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Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:29 am
by MonkeyWrench
Even in times of peace there can be great conflict and strife, revolutions taking advantage of the lull to throw down their governing "oppressors", bandits preying on simple merchant folk, and raiders... raiding places.

During these events certain people rise to the call, challenging the powers that put them there and taking their own lives and fates, molding them as they see fit. Three such adventurers now come together as a newly formed band of adventurers and mercenaries. They crest the hilltop, overlooking a small farming village known as the Fuldor Farms. The farms rest just outside of a small town called Vintiver, where the group has accepted a contract for aid to be sent, in order to resolve an issue with many villagers disappearing.

As the group clear the crest, now able to see a heightened view of the farms, they notice that, while still some distance away, there are no signs of workers moving about the fields. Not even animals can be spied throughout the area, it seems that an unnatural quiet has descended upon the Fuldor Farms. The three adventurers are known as Athras, young mage that hails from the Tevinter Emperium, so far his story has been his own. Æðelbert Sturlubók, A rather fanciful mage that is fairly new to the outside world, having only been gone from the Circle Tower a mere 2 weeks, the ink from the papers signed by his First enchanter, allowing him access to roam on missions that required an arcane talent, still seem fresh on the parchment. And Hamish, a surface dwarf and oldest member of the group, in terms of age. His twin battle axes looped across his back, ever sharp and ready to cleave through anyone foolish enough to cross him.

Awesome! Here is the starting thread, feel free to post even if your character sheets are not fully done, I'm fine with you finishing them as you go if you like.

general overview of the Fuldor Farms, more detail will be added once the group goes to each specified location. Group is currently off map on a crest down the road leading west

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:39 am
by GreyWolfVT
Hamish from braveheart standing tall or as tall as a dwarf can proudly sticking out his chest looking down from the crest at the farmland "Today is a good day!" he proclaims boldly and loudly in his Scottish accent. "We'll get to the bottom of this missin' person's issue an kill anyone dumb enough to try and stop us." ever the proud warrior the dwarf continues on with his speech "With you two as the brains and me as the muscle. What can stop us." he then sticks his thumb into his mouth pulls it out sticks it up into the air "The winds are with us let us go while the gods favors us."

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 1:38 am
by Antman9
(Aedilberct) [Defense: 20][AR: 0] (HP: 30/30)
Action: Ponders the Scene

Aedilbrct looks down from the low hilltop at the village below, taking in the scene. There are no workers present, this is curious to me, he says to himself. He turns to Hamish. “I do not think this will be a good day Hamish. Have you not seen the lack of creatures about?” He says in his distinctly Icelandic accent. “No. Something is amiss here, but I admire your courage and bravery. Something evil lurks hereabouts.

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:01 am
by Rhal

The elf looks down over the village as the others speak, then shakes his head. Aedilberct is right. I see no one working fields or moving around. Nor do I see any animals. This could probably be a great deal worse than a few people missing, maybe the entire populace. Either way, we do need to go doen there and look around. With that said he gestures for the dwarf to lead the way.

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:32 am
by Antman9
(Aedilberct) [Defense: 20][AR: 0] (HP: 30/30)
Action: Keeps a wary eye

Aedilberct keeps a wary eye about him as he follows the party toward the village. He's less concerned with what's in front than he is about what's behind and to the side.

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:32 am
by GreyWolfVT
Hamish waves off the other two "To a dwarf it is a good day. To die in battle. Or to fight a glorious battle and win the day. Is of littler matter both be a good day to a dwarf."

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:01 am
by Antman9
(Aedilberct) [Defense: 20][AR: 0] (HP: 30/30)
Action: Walks and Talks

Listening to Hamish and looking to his blind spots religously, Aedilberct replies, "Though my people would agree with you Hamish, I am not as quick to embrace the blade. Your enthusiasm is noted."

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 3:20 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Entering the deserted(?) farms!

As the party of bold and courageous adventurers walk, ever boldly, down the hill and entering the village proper the mages, Aedilberct and Athras detect a hint of magic to the air, something certainly dark and sinister, the source cannot be made at this distance but it does feel to be further along, possibly in one of the buildings ahead.

All party members can tell from this distance that something is certainly amiss, the stillness to the air as not even a breeze flows through sending supernatural shivers down their spines, their instincts telling them this place is dangerous. As they enter the main road they see from ground level the sprawling farms, the road flows straight, with woods beyond that likely lead to the village of Vintiver. Along the roads before them are standard wooden fences, used to bar entry from a certain path to the different pieces of farm field, breaking off to allow additional roads to lead to the buildings and fields.

To the parties Left stands a fairly large one-story building that, like everything else, seems to be deserted. Farm implements lie about next to the build, shovels, rakes, etc. To the houses right the party can see the end piece of one of the farm fields. From their angle the group can see what may be carrots and cabbages planted and ready to harvest. The building itself looks well kept and maintained, structurally at least, the windows seem to be covered in a fine film of dust.

