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Drown'd Bride

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 5:25 am
by Tamerlaine
The cries of your names bring each of you to the deck as the Drown’d Bride plows through the sea. The swaggering swashbuckler, infamous smuggler, and occasional pirate and privateer eyes your presence and gives an easy wolfish grin. Captain Ral Tessario is quite the figure with his faded and worn half-jacket left open in the front, rows of tarnished gold buttons still adorning the turn back facings. An officer’s coat for sure, of which navy is a mystery. His handsome swarthy looks, complete with the pointed black beard and gold rings in both ears, lend him an air of bravado as he approaches his paying customers.

With one bejeweled hand resting on the hilt of a heavy cutlass resting at his side, Tessario tilts his head, his white teeth gleaming under the thing curling moustache.

“Ah! You’re up on deck, wonderful!” The captain of the Drown’d Bride gestures to port close to the bow. “There is your destination…the island you paid me so generously to provide transport.”

Each of you turn to look toward to where he was pointing, a fog shrouded mass off into the horizon. Somewhere inside this nebulous mass, you can barely discern a faint reddish glow within. “It has many names in many tongues but these days it is called the Island of the Forgotten Gods. I’ve heard it is quite appropos, but I would not know personally myself.”

With a sharp eye about his vessel, he quickly turns and barks out in a voice of command. “Ruddan! Belay that line! Urric, blast your crossed eyes, get ye aloft and tighten that sheet yonder!”

Turning back to you, the captain’s fierce aspect dissolves once more into a genial mien, his roguish smile returning. “A drink, perhaps? Who’s for a cup of grog? It’s been a tense voyage and we’e near the end of it. ‘M sure you have questions and you’ve caught me in a good mood for giving answers, insofar as I may provide such. Let us retire to my quarters, eh?”

With that, Tessario turns and you follow him down into the captain’s quarters located aft. Rummaging through a cabinet, the crafty rogue of the sea turns with an jug and with a lod pop of the cork being pulled away, he sloshes the contents into your cups.

“A toast, my brave souls. To gold and glory! Or, if the gods will it, a quick death…”

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2018 12:50 pm
by shaidar
Xenos stands on the deck of the ship, strong hands gripping the rail and his cloak wrapped around his body to fend off the wind and protect his weapons and armour from the salt spray, which speckles his dark hair and beard. The smell of the sea sends his thoughts back to the first time he was aboard the Bride, his escape from Zambaala. After a lifetime of living in the desert the ocean was exceedingly strange to him and the sea-sickness for the first few days of the journey was a very unpleasant experience. That was over a year and a half ago, although it seems a lifetime to him, his life has changed so much. Not such much that he still doesn't occasionally get that nightmare, the one where he is captured by his father and used in his necromantic experiments, always ending in him being trapped in his own decaying corpse, a puppet of his fathers twisted will. He shudders at the thought and at the same time the captain calls out, bringing him back to the present.

His gaze follows the captains direction and he studies the mist shrouded island. He was brought up to be self-reliant, and he still he finds it difficult to trust others, but he does trust his companion. Their actions since meeting has proven their reliability, and friendship, many times.

When the captain mentions grog, Xenos nods and follows him below decks. As he walks he considers his future, hoping that the island will provide the power and wealth he needs to never have to worry about his father again. And if he dies on the island, at least he dies free.

Once in the captains quarters he takes the proffered glass and joins in the toast "For gold and glory!" and takes a drink from the glass, before speaking

"As usual your crew are the best on the sea, here's also to a safe arrival at the island and a safe journey home for you and your men". he downs the rest of the drink and places the glass on the desk.

"So, Captain, what can you tell us of what we will find when we get to the island? There must be some kind of basic settlement at the arrival point, no?

