House Rules/Modifications

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Rider of Rohan
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House Rules/Modifications

#1 Post by max_vale »

Thread for house rules/modifications; etc.

First Rule Mod: Any Alien PCs may have an attribute as low as 1D+1 or as high as 4D+2; this MAY change some of the stats of the characters Templates in the Rulebook (i.e. the Wookie's Strength of 5D will need to be lowered by at least 1 pip)

Second Rule Mod: All PCs attributes must still add up to 18D and starting skills add up to 7D; HOWEVER; you can arrange the stats as you like (though, please keep SOMEWHAT to theme....i.e. having a low MECH Smuggler or a High TECH Aristocrat probably doesn't make much sense). Also; the initial 7D may be broken up into "pips" for placement on Skills (though the max any skill can be raised at character creation time is still 2D)

Third House Rule: Spending a Force Point raises all Attributes and Skills by 3D for 1 round. (I.e. a character with DEX 2D+1 and Dodge: 3D+2 would have these raised to 5D+1 and 6D+2 respectively when spending a Force Point)

Fourth House Rule: When declaring actions for a round; declarations are given in the order of Lowest PER score to highest.....and then resolved in opposite order. Ties go to the PC. Note: Dodges (and Parries, Evasions, Shields, etc.) act OUTSIDE of the 'initiative' order (I.e. they are ALWAYS in effect if declared)

More to come....(but nothing crazy!)
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Re: House Rules/Modifications

#2 Post by max_vale »

Okay here's an example of a character sheet I drew up in the past.....the main thing to take away is the skills under the attributes; I'll go over a couple that might be unfamiliar and please let me know if you have any questions/issues.





DEX: Blaster; Brawling Parry; Dodge; Launcher Weapons; Lightsaber; Melee Weapons; Melee Parry; Slugthrowers; Thrown Weapons

KNO: Bureaucracy; Alien Cultures; Languages; Medicine; Planetary Systems; Streetwise; Survival; Tactics; Technology

MECH: Animal Handling/Riding; Astrogation; Repulsorlift Operation; Shields; Starship Piloting; Systems Op.(Sensors & Comms); Gunnery; Walker Operation; Wheeled Vehicle Operation

PER: Bargain; Con; Gambling; Hide/Sneak; Leadership; Persuasion; Search

STR: Brawling; Climbing/Jumping; Lifting; Stamina; Swimming; Running

TECH: Computer Operation; Computer Repair; Demolition; Equipment Repair;
Repulsorlift Repair; Secruity; Starship Repair; Walker Repair-

WOUND STATUS: Grazed; Wounded; Incapacitated; Mortally Wounded
STUN STATUS: Glancing Blow; Light Stun; Unconscious; Unconscious & Wounded






Okay; quick notes on some skills: Launcher Weapons covers things like grenade launchers, missile launchers & grapnel launchers; Melee Weapons covers Bows and Crossbows; Thrown Weapons covers thrown blades, grenades, etc.; Repulsorlift Operation covers Land-, Air- and Sea- speeders/skimmers and all hovercraft, etc.; Gunnery covers any weapon mounted to a vehicle or a tripod (NOT a bipod) i.e. Heavy Repeat Blasters, X-wing cannons, Star Destroyer Turbolasers, etc.; Computer Operation handles using computers to find info, hack into data-files and program them.

Any other questions about skills?

Wound and Stun Status (Used for weapons set on stun or Brawling combat) are as per the books except:

GRAZED and GLANCING BLOW are the results if the STR roll is greater than the damage roll. In both cases they mean the next actions taken by the character so hit are at -2 (not -2D, just -2) (i.e. either later that round if that character has not acted yet; or the following round). There is NO carry-over effect. A second or more GRAZE/GLANCING BLOW result in the round moves the damage up to WOUNDED or LIGHT STUN.

LIGHT STUN: The character remains conscious; but falls prone and can take no actions for the next 2 rounds (either beginning with actions later that round if actions not taken yet; or the following 2 rounds if actions have already occurred.) After this point; actions can be taken normally at -1D for the next 2d6 minutes.

UNCONSCIOUS: The character is out for 4d6 minutes. After coming too; the character is at -1D for all actions for the next hour.

