(CLOSED) To Find a Wizard

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(CLOSED) To Find a Wizard

#1 Post by Antman9 »

Herein begins the story of a Kobold nation destined to change the fate of men.


This is the straw that will decide the disposition of Zee (Zander Riverbend), the greatest Kender Adventurer that ever lived.

The Gods Intervene

The gods of old, thought long dead, lost, or merely sleeping, watch as Zander Riverbend fights bravely and valiantly against overwhelming odds, risking life and limb, to save his friends from the evil perils that loom in the dark recesses of the world.

Reorx, the Forge, the World Smith, the Tamer of Chaos takes note of Zander Riverbend's fading pulse, the tug of death's dark shadow. The ebbing throb from one of his children draws him for a closer look. Further investigation reveals the heart of a lion encased in the body of a child. His own heart beats in unison, a single golden tear drops from Reorx's cheek, falls from the heavens high, and lands upon Zander Riverbend's chest.

[3d6+2] = 10+2 = 12

Zee's body jerks in violent spasm, his pulse ceases to decline, a slow breath begins to issue from his lungs. There is nothing more Reorx can, or rather will do now. He will leave the Kender in Fate's tumultuous hands.

[Xirtan– Kobold Magic User 1] (HP: 18/18) (AC: 10)

As Zee lies on the cold floor, darkness enveloping his dying body, the Kobold he traded trinkets with slinks into the room to investigate the aftermath of carnage for shiny things and finds his new friend sleeping on the floor. "Wake up you silly fool. You will get's eated!" Xirtan pokes the Kender a couple of times then places his ear to Zee's chest. "It still lives...Hmmmmm, should I save it or pillage it?"

The tiny Kobold sits down on the cold stone floor and contemplates the options. "It is stronger than we, it could gaurd us from those nasty Goblins. They are so nasty, we hate them very much. But on the other foot I could get my pretty necklace back. Hmm." Xirtan contemplates a few moments more then decides, "No! We need protection more than I need the pretty necklace. It doesn't fit anyway."

Xirtan lays his hands on Zee's chest and prays to Shinare for the power to heal his new friend. after a minute of praying a low, soft glow issues from Xirtan's hands enveloping Zee's body. His wounds heal over with only a small scar or two. When Zirtan is done he pauses to see if Zee will wake up, when he does not he shakes him wildly and whispers in his ear, "Wake up we must go soon or something will find and eat us."

Zee still refuses to wake so the little Kobold runs off back the way he came. A few minutes later he returns with a friend and they carry Zee off into the dark recesses of their lair. where they tenderly see to him while he rests.


Eight hours later Zee awakens to a dark room, on a straw mat. The room, 10' in diameter, carved from solid stone, glows a dull red in Zees infravision. There is a small opening on the north wall, barely big enough to allow Zee passage. Near the entrance is a small three legged stool with a silver chalice filled with clear cool water and a lump of bread on an ornate silver platter.


7:00 pm
June 23rd, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:36/8:29
Temp: 82.4°F
Visibility: 10.4 Miles
Wind: 10.5 mph from N
Cloud: Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 58%
Moon Rise/Set: 1:11 am/2:07 pm
Moonlight: 48%

[Zee - Rogue - lvl 1] {hp: 25/25} {AC: 12}
Zee sits for a spell contemplating, trying to remember. It all feels so long ago. Noticing the stool, he slowly, as if attempting to walk on skates, makes his way over, grabs the chalice and plate and returns to the straw mat.
Each movement feeling new, his body stiff and slow.
He takes a small sip, feeling the liquid wash over his tongue, then tastes the bread. He thinks to himself This is quite possibly the best bread I've ever had!
He finds himself feeling the silver plate, tracing the lines with his fingers, forgetting where he is.
From deep inside he remembers the battle, the claws, feeling the flesh torn from his body, an explosion of pain, and again, the foreign feeling of fear. He then remembers the peace that followed, how it all faded away, how the commotion stopped, how his world stopped, and for a brief moment, how the whole world stopped...for him. He remembers the caress of a dear friend, and a sad goodbye from a gruff companion...
He reached the end of the line he was tracing and the visions in his head stopped like the end of a scene in some play. He was here again with new life running thru his veins. He mutters My friends...where are my friends?
He quickly finishes the bread and water, inventories his things and heads to the small opening.
Hello? he says somewhat sheepishly.
Is anyone there? as he pokes his head out.