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 4:51 am
by Tamerlaine
[quote="shaidar""So, Captain, what can you tell us of what we will find when we get to the island? There must be some kind of basic settlement at the arrival point, no?[/quote]

Ral rummages around his desk and throws down a piece of parchment and a stick of charcoal. The smuggler talks while he draws an outline of an island and some names of its features. "There's only one settlement where we're going lad, and that's Port Grimsand, or just Grimsand. An old ruin it was, ancient and abandoned until one day a colony popped up. There's a co-called governor, Lord Greystone, who runs the place. He has a small army of mercenaries called the Hell Hounds to keep the place safe from the lizard-folk and all else. There isn't anywhere else worth mentioning as mountains and sheer cliff ring the whole blasted island. You want to get into the island proper, then you go through the gate at Grimsand with the governor's blessing."


Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:11 am
by shaidar
Xenos takes in the map.. "Hmm, so how big a population does Grimsand have, how do you go about getting the Governer's blessing and apart from Lizard-men what else has been spotted on the island?"... he pauses, realising he was letting his thoughts run away from him.

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:25 am
by Tamerlaine
shaidar wrote:"Hmm, so how big a population does Grimsand have, how do you go about getting the Governer's blessing and apart from Lizard-men what else has been spotted on the island?"[/dialog]
Raf takes a moment to stroke his beard as he thinks. "I'd say anywhere from four to six hundred souls. As for the guv'nor's blessing..." The old rogue laughs. "Ye've got law and order, of a sorts...murder, theft, arson and such are forbidden. But there are two laws that stand above all else and applies to everyone. First, if the colony is attacked, all able-bodied men and women are legally required to defend the walls of the settlement. Refusal to do so is punishable by death by public execution. Second, all trade goods and treasures brought back are subject to a fifty percent tax. Yes, fifty percent. While quite a bit goes into the Guv'nor's coffers, a good bit of it goes into the colony; making new buildings, maintaining the guards and such and so on. If you're caught withholding, you forfeit everything. If you are still adamant about exploring the island, you'll have to sign the papers agreeing to all this. Oh, His Lordship is very much into all that legal crap, with his clerk and making wax seals with his signet ring. Once the ink of your signatures dry, you'e got his bloody blessing."

Raf takes another long drink, slamming his goblet down before filling it back up. "I've never had the pleasure of exploring the island. Hell, I have never journeyed further than the edge of the wharf. The place is bad luck to me, so I don't linger or partake of the colony's substantial vices. But I've heard tales from other sailors and those adventurers that I have taken away from the island. I've heard of apes with weapons, of no better than beasts that worship foul gods and partake in cannibalism. Giant dragons without wings with fangs as long as your forearms and the ancient dead that live in dark tombs, giant insects and plants that crave flesh. Oh, I've heard it all. Surely it can't be all true. I hope for your sakes that it isn't."

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:47 pm
by ybn1197
Tamerlaine wrote:The cries of your names bring each of you to the deck as the Drown’d Bride plows through the sea. The swaggering swashbuckler, infamous smuggler, and occasional pirate and privateer eyes your presence and gives an easy wolfish grin. Captain Ral Tessario is quite the figure with his faded and worn half-jacket left open in the front, rows of tarnished gold buttons still adorning the turn back facings. An officer’s coat for sure, of which navy is a mystery. His handsome swarthy looks, complete with the pointed black beard and gold rings in both ears, lend him an air of bravado as he approaches his paying customers.

With one bejeweled hand resting on the hilt of a heavy cutlass resting at his side, Tessario tilts his head, his white teeth gleaming under the thing curling moustache.

“Ah! You’re up on deck, wonderful!” The captain of the Drown’d Bride gestures to port close to the bow. “There is your destination…the island you paid me so generously to provide transport.”

Each of you turn to look toward to where he was pointing, a fog shrouded mass off into the horizon. Somewhere inside this nebulous mass, you can barely discern a faint reddish glow within. “It has many names in many tongues but these days it is called the Island of the Forgotten Gods. I’ve heard it is quite appropos, but I would not know personally myself.”

With a sharp eye about his vessel, he quickly turns and barks out in a voice of command. “Ruddan! Belay that line! Urric, blast your crossed eyes, get ye aloft and tighten that sheet yonder!”

