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Chapter 2a - Urdua and Leaf

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 2:30 pm
by ybn1197
You were told that Madame Freona’s Tea Kettle was the place where adventurers could find work and avoid the hassle associated with other places in Silverhill. So far, that has been true. Madame Freona, a stout and officious halfling who runs the establishment with her five daughters, has proven an excellent hostess.

After a peaceful night’s rest, Briez, one of Madame Freona’s five daughters, is serving you a delightful breakfast, which includes freshly made wildberry jam on warm biscuits. "A bit of a commotion this morning wasn't it?" she asks innocently. Both of you had slept in and slept soundly, missing whatever she is referring to and you tell her so. "Oh my," she exclaims, "I'm so sorry. A woman from one of the outlying farms rode in this morning, terrified half to death. It seems a group of goblins attacked her farm and captured her family. She and her infant child were the only ones to escape. A group of warriors who stayed the night here left out in a hurry to find them. That wasn't very long ago."

Intrigued by what you have heard and eager for a chance to prove yourselves, you question after the woman and her farm. A helpful citizen told you how to get to the farm and soon you were on your way with the help of a couple of borrowed horses. At the farm, you found the cart the woman used to reach town and which the others used to return here. You were just about to conduct a search of the farmhouse when Leaf spotted the group crossing the bog. They were too far to shout or communicate with and there was the real risk of goblins still being in the area.

Quietly following them, you advanced on them as quickly as possible. You found the lair entrance and tracked them inside where you found the remains of their first skirmish. Shortly thereafter, you heard the sound of metal on metal and knew there was another battle going on. You arrive at the entrance to the chamber where you see the group interrogating the bound goblins.

Post anything you want to do prior to entering the chamber here. If you just want to enter unannounced, please post here.