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BATTLETECH 3025: Game Mechanics Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:40 pm
by max_vale
Okay, I figured I'd throw out a Game Mechanics Thread so you guys can see how I'm handling your choices and rolls and what not. This thread might not have a lot of posts if there's not much interest, but I figured I'd at least have the first combat put up here so you can see how it works.


-LT Dekker-Sandoval this round is Running his Mech (1 action; VERY EASY, Difficulty: 5) and Firing 3 Medium Lasers at the Sniper Artillery Piece (2 actions) at Long Range (8 Hexes = Long Range for Medium Lasers; Difficulty: 20)

His Piloting skill is 5D and his Gunnery Skill is 5D as well. Both are reduced to 4D for the 2 actions and here are the results of the rolls:

Piloting: 4D: 13 This EASILY beats the 5 needed to make sure he doesn't trip and fall while Running his Jenner Mech.

Gunnery: 4D (rolled 3 times for each Medium Laser shot); 8 for the first (a miss); 16 for the second (also a miss); 18 (a miss...but so close!)

His actions will have lead to having a total Heat Score of 11 (2 for Running; 3 for each Medium Laser fired = 9 total); and 10 Heat Sinks dissipate all but 1 Heat Point; leaving his JENNER mech currently having a Heat Score of 1

-SGT Volkov this round decides to Jump his Mech 6 Hexes to Hex 0410 facing NE (i.e. towards Hex 0510) towards the Sniper Artillery Piece and the 2 Jeeps; which are a total of 10 Hexes away and therefore out of range of his Weapons. (Both the Medium Laser and the SRM-2 have a maximum range of 9 Hexes). Jumping is an action (First and only action by Volkov this round) and requires a Difficulty number of 10 on the Piloting Skill to pull off successfully (i.e. not crash and land prone when coming down). Volkov gets his full Piloting Skill of 4D+2 to pull this off.

Piloting 4D+2: The roll equals 17 on the four 6 siders and +2 more means a total of 19; The JUMP goes off perfectly.

The Jump generates 1 Heat Point per Hex jumped (minimum of 3 Heat Points...though not necessarily 3 just means if you jump 1 or 2 Hexes you still generate 3 Heat); for 6 Heat Points. The WASP's 10 Heat Sinks dissipate this without any difficulty and so Volkov's WASP currently has a Heat Score of 0.

-Kray RUNS his LOCUST (Difficulty 5 to not fall down; 1st action) and fires a Medium Laser at a range of 6 Hexes (Medium Range; Difficulty 15; 2nd action) and therefore his Piloting Skill of 4D and Gunnery Skill of 4D are both reduced to 3D (-1D for 2 actions).

Piloting 3D: 8 is the Total, so Kray does NOT crash the Mech

Gunnery 3D: 15 is the Total; so Kray scores a HIT!

Damage for a Medium Laser at Medium Range is 1d6+1; so the roll is: 4 + 1 equals 5 points of Damage to the Sniper Vehicle. It is moderately damaged, but still functioning.

His RUN generated 2 Heat Points and his Medium Laser fire generates 3 more for a total of 5 Heat Points that his Mech's 10 heat sinks EASILY dissipate, leaving him with 0 heat points.

-Argyle RUNS his CLINT Mech to a spot next to the WASP (First Action; Difficulty 5) and fires his Medium Autocannon at the Sniper Artillery piece (range 11 Hexes which is Medium range for a Medium Autocannon; Second Action: Difficulty 15). This will also use up 1 of the 20 bursts of Ammo Argyle has for the Autocannon.

Piloting 4D, reduced to 3D for the 2 actions: Final total is a 6, Argyle just BARELY manages to not have his Mech fall flat on its face/back

Gunnery 4D, reduced to 3D for the 2 actions: Final total is an 11; a miss.

Re: BATTLETECH 3025: Game Mechanics Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 11:52 pm
by wolfpack
you require a piloting everytime we move our mech? not just when doing a physical attack, moving into ruble/water, or taking 20+ damage?

Re: BATTLETECH 3025: Game Mechanics Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:15 am
by max_vale
On a Run; not a Walk......and the Difficulty is only a 5. I haven't put up all my house rules/interpretations of how to combine the D6 rules and the Boardgame rules...but for stuff like moving in Water and Rubble, Woods, etc. it'll only be slightly harder....probably a 7; which if your Piloting Skill is 3D or better you'll make well over half-the-time....hell, even with 2D or 1D+2 you'd be making it half the time.

Jumping....particularly if landing in Woods/Rubble/etc. will be a little trickier proposition.