Chapter 2 - The First Foray

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Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#1 Post by AleBelly »

Date: 15 Rituals, Year 41 PM
Time: 09:00
Conditions: 37F, few clouds, slight south breeze
Known Spells in Effect: None
Sunset: ~ 15:30

The party spends a well rested night scattered about town. After a few errands in the morning, the party congregates outside Six Steps from the Gutter, They still haven't resolved if they will venture together, and if so, in which direction. There has been discussion of following the river north or south, as well as forging east. Another beautiful, if cold, day appears to be upon the group.

If you haven't done so, please deduct a night's lodging expense. PC inventory will be locked as soon as the party leaves town. If you plan to split up, please give as much advance notice as possible so I can set up private threads.
Last edited by AleBelly on Thu Feb 05, 2015 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#2 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Korok, having left as the strategy meeting was just starting, arrives to the front of the inn, his pack and weapons in check. he does not speak unless spoken to and even then it is done with short answers and angry gaze unless it is someone he knows. He is content to simply wait for direction and everyone begins filtering towards the meeting spot.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#3 Post by CAI4 »

Chet is still dressed in his bloodstained robe. After his morning meditation he joins the group. Since I'm the only one that suggested north, I change my mind and agree with Eduard. Let's go south along the water.

If the party splits, he'll go with Eduard and Sev, preferring Eduard. Also factoring into his decision is Ilfrien - he will avoid her party all things being equal.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#4 Post by Marullus »

Arlandria arrives early, sitting atop the fence rail and waiting for the others. She is bundled within her cloak, a black wool scarf wrapped around her face as her breath puffs in the cold air. Her bow is slung at the ready over her shoulder, a long piece of sassafras root protruding from her mouth as she chews.

[Follows the groups suggested; whichever way Ilfrien and Yana go.]
She is tall for a hobbit, standing three and a half feet, her form slender and plain. Auburn hair is pulled back and roughly but functionally plaited, fly-aways and loose ends abound with bits of twig remaining where they tangled. He face is long, deeply tanned and showing frown-lines. A pert nose lies below her cornflower-blue eyes. She wears long forest-green wool cloak and hood over her clothing - plain utilitarian brown leather smock dress over wool shirt and leggings, panels of studded leather arranged over plain peasant wares. Sword and quiver hang at her belt, both worn dark from use, with a well-kept wooden shortbow and pack upon her back.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#5 Post by tkrexx »

Hyde stomps slowly from the front door of the inn, just barely awake. He throws his head back and opens his enormous mouth impossibly wide in a noisome yawn. He looks about and smiles in morning greeting. Strolling toward Korok (but not too close, he knows Korok is as liable to swat him as anyone else) and makes polite conversation. Well! It be time to show Alleborg's Human population that Half-Orcs be their heroes, hah? Yeahh. He nods in the direction of the Halfling. Where we find the Hobbit?
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#6 Post by Enoch »

Jana strides in along a road to the east, greeting those assembled with a wakeful cheeriness that seems to indicate she's been awake for some time. "Good morning! Have we decided yet our path? I'm eager to set out before the day gets too long."
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#7 Post by Zorroroaster »

Eduard emerges at first light from the tavern having had a decent sleep. He quickly runs to the provisioner to obtain a few items for the trip and returns with a light in his eyes and a spring in his step. His gear has been neatly packed, his longsword clattering at his side as he walks.

He stops outside the tavern and greets the others. It is clear he is eager to get started.

"We may have to wait a few minutes, I believe Ilfrien mentioned having something to do before leaving. No matter, it'll give us a chance to talk about what direction to take, and also what order we head out in.

It seems consensus is pushing us towards the south, although North is another option. I agree with staying near the watercourse, it'll help keep us oriented. Who among us is capable of scouting ahead?"
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#8 Post by »

"And a good morning to you all!". Yenny also seems well-rested and cheerful as she walks around to each person and says a quieter good day, offering a hand shake, to each. "May we all return as healthy as we are now - and wealthier."
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#9 Post by bloodymage »

Twix says I can scout but you'll likely lose sight of me if there's trouble.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#10 Post by KingOfCowards »

Jaspar is also up early as befits his age. He seems very cheerful this morning, finally having a chance to explore the world outside of Alleborg. He stretches when he exits the inn and greets the others warmly with a grin.
"A pleasant enough morning for a brisk walk, innit? South sounds as good a direction as any to take."
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#11 Post by »

"I might be able to have some animals let us know what is happening. They often are very curious about their surroundings, and keep tabs on the neighbors, but in this cold weather, they might be sleeping in. Not a bad idea, that."
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#12 Post by Marullus »

