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ENT: Exploring the watery cave

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 6:48 pm
by Argennian
~ Taking note of the bluff above and wanting to get a better peak into the cave below, Bogdan nods to Emm and Caelvanna and cautiously steps down into the water from the bank. The druid moves up to the waterline behind him to cover, her spear at the ready, whilst the Wild elf keeps a watch on their immediate surroundings for any danger or potential trouble, her elven bow and flight arrow ready for instant deployment.

The salt water is cool as it seeps through the half-orcs armored boots but nothing within the shallows of the immediate vicinity appears to offer any resistance or objections. Bog takes a few steps forward and peers to his left to look inside the cave-grotto. Although it is dark within, due mostly the sunlight above being obstructed from the overhanging, thick flora, the half-orc allows his eyes to adjust and squints within to gather what detail, if any, that he can.

The cave looks to continue mostly straight in but the rocky passage does appear to taper down slightly on the sides and at the top, say to perhaps 15 feet wide by @ 6 feet tall another 20-25 feet in or so. At the very limit of Bogdan's vision, he can see what looks to be a partially submerged rowboat and some debris just beyond it, perhaps on a ledge of some sort. It is difficult to see much detail without entering further but the half-orc can see nothing moving other than the gentle swaying of the partially submerged craft in the mellow tide of the watery floor.




TOD: 10:10am of Day 1

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Emm 10/10
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spear/shield (& other spears) ; Caelvanna – short bow/short sword (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – spear/SC (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location In the shallow water at the cave entrance: Bogdan ; At the shore on the small offshoot trail below the clearing: Caelvanna , Emm

Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 1:33 am
by Alethan
Bog turns his head to the others and says,"Boat about 25 feet back. Partially submerged. There is a ledge back there, with something on it. Tide's out, so it should be ok to check it out. Anyone want to join me?"

Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 5:10 am
by tkrexx
Again Emm looks to Caelvanna, tho she knows already the Elf Warrior has made her mind, as has Emm herself. Again she nods at fearless Bog and gingerly steps into the gently waving water. She has her spear perched, but is also considering keeping at the ready with a Speak With Animals charm if needed.

Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 2:08 pm
by Alethan
Relaxing his grip on his spear, Bog slowly makes his way to the partially submerged boat at the back of the cave...

Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 2:27 pm
by dmw71
"Water," Caelvanna curses in elvish as she sets off to follow the half orc. While she clearly wishes their return to land wouldn't find them back in the liquid so soon, the assurances that the water is no more than a couple feet deep, coupled with the chance for adventure and exploration, are enough for the wild elf to spring to action.

She will follow Bog while remaining mindful of their surroundings, especially up, validating Emm's musing about someone (or something) gaining entrance to this cave from above.

The party heads into the watery cave...

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:17 am
by Argennian
~ With the others' agreement to Bogdan's proposed reconnoiter further into the cave-grotto, Emm and Caelvanna step off the shore and into the shallows. The cool sea water quickly penetrates their boots but still no other surprises spring forth. The young human druid and Wild elf archer fall in behind the heavily-armored half-orc warrior as he leads the way inside the watery passage.

The trio move in, finding that the water actually gets a bit deeper, but not much more than two and a half feet at the most. The further in they creep, the darker and more shadowy it becomes and the harder it is to see. But eyes eventually adjust to the conditions with the light to their backs, and within moments, they approach the partially submerged rowboat that Bog described. It looks to have been here for some time. There are two oars within, one broken in half and what appears to be a small crate, similar in size and shape to the ones they found up in the thicket previously, submerged at the stern. The boat looks to be tied up to what appears to be metal ring driven into the right wall above a ledge just beyond.

The rocky ledge appears to be above the waterline by a few feet, which would make it about 4 to 4 1/2 feet higher up than the floor of the passage. On the ledge about ten feet beyond look to be about a half dozen crates and possibly a chest. There is also a pile of material that could be a net or rope. The passage tappers down width-wise even more, to about 10 feet wide, but is about 4 feet tall above the ledge. It does look like it continues further in. It is hard to note detail without a light source but neither Bogdan or Caelvanna pick up anything with their infravision.




TOD: 10:15am of Day 1

OOC: sorry for the delay guys, work got ugly again. Just as a point of order to the above description, you can still see by the light from the entrance but it is dark and very shadowy in there. It will be hard to make out any real details without a light source.

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Emm 10/10
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spear/shield (& other spears) ; Caelvanna – short bow/short sword (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – spear/SC (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Inside the watery cave: Bogdan , Caelvanna , Emm

Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:58 pm
by Alethan
Bog hoists himself up onto the ledge. He waits there for a moment to see if his actions elicit a response from anything on the ledge. If nothing happens, then he removes a torch and his tinderbox from his backpack and lights one of his torches.