Turning back to you, the captain’s fierce aspect dissolves once more into a genial mien, his roguish smile returning. “A drink, perhaps? Who’s for a cup of grog? It’s been a tense voyage and we’e near the end of it. ‘M sure you have questions and you’ve caught me in a good mood for giving answers, insofar as I may provide such. Let us retire to my quarters, eh?”
Kenway kept as close to the sterncastle as possible. He hated the sea. The cramped quarters, everyone's watchful eye on all you did, nowhere to go. It was a nightmare for him and he had fidgeted the entire journey. But now they were approaching their destination. A chance to get off this floating bucket and stretch his legs on land. Nothing could be better.
Tamerlaine wrote:With that, Tessario turns and you follow him down into the captain’s quarters located aft. Rummaging through a cabinet, the crafty rogue of the sea turns with an jug and with a lod pop of the cork being pulled away, he sloshes the contents into your cups.

“A toast, my brave souls. To gold and glory! Or, if the gods will it, a quick death…”
Kenway took the offered glass and tossed back the grog. He eyed the vessel of grog while Raf and Xenos discussed the island and what they anticipated finding there.
Tamerlaine wrote:Raf takes a moment to stroke his beard as he thinks. "I'd say anywhere from four to six hundred souls. As for the guv'nor's blessing..." The old rogue laughs. "Ye've got law and order, of a sorts...murder, theft, arson and such are forbidden. But there are two laws that stand above all else and applies to everyone. First, if the colony is attacked, all able-bodied men and women are legally required to defend the walls of the settlement. Refusal to do so is punishable by death by public execution. Second, all trade goods and treasures brought back are subject to a fifty percent tax. Yes, fifty percent. While quite a bit goes into the Guv'nor's coffers, a good bit of it goes into the colony; making new buildings, maintaining the guards and such and so on. If you're caught withholding, you forfeit everything. If you are still adamant about exploring the island, you'll have to sign the papers agreeing to all this. Oh, His Lordship is very much into all that legal crap, with his clerk and making wax seals with his signet ring. Once the ink of your signatures dry, you'e got his bloody blessing."
Kenway was just ready to swipe the cask of grog and pore himself another glass when he heard the word "legal." "Oh bloody hell, one of those!" he practically shouted. "We come all the way out to the end of the bloody world to make a go at earning a bright copper or three for ourselves and we still have to deal with arses who sit on comfy seats and count the earnings of the honest man!" Kenway folds his arms across his chest indignantly knowing full well that he hadn't worked an honest day in his life and was as far from an honest man as this island was from the mainland.

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:09 pm
by shaidar
Xenos smiles at his friends indignant outburst and shrugs. "That is the way of the world whether there are people. There are always those willing to make money from the hard work of others. Captain, if half of what you say is true then we shall surely have a very interesting time on this island. Have you heard of any Inn's or other establishments which you could recommend for us to stay at, or a contact that might help us get established in town?"

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 7:47 am
by Tamerlaine
shaidar wrote:Have you heard of any Inn's or other establishments which you could recommend for us to stay at, or a contact that might help us get established in town?"[/dialog]
"Well, there's the Siren's Song, where the sailors hang out. A real den of scum and villainy and a place after my own black heart." Raf chuckles. "But I'd avoid the place if I were you. There's the two places on the Street of Illicit Pleasures, the Heartless Houri pub and the Scaly Sentiniel Inn. Ahhh, the dancers at the Heartless Houri! Six of the most bewitching girls you have ever laid eyes on. Don't even dream of hassling the dancers. The owner, an Amazoness of a woman by the name of Zenobia keeps a proprietary eye on the girls. The beer is good and the Hell Hounds frequent the place. Retired, she was one of the original adventurers to come to the island.

Then there's the Scaly Sentiniel. A more refined establishment with great food and drink at ridiculous prices. It's a place where those born with a silver spoon stuck up their arses or those adventurers who have struck it rich like to hang out. They have it all there; wine, fancy beer, and all manner of exotic narcotics."

