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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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#1 Post by thirdkingdom »

The Grand Duchy of Karameikos is a relatively isolated and rural nation. The natives are known as Traladarans, and have dwelt here for centuries in relative isolation. The past century or so saw Karameikos invaded and ruled by the Thyatian Empire to the east. Thirty years ago Stefan Karameikos traded his ancestral lands in Thyatia for the rulership of Karameikos, and relative autonomy from the Thyatians. He brought with him a number of Thyatian settlers, both nobles and common folk. The Thyatians and Traladarans currently exist in a sort of stable detente, although tensions can and do occasionally bubble up to the surface.

Traladaran characters tend to have names with strong Eastern European or Balkan sounds; Thyatian characters have names inspired by Rome and Byzantium.

There are three major churches in Karameikos: the Church of Karameikos, the Church of Traladara and the Cult of Halav. The Church of Karameikos is basically the Church of Thyatis reskinned to try and appeal to local Traladarans. although only about 20% of the population follows it. There are a number of Immortal patrons worshipped by its adherents. The Church of Karameikos is the largest religion, followed by some 70% of the population, and has three Traladaran heroes as its patrons: Halav, Petra and Zirchev. The Cult of Halav is small but fervent. They believe that Duke Stefan is the re-incarnated spirit of the great Immortal Halav.
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