With that done, he will examine the contents of the ledge more closely, taking note of the number of crates and the features of the crates and the chest.

"How does that boat look down there? Is it submerged because it is damaged? Or can we get it floating again?"

Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 2:46 pm
by dmw71
Calevanna will cautiously approach the boat, switching from her bow to her blade in the process. She will attempt to determine its overall condition and usability from a safe distance; relaying her findings to Bog and Emm. She will only come within five feet or so of the vessel once she's convinced it's safe to do so.

Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 4:22 am
by tkrexx
Emm keeps her eyes open. Anything that tries to murder the trio will first need to get past her spear. She does take a moment, however, to look for any sea-dwelling plants that could be useful during an assault.

Watery cave: Bog moves up on ledge to see what's there...

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:02 am
by Argennian
~ Bogdan moves forward past the side of the submerged rowboat and hauls himself up onto the ledge. Water pours out of his armored boots and lower leggings of his grieves as he crouches motionless for a moment, waiting to see if anything moves or responds to his presence amongst the debris and items on the ledge nearby. Caelvanna keeps her finger on her well-used string trigger, also scanning about with her infravision for any potential movement or danger. At the rearguard just behind the Wild elf archer, the young druidess Emm grips her spear with resolve and a mental conviction to apply it's business end to anything that might look to threaten or want to consume the scouting trio!

Nothing moves or happens in the few following moments of silent anticipation, so Bog removes his pack and takes out a torch and tinderbox. He works to get it lit quickly and soon flame begins to sputter and jump to life, throwing flickering shadows around the walls and ceiling of the watery cave and illuminating reflections off the water. The half-orc begins to scan the ledge and sees six crates that resemble the ones they found yesterday in that clearing by the cliff base. Four of them are open and appear empty, two of that number looking partially degraded or compromised in their condition. The last two still have closed lids on them. Just beyond these is a heap of rotted rope mixed in amongst a large fishing net. Another ten feet further into the passage, is indeed a heavy-duty medium sized chest (say about 2' wide x 1' tall x 1' deep front to rear). It looks to be made of a darkened wood with heavy metal bands and has an inset lock mechanism on the lid at the catch. Although it appears old and worn it is certainly stout enough to reassure it's ongoing integrity.

While the half-orc makes his initial reconnoiter of the items on the ledge, he calls out to his companions for a closer scrutinization of the submerged rowboat, now that there is more light to see by. Caelvanna slings her trusty bow and draws her elven blade as she takes a few steps forward to peer at the partially submerged dingy. She appears hesitant to want to approach the craft any closer than within 5 feet, and peers about it to look for damage. It is about 12 feet long and has two bench seats within. The sides appear sturdy enough and there are no holes or cracks visible in the bow and hull exposed above the waterline, but the submerged section between the stern and halfway between the two seats is hard to see with any real detail at her current position. There is a whole closed crate sitting in the bottom of the small boat at the stern.

While Caelvanna strains her eyes to acquire more detail and Emm begins looking down into the water to assess any potential underwater flora that might be present there, the boat suddenly moves in manner not conducive to the tiny waves that were slowly rocking it all this time. It's as if something below it underwater just bumped it or pushed against it. Emm glances over and thinks she sees a flash of color between the front of the boat and base of the rock ledge underwater...


*** Let's have a d6 roll for the party here along with Declared Actions from Caelvanna and Emm in reaction to what they just witnessed! ***

OOC1: Since Bog is up on the ledge scrutinizing the items there, we'll say at this point that only Caelvanna and Emm witnessed the boat bump/move. Only Emm noticed the flash of movement as described above. So as a point of order, one of you two will have to announce that to Bog to make him aware!

OOC2: apols again for the ongoing delay gents, was AFK over the weekend and work has just been stupid busy as of late. Note: the d6 roll above will not be for surprise, but more so for a potential initiative situation! :)

TOD: 10:20am of Day 1

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Emm 10/10
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spear/shield (& other spears) ; Caelvanna – short sword (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – spear/SC (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Inside the watery cave: Bogdan (up on ledge) , Caelvanna (@ 5' from submerged rowboat) , Emm (just beyond Caelvanna)

Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:46 pm
by tkrexx
[1d6] = 6
That'll do. :)

The Druid's dark eyes snap wide at the colorful flash beneath the boat, and her sharp voice echoes throughout the cave. There! From under the boat! Bogdan, can you see it? Her hope is that the Fighter, being elevated from the surface, will be able to see into the shallows better. Difficult tho it may be in the water, she instintively assumes battle stance, her spear poised for a thrust.

Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:52 pm
by Alethan
Bog turns at the squeak of the small druid's voice and quickly peers over the edge, squatting to avoid hitting his head on the roof and holding the torch up high over the water to provide as much light to the situation as possible. With his other hand, he readies his spear in case he needs to jump down onto a hostile animal, hopefully impaling it in a very deadly way.

Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:35 pm
by dmw71
Having seen the unnatural boat shift, Caelvanna scurries backwards rapidly, keeping her sword drawn at the unknown intruder. She waits to assess the situation before taking offensive actions, however.

Emm calls warning before a giant crab emerges...

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:08 am
by Argennian
~ Seeing a flash of movement underwater from near the bow of the dingy, Emm calls out a quick warning to Bogdan and takes a defensive stance, spear forward and ready. Caelvanna backpedals immediately and makes ready with her short sword, her Wild elf eyes scanning the few feet of water for whatever it was that Emm saw fleetingly. Bog spins around up on the ledge, holding his torch out over the ledge to better illuminate the situation and gripping his Karagonian masterwork spear in preparation to be deployed with immediacy from his perch above.

The partially submerged rowboat rocks again slightly for a second before suddenly being pushed up and over to one side with tremendous force, as if it were naught but a toy. Water splashes and froths violently about, clearing to reveal a giant orange-colored claw keeping the waterlogged dingy pinned to the northern cave wall. The huge shape of what is attached to said appendage surfaces. It is a giant crab, more massive than anything you've ever seen or dreamed of in your worst nightmares. It must be ten feet across and fills up the entire end of the cave before the ledge. It lifts what appears to be an even larger claw upward at the ledge, clicking it in anticipation as it's dark beady eyes, situated on the ends of it's two eyestalks, focus in on the bright light of the torch being wielded by the half-orc above. It faces Bog, appearing to be enticed by the torch light, it's backside towards Emm and Caelvanna...


OOC: Okay then, you three were not surprised and had made ready for action. We'll go off of rolled initiative, which goes to the party (nice roll, Rexx!).

~ Go ahead and Declare Actions and make any attack/action rolls needed and we'll begin the encounter with the giant crab! :)

TOD: 10:20am of Day 1

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Emm 10/10
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spear/torch ; Caelvanna – short sword (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – spear/SC (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Inside the watery cave: (up on the rock ledge) Bogdan ; (10 feet back from where the boat was/giant crab is) Caelvanna , Emm

Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:29 am
by tkrexx
Emm quickly realizes this is a creature with insufficient intelligence to make her speaking charm with, and lunges with her spear while it is concentrating on Bog.

[1d20] = 19

[1d8] = 5

Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:39 am
by Alethan
"Hargh!" Bog shouts, to keep its attention, "Attack it from behind while I have it's attention! Come on, you!" He continues waving the torch and making noise to keep its attention.

Once the other two make their attacks, Bog will attempt to skewer it with his spear.

To Hit, Spear (melee) [1d20+2] = 2+2 = 4

... And he has trouble navigating the ledge and attempting to attack with his spear at the same time. Hopefully the other two have better luck.

Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 8:26 pm
by Argennian
*** Just need a Declared Action and/or attack roll for Caelvanna to resolve the action for Round 1! ***

Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:03 pm
by dmw71
Caelvanna, sizing up the imposing monstrosity before her, finds it difficult to suppress regret over having exchanged weapons when entering cave. "Easy target," she thinks to herself, "if arrows could even penetrate that shell" her thoughts continue; which raises the question of whether or not her blade will have luck against such protection.

Not allowing her discomfort in melee confrontations to dissuade her, she capitalizes on the fact the beast is facing the other way. Picking her target carefully, she lunges forth with her short sword extended, looking to stab the crustacean in what she believes to be a vulnerable spot.

Short Sword (vs. l) [1d20+1] = 18+1 = 19 [1d8+1] = 6+1 = 7

I assume this thing is size large, and rolled accordingly. To be safe, I also rolled for damage against s/m and ended up with the same result: s/m damage [1d6+1] = 6+1 = 7

Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:36 pm
by Alethan
dmw71 wrote: I assume this thing is size large, and rolled accordingly. To be safe, I also rolled for damage against s/m and ended up with the same result: s/m damage [1d6+1] = 6+1 = 7
Argennian wrote:It is a giant crab, more massive than anything you've ever seen or dreamed of in your worst nightmares. It must be ten feet across and fills up the entire end of the cave before the ledge.
I'd say you're probably safe assuming "large" here. :) Nice hit, btw... I think Low AC is going to be our challenge here, not high HP.

Re: On the island: Exploring the northern trail

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 5:52 pm
by dmw71
Better safe than sorry. ;)

I agree, by the way, that this thing will likely be a challenge to hit. Could be an interesting battle.