Then suddenly there's a shrill scream from the deck followed by yelling and cursing. Raf quickly turns around, his hand dropping to the pommel of his cutlass. "What the hell...?"

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 8:49 am
by shaidar
Xenos quickly turns at the sound from above, "somethings not right...a creature, out here?". He heads towards the deck, but will go via his room to get his crossbow, if it's not too much of a diversion.

I'm assuming that the scream wasn't a noise a human would make.

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2018 3:44 pm
by ybn1197
"Never a dull moment." Kenway pulls one of daggers out of his boot and makes his way slowly to the deck sticking to the shadows.

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:35 am
by Tamerlaine
Hearing the horrible sound of a human scream filled with both blood-curdling fear and agony, the two adventurers make way up the stairs and up onto the deck of the Drown'd Bride. With Kenway close behind yet holding back, Xenos' eyes fall upon a truly horrific sight; a swarthy sailor he had gotten to know, his name Beilun, was sprawled upon the blood splattered deck while a creature hunched over him was ripping its gnarled and clawed hands into the torn guts and feeding its gore-rimed maw with greedy abandon. The terrible creature appears human as it wears rotted and soaked clothes, yet its skin is glaucous and pallid while its lanky hair hangs down clustered with seaweed. The eyes are completely black and malevolent and the teeth are broken, jagged fangs.

There's a second such creature, this one prowling the deck around the one feeding, hunched over and screeching at what terrified sailors are still on deck. Tearing chunks of what looks like a spleen, the creature's black lifeless eyes notes Xenos standing there and slightly lifts its torso, spreading its clawed arms and gives a burbling hate-filled screech of challenge.

Everyone roll a d6 for initiative, please, and make your declarations.

For the sake of speeding things along, roll both to hit and damage at the same time. I'm pretty sure you've done this before.

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 1:49 pm
by ybn1197
Initiative: [1d6+1] = 2+1 = 3

Kenway throws his dagger at the second creature.

Attack: [1d20+1] = 4+1 = 5 Damage: [1d4] = 2

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 6:41 pm
by shaidar

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 8:52 am
by Tamerlaine
Bad Guys Initiative: [1d6] = 2

Kenway takes a knife by the blade and throws it at the second creature. But the rolling motion of the vessel ruins his throw and the blade flies wide. The loathsome head whips around and those dead black eyes take in the sight of the two adventurers, one of which is aiming his crossbow at it.

It screeches and with surprising speed, lopes toward the duo. There's a twang from Xenos' flatbow as the bolt flies across the deck. It hits the foul thing in the upper arm, staggering the creature for a fraction of a second as it keeps coming until at last it leaps and lands between you, raking out with clawed fingers and biting with its maw of jagged teeth.

Kenway is Odd, Xenos is Even

Claw 1:Odd/Even=[1d6] = 5 Attack:[1d20] = 20 Damage:[1d3] = 1

Ouch! The gods are fickle today. Critical Table Roll: [1d6] = 4 (That's x2 Damage) On that claw attack, Kenway's reflexes saves his ass as he takes a 2 whopping points of damage!

Claw 2:Odd/Even=[1d6] = 4 Attack:[1d20] = 9 Damage:[1d3] = 3 It takes a wild, wide swing at Xenos and claws nothing but air as he expertly side-steps the foul beast!

Bite:Odd/Even=[1d6] = 2 Attack:[1d20] = 7 Damage:[1d6] = 4 Enraged at missing Xenos, it tries to sink its teeth in exposed flesh but he is safely out of reach (for this moment).

ybn1197, roll a 1d20 before you do anything else.

An interesting first round with the first blow a critical on Kenway. Maybe he's got a lucky rabbit's foot in his purse. He's going to need it again.

Please declare actions, roll initiative and all that jazz...

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 3:01 pm
by shaidar
Xenos is surprised at the speed of the creature. Seeing the close call his friend had, he swaps to his sword and tries to draw the things ire as he attacks "My you're an ugly one, only a mother would love that face!"

