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Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2019 11:27 am
by wolfpack
In the beginning the world was a barren unknown rock. Then the great god Poseidon saw through the veil that surrounded the world. Intrigued he stepped through into a great crater. As he stood and looked across the barren land he began to weep, never before had he seen a world barren of water.

As his cold tears hit the ground they began to gather around his feet. Eventually the crater was turned into a great lake, and as it overflowed his tears ran across the surface of the world carving river, seas, and oceans. Soon the once barren land was awash in water, and from that water sprang plants, and eventually animals and man.
Poseidon looked upon this new world and smiled.

The events passing also caught the attention of some other powers
Corellen Lorethian looked upon the new world and saw man climb from the fresh waters, he became jealous “How can there be a world with man where my elves are not there to teach them the truth of beauty and music.” Reaching out he planted his people upon the new world.

Moradin noticed Corellen’s activities “How can there be a world were the mountains are not mined by my dwarves.” Reaching out he planted in dwarves in the great mountain.

Grumsh looked on in fury “Yet again the elves and dwarves overrun a world while trying to leave my poor orcs behind.” Reaching out he sprinkled orcs and hobgoblins across the face of the world.

Seeing this Poseidon became angry. “This is my creation the other gods have no place here.” Using his power he boosted the veil over the world with powerful magic, blocking it from the site of the other gods. Yet those who had already seen in could not be blocked. However they told no others so they could keep the power to themselves.

Satisfied Poseidon withdrew into his great lake to set about creating his undersea kingdoms not to be bothered by gods or man.

The Turning

For 8,000 years Man, Elf, and Dwarf lived in the world together, Elves taught men the basics of magic which they knew, and dwarves taught them of the earth and stone.

Then men discovered the power that radiated from Poseidon’s veil. The most powerful magi among them began tapping into it and harnessing its raw magic. With no deities to speak of the people began to see these men as gods.

These men welcomed it, they used their great resources and powerful raw magic to build great cities and shape the land around them.

Seeing this the dwarves sealed themselves in their great mountain, uneasy with the magic power they were witnessing. The elves also began to withdraw to their forests fearing what these new human godkings were capable of.

Then it came to pass that the greatest of these human godkings, Dereious, became able to peer through the veil. On the other side he saw great planes of existence. He saw gods walking in the great hunting grounds, and feasting in their great halls.

“Why do I not dwell in such a place? Am I not a god, do I not have the power to create and destroy life?”

So for 100 years he locked himself in his great Ivory keep, searching for a way to transform his world into the likeness of the planes he had seen.

Then he found it, the veil was the key. He gathered his believers to him and stood on top of his great tower. Looking to the sky he uttered the enchanted words that only he knew.

The skies darkened across the world, and winds blew a terrible gust. People began to quiver and a feeling of dread fell over the land. Then in the heavens above his tower a bright green light, as if a rift had been torn in the sky itself, the veil was pierced.

The gods were taken by surprise as a small point of light appeared in the fabric of existence where before there had been none. Mighty Odin stuck his finger into the hole and tore it asunder, revealing a thriving world that none among the gods had seen before.
A world of men, and elves, and dwarves.
A world that had grown ancient by its standards.
They saw men channeling great magical powers, and calling themselves gods.
They became angry.

They were angry that the world had been hidden from their sight.
They were angry that their influence was not sought with the worlds creation.
Most of all they were angry that mortals would dare place themselves on the same level as the gods, and they let their anger forth on the world below.

Dereious stood on his great tower looking towards the light that had appeared in the sky, his smile began to fade as the light turned red, and began to grow closer.

The great fiery boulder crashed into world, turning everything within hundreds of miles to ash. The gods let forth their rage.
Where there were once mountains there would be valleys.
Where there were forests there would be marsh.
Where there were great and powerful cities there would be nothing.

The ground trembled, shook, and heaved, it split open swallowing entire cities then closed again. The face of the world was rearranged.

Poseidon felt the wrath of the gods and did what he could to protect his world. He placed himself over the city of Starlorn that stood above his lake, he expended his energy to be sure the other gods could not reshape his seas and oceans. In anger the gods turned his beautiful Tranquil Sea into the Tumbling Sea, with constant storms and a rain of lightning from the heavens.

The great godkings of man were destroyed before the combined wrath of the heavens and for 12 long years the reign of anger continued, the Days of Darkness.

The great 5 elf tribes gathered, and all but the tribe of Garendthal took the magical cutters provided by Corellen and sailed across the Tumbling Sea to the Everlasting Isles in order to distance themselves from the world of man.

Moradin ordered his dwarves to seal their gates, and all but the Clan of the Thane Grombeard did so. Grombeard refused to lock his clan away from the world believing to do so would give the appearance that the world did not belong as much to them as it did man.

The orcs and hobgoblins of Grumsh reveled in the destruction, for to long man, dwarf, and elf had stood together against them and now was their time.

When the god’s anger finally subsided they looked upon the world, a new world from what they had first seen. Some took pity and were ashamed of their anger, some simply saw an opportunity to expand their ethos.

They all descended unto the world, to reveal themselves to man, to garner their love and affection. Thus began the time of the god wars.

As each deity attempted to expand his power in the world, man made war with man in the name of their new gods. For 100 years the world remained in turmoil until finally the most powerful and widely worshipped of the new deities solidified their foothold and the great wars ended, and the world returned to normal.

It is now 2000 AT (after the Turning)