[Xirtan– Kobold Magic User 1] (HP: 18/18) (AC: 10)

Xirtan hears the call of his new friend and comes running. "My friend you are awake! We thought you would never return to us. Have you seen the gods? I prayed over you, to Shinare, that she would return you to us. She has answered my prayer. How do you taste...Uh..I mean feel?"

[Zee - Rogue - lvl 1] {hp: 25/25} {AC: 12}
"A little fuzzy headed, other than that, I feel amazing! My memory is all chopped up tho. I remember a fight and then nothing and then a warm light and then I woke up in the dark! Did you bring me the bread? That was delicious, do you have anymore, I could eat a whole house of the stuff! Oh man, I didn't think I'd ever see you again. I thought you guys would have left by now! Now there was something I was looking for...Maybe something I was going to ask you....
Zee trails off in thought trying to concentrate, his mind now reeling as full thoughts return. He sorts thru them like looking for a marble in a bucket of polished rocks.
"Oh yes, now I remember, the bread, that bread was delicious, best I've ever had, do you have anymore bread?
Zee stares blankly at Xirtan as if all thought suddenly left him.

[Xirtan– Kobold Magic User 1] (HP: 18/18) (AC: 10)
Actions: Converses with his new friend

Xirtan smiles showing his Kobold teeth and says, "Oh sure, we have lots of food stuffs. Come, follow me." Xirtan leads Zee through a short maze of passages to the Kobold pantry. Thye have been busy it seems and have several wooden shelves full of food stuffs. "Have you r fill friend. I have an errand to run. Free to move about, but I would not go back up above. Goblins still be there and they will not like you." With that said Xirtan trots off into the darkness.

[Zee - Rogue - lvl 1] {hp: 25/25} {AC: 12}
Zee just stares in wonderment at the vast food store he finds himself in.
He scurries out, finds a plate nearby and proceeds to fill it until food is spilling off the edges.
He finds a bag of grain to sit on and goes to work, eating furiously. Salted meats and breads quickly disappear revealing a beautiful silver plate, much like the one he found in his room...."what a pretty plate" He whispers, his fingers again finding the lines intricately carved around the edges... the lines...
"THAT's IT!" spraying food as he exclaims.
"My friends, I was going to ask him about my friends!"
Zee fills his mouth one more time, finds a bota of wine (or something) nearby and darts out of the room.
"Xirtan, XIRTAN, I remember! I was looking for my friends!"
Zee takes a large pull off the bota, returns for one more mouthful, and back down the hallway.


Zee runs out of the Kobold pantry shouting for Xirtan and immediately finds himself in a large room. You can tell from the feel of your feet and hands that the walls and floor of seem to be a polished stone of some kind with scenes etched in bas relief. It is difficult to make out exactly what the scenes are with your infravision. You would need to light a torch to see additional details. The room is roughly 30' x 60' with four 3' diameter pillars. In the center of the NW half of the room is a pit opening roughy 10' x 20' in the floor. (2) 10' x 10' passages leave the room, one in the center of the SW wall, and one in the SW end of the SE wall. There is a 15' wide curtain hanging on the NE wall and appears to lead to another passageway. There is no sign of Xirtan or any other Kobold in sight.


7:15 pm
June 23rd, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:36/8:29
Temp: 82.4°F
Visibility: 10.4 Miles
Wind: 10.5 mph from N
Cloud: Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 58%
Moon Rise/Set: 1:11 am/2:07 pm
Moonlight: 48%

[Zee - Rogue - lvl 1] {hp: 25/25} {AC: 12}
Zee slows down as he feels the room open up around him
He surveys the room. Seeing an opening near by, he makes his way over, checking the walls for torches as he goes.
He peaks his head around the corner and peers in to the darkness.
"HellOOOoooo, Xirtan? Crow? Anyone?"

Do I still have all my goodies?

OOC: You still have all your things. Xirtan brought them along with you

Zee calls out to the darkness but gets no response.

[Zee - Rogue - lvl 1] {hp: 25/25} {AC: 12}
Actions: Inspects

Remembering his torch, he fumbles for his flint and lights it. Zee holds the torch high, opening his eyes wide, hoping it would help. He checks the walls for sconces, then turns and trusts the flame thru the doorway in the SW wall, again calling out in to the darkness.
He continues around the room looking at the reliefs carved in to the walls. Noticing the pit, he drops to his hands and knees, hobbling with one hand like a dog with a bum leg, he cautiously approaches the edge. He extends the torch as far as he can and carefully pokes his head over rim asking "What's in here?" as he does so.