Initiative: [1d6] = 2

Long Sword: to-hit [1d20+4] = 7+4 = 11, damage [1d8+3] = 1+3 = 4

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 3:08 pm
by ybn1197

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 5:54 am
by Tamerlaine
Bad Guys Initiative: [1d6] = 2

Despite Kenway's cat like reflexes, he felt the creature's clawed fingers rake flesh. There's the sting followed by a cold fire. In the blink of an eye, an intense chill flushes through his frame. With alarm his muscles start to freeze, unwilling to do what his kind commands them. The words of alarm escaping his throat are nothing but gurgling nonsense as he falls to the deck, paralyzed!

Raf bounds up from below deck, his deadly cutlass in hand. "Watch out for it's touch!" the vagabond yells a little too late as he steps over Kenway's prone form and slashes not once, but twice at the loathsome thing! "By Lunaqqua's glowing ballsac!" he roars.

Cutlass-To Hit:[1d20+2] = 2+2 = 4 Dam: [1d6+2] = 5+2 = 7
Cutlass-To Hit:[1d20+2] = 12+2 = 14 Dam: [1d6+2] = 3+2 = 5

Raf's first blow misses. The blade comes back around... The monster screeches in pain as Raf's heavy cutlass slices down its shoulder and chest, releasing a spray of bluish green blood.

Xenos, recovering from dodging the monster's frantic attacks, swings with his sword...and misses!

Bleeding heavily and now enraged beyond all reason, the creature lashes out yet again in a flurry of clawed fingers and teeth.

Raf Odd, Xenos Even...Claw[1d6] = 3 Claw[1d6] = 4 Bite[1d6] = 3

1 Claw To Hit:[1d20] = 16 Dam:[1d3] = 2
2 Claw To Hit:[1d20] = 2 Dam:[1d3] = 2
Bite To Hit:[1d20] = 1 Dam:[1d6] = 4

To see the older swashbuckler strike and move effortlessly out of the way is a sight to behold, the claw reaching nothing but air. Xenos too manages to avoid a claw attack and Raf is safely out of the way of the monster's snapping jaws.

"Men! Grab the halberds! A bow or two, please! Let's drive these nightmares of the deep back to where they belong!" Raf cries out, rallying his sailors.

Xenos, roll initiative and such and so on...

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 6:00 am
by Tamerlaine
The critter rolled a 1 and while there is no provision provided for the classic fumble (that I can see), I'm going to house rule it for the game. I will provide a table for myself in time and for the sake of this combat, the monster tried to bite more than it could chew and overreached itself, falling to the deck prone.

For the next round, Xenos will add a +4 to his roll to hit. Make it count.

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 8:36 am
by shaidar

Re: Drown'd Bride

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 5:30 am
by Tamerlaine
Xenos rushes in while inverting his grip and drives his sword straight down into the creature's back. The thing screeches, spitted as it is and for a second struggles frenetically until all motion ceases. It is dead.

shaidar, I'm not aware of anything in the rules that allows Xenos two attacks in this round.

The halberds, used to repel boarders, have been freed from their bindings and are being brought to bear agains the other monster. It screeches and swipes its bloodied claws against the tips of the weapons, backing away from its meal as the men prod it. With a last look to its now deceased companion, the foul being turns and leaps to the railing before diving into the water beyond.

Raf starts barking orders. "You two! Pick this man and take him to my bed!" he yells, pointing to Kenway. "And gently, mind you. Everyone keep a cutlass about them and double the watch till we dock. Square poor Beilun away, prep him for burial at sea. I liked the man, the poor bastard. And throw that thing overboard and get this deck clean!"

As the crew hustles about the vessel, Raf turns to Xenos as they follow Kenway being carried below. "Not bad, my man. You might do okay on the island."

Kenway is paralyzed for 5 turns, which he spends laying in Raf's opulent bed. Nothing else happens the rest of the way. Anything anyone wants to do or say, do it here. I'll be introducing a new thread for your arrival to the island.