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Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 4:18 pm
This bar is notoriously rough and a lot of the locals in town don't go anywhere near it. You have already heard that the Captain of the guard himself suspects illegal activity is being conducted, although he has no actual proof of this. The main clientele seem to be the workers from the Pounding Fathers but, there are also other area dregs that frequent the establishment.

The owner is a tall, lanky human with a seriously ill favored look about him. He has only three fingers on each hand, presumably giving him his nickname.
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Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 11:59 pm
by Scott308
Yes! Is there any gambling at this establishment?

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 12:03 am
by GreyWolfVT
Lemmy from Motorhead! :D

Odilo makes this hand gesture at the man behind the bar as he enters.

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 2:03 am
by Dram
Grillock- Walks towards the bar.Good evening Mr Pitchfork me and friend would like to do some gambling tonite. I will also have one of them Dark Ales for me and my friend here.

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:46 pm
Before we start this portion of the investigation, can I get a list of everyone who wants to go into the bar and what time of the evening you decide to enter please? Thanks.

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:50 pm
If you two just want it to be Odilo and Grillock going in alone at first again that would be fine. I think Orando wants to go as well and I just don't want to leave anyone else out if they also want to go along. Feel free to enter at different times if that is the plan.

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:14 pm
by Cauchy

Epi will go to the tavern. She will enter 15 minutes after Odilo and Grillock. If anyone else wishes to go with her, she is fine with that.

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:31 am
by Scott308
Father Dowling will not go to the tavern at this time. Instead, he will retire to his room after his trip to the mayor's house. If he gets any info from the mayor that he feels needs to change that decision, I will let you know but I do not see that being the case.

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 1:27 am
by GreyWolfVT
Odilo will go in directly after Grillock at the same time of night as Grillock

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 2:28 am
We can start this out now and Epi and Orando can jump in as we get going.
After sunset, Grillock and Odilo head back into Pitchforks tavern and are greeted as warmly as the thief's last visit. The place is half full of very rough looking patrons, none of which you've seen before. There is no gambling going on that you can see.

Pitchfork is working behind the bar. He looks sideways at Odilo after he makes his strange hand gesture at him.

Hey! Put your hand down in here mage! We don't put up with no spell casting bullshit in this bar.

He then seems to recognize Grillock and his sneer lightens slightly.

Oh for fucks sake mate! You back for another honey mead? Haha! Let me guess, this is your master that you mentioned? I should have figured that. We ain't got no official gambling here but, I might be able to rustle up some players in the future if you tell me what your looking for.

He reaches behind the bar and grabs two already filled mugs of a black, smelly grog that has a consistency similar to molasses.

Here ya go gents! That'll be 4 silver.

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 12:45 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Odilo "Oh uh i must have been mislead I was told that was the thieves sign. I was not casting a spell sorry Sir. I meant it in greeting."

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 7:21 pm

Your servant comes in here last night, talking a bunch of mumbo jumbo thief talk, and now you also come in assuming that we are all thieves? What is the matter with you two? If this really was a thieves guild, you would both be dead by now.

He looks back and forth at the pair as if he is watching a table tennis match.

If you are trying to do a greeting, why don't you just wave like everyone else does? Showing strange hand signals around the wrong people could be dangerous, if ya get me.

So, you are the two that Mukluk was telling me about then?

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:50 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Odilo nods "Yes we are the ones. Mukluk is a good person. Sorry again the lets call it impression that was given by other folk of the village is that indeed this was a sort of not official guild of that kind of folk so again I am deeply sorry if I wronged you sir. I've also been told that hand gesture means rock on in some sort of greeting among the performing types." realizing he is starting to babble the mage quickly shuts up.

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:22 am
by Grognardsw
Orando, spellsword

Orando enters with a swagger and walks up to the bar.

"I need a stout ale and a good fuck!" he exclaims loudly to the barkeep. "Or is it the other way around?"

