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Saints & Cutthroats

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:51 am
by Bitter_Dice
Players can list their characters here. If you provide a picture of you character and a decent background, I will be moved to provide a bonus.

Re: Saints & Cutthroats

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:54 pm
by LtTibbles
Oddome Ramberg Human Astrologer

Oddome was born the son of a Brettonian mercenary and Imperial mother. His father had settled into his village after he had successfully led the people in eradicating a group of mutants that had long raided them. For his valiant effort he was allowed to wed the village leader's daughter, when her father had passed he would inherit his station, not too long after Oddone was born.

His childhood was hard, he had been born sickly and thin, his father wanted him to become a great warrior and would constantly drill the boy like he was a soldier. When his small body would give out his father would beat him and then his mother when she would try to protect her child. For years they would endure these tortures until Oddones 13th birthday when plague ravaged the village killing many people including his mother, the boy's father became even more savage with his punishments.

Finally after another training drill Oddone struck his father with a magical blow in self defense, accused of bringing the plague down on the village along with other innumerable misfortunes the boy was chased out by the mob running blindly into the forrest. Chance would have it that he should happen upon a middle-aged man waiting in a glade charting the stars, he called himself Hermann and he told the boy that he was drawn to the glade on this date to wait for something special and Oddome was that something.

Herrman was an Astrologer, a wizard who, he offered Oddome a chance to return with him to his order and properly study the magical arts with him as his apprentice. The boy accepted wanting to get as far away from his village and father as he could. When asked for his name full name Oddome introduced himself with his mother's maiden name, one of his first steps in killimg off any relation to his father.

Life inside the order was hard, endless toil at the bidding of any member that was his senior which was in fact every member, but Oddome enjoyed his studies learning to control the power he was gifted. Many years he spent learning what he could until he had finally proven himself trustworthy enough to travel the lands performing various tasks for his order.
Character Sheet

Re: Saints & Cutthroats

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 1:44 pm
by Quetzal
Olga Wombsplitter - Human Coachwoman

The woman shivered as she huddled in the ruined building, rain pelting down outside and leaking seemingly everywhere through the damaged roof. She pushed uncooperative strands of wet blond hair from her face and sighed as she stared at her meager meal of damp bread and a small piece of moldy cheese. “Well, at least there’s plenty to drink!”, she said to the otherwise empty room, and let out a childish giggle. She’d been in a similar situation before, though. Her face contorted as those memories flooded back – waking to her leg pinned beneath the carriage as a storm raged overhead. Her father and their passenger, dead. Four days of eating only what food she had in her pockets, supplemented with some grass and twigs that were within reach. Oh, and the one apple her dear horse Grimwild had brought to her. Yes, at least Grimwild had somehow survived. Grimwild, her only true friend.

She closed her beautiful dark brown eyes. They were a gift from her mother, or so her father told her. Unfortunately the rest of her was a “gift” from her father, she laughed to herself, especially her bushy eyebrows and rather large frame, the same large frame that led to her mother’s death during childbirth. She knew her father loved her but she also knew her father harbored a resentment towards her for the death of her mother, a resentment that would sometimes flare up when he was mad and one that she found herself sometimes instigating during her teenage years.

She was always bigger than the other kids of her age. While this led to some minor teasing, it wasn’t until those same kids learned that her large size was what had caused her own mother’s death that the teasing became relentless. They took to calling her Olga “Wombsplitter”, a name that only the cruel minds of poor, downtrodden children could conceive. She retreated inside herself, adopting a quiet, unassuming demeanor in social settings even though she was quite adept at navigating them when required. This demeanor belied her acute awareness, and her keen intellect absorbed knowledge like a sponge. She particularly enjoyed eavesdropping on stories about local folklore, with many of her favorites being about The Great War Against Chaos.

The thought of The Great War jolted her back to her current situation and the scraps of food that lay before her. As she reached for the piece of cheese, several bronze pennies spilled from her pocket. "Bronze pennies, all", she lamented. Her mind drifted again. Olga had often accompanied her father in his work as a coachman, eventually gaining enough experience to take on a role of her own. The horses became like family to her, and they always listened to her innermost thoughts without judgement. She also learned her father’s savvy business skills and the value of money. Whether during good times or bad she found herself wanting more in life, always open to making a quick coin whenever the opportunity presented itself. In time some measure of success found its way to them, and life was good considering their still lowly station.

That was all before the accident, of course. She had been found by a monk and taken to a local monastery, where she was healed except for her shattered left foot which they had been forced to remove. Devastated by the loss of her father and her own disfigurement, Olga lapsed into a bout of severe melancholy. Fearing she might take her own life, the monks kept close watch on her by day and tied her to her bed at night. She became increasingly unstable. One night, after several days of refusing to eat, a “Vision of God” appeared to her and told her she still had much of His work to do in this life. Afterwards her physical and mental health seemed to return quickly, and she began dedicating her life to spreading the word of God.

Olga finished her meal focused on the present. “God will provide”, she mused, “even if I need to help Him out a little bit.”

No one was around to take notice of the slight touch of madness that flashed through her eyes.
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