Zee fumbles about in his pack, eventually finding his torch and lighting it. To his surprise the floor and walls are of a highly polished grey granite with scenes of chaos, etched in bas relief, covering every square inch. They remind him of stories he’s heard about Aetas Tenebris as a child (reference to the Aetas Tenebris can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=141&t=3067).

The dapper yellow torchlight begins to glow on every surface of the room, which begins to look more and more, every minute, like the heavenly glow of angels. Empty sconces line the walls around the room as well as three to each column. All of the surfaces are surprisingly void of dust and debris.

After Zee carefully edges his way up to the edge of the pit in the center of the room and leans ever so carefully over the edge he asks, to whoever might be down there, "What's in here?"

Shortly thereafter (5) 3’ tall Kobold warriors, clad in heavy plate armor, issue forth from behind the curtain on the NE wall. They shield their eyes from the light reflecting off all the walls. Two of the warriors begin marching around both ends of the pit toward Zee, one carrying a trident, another a glaive.


7:20 pm
June 23rd, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:36/8:29
Temp: 82.4°F
Visibility: 10.4 Miles
Wind: 10.5 mph from N
Cloud: Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 58%
Moon Rise/Set: 1:11 am/2:07 pm
Moonlight: 48%

[Zee - Rogue - lvl 1] {hp: 25/25} {AC: 12}
Actions: Reacts to reliefs and Greets his Friends

"Whoa, this must be the battles they told us about...
Lost in thought Zee trails off mumbling "I loved the old tales, swoosh, CRASH...and Flutterfree, she was soo cute, I always like sitting next to her...she smelled so pretty.. OH MAN! Zee runs to one particular relief."A DRAGON! That would have been something to see.
Turning his attention to the pit, he sees the soldiers rounding the edge. Not realizing the discomfort the torch is causing, he swings his torch wildly to the right, then left, greeting the newcomers.
"Hi Guys! Have you seen Xirtan? I've been looking for hiiHEY! You guys look pretty cool in those get ups! What's in the pit? you guys should put up a railing round this thing, people fumbling around in the dark could fall right in there! I was looking at the walls, this place is neat. Did you see the dragon over there?...
Zee continues to ramble on as the soldiers close in.


The two Kobold Warriors converge on Zee from either side without a word. One grabs his torch and thrusts it into a sconce on the nearby column, on the opposite side from the NE doorway. The second Warrior grabs Zee by the arm, firmly, but not aggressively. The 1st Warrior grabs hold of Zees other arm and the two escort him to the NE Doorway. One of the other Warriors opens the curtain and the two guards usher Zee into the dark room.

While Zee's eyes begin to adjust his ears pick up a light suckling and cooing noise directly in front of him and the putrid smell of defecation, soggy furs, and a pungent body odor. A deep feminine voice calls to him from the NE corner of the room: "Xirtan tells us you good man. Is this so?"

As Zees eyes adjust a large swollen figure slowly takes shape in the darkness before him. Huddled in the corner is the largest Kobold Zee has ever seen. Three times the normal Kobold size, heavy rolls of fat overlap and bulge making it difficult to tell where one limb ends and the next begins. 16 Kobold pups squirm and vie for position on her many plump and engorged udders. She looks at Zee with dark yet friendly eyes.

"What is your name young man?"

One of the Kobold Warriors stands in the doorway holding the curtain just open enough for Zee to see beyond the doorway.


7:25 pm
June 23rd, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:36/8:29
Temp: 82.4°F
Visibility: 10.4 Miles
Wind: 10.5 mph from N
Cloud: Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 58%
Moon Rise/Set: 1:11 am/2:07 pm
Moonlight: 48%

Whoa! Oh, hey, well I guess we're going this way! What's in the pit? I was trying to check it out when you guys came in. Hey! Can I try on your helmet? I'll bet it will fit, I'd look pretty c...
Zee stops mid sentence, not sure what he's looking at. Zee knows that kobolds lay eggs, but never really thought about what happens when they hatch. Suddenly nervous and believing he is standing in front of the Queen Mother of all the Kobold in the lands, he straightens his back and clears his throat to sound more....official?
"Y-Y-yes ma'am, I certainly try to be!" he stutters in an obviously forced deep voice.
"My name is Zander, Zander Riverbend."Raising his jaw as his last name rolls off his tongue. His voice returning to normal as he relaxes a little, he continues."Altho I never really cared for Zander, Zander is a girl's name, I am not girl, no ma'am I - am - not. I am all boy, so I go by Zee, you can call me Zee! I like Zee, its short, easy to remember and fun to say! That's why I go by Zee!" Losing himself, he steps forward, arms out stretched, for a more informal greeting that is common in his part of the world.


