House Rules

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House Rules

#1 Post by sonofotho »


Crits & Fumbles: Rules as Written

Pushing the Roll: TBD

Spells (clarifications)

Create Portal: It takes 2 minutes to carve the rune. You can try and shave it to 1 minute by making a luck roll, if you want. Additionally, if the original rune was drawn more than 24 hours earlier, you need to make a luck roll to ensure it is still entact, etc. Possibly with a positive or negative die, depending on where the rune was made, e.g. secret place vs. high traffic area, etc. Wait until you carve the second rune before declaring the PL and making the Willpower check.

Summoning: If you are to summon a specific type of creature (assuming one within 'reasonable' range), you must take time to make an appropriate summoning circle, etc. The creature would then be bound therein for an amount of time (TBD), or until you release it from the circle (under your control or not - see below). Such a summoning circle couldn't be made out in the rain. Therefore, casting the spell without the appropriate summoning circle, would bring forth (if successful) a random creature appropriate for the area and of the specified HD. It doesn't say in the rules anything regarding control, but I would require a separate Willpower check to assert control. This would then be treated similarly to the traditional 'charm' spell, e.g. will obey commands (protect, etc.) that don't obviously cause intentional self-harm, etc. As for time under control, after each hour make a Luck check. If you fail, you need to make another WP check or lose control.
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