After settling down, without acknowledgement to Odillo who seems to be making people angry, Orando looks about to get a sense of the clientele. How many look to be out-of-towners, adventurers, farmer locals, blacksmithers. If there is a comely bar wench, he winks her over.

"Wouldn't expect a place like this in such a small village. Good for me! How is business?" he makes small talk with the barkeep.

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:22 am
by Cauchy

The ranger will enter the tavern 15 minutes after the first two do. She will take a seat at the bar (assuming there is one) and order a stout (assuming they have such).

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:38 pm
After listening to Odilo babble on incessantly, Pitchfork is happy to see a new female enter the place and take a seat at the bar, even if she was as homely as he. The lanky barkeep slowly saunters over to her, nodding his head rhythmically.

Well, hello there miss. What can I do for you?

Just then, a well dressed elf confidently enters through the taverns front door.

"I need a stout ale and a good fuck!" he exclaims loudly to the barkeep. "Or is it the other way around?"

Pitchfork rolls his eyes and smiles a heavily missing toothed grin at the now seated Epi. He must be looking for that wine place across town. He pours the ranger something that might pass as a stout.

Orando looks about to get a sense of the clientele. How many look to be out-of-towners, adventurers, farmer locals, blacksmithers.

The 4 investigators notice about 30 people in total scattered about the main room. 4 fully armed and armored dwarves sit at a table near the hearth, drinking and conversing loudly. There is a group of 5 humans who appear to be farmer types that are quite possibly locals. The don't appear to be armed at all. There are two groups of humans that appear to be traveling merchant types sitting at separate tables. Each of those groups contain a few obviously armed guards. The rest of the patrons are humans and a few half-orcs scattered alone or in pairs throughout the place. Most are rather seedy looking and some are obviously armed and armored. There is also an ugly young woman sitting in the corner, singing off key and playing a lute rather badly.

If there is a comely bar wench, he winks her over.

"Wouldn't expect a place like this in such a small village. Good for me! How is business?" he makes small talk.

There is a busty bar wench serving drinks to the outer tables but, she is FAR from comely. She hobbles over to Orando with an empty tray.

What's wrong with our little place here cutie? Too rough for you tree hugger types? She flashes a disturbingly nasty smile at the long lived Orando.

Ya, we do a good business here. Lots of people around here got plenty of troubles to drink away. What brings you to out little shithole town?

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 6:12 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Odilo laughs hearing the bar wench talk to Orando "That was a good jest there miss." turning to Grillock "Well some of your ilk are near I'll let you do your thing while I go see if those merchants would be willing to have some drink and conversation with myself." walking towards the merchants unless Grillock or someone else steers him away.

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 9:27 pm
by Grognardsw
Orando, fighter/magic user
OGRE MAGE wrote: What's wrong with our little place here cutie? Too rough for you tree hugger types? She flashes a disturbingly nasty smile at the long lived Orando.

Ya, we do a good business here. Lots of people around here got plenty of troubles to drink away. What brings you to out little shithole town?
"Nothing wrong with it, nothing at all, just what an adventurer needs after hugging hard trees and ravaging bushes. Good wench you are a sight to sore eyes. You grace this place with your presence. But how could a quaint village have so many troubles? Crop plague, high taxes?"

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:34 pm
Nasty bar wench

So, yer an adventurer then? And a pretty one with a silver tongue to boot.

The taxes is fine and the crops are healthy enough. It's something else I'm speaking of. Something evil I tells ya!

She looks the elf up and down, trying to determine if she should continue or not.

We got us a bigger problem round here sure enough. I think we got us one of them cults er something operating nearby. We got folks going missing left and right around these parts

I tell you what, if we do got a cult around here, I bet anything that old priest is involved somehow! That guy gives me the willys.

Re: Pitchforks Tavern (40)

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 10:35 pm
by Cauchy

Epi pays for her drink which she sniffs, but elects not to drink just yet. She looks around the tavern taking in the clientele and checking out the place. How many other doors are there besides the one she entered by?