moving outside the tower or a door upon which to knock. "Anyone home?" He calls in a bass rumble. "My name is Marcus, and I seek one I've heard called Old Mats."
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Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#11 Post by sulldawga »


Barton, are people always this active during the winter months? And even the monsters? I'm surprised the bugbears haven't closed up shop until the spring thaw. Is there something out there that's making them attack the settlement?

Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#12 Post by sirravd »

Mirwydd the Puissant

Mirwydd, a burly, middle-aged man in plain clothing, followed Marcus the Hammer to the Squirrel and Dragon, and, overhearing his conversation, decides to follow him to Mats'. "Bugbears, eh?" he says. "Awfully nasty invaders for a small town to get hit by. Not that I particularly care what happens to the townsmen, but if we could save them, we'd have a loyal bunch of peasants as cannon fodder."
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Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#13 Post by The_Wanderer »

Month 12, Day 30, Late Afternoon
Bitterpan, Hex 12.16

The Squirrel and Dragon
As Marcus departs, Barton says, "Your friend always like that?" Addressing Ender he says, "Things are busy now on account of the Duke just getting here. Seems he wasn't called 'The Builder' for nothing. Don't know nothing of bugbears but the Valley's not a safe place, so...", at this he just shrugs, apparently not knowing where to go with the conversation.

At Mirwydd's comment he says, "Well isn't that some nerve. I'm one of those peasants you know." He shakes his head. "Ack...besides, between Old Mats and the Duke's men, I'm sure we have more than enough to keep chaos at bay."

Turning back to Ender, he says, "You asked about rooms...we have rooms but your friend here might want to hold his tongue when more of his cannon fodder is around tonight."
Paladin wrote:Marcus the Hammer
"Anyone home?" He calls in a bass rumble. "My name is Marcus, and I seek one I've heard called Old Mats."
As Marcus approaches the tower, he sees it is approximately square in shape and four stories tall. The stonework appears ancient and completely un-mortared and leaves openings for genuine windows, a rarity in places like this. Lights can be seen inside. Interestingly, the entry door is not at ground level. A ladder leads up one floor from ground level at the top of which is an iron portcullis, currently raised, and then inside of that, an iron-bound oak door. On the outside of the building is a spit-shined overlarge brass bell.

The big man's calls toward the tower are definitely noticed and more than a few passersby give the man a hard look accompanied by warding hand signals. The door opens and reveals a fairly young man with well kept clothes and a trim beard. "Well who the bloody hell are you? Got nothing else to do but come disturbing Sir Mats? Get out of here." You notice he speaks with a slight lisp.

From behind the man you hear another voice say, "Come now Marwa. Did you find who it was that had the balls to call me Old?" A tall older man with wearing a black eyepatch over his left eye moves into the entryway and says. "I'm Mats and I'm thinking you're new here." He takes a minute to climb down displaying athleticism and grace despite his age. "How may I be of service to you, young man." Marwa remains in the doorway, clearly annoyed, staring down at Marcus.
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Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#14 Post by Paladin »

Marcus the Hammer

The greying veteran dips his head in a slight bow. "Apologies for the manner of my approach," he says. "But I thought it best to call out and avoid being mistaken for a bugbear." He pulls a wry grin. "When you're this big and ugly, it happens."

Marcus glances up at the younger man, offering him a matching nod, then shifts his gaze back to Mats. "Truthfully, sir, I heard that your guidance steered these people through a war and I wanted to meet such a man." He extends a hand, pausing a moment to see if Mats will accept the handshake. "And if anyone's old, I fear that I'm catching up to them faster every day. These bones ache more than they once did."

The big man smiles ruefully. "I campaigned for twenty years and plied my bow across the world, but I imagine you've been places and seen things that I haven't. If an old soldier might be of service to you here, I'm pleased to help."

He shifts his gaze toward the tree line. "There's talk at the tavern of bugbears. Must be something indeed to shift them from their lairs this time of year."
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Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#15 Post by sulldawga »

The_Wanderer wrote:Month 12, Day 30, Late Afternoon
Bitterpan, Hex 12.16

The Squirrel and Dragon
As Marcus departs, Barton says, "Your friend always like that?" Addressing Ender he says, "Things are busy now on account of the Duke just getting here. Seems he wasn't called 'The Builder' for nothing. Don't know nothing of bugbears but the Valley's not a safe place, so...", at this he just shrugs, apparently not knowing where to go with the conversation.

At Mirwydd's comment he says, "Well isn't that some nerve. I'm one of those peasants you know." He shakes his head. "Ack...besides, between Old Mats and the Duke's men, I'm sure we have more than enough to keep chaos at bay."

Turning back to Ender, he says, "You asked about rooms...we have rooms but your friend here might want to hold his tongue when more of his cannon fodder is around tonight."

The rogue shrugs and takes another swallow of his drink.

He lost big at dice on the boat ride here. Let's hope his mood brightens now that he's on dry land and learned his lesson about gambling.

Anyway, I know the Duke is hiring adventurers but I'm wondering if you know anyone else 'round here who needs work done. Never hurts to have a Plan B.
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Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#16 Post by The_Wanderer »

Month 12, Day 30, Late Afternoon
Bitterpan, Hex 12.16

Paladin wrote:Marcus the Hammer

The greying veteran dips his head in a slight bow. "Apologies for the manner of my approach," he says. "But I thought it best to call out and avoid being mistaken for a bugbear." He pulls a wry grin. "When you're this big and ugly, it happens."

