House Rules

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Ranger Lord
Ranger Lord
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House Rules

#1 Post by Enoch »

For those of you who are familiar with Torchbearer (and those who aren't), there are a few changes that will have to be made to adapt the game to a PbP format. Again, a lot of this is cribbed from C. Steven Ross:
  • Helping. PBP games tend to see any given player with a spurt of creativity and availability, followed by a period of time where they simple can't post, or can't come up with anything particularly great. Let's accept this facet of the medium and roll with it.
    For Help, the active player will look at everyone's character sheets and call out who in the party is providing assistance to the test, if any. We cannot wait for everyone to chime in on every single test. That way is madness.
    Also, I am a little more flexible with what skills help what other skills than rules-as-written. Think of the listed skills as guidelines, but I'm willing to listen to arguments about who can help.
  • Many mechanics of the game function on a "per session" basis. On average, most sessions tend to see around 13 Turns. We will go through End of Session and then Beginning of Session procedures after 13 Turns have passed, although this may be modified if a more reasonable "stopping point" is reached. For example, if you all return to base after twelve tests, we'll call that a session. If you're a Turn or two from base when you hit thirteen Turns, we'll call it when you return.
  • Character Generation will be done all together in an organic fashion. Don't send me a character sheet; we will be building it as a team. I think Character Generation in this system is a fun little romp. I know several of you are already looking at character concepts, and we'll work to accommodate those characters.
  • Speaking of Character Generation, the book dictates one corporal, two PFC's, and one private for a fireteam of four. We've got six, and the book has no guidelines for that. We can be flexible with starting rank, since you all will start out as part of a larger squad.
  • Dice rolling: We will use the Unseen Servant dice roller for rolling dice. Please link the roll to the forum when you make it. I know it's easy to continue rolling the dice until you get the result you want, and short of forcing everyone to create a character sheet that's only used for macros there's no real way to prevent that. I expect players to be honest. Failure is part of the game. I will do the same.
Shadrach, Demon-Hunter - Dust to Dust
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