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Death in the Depths

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 1:11 pm
The group frees the timid thief from the sticky webs so he and Xano can move to inspect the door. It does not appear to be locked or trapped so the brave thieves push it open to reveal yet another huge set of stairs down. At the bottom of this stairway you see another door. This one is ajar slightly and the telltale sounds of a female voice can be heard from beyond the crack in the door.

The arcane casters in the party can instantly recognize by the phrases and words that the voice is currently in the middle of casting a spell.

Ok, folks! This is the big finale! The Boss monster, if you will.

Killing this evil thing is what you were all born to do, so don't screw it up! :lol:

Good luck!!! Lets see if anyone survives. :D

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 8:15 pm
by Inferno
Blodget, halfling thief:

"Gulp!" With eyes as big as seed cakes, the foolish young hobbit watches his idols to see what they'll do now!

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 12:48 am
by tkrexx
Mira suddenly has an urge. Blodget, quickly search the red Demon. I may have yet another way to mislead our quarry. Again the Mystic unfurls her sacred scroll and begins a chant.

Alter Self, to the appearance of the red snow Demon.

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 1:48 am
by Nuke66
Morgi hurries onward, hoping to find the rest of the group.

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 5:59 am
by Storm11
Halo prepares himself to enter the chamber once Mira is ready.

'This is it,' he thinks gulping. 'Pelor, I am coming to you!'

i can't remember where Patsy or Edina are. :cry:

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 10:31 am
by Inferno
Blodget, halfling thief:

At Mira's words, Blodget is startled into action. "Y-yes m'lady!" he whispers. Then he scurries back and searches the bloody wreckage of the red demon's remains as quickly as he can, anxious and trembling over what wicked, unholy, cursed, evil magic artifacts he will find there.

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 11:49 am
by Hotgoblin
Wyntar readies himself for the last battle...he begins reading directly out of his spell book I have cast Protection from Evil on myself ..... I understand some of the words Yesorkh's spell, she's casting defensive spells on herself as well, so we must hurry!! Let's all do our best to not die at this Bitch's hands!!!! Is everyone ready?

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 1:37 pm
by greyarea
Trotter nods to Wyntar, Ready enough. Killing some giants and saving innocents from another made evil against his will, all while killing demons? This has been a good day, and this will be a very good death, if it comes to that.

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 11:05 pm
After a quick check of the red snow apes possessions, Blodget finds a small quiver with 2 javelins and one more of those sticky sling stones inside of it. It also wears a gold armband encrusted with jewels in the shape of a clawed hand crushing a skull. A plain golden ring adorns it's disgusting middle finger on one hand.

The white wizard casts another spell from his book as Mira magically morphs herself into the spitting image of Yesorkh's now dead evil high priestess. Halo prepares to die while Trotter and Wyntar try to rally the group. All the while, the sounds of spells being cast continues from beyond the door.

Morgi continues flying through the huge rooms of the giants castle, still trying to find the party.

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 2:14 am
by Dram
Xano Does anyone have any healing for Halo? He will surely die if he enters that room. Xano waits for Blodgets return. Does anyone know if Morgi has survived?

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 2:40 am
by tkrexx
Mira offers Blodget the ring while smearing the Demon's ichor upon herself. Even if we don't know what it does, it couldn't be terribly harmful if this atrocity wore it. Until Morgi arrives, if he arrives, all of our healing has been spent. Perhaps it would be best for Halo to enter last, as an ace in the hole? In this form I will be able to fly, but slowly, and only for a short time. She rushes to the doorway, peeks back to her comrades one last time. I will fall to the right of the doorway. She then begins to stagger and moan, mimicking the Demon's voice as best as she is able, and falls thru the door, beginning a crawl thereafter.

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 10:50 am
by Inferno
Blodget, halfling thief:

The foolish young hobbit doesn't want anything to do with the one ring.

He takes the sticky sling stone instead and leaves the rest.

When Mira turns into the evil snow demon, Blodget jumps in fright. Then he realizes what happened. He pulls up the hood of his elven cloak and silently creeps to the door to listen to what happens when Mira enters in the guise of Yesorkh's servant.