UNCONSCIOUS & WOUNDED: As above; except the character is also WOUNDED and suffer all the results of the WOUND status as per the book.

This clear as mud to everybody? :)

Last edited by max_vale on Sat Jan 01, 2022 1:51 am, edited 3 times in total.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: House Rules/Modifications

#3 Post by max_vale »

Starship/Vehicle Combat:

Okay; a few things about combat in Starships and Vehicles.....first thing is Scale. I use 3 scales in my games; Personal; Vehicle and Capital.

Personal basically covers people....Wookies, Humans, Mon Calamari, Bothans, whatever. REALLY big races might be covered by Vehicle would animal/creatures like Rancors.

Vehicle covers anything from a Speeder Bike to ships up to 100 meters in size. This should pretty much cover about 90% of the fights that will occur in these games.....X-Wings, TIE Fighters, AT-ATs, Light Freighters, etc.

Capital scale is basically for the really big ships: Escort Frigates, Star Destroyers, Star Cruisers, etc.

When fights break out with different scales involved (i.e. Personal vs. Speeder or X-wing vs. Escort Frigate, etc.); the the Dice differential is +/- 4D and the to-hit modifier is +/- 10. In other words:

The smaller scale gets a +10 bonus to hit the larger scale; but a -4D to damage. The larger scale gets this in reverse.

Example: Joe's Blaster Rife does 5D+1 damage to Personal Scale targets. When he shoots it at a Speeder; he rolls 1D+1. (Exception: Called shots can add +1D to damage....but they add +10 to the difficulty number). Joe's difficulty number is lowered by 10 when attempting to hit the larger target.

Imperial Schmo is driving the Speeder and firing an attached Blaster Cannon at Joe. The Blaster Cannon normally does 3D+2 to vehicle scale targets. It will add +4D damage to Personal scale targets and thus do 7D+2 if a hit is scored on Joe. However; due to Joe's small size and swiftness; the difficulty to hit him translates to 10 points higher than normal. (Example; a short range shot is normally Difficulty 10; now it is 20).

(Note: Many Vehicles utilize area-effect weapons like grenades or rockets or Blaster Artillery or even personal-scale weapons like Repeat Blasters to better take on Personal-scale foes)

Some other notes:

One of the criticisms of the d6 System is the "Bucket of dice" issue; where players have to roll a great heap of dice whenever actions are attempted. This is perhaps no-where more evident than in Vehicle combat. Going by the book; many codes for Vehicles such as Speed, Maneuverability and Fire Control are added to the PCs skills (Piloting, Gunnery) and with a range of typically 1D to 6D; even beginning level characters are frequently rolling 8, 9, 10 or more dice. To cut-down on this; I have lowered these codes to a rating of 0 thru +2D in all 3 of these areas. This will explain the difference between some of my vehicle stats and those in the books.

For a quick note on how this measures out; here you go (This is for Speed):

0: Something that is so slow or ponderous as to not really impact other vehicles actions towards it; an example would be the Death Star.

+1: Large Capital ships like Star Destroyers and Star Cruisers and Super Transports

+2: Smaller Capital ships like Frigates and Bulk Transports

+1D: Typical Light Freighters and Shuttles and Patrol Boats and Assault Fighters like the B-Wing or TIE Bombers

+1D+1: Older or slower Star Fighters like Y-Wings or Z-95 Headhunters; Space Yachts; Souped-up Freighters (Like the Millennium Falcon

+1D+2: Most current Starfighters like X-Wings or TIE Fighters; Scout Ships

+2D: Fastest speeds currently possible: A-Wings and TIE Interceptors

For options of what characters can do in Vehicle Combat:

Piloting: This skill can be used to attempt to get closer to or farther away from other vehicles. The pilot will roll his Piloting skill dice along with a bonus equal to the vehicle's Speed rating.