The Kobold Mother watches Zee as he works through his speech in animated fashion, as only a Kender can. What passes for a smile crosses her fat distorted face.

"Yes. I believe young man. Come closer so I better look you." Her arms wave a little in place as if she's trying to get up, or shake Zee's hand, or...something. The two guards help Zee move closer until he is standing right next to the Kobold Mother, so close he could nurse on one of her great plump engorged udders if he wanted to. She leans ever so slightly toward Zee, lifts her nose, and takes in a great big draught of air. Her bulbous rotund mass heaves nearly a foot in all directions then deflates. "Aaaaaaah," she says. "Xirtan tell me you fine quality man. Would like you to be one of usssssss?" she asks.

The two Kobold Warriors nudge Zee in the side, giving him a stern look.


7:26 pm
June 23rd, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:36/8:29
Temp: 82.4°F
Visibility: 10.4 Miles
Wind: 10.5 mph from N
Cloud: Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 58%
Moon Rise/Set: 1:11 am/2:07 pm
Moonlight: 48%

Approaching the Queen Mother and startled by the sudden assistance he receives from the guards, Zee snarls briefly but then finds himself face to face with her. Hearing her words, the question rises in his mind "The Queen Mother wants me? Is that what she said? ME?"
Feeling flush, his heart inexplicably racing, a feeling of honor and pride swelling inside.
"Oh Queen Mother! I don't know that I am worthy. I would be honored to serve you. Xirtan saved me, brought me back from the edge of some terrible place, please tell me how I can repay this! Tell me what I can do! I'm a hard worker and a strong swimmer. I can fish like nobodies business and tie a net in no time flat! just give me some string and I'll show you! I'm fairly handy with my axes too, altho I don't really like to fight that much! Can I get one of those helmets? I'd be the talk of the town back home with one of those! I could really show off...hey, have you seen my friends I was with? I really need to find them too. A bunch of big people they were, but they were nice, not the friends I was originally supposed to meet, but they let me tag along just the same. That Crow tho, he's a tough nut to crack, heehee. He's a tough ole guy, all secrety and stuff, but I think he's got a soft spot! and Clement, man, he's got 2 left feet, he's funny, can't seem to get anything right, but boy does he try! There's a couple others too Hornbrow, I dont know what he does, sparkly stuff, Oh and Harold, No! Zee lowers his voice to a whisper The elf, Taran...whoa is he cool! Zee looks off with a silly grin on his face.


The Kobold Mother attempts to smile again and begins shaking her arms as Zee pours out his little monologue.
"You brave little man I see. These men show you place then you wait xirtan. Oh you so cute. Welcome Gaknulak Temple." She jiggles her arms and the two Kobold Warriors begin to escort Zee out of the room. As Zee begins to pass through the doorway the Mother calls out, “Give helm, he mighty and proud.

The two Kobold Warriors take Zee through the complex to an armory and find a few items that fit: Helm, groin guard, pauldrons, arm braces. The pieces are made from a soft supple leather with a thin layer of some rudely crafted metal. (Total AC bonus +1 should you choose to wear them all). After the fiiting they take Zee back to his small little room with the cot and leave him with his torch and a final word: “Stay. Xirtan come.


7:28 pm
June 23rd, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:36/8:29
Temp: 82.4°F
Visibility: 10.4 Miles
Wind: 10.5 mph from N
Cloud: Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 58%
Moon Rise/Set: 1:11 am/2:07 pm
Moonlight: 48%

[Zee - Rogue - lvl 1] {hp: 25/25} {AC: 14}
Actions: Suits up for WAR!!!

