Epilogue Post (Hero and Villian)

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Rider of Rohan
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Epilogue Post (Hero and Villian)

#1 Post by Rukellian »

To pick up where we left off and summing up what happened...

Steve Sanderson, a.k.a. Flicker, escapes the Rook Industries Power Plant station, using his state of the art combat suit and teleportation disc technology. All of Atlas City is now safe for the time being, having nearly escaped an ichnorite explosion that would of put the atom bombs of years past to shame. Though only a few high ranking officials know of what happened today, due credit is rightly given to the brave heroes who helped make this all possible: Steve Sanderson, Maximillian Arikas, Professor Perrtyon, SCAMP, and a mysterious individual who seems to go only by the name of 'Raven'.

The heroes are ushered into the heart of Atlas City to be presented with accolades of achievement by their fellow veteran heroes. Though, this is done privately for the public as a whole does not know what happened this day, nor will they for some time lest a panic break out. Secrecy is sworn and favors are asked to continue their good work in other areas of the world. New dangers are around every corner it seems, and the faces of evils old emerge once more to wreak havoc.

Steve's personal vendetta against Rook Industries is still at large. Though he obtained some incriminating evidence showing that the organization has dealt in the black market before, perhaps currently, he still cannot seem to convince enough people of the group's evil intent. The brave hero now works with SCAMP, under the super alias of Flicker in order to continue demining Rook Industries' vile plans, and perhaps one day, dealing a huge blow to the evil corporation and getting revenge for the fall of his own family and friends.

Professor Perryton continues his role as a teacher and educates the young Arikas in the ways of life, grooming him to be the heir of his own family business and to become a super hero worthy of legend. Maximillian's ambitions are big, and each challenge that comes his way is met with fierce determination and a smidge of 'god-given' talent. Under the Professor's tutelage, he travels the world, honing his mind and body for the day when both will be needed most. The looming threat of Ichnorite seems to approach day by day, and the professor never seems to lose sight of this.

Elsa continues her valiant efforts in repelling the air pirates' attacks on her homeland. Having raised a sizeable group of heroes to help her out, victory seems all but assured. However, dark shadows creep across the island as the defeat of the sky pirates reveals startling information, information that casts suspicion upon the royal family of Elsa's homeland, and the twisted politics that are taking place. Who is funding who? Will the Vibranium reserves on the island be put to good use, or black marketed away to a mysterious and powerful new buyer?

Raven has departed from the public scene and abruptly broke off ties with the group of supers he used to work with during the ichnorite crisis. He has his own agenda to follow, slowly uncovering fragments of his past and finding out who his true friends and enemies are. Blake, a person from his past, hounds him each day he gets the chance. The world may be in danger from an alien crystal and a myriad of evil corporations, but Raven's own world is in a much more dire state. Will he lose his last ties to humanity as he ventures into the abyss of his past, his mind... or will he pull through and find the light of hope, the path that will set him towards a promising future?

The heroes may be scattered, doing their own things and following their own agendas, but some day, some day they may return as a group and change history itself once more!


Villian part coming up soon!
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Epilogue Post (Hero and Villian)

#2 Post by Rukellian »

"Pluck a pair of pansies"
*squish squish snap*
"Smear them red with handsies!"
"Hear them scream, hear them moan,"
*snap, scream*
"Right down to the BONE!"

*End of audio recording*

The police chief's face tightens in pain as he rewinds the tape again, hoping that he did not miss anything. This has been the 47th homicide of this kind since last month, and all of Atlas City's finest have yet to apprehend this vile fiend. Rumors permeate the alleyways of the industrial sector, a hotspot for said killings, that the killer is not a man, but an animal, an animal in a man suit. One always know it is coming by the sound of maniacal laughter, demented, twisted, always... always right before a street genocide. In a far away underground institute, Cersei smiles as reports of her loved one's art flourishes the screen in bright hues of red.


"In other news today, we have reports coming from downtown Lake Avenue, and good ones at that Donny."

"Do share Cecil! We could all use some good news after that grisly Industrial business."

"Today is the grand opening of the Spectacular 8 Memorial, honoring the great heroes of the Paragon Squad for their efforts in making Atlas City a place of safety for all. Visiting times will start this Saturday morning at 8 o'clock sharp! You've heard it first, from ACNN! This is Cecil,"

"and this is Donny, signing off!"

A streak of light is seen and man slowly walks up to the memorial with a bouquet in hand. The Paragon Squad had many friends and supporters, many of them being supers; it would not have been uncommon to see such a sight, but what happened afterward shook the people of Atlas City to the core. Unbeknownst to those at the event, the super was one of the two members of the Paragon Squad that went MIA during their glory years. He went by the name of Blake, but now...

"Raven, where ever you are right now, I hope your watching this. I really do. This one is for you! Hehehehe..." Hot Streak flips a switch in the bundle of flowers and speeds away just as quickly as he came. A crowd of people form around the memorial as the local parade begins. Those who mourn the loss of the 8 heroes gather and pay their respects. It all ended abruptly when the bouquet finished its countdown timer.

The first act of successful terrorism occurred within the heart of Atlas City just moments ago, as the recently erected memorial of the Spectacular 8 was blown to smithereens in a miniature thermo-nuclear detonation. The blast razed the entire south eastern portion of the Atlas City and killed countless thousands. The numbers are still increasing...

Hot Streak watches the news coverage of this terrible tragedy from his new HQ in the Industrial sector of Atlas City. "Raven, your friends, or what ever friends you have left, they won't be able to save you from what's coming. I WILL make your life a living hell, and now that our old squad is now dead, I will start working on the new one you joined not too long ago..." With the help of Vorpal as his steady right hand man, and Cowboy, running the underground organization of the Eye in the background in all of their villainous schemes, Hot Streak was able to put together a group of villains unparalleled in destructive influence since the old days of the nasty greats. Atlas City's best have yet to put them down or even figure out where they are. After today, their names will go down in history for all time.


Meanwhile, in a far away island in the Pacific, a mastermind of evil works on moving forward with his greatest plan yet! "The coordinates that my inside man gave to the military has worked flawlessly! The heroes delivered to me the key component that I needed to finish my greatest weapon yet. With this... I will commence in terraforming the entire planet, and usher it into a new age of Ichnorite!" He laughs maniacally as he stands upon a pedestal in an underground bunker. He looks upon his latest creation of with raised arms as the fueling engine starts to engage.

Behind the man known Symbiosis, is a vast army of cybernetic mutant super soldiers, before him... Rook Industries' giant ichnorite crystal formation, freshly teleported from its power plant in Atlas City's industrial sector.

A silent figure stands in the back of the bunker room, concealed in the shadows, but just barely visible to those who would look. Hidden underneath a hat and large trench coat, the man carries a suitcase and but only smiles as he witnesses the beginning of many things to come.
Even a child that receives one bit of praise has the ability to excel in a single talent, and those who receive regular encouragement can feel confidence, achieve success, and become leading members of society. Because they don’t believe they are worthless, they don’t need to raise a fist and have vengeance against fate or the world at large… ~Inspector Lunge
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