Also; the Piloting skill will be used for Evasion Dodging in personal combat; there are two versions of Evasion and both circumvent Initiative (i.e. it doesn't matter who goes first; the Evasion rolls still impact any attacks). There is Quick Evasion; which calls for a roll of the Pilot skill plus the Maneuverability rating of the ship and counts as 1 action (and therefore allows the Pilot to attempt other actions that smae round).....this roll will become the new Difficulty number opponents use (which may actually make it easier to hit if the roll is a low one) or Full Evasion; which is the only action possible that round for the Pilot; but the roll made (again: Piloting skill + Ship's maneuverability rating) is added to the Difficulty number and this becomes the new target number for opponents to hit.

Gunnery: Used to fire weapons at opponents; this sill is used along with any added Fire Control rating to attempt to hit chosen opponents.

Shields: Shields can be used in one of two ways. The first is as a static defense; they are turned on and left alone. When left alone; they cover the entire vehicle and the rating is added to the Hull/Body rating to resist damage when a hit is scored. (I.e. an X-Wing with 1D shields and 4D Hull is hit by a TIE fighter's Twin laser cannons. The Damage roll (5D) is rolled against the X-wing's 4D Hull +1D shields for (5D) to determine what damage is scored. When used this way; after each hit; 1D is subtracted from the Shield rating.

Shields may also be ANGLED. This requires a skill roll utilizing the SHIELDS skill (+ the vehicle's Shield rating) and the difficulty number is determined by the range of the ship that just fired the hit. (Difficulty 20 for ships at short range; 15 for Medium range and 10 for Long range). If the skill roll succeeds; the shields were angled correctly and some of the damage was Deflected; i.e. a Normal Damage roll vs. Ship's Hull and Shield rating is made; but afterwards only 1 pip of Shields is subtracted from the Ship's shield rating. The down side is that if the Shield skill attempt is failed; the Shields were angled poorly and NO shield rating is added to resist the damage (however, the Shield rating doesn't go down).

Systems Operation: Sensors reflects the power and accuracy of the on-board scanners and will work automatically (basically GM fiat) or can be concentrated by somewhat at the controls for more detailed searches and analysis of certain situations. (Planet's atmosphere and life readings; details of Ships; etc.) Note Certain craft and natural phenomena carry equipment that can Jam sensors.

Comms is also covered under the Systems Operation skill and this utilizes the vehicles communications arrays to attempt to contact other ships/planets/stations/etc. and again; short-range contact between vehicles not attempting to avoid contact with each other is automatic as long as the equipment is working. However at long ranges or in certain phenomena rolls may be called for and just like Sensors; Comms can be jammed by special equipment.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: House Rules/Modifications

#4 Post by max_vale »

Some Rules Q&A:

1. 'Can I spend Force points for others': No, these are meant only for your own character's actions; sorry!

2. To clarify what Force Points actually do, mechanically: for 1 round all skills and attributes are boosted by +3D.

Example: Joe the Jedi is in a lightsaber duel with Seth the Sith.....he spends a Force Point and for one round his Lightsaber skill jumps from 4D to 7D and his Melee Parry skill which is just his default DEX attribute rating of 2D+2 jumps to 5D+2. In that round, Joe decides to Parry any attacks by using his Melee Parry skill and to use his Lightsaber in a swing at Seth. This is 2 actions, so his rolls for each will be reduced by -1D (this is standard rules...-1D for every action taken after the first..i.e. if you only do 1 thing, you roll full dice, if you do 2 things they will both be at -1D, if you do 3 things they are all at -2D, etc.).....

His Melee Parry roll will be made at 4D+2 (5D+2 with Force Point -1D for 2 actions) and this results in a 16. This 16 will now be the Difficulty number Seth has to beat to hit Joe with his Lightsaber. In addition; if Seth rolls 5 less than the attack number, Joe will get a +1D to hit Seth next round as the parry pushed the weapon out of the way and left the opponent a bit 'open' next round for a follow up strike. If he rolls 10 less; Joe gets the +1D to hit him AND he disarms his foe.

Seth's attack roll is a 14, so Joe blocked it...but does NOT disarm his opponent or get a bonus to hit him next turn....bummer....

Seth then rolls 6D for his Lightsaber attack (4D in skill +3D for Force Point, -1D for 2 actions) and he gets a 22. This is more than 10 over his required Difficulty number of 10; so Joe hits AND he will add +1D to the damage as he lands a TELLING blow...

