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Night of the Walking Dead P.C's

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:53 pm
by tarlyn
Here you will submit/put your p.c's

Re: Night of the Walking Dead P.C's

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 5:12 pm
by Rex

Half Orc Fighter/Specialty Priest (Fire), Wanderer kit

Atar can pass as a human at a quick glance, he wears the hood of his cloak up in most situations unless he his expecting combat. He is tall (just over 6 feet) and very powerfully built (near 300 lbs of all muscle). In darker conditions or by fire light he appears to have a medium dark complexion (think Persian), in day light it is more of a yellowish tint. The wears his brown hair and beard unkempt and medium length. His most startling feature is his yellow eyes, they reflect fire and moon light. His clothing and equipment is worn and well used, showing the marks of frequent encounters with embers of fire. He carries little and appears to be a well armed worn wanderer.

Wears a splint mail, worn clothing of leather and wool, and carries a katana, Wakizashi, and tanto. His equipment and accent places him from a far eastern place, but he doesn't talk much of his past.

Re: Night of the Walking Dead P.C's

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 8:21 pm
by shaidar

Human Fighter

Loretta looks to be in her early twenties, with blue eyes and long blonde hair, which is usually tied back in a ponytail. She has a muscled build and above average height. She wears some kind of uniform: stout boots, clothes, banded mail and a tabard (now grubby) with a badger symbol upon it. At her side is a long sword and short sword and she has a a bow over her shoulder.

Loretta tells a little of her story...

Her family were Millers, but she joined the guard in the small town she grew up in, a place called Badger's Dell in the County of Ulek (which some might recognise as being in the world of Greyhawk). She was dragged into Ravenloft when the group of guards she was with were attacked by a pack of wolves while out searching for a missing farmers wife, she was the only one that survived.

Loretta is a country girl, with a lilt to her voice. She is friendly and open, with a quick smile, but is not afraid to get tough when needed. She was a guard, but think small town america, not big city.

She is primarily a melee fighter, wielding long sword and short sword, but she is also pretty effective with the short bow she carries. She arrived with literally just what she was carrying, but has managed to pick up a few essentials since then.

This is more or less what she looks like, although with long blond hair (wielding a long and short sword)

Re: Night of the Walking Dead P.C's

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2019 1:29 am
by GreyWolfVT

Half-Elf - Fighter

He is about six feet in height, with a medium-large frame. He has tan skin, green eyes, and a red beard. His long hair is of the same color. He has deep, brooding eyes. Fendt is usually calm and honest. Though he doesn't have the expected look for a half-elf he could easily pass as human. He seldom lies, only when imperative to his survival.

Eight months ago, Fendt received news that he had inherited a keep from a distant relative on the human side of his family. When Fendt was on his way to claim his inheritance, he was captured by brigands on a road near Barovia. Fendt was kept locked and chained in a tower by the brigands, but eventually broke out. Someone came by occasionally to feed him (the dogs got more frequent and better fare than he did). Fendt has no idea what was planned for him, but now that he is free he doesn't think about it. He focuses more on trying to find those that captured and locked him up, other than that survival is his main concern.


Re: Night of the Walking Dead P.C's

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2019 3:44 am
by Lazzdar
Halfling Thief

From: Faerun, Waterdeep area.

Black short, unkempt hair, hazel eyes. Almost always has his hood up on his black cloth cloak, though his face isn't always hidden. Beneath his cloak he wears leather armor, black fingerless gloves, black leather breeches, and his feet are the usual bare, hairy feet his kin are known for. He's a bit of an introvert, not entirely trusting, but not completely closed off, either. He wears a pack on his back, and stows his short bow over his body. A quiver of arrows hangs behind him. At his side is a sheathed blade, and a small buckler strapped to his left forearm.


Re: Night of the Walking Dead P.C's

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 3:44 am
by Scott308
Sylvar Tragwyn

Elven Wizard from The Bone March region of Greyhawk

Slender and standing just over 5 feet, he has a youthful appearance. Dressed in blue robes embroidered with gold colored thread, he carries a quarterstaff inlaid with silver.
