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THAC0 posts

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 10:38 am
by Spearmint
A forum to post your THAC0 to hit and damage rolls so that the narration is not swamped with hits and misses.

for example:

Action: Glyndwr opens fire on the VC in the tree

Glyndwr LMG: BE 71% mod -10 full, -40 Cov/Cov =21% [1d100] = 3 dam [4d10+10] = 34+10 = 44
Glyndwr LMG: BE 71% mod -10 full, -40 Cov/Cov =21% [1d100] = 20 dam [4d10+10] = 24+10 = 34
Glyndwr LMG: BE 71% mod -10 full, -40 Cov/Cov =21% [1d100] = 7 dam [4d10+10] = 21+10 = 31

so though I rolled ten shots which you can trace them in the dice roller history, I have only posted the three shots that hit and did damage.

Outcome then narrated in the action post confirm, 'VC Charlie hiding in the branches takes three hits and dies being shredded before he hits the ground'.

Re: THAC0 posts

Posted: Thu Jul 11, 2019 12:49 pm
by Spearmint
181549 Glyndwr 'Oggie' Evans Tour of Duty [1d100] = 26 7/10/2019 4:45:39 PM
181548 Glyndwr 'Oggie' Evans Tour of Duty [1d100] = 81 7/10/2019 4:45:10 PM
181547 Glyndwr 'Oggie' Evans Tour of Duty [1d100] = 78 7/10/2019 4:44:02 PM
181546 Glyndwr 'Oggie' Evans Tour of Duty [1d100] = 56 7/10/2019 4:43:38 PM
181545 Glyndwr 'Oggie' Evans Tour of Duty [1d100] = 8 7/10/2019 4:42:54 PM
181544 Glyndwr 'Oggie' Evans Tour of Duty [1d100] = 79 7/10/2019 4:42:12 PM
181543 Glyndwr 'Oggie' Evans Tour of Duty [1d100] = 26 7/10/2019 4:41:45 PM
181542 Glyndwr 'Oggie' Evans Tour of Duty [1d100] = 43 7/10/2019 4:37:48 PM
181541 Glyndwr 'Oggie' Evans Tour of Duty [1d100] = 18 7/10/2019 4:37:18 PM
181540 Glyndwr 'Oggie' Evans Tour of Duty [1d100] = 8

Re: THAC0 posts

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 6:35 pm
by Spearmint
Roll to confirm Rayburn and James climb to the foxholes without mishap.

Falling on the falls James vs 57 / 70 Ray 40 / 60. [1d100]=97 [1d100]=18 [1d100]=49 [1d100]=23

Both slip due to Alertness fails but grasp vines to hold on with successful Agility rolls.

Re: THAC0 posts

Posted: Sat May 22, 2021 1:45 am
by Spearmint

Re: THAC0 posts

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 9:55 pm
by Leitz

Diego Full Auto [1d100]=20[1d100]=4[1d100]=9[1d100]=81[1d100]=27

I think only the 4 might hit, and that's assuming a 5% or less always hits. Diego's M-15 is 35% normally, and he's going for the VC machine gunners. If the 9, or any of the other rolls hits, let me know.

M-16 Damage [4d10+5]=29+5=34

Re: THAC0 posts

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 12:52 pm
by Leitz
Diego Cross Bridge

Both fails.
Agl, Agl @42 [1d100]=83[1d100]=65