Marcus glances up at the younger man, offering him a matching nod, then shifts his gaze back to Mats. "Truthfully, sir, I heard that your guidance steered these people through a war and I wanted to meet such a man." He extends a hand, pausing a moment to see if Mats will accept the handshake. "And if anyone's old, I fear that I'm catching up to them faster every day. These bones ache more than they once did."

The big man smiles ruefully. "I campaigned for twenty years and plied my bow across the world, but I imagine you've been places and seen things that I haven't. If an old soldier might be of service to you here, I'm pleased to help."

He shifts his gaze toward the tree line. "There's talk at the tavern of bugbears. Must be something indeed to shift them from their lairs this time of year."
The man smiles and says, "Fair enough although I've not traveled so far. For thirty some odd years I've been here, lending my strength to the southern edge of the valley. I might have got a round a bit when I was younger but my life's work has been all the people between here and Abbotsby...Now you ask what moves the bugbears. I'd love to know myself. Could be something caught wind that the Duke is here now and they're just pushing a bit. Could be bigger. Could be just a warband."

He pauses for a moment and then says, "If indeed you are here at the Duke's invitation for those of the adventuring persuasion, you'd be wise to keep an eye out for a certain halfling who's been raiding the lands between here and Abbotsby. His name's Parnell. The thing is, we haven't had any luck tracking him or his group of bandits. Might be he's being protected by the little ones. Anyways, it's likely I...or I suppose the Duke could have a reward for his capture."
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Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#17 Post by The_Wanderer »

sulldawga wrote: Ender
He lost big at dice on the boat ride here. Let's hope his mood brightens now that he's on dry land and learned his lesson about gambling.

Anyway, I know the Duke is hiring adventurers but I'm wondering if you know anyone else 'round here who needs work done. Never hurts to have a Plan B.
The barkeep shakes his head. Don't know if it would be useful to you but the Duke brought with him the Earthdawn Mining Guild. They're setting up shop in Abbotsby, though...probably so they can be closer to whatever they can dig up in the Dead Giants. Then there's Sesen. She's our local alchemist, comes in here from time to time asking folks who travel to bring her back all sorts of things. There's a black stone with her name painted on it in front of her house.

Hey, come to think of it, if you're new in town, you might want to check out the mouth of the river at sunset. The nymphs...

The other man speaks up again, nixies...they're nixies...

The barkeep gives him a look and continues, ...whatever...the little fey come dancing in the river. It happens every night so it's not like you need to see it now...but it is one of the things thats a part of our home here.

Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#18 Post by sirravd »

"A halfling bandit!" says Mirwydd. "I always thought they were a cowardly bunch, but at least one is brave enough for banditry. How about that."
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Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#19 Post by Paladin »

Marcus the Hammer

Thirty years, the big man muses as they scan the treeline and talk of bugbears. Three decades spent in the service of others. Willingly giving your time and blood so that others might be safe. A noble thing. Marcus thinks back over his years of service. He'd been conscripted and taken from home with no choice in the matter, and he never knew if the opposing army he rained death upon was filled with good men or bad.

They were simply the enemy, and he walked the fields of the dead after battles collecting arrows and looking at their lifeless faces. Wondering if they had children back home. Wives. Mothers. Guilt gnawed upon his bones each night, and try as he might to suppress it, images of the dead men lived in his dreams and wrestled him from a sound sleep more nights than he cared to admit. Staring with their cold, lifeless eyes.

"I suppose..." He trails off, fishing for the right words. "I've spent my days killing because I was told to. With no regard for why." He looks to Mats with a furrowed brow. "It weighs heavily upon me. When I heard the barkeep mention a warrior who placed himself like a shield before his people, I wanted to see if you truly existed." Marcus looks down at his booted feet as if weighing his next words carefully, then back up. "Gives me hope that I might find a new life here and erase some of the wrongs I've done."

He shrugs and voices a wry chuckle. " Anyway. I've nattered like an old woman and taken up more than enough of your time, Sir Mats." He nods politely to both men. "I will beware this Parnell and his men. Thank you for the information. If you should have need of me, I am called Marcus."

He turns to leave, but pauses, glancing over his shoulder as if to speak, then closes his mouth and raises a hand to wave instead. Another time, he tells himself.

"Good day." Marcus turns his gaze back toward town.
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Re: IC. Broken Valley Chapter 1: It's all there for the taki

#20 Post by The_Wanderer »

Month 12, Day 30, Late Afternoon
Bitterpan, Hex 12.16

sirravd wrote:"A halfling bandit!" says Mirwydd. "I always thought they were a cowardly bunch, but at least one is brave enough for banditry. How about that."
Paladin wrote:Marcus the Hammer

He shrugs and voices a wry chuckle. " Anyway. I've nattered like an old woman and taken up more than enough of your time, Sir Mats." He nods politely to both men. "I will beware this Parnell and his men. Thank you for the information. If you should have need of me, I am called Marcus."

"Good day." Marcus turns his gaze back toward town.
The warrior nods to the two and heads back into his tower, passing a scowling Marwa on his way.
Let me know how you guys want to advance here. It's getting late in the day but you could either look into some of the things you've uncovered or just move ahead in time until your meeting with the Duke in the morning.
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