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 2:57 pm
by greyarea
I think Morgi might be lost to us. We've seen what few snow demons have done in here, and out there? Dozens. If Morgi survived then I am impressed beyond words. Until we know and Morgi the Snow-Demon Slayer is among us, perhaps like Mira says, Halo needs to take rearguard, agrees Trotter.

Wyntar, do you think that ring or armband is magical? They might help in the fight. I suggest that you lead in your new form, to try to trick the Demon. We try a surprise assault with missiles and magic first, then melee. I'll lead that charge.

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 11:39 pm
by Hotgoblin
If we had more time, I'd be able to cast Identify, but we don't. I'll go in after Mira and use my Staff on Yesorkh before she gets her spell off!!! Wyntar rushes in screaming after the red snow ape, I mean Mira, he crouches against the back wall, to the left of Mira and then points his staff at the spell caster and yells...DIE BITCH DIE!!! SONIC BOOM

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:42 am
by greyarea
Trotter nods, Right! follows the white wizard and, when his spell goes off, follows with a volley of arrows!

Bow w bracers of archery & dex bonus attack [1d20+3] = 18+3 = 21, dmg [1d6+1] = 3+1 = 4
2nd shot [1d20+3] = 1+3 = 4, dmg [1d6+1] = 6+1 = 7

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:54 am
by Nuke66
Morgi hurries along.......flying on the broom....

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 11:12 am
by Inferno
Blodget, halfling thief:

Seeing the others rush in, the foolish young hobbit scurries to join them! He follows Mister Winter to the side of the door, moves within range and fires the magic sticky sling stone at the evil spirit before the others close in with her!

Again, his deadeye halfling aim doesn't fail him.

Blodget Sling: To Hit: [1d20+9] = 18+9 = 27, Damage: S/M: [1d4+3] = 2+3 = 5, Damage: L: [1d6+3] = 2+3 = 5

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 3:35 pm
The End Is Nigh
Round 1

The party is in dire need of healing, but all of their resources have already been depleted. Someone finally inquires about the location of their missing druid, wondering why he isn't here to help. It is agreed that the half-elf is most likely dead.

The door is flung wide and the party rushes inside to meet their doom. You enter a square, 60x60 room with another open door on the opposite wall leading into a smaller room directly past this one. Mira, smothered in brains in the guise of the red high priest snow demon, crawls into the room and moves to the right, alone. Three others quickly follow her, but they keep to the left of the door. The injured Halo stays in the hall with Xano by his side, waiting in safety to see what is about to go down.

Standing in front of the far doorway, behind a large divan covered with blankets and furs, are four of the real forms of the black snow demon known to you as the evil Yesorkh Pahyeh, queen mother of the ba'atun. She continues her casting as the group begins their attacks.
image.jpeg (785.84 KiB) Viewed 1287 times
Wyntar unleashes the power of his mighty staff and sends a sonic blast towards the black demon. One of her four images suddenly disappears. Trotter follows that with two shots from his bow. The first arrow falls off the string and only shoots about 2 feet in front of him, but the second one finds its mark into another one of Yesorkh's forms. It too fades away instantly.

Blodget makes use of the new sticky stone he found by slinging it at the two forms remaining. It flies true and envelops a black demon with a sticky mass of webs. This image also fades away as the webs fall harmlessly to the floor. The remaining form must obviously be the real Yesorkh. She finishes her spell and suddenly three giant lizards appear in the center of the room. They hiss loudly at you and move in for the attack as the black demon gestures and begins to screech out the phrases to another surprise from her arsenal of magical spells.


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Wyntar 16/40
Mira 31/32
Morgi 19/49
Blodget 34/56
Halo 3/49
Trotter 30/43
Xano 32/39

After flying around through a disgusting, bloodied room that must be the kitchen, you are able to find another tower stairs leading.......down? After descending, you find yourself in an absolutely humongous hall with doors and hallways leading off in every direction.

Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:41 am
by tkrexx
Mira quickly crawls to the right wall and again reads from her Sacred Scroll, as the lizards descend upon her comrades. She'll wait until as many of the reptiles as possible can be caught in the AOE.


Re: Death in the Depths

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:03 am
by Nuke66
Morgi continues to move on rapidly, trusting his gut