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House rules

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 6:40 pm
by Nordbo
House rules:
  • Gaming system: AD&D 1st edition (PHB, DMG, MM, FF)
  • XP is not based on treasure but on:
  • • • Area mapped
  • • • The Asbury System (WD #5,6,7,8) for combat rolls, skill rolls, thrown spells etc.
  • • • Clever, fun or inventive solutions and play. Low engagement = low XP.
  • XP can be earned jointly by group, or individually.
  • Spell components are not necessary in this world.
  • I log adventure time, to track rest, rations and wandering monsters etc
  • Death rules: 0 hp = unconscious, -1 and less = bleeding out 1hp/round, -10 = dead.
  • Head all 'action' posts with PC name in bold
  • PC actions in default black text. PC speech in blue. OOC statements and open questions to DM in red.
  • One player is welcome to be the 'caller'. Not compulsory, but helps focus and saves time.
  • In this game, the DM doesn't draw the map, the PCs do. If the group wants to keep track of location, please create and upload a current map image, regularly, either directly in the current game thread or in the 'Maps' thread. Otherwise there might be random loss of direction. (Any format will do: a scanned scribble on graph paper, tile jpgs laid out in an image editing programme. Or snazzy output from some dungeon software tool. Even an Excel screen shot could work).
Posting frequency:
  • Not more than once a day, not less than twice a week
  • In this world, there is a dreaded disease called Ansgar's Autopathy that may affect any PC. Some typical symptoms: coma, loss of speech, random behaviour, alignment shift etc. To avoid it, one has to be constantly active. So, players who've been AFK for a very long time without explanation may discover upon returning that their PCs have been acting oddly in their absence ;)