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Places of Interest

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 1:30 am
by drpete
Things we know about the world.

Re: Places of Interest

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 2:38 am
by drpete
Kuntan: Oasis City of 1600 families (class III market).

Great Souk (Market District)
Gateway Plaza

The Heights (wealthy district)
Silver Town (Merchants & Craftsmen)
The Triangle (Bedi district, beyond the law)
The 'Rinth (extreme poor, criminal)

Re: Places of Interest

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2017 5:11 pm
by drpete
Kuntan Oasis

The Kuntan Oasis is a large, heavily irrigated oasis fed by run off from the large mountain range to the south. The irrigated land stretches east-west 80-90 miles. The oasis is long and thin, extending only 20-30 miles north-south.

Travellers through the Kuntan Oasis can stop at several villages with fortified caravanserai, and will be amazed at the lushness afforded in the desert by the river. Various agricultural products are produced here, but the oasis is somewhat famous for its spider silk, which is much prized.

Notable Villages (East to West):

There is appoximately 20 miles between these villages, making them good stopping points for many travellers headed across the oasis.

There are also various smaller fortifications located at various points of interest, such as upriver by the mountains, or downriver facing the ancient ruined city of Tyr., where some trading with the nomadic Bedi takes place.

To the south of Kuntan, about 20 miles south along the river, there is a village/stopping point called Tusha. This is the southern-most end of the well irrigated part of the oasis. The river continues to the south through the desert, a narrow band of life surrounded by rocky wasteland. After about 15 miles, it enters the mountains. A tower of black stone overlooks the river here, an outpost of the Kuntani kingdom called the Rangu Watchtower.

Re: Places of Interest

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 2:20 pm
by tymir
Are these walled cities with guards at the gates or more open to traders and travellers?

Re: Places of Interest

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 3:07 pm
by drpete
They are smaller than Kuntan with maybe 1000 people or so, so technically "villages". They have fortifications and garrisons. They serve as fairly big markets for the local goods, and as traveller stopping points for caravans and other travellers.

Basically, this is a huge area relative to what you might think of as an oasis, and there are smaller villages as part of the same "kingdom" (technically, in acks terms, this is all part of a single Duchy-sized realm)

Re: Places of Interest

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 4:47 am
by drpete
The Rangu Watchtower is a small settlement built around a tower in the mountains south of Kuntan.

The watchtower has an inn, a stable, and a smithy.