The diminutive woman raises a hand in response to Eduard, still sitting atop the fence rail. "I can scout. Lead us to the Perimeter well enough, too." She glances to the sky appraisingly, pulling a frayed and chewed root from her mouth to talk better. "Light is burning, though. If we go today, we best move soon. We want to make a full day out to establish our base." She looks to Eduard. "Anyone consider a boat, if we'd make better time?"
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#13 Post by Keehnelf »

Ilfrien arrives at the specified meeting spot astride a small gray pony with a white close-cropped mane, laden with half-empty saddle bags that hang along either flank. Ilfrien herself is dressed in a fraying red robe with delicate if uneven white embroidery marking her clearly as a priest of the mostly-unknown minor deity Garmoth. Her armor is strapped behind her and her shield and mace hang lightly to either side, flapping a bit as she rides, a pair of old kid leather gloves on her hands to guard against the cold and a beaten travel cloak wrapped tightly around her.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#14 Post by Zorroroaster »

Eduard scans the group with his eyes as Ilfrien arrives. He's clearly impressed by the pony, and smiles inwardly to himself at the wisdom of hiring a mount.

"I think we are all here save for Sev. We should get moving southwards soon if we want to make the most of the day's travel. I'll leave word with Guffy that we are heading towards the city gates and he can catch up to us there. I'm sure one man will be moving faster than ten."

"I hadn't thought of going via rivercraft, no. I think we will get a better sense of the terrain if we feel it under our boots. Also, if ambushed by any sort of archers, we will have more options if we aren't all stuck on a boat in the middle of the water."

Eduard goes into the tavern briefly to give Guffy the direction they are headed and then returns. He shoulders his backpack and looks expectantly at the others.

"We can start slow, give Sev opportunity to catch up. I have a feeling we'll need that sword of his before long."
[]-Orrin Lighthammer, Dwarven Gymnast-[] The Arch-Duchy of Vaul: A West Marches Labyrinth Lord Sandbox
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#15 Post by AleBelly »

The discussion of watercraft forces the party to pay more heed to the small river. As it runs through town, on the west side, it's about 50 feet wide. The party also knows that the flow of the river is from south to north, so by heading south they will be heading towards the source.

I will need a marching formation. In case the party is surprised, I want you all to have the ability to decide where your characters are. To avoid this causing a long delay, I'm throwing out a draft. I'm not trying to force this on you - this is based on stated intentions, character behavior/obligations and past actions. I did not incorporate Arlandria's offer to scout, but am happy to. Keep in mind that to take advantage of her abilities in this regard she'll need to be 90' ahead of everyone else, which could leave her out to dry in dense woodlands.

Please use this as a starting point. If you'd like your character moved, please give coordinates. For example, Hyde is at L8

020415 Wilderness marching order.png
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#16 Post by »

Yenny's fine where she is. I imagine she would move up towards Ilfrien sometimes, or over towards the center to chat now and again, but the basic 7-8 o'clock position seems fine. IT does seem like we might not want to spread out that wide - 50' would get trees between us and so forth. BTW, SHEY ATEYIK spells something really funny in Gnome.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#17 Post by Keehnelf »

Ilfrien seems to chafe a bit at being in a position where she needs to keep watch over the flank of her un observant companions, but makes no move to take a different spot.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#18 Post by Zorroroaster »

That seems a reasonable place for Eduard, he can get some missile fire off by stepping to either side, so he's fine with his position.
[]-Orrin Lighthammer, Dwarven Gymnast-[] The Arch-Duchy of Vaul: A West Marches Labyrinth Lord Sandbox
[]-Arnulf The Banal, Manchild SuperMage-[] The Lone City in the Wildlands (OSRIC)
[]-Nai Tnam, Dwarven Cleric-[] Lair of the Black Druid - OSRIC
[]-Bronn Arnulfsen, Half-Orc Fighter-[] Valnwall, The Barrowmaze (LL)
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#19 Post by Keehnelf »

As the party travels through the streets, Ilfrien pulls a simple set of pipes from a thong attached to her belt under the cloak and begins to play a song--hardly recognizable as one, really. She's either horribly out of practice or doesn't know how to play. She gives up on the song and instead spends some time experimenting with various intervals. After a time, she nods approvingly at the pipes and stows them once again.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The First Foray

#20 Post by tkrexx »

That's a good place for Hyde, he can guard the right flank and launch arrows safely. Being spread out somewhat does give us a tactical advantage; not many AOE spells can nail all of us, and surprise will be limited.

Ah, a fine mount, yeahh! Hyde declares. I can scout if need be. I think the small ones be better than me, tho. Maybe I kill a wild pig, and we all eat good, hah?

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