Library Data - Terms

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Rider of Rohan
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Library Data - Terms

#1 Post by Leitz »

Atreo Technically, Atreo is a Theocracy (Gov D) headed by a Council of Nobles with the Nobles appointed (and removed) by the State Church. The current head of the council is a non-charismatic dictator who replaced the previous charismatic dictator (who was assassinated).

Blagy A large bovine with long, shaggy fur. Males have meter long sharp pointed horns that curve forward and out.

Cross the line Leave planetary atmosphere and be in space.

FarPort Distant port for extremely large ships, and those concerned with local politics. Atrean and Confed 5KdT+ meet and greet at FarPort.

Greega A high fiber, high calorie, fruit that grows on short, bushy trees. There are several distinct varieties; both taste and color can be vastly different.

Guide Members of The Guide believe they fight for the Creator and as the Sword of The Creator. They believe that they cannot ultimately be killed ... They are semi-protected from harm, and if killed in battle before the mission is completed, they will be instantly reborn into a new body as an infant to continue the battle. Only when the Creator says that they are finished, will they cross over to the other side.

HighPort Civilian orbital space port.

Lacar Laser carbine. Standard Marine and Guide weapon.

MilPort Military port, a day at M-1 from HighPort.

People of Blood A term used by some nobles to describe the nobility.

Protector A licensed bodyguard.

qana Dark brown hot steeped drink. (coffee) Don't gulp the blend from the desert tribes.

Sangrean Games A five sport (riding, rifle, fencing, swimming, and hand to hand combatives) competition. Mostly for pre-adults.

Sangrean Colors Brown (Riding), Black (Rifle), Steel Grey (Fencing), Blue (Swimming), and Red (Hand to Hand Combatives).

Sangrean Symbol Five equilateral triangles spaced in a circle. The three sides represent body, mind, and spirit.

Sangrean Victory Diamond A four point shape with equidistant, concave, sides. It represents the Sangrean
triangle with the added element of success.

Star Confederation The Star Confederation's strength in industry has led to an opulence not seen for centuries. Alssijn, Barid, and Waqa have created an industrial and bureaucratic operation second to none in known space. Money flows freely and the wealthy can be seen often but never touched. Law rules in SC space; law makes commerce and wealth possible. It can also stifle individuals, creativity, and nonconformists. Those with wealth and different preferences can indulge in travel to places like Saorsa; places where Confed law does not rule and one can generally buy oneself out of trouble. A place where rumors do not return home.

Wheeler A vehicle that contacts the surface with rotating circular wheels. Supplanted by gravity reduced vehicles, wheelers are useful in lower technology environments where portable energy production is limited.
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