3. Defensive skills: Dodge, Brawling Parry, Melee Parry and Driving/Piloting skills

-In combat you can decide to employ one or more of the Defensive skills mentioned above. Dodge is ducking, juking, weaving, diving, rolling, etc. to avoid being hit (by anything...i.e. this skill can be used when shot at, when swung at with fists or weapons, etc.); the Parry skills are for blocking attacks; either with arms, legs etc. vs. hand-to-hand attacks (Brawling Parry) or with a hand-held weapon or shield (Melee Parry) vs. hand-held/thrown weapons. The Driving (or Piloting skills) are likewise used to Dodge attacks when in a moving vehicle.

Why have both Dodge and Parry? Dodge will either avoid an attack or not....Parry can Block an attack and if the roll is high enough (5 or more higher than the attack roll it parried); it can give the person who made the Parry a bonus to hit the attacker he parried in the next round; and if it's REALLY high enough (10 or more over the attack roll it parried); it will disarm the weapon from the attacker (in Melee Brawling Combat it means you pushed the opponent down/back far enough that they can't make any attacks the following round).

Two choices of Dodge/Parry/Evasion (Evasion is using the Driving/Piloting skill to avoid enemy fire while driving/flying a vehicle): When a character opts to use one of the Defensive skills; they have 2 choices....either a 'Quick' Dodge/Parry/Evade or a 'Full' Dodge/Parry/Evade. If using a 'Full' Dodge/Parry/Evade; the character rolls the skill dice and adds the total result to the Difficulty number needed to hit him by an NPCs attacking him. (I.e. Player Z knows he's going to be shot at by 3 Stormtroopers so he decides to use a Full Dodge. The Imperials are at short range, which is normally a difficulty number of 10 needed to hit Player Z. The player decides to full dodge though; so he rolls his Dodge dice and gets a result of 11. This is added to the Difficulty number, so now the Stormtroopers need a 21 to hit him.

If using a Full Dodge/Parry/Evasion, the player choosing this option can take NO other actions that round.

If using a Quick Dodge/Parry/Evasion; the character may take other actions as desired (i.e. the Player chooses to shoot once and Quick Dodge any return fire once....this lowers both actions' skill dice by 1D per standard rules); and the Dodge/Parry/Evasion dice roll result is used as the new Difficulty number to hit.....even if it's worse than the default Difficulty number to hit. (The character ducked/dodged the wrong way, etc.) Example: Player V decides to have her character Quick Dodge once and shoot once as she knows she's going to be shot at by a Bounty Hunter at Medium range. She rolls her skill dice (reduced by -1D due to taking two actions this round) and her Dodge roll comes up a 12....this is worse than the default Medium range Difficulty of 15 but it is now the number to beat by the Bounty Hunter....but the choice DID allow her to get a shot off as well.
Rider of Rohan
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Re: House Rules/Modifications

#5 Post by max_vale »


Here's a few options characters can take in combat if they so choose:

1. 'Called Shots'; In general this is stating that your character is aiming for a specific part of a target, usually to either do more damage (shot to the head/chest/etc.) or to try to achieve something like 'shooting the button to shut the door across the corridor 15 meters away' or something of the like. In both cases, the Difficulty number is raised by a Short range shot with a Difficulty number of 10 now becomes a 20, etc. If a called shot lands that is intended to cause more damage, add +1D or +5 to the final total of the Damage roll (player's choice). This DOES stack with the bonus +1D to damage if the attack roll is 10 or more higher than the Difficulty number. Example: Rob the Rebel decides to shoot the annoying Imperial officer in the face, so he states that he's making a called shot to the Imperial's head. The range is Medium, so the Difficulty number jumps from 15 to 25. Rob is quite the marksman however, and he rolls his Blaster skill of 7D+2 and he gets a 27, so he has the choice to either raise his Blaster Carbine's Damage roll of 5D to 6D or to add a flat +5 to the final tally of the 5D damage roll. He chooses the latter and he rolls an 18 on the 5D damage roll and that now becomes a 23. The Imperial's STR roll to resist the damage is an 11, so his damage roll is twice the STR roll, so the Imperial Officer is Incapacitated. If the range had been Short and the Difficulty number 10; the attack roll of 27 (which is obviously more than 10 higher than the Difficulty number of 10) would have netted a +1D to the damage roll for that AND gotten either a +1D (for a total of +2D) or a +5 to the final Damage roll....i.e. Rob could have rolled 7D for the Carbine's Damage roll or 6D and +5 to the final total. Called Shots can be used by weapons of any kind AND in hand-to-hand brawling attacks.