To their right the party see's a road leading off towards what looks like a small shed and a small woodcutting house, stacks of already cut wood set aside and a few lumber axes laying about, most likely the farmers and helpers would take the cut down trees here to be split into firewood for the other buildings, the shed probably holding additional farm tools.

So band, right, left, straight, or dance off?

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:43 pm
by GreyWolfVT
We don't dance off unless the other two wanna do that dwarves don't dance :P Hamish likes the looks of the axes and is tempted to grab them should he need more axes to fight things. But realizes it'd be wrong of him to steal them. "What direction you two pose we should go?"

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 10:12 pm
by Antman9
(Aedilberct) [Defense: 20][AR: 0] (HP: 30/30)
Action: Converses amicably

Aedilberct looks around for a moment and then addresses Hamish, "We are here to investigate so let us leave no stone unturned. Counterclockwise is my way. Shall we start there?" he says as he points to the small home off to the left of the road.

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:40 am
by GreyWolfVT
Hamish "Aye surely that'll work. Left an work around ta right." the dwarf agrees.

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:39 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Going to give Rhal a chance to chime in, since IF combat strikes up I'd rather not have deaths within the first few minutes of play 8-) :twisted:

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 9:03 pm
by MonkeyWrench
As the group walks down the path, veering left towards the farm house with tools scattering and laying about, they continue to notice that the place is eerily silent, not even a birds chirp from the surrounding woods. Hamish walks on in front of the group his dwarven stubbornness keeping all worldly ills from infecting his thoughts, Aedilberct and Athras trailing close behind.

After closer inspecting of the house it is indeed well kept but dusty and not maintained recently. There are two dust covered windows facing the road and as the group walk further on down the small road leading towards the house they notice a simple looking wooden door leading into the house, it is closed. The adjacent farm field is host to varying carrots, cabbages and other vegetables.

Go into the house? Or time to play farm simulator and get to tending them crops!?

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 9:14 pm
by Antman9
(Aedilberct) [Defense: 20][AR: 0] (HP: 30/30)
Action: Suggests a rear approach

Aedilberct scans the area and says, "Shall we circle to the rear Hamish, my worthy shield? This place spooks me." He continues to look about as he mumbles to himself, "Something amiss here, I can feel it. This does not bode well my friends. We should be cautious."

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:01 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Hamish not at all afraid walks to the front door and opens it slowly placing himself between the mage and the door like a good shield.

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:43 pm
by MonkeyWrench
As Hamish walks up to the possibly locked and/or trapped door his dwarven stubby fingers grasp the door handle and with all of the might given to him from his ancestors, attempts to open the door... only to find that...!!!!

It opens gently and quietly, swinging slowly open as the dwarf stands in the doorway peering inside. What he finds is a rather dusty, but well kept, area. The place appears to be a flophouse for the supposed many farm hands that tended the fields, beds line the walls with closed footlockers adorning each foot of the beds. There are dressers spersed out along the walls as well and straight ahead Hamish can see a hallway leading to a doorway to the left. To his right along the far wall is a sitting area with a fireplace built in.

The beds are all well made, if not dust covered, and several different smaller farming tools lay upon the dressers and scattered through the large housing area.

The house is one story and seems to be abandoned.

Antman, make a perception roll since you're outside!!

3d6+perception mod vs. ?? DC!!!

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:25 am
by Rhal
Quietly following the others into the seemingly abandoned town, Arthas contemplates the sinister magical feeling he has picked up on. Not so unusual a feeling, considering where I come from. Hopefully this has nothing to do with them . . . After the dwarf walks into the building, Athas turns and places himself with his back to the building and scans the area.


[3d6+1] = 5+1 = 6

Ack! 5 on a 3d6!

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:47 pm
by Antman9
(Aedilberct) [Defense: 20][AR: 0] (HP: 30/30)
Action: Perception Check

Aedilberct waits patiently for a moment as Hamish does his thing and then asks, "Anything of import Hamish, shall we enter or move on?"
Perception Check: [3d6+1] = 11+1 = 12

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:22 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Hamish "Nope much like out ere aint nothing of worth less we wan ta check the other rooms."

Re: Chapter 1 - Amateur Style Mercenaries

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 11:21 pm
by MonkeyWrench
nothing of import?! No digging through the very floorboards in search of hidden treasures?!? Humph... ;) :D

As Hamish relays what he see's Athras peers about the surrounding land with his keen elven eyes and ears, only to find nothing of import. After Hamish disgracefully shuns the house and it's possible goodies Aedilberct hears a faint noise coming from further into the farm lands, while extremely faint he could make out the possibility of the noise being a scream.

So all, search the house? Farm simulator in the nearest field? dance battle? Pack up and head home? Search further in?