2. Aimed Shots: Aimed Shots are when a character does nothing except point a weapon at the same target for an entire round. The following round, or rounds...however long the weapon is trained on the visible target; the first shot fired at that target get a +1D or +5 to the attack roll bonus to hit. Note that if using a Scope (see Blasters section in equipment) the Range Change takes one round, but BOTH occur if the Aiming takes 2+ rounds. In other words, if Betsy the Bounty Hunter is aiming at a Smuggler at long range for 1 round with her Blaster Rifle equipped with a Scope, then if she chooses to fire the next round, that first shot she can choose to either use the Scope bonus of causing the Range to drop of long range to medium range OR to gain a +1D or +5 to her Blaster skill roll to hit the target. If she is able to aim for 2 whole rounds using the scoped Blaster Rifle, she gains BOTH benefits. Aimed Shots CAN also be Called Shots (see above)......and SOME melee weapons can be aimed (i.e. Bows, Crossbows, thrown weapons, etc.) but NOT hand to hand Brawling attacks or Melee weapon attacks such as Swords, Lightsabers, etc.

3. Suppressing Fire/Pinning a target down: A character who is holding a weapon capable of firing at least 5 times a round (i.e. a Blaster with at least 5 shots in its powerpack; a semi-auto or submachinegun slug-throwers, etc. but NOT a Black-Powder Rifle for example); can just unload a lot of shots at a target(s) in an attempt to just make them duck-down, stay in cover, etc. If they choose to do this, they can take NO OTHER ACTIONS that round; they must expend at least 5 shots from their weapon (2 bursts from a Repeat Blaster of either type) and declare their target(s). Any non burst-firing weapon can suppress 1 or 2 people in a 3 meter area. In essence, they unload a lot of fire on the declared area (which can't be at more than Medium Range) and anyone in that area must make a PER roll against a Difficulty number dependent on the type of weapon used (10 if Pistol/Carbine/Rifle of any kind; 15 if SMG; 20 if Repeat Blaster)...this roll does NOT count against any actions taken in that round. If the target passes the roll, they may take actions as they choose; if they fail, they can do nothing other than hunker down and perhaps converse with those nearby. The following round they may take actions as they choose...and even if they fail, they can take actions that do NOT expose them to the suppressing fire such as lobbing grenades at unseen foes or belly crawling to a new location (Difficulty numbers modified per GM discretion). If they pass and choose an action that might expose them to the fire coming their way; the person doing the firing must make a hit roll at -2D to see if they hit the target(s) they are suppressing.
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: House Rules/Modifications

#6 Post by max_vale »

Improving Skills:

At the end of adventures, characters will earn Skill Points. These are spent to improve skill and it works like this:

You can improve a skill by up to 1D (or 3 pips) and it costs a number of skill points equal to the number before the D to increase by 1 pip. For example; if Joe has Blaster 4D+1, he can improve the skill by +1 pip to 4D+2 for a cost of 4 skill points. If Joe has earned 13 skill points, he could choose to improve the skill a full 3 pips (or +1D) as follows: 4 Skill points to go from 4D+1 to 4D+2; Four more skill points to go from 4D+2 to 5D; and then finally 5 skill points to go to 5D+1. Or he could choose to just spent either 4 skill points to improve by +1 pip; or 8 Skill Points to improve by +2 pips.

For Jedi Characters; with GM approval it costs 5 Skill Points to gain one of the basic Jedi Skills (Control, Sense, Alter) at 1D. It also costs 5 Skill Points to gain a new Force Power (must have the associated Jedi Skill; i.e. to gain the Control Power: Lightsaber Combat; the Jedi must have the Control skill); again with GM approval.
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