Zee looks over the armor laid out before him, carefully arranged as if worn on some sleeping soldier.
He carefully, slowly picks up each piece, moving with such care and accuracy, deliberately easing each strap thru the buckle and gently slipping the prong in to the correct hole, careful not to let it drag and mar the leather.
Taking more time than he needed, he looked like a warrior suiting up for the last time, knowing he would not return on this night, that fate has found him, and is taking him home.
The groin piece, positioned just right, the pauldrons slowly lowered down to his shoulders, the bracers attached to his forearms pulled tight.
He looks down to his helm and lifts it even with his own head. He looks for a long time as if staring in the eyes fate herself, defiant.
Zee removes his ponytail, spilling his hair down over his pauldrons, closes his eyes, pulls the helm down over his head, and lets him arms hang loosely at his sides. He breaths deeply appearing to meditate, lowers his head and opens his eyes, peering forward with hatred, reducing his foe to a trembling mess. He gently pulls his axes from his belt. Feel their weight in his hands, he raises his shoulders until his helm is nearly held up by them.
"You've finally met your match." he whispers and unleashes a flurry of attacks!
"HAH! HIIIYAY! Take THAT you foul beast!" Zee giggles with delight and returns to the fight of his life!
"You can't escape me this time! Pick up your sword and FIGHT!"
Swinging at slashing at a monster that only exists in his mind, a combination of whoops, hollers and giggles come pouring from his room echoing down the halls.


As zee completes his ritual of armor donning and blurts out, "HAH! HIIIYAY! Take THAT you foul beast!" Xirtan steps into the doorway to Zee's room and waits patiently with a wide smile.

"You get new scales. You look great warrior." Xirtan bows formally to Zee as if he were a great chieftain to be revered and honored. "Come," he says to Zee, "We have journey make, friends find, task complete." He turns and walks out of the room leading Zee back out to Damara's Castle, out the rusted front gate, and down the road toward Dragon's Belch. A light rain falls from a gloomy sky. The sun has fallen below the crest of the mountains to the west leaving only a small amount of light to travel by. Xirtan seems unconcerned and moves along at an easy pace using a small staff as a walking stick. "You to meet High wiz Netheril. He have job for us, Crow say it so. We make mighty kingdom on plain and beauty Dragon town."

We will pick up from here on The Unseen Servant. Here is the Link: viewforum.php?f=141 I will need to know your user name for the Unseen Servant so I can add you to the game, otherwise you won't be able to post. I have created the thread, "Kobold State of Affairs" where you will begin your new adventure. Once you give my your user name and I have given you the go-ahead, you may begin posting. You are welcome to continue your dialog with Xirtan on this forum until you reach the city gates. Good luck and God speed.


8:00 pm
June 23rd, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:37/8:30
Temp: 79.0°F
Visibility: 7.0 Miles
Wind: 6.9 mph from SSW
Condition: Light Rain
Humidity: 77%
Moon Rise/Set: 3:01 am/5:12 pm
Moonlight: 18%

[Zee - Rogue - lvl 1] {hp: 25/25} {AC: 14}
Actions: Zee babling his damn fool head off.

Zee giggles as Xirtan bows, clears his throat trying to be as official as possible and returns the bow.
"Hey look, I um...I...well.....I uh, just, uh..wanted to say,...well, ya, know, back there...um.. Thanks. there, yeah...thanks."
Blushing, Zee gathers his things and follows Xirtan.
"This armor is something huh? I couldn't believe it when I got the helmet!"
Zee follows along silently for some time, but as always, the words seems to pile up inside him until they come dribbling out.
"I quite like travelling. I've traveled a lot, mostly when I was younger. The elders in my village say its time to come home, blah blah, farm, blah blah... I just dont think I'm ready. They told me stories, trying to scare me, but those are only for kids, I'm not a kid anymore...
A Wizard?! Magic is just the neatest thing ever! It never works for me. I can find a magic trinket and when I get a hold of it..NOTHING!
Whoa Wait! Crow? You already found Crow?! His with the Netherleti? Well what are we waiting for? Lets pick it up?"


A Xirtan walks along side Zee listening patiently to his words, interjecting occasionally. "Mother like you lot. She big plans I fraid. We go see Crow and Netheril. They plans for us too, much more fun plans than Mother's" Xirtan gives a big smile. "Many Kobold do not like to leave warrens. I like you, a wanderer. We will have great adventure together. I make sure of it. Xirtan show you magics some time if you like. I learn from Netheril some."


8:15 pm
June 23rd, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:37/8:30
Temp: 79.0°F
Visibility: 7.0 Miles
Wind: 6.9 mph from SSW
Condition: Light Rain
Humidity: 77%
Moon Rise/Set: 3:01 am/5:12 pm
Moonlight: 18%
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#2 Post by stephberg »

[Zee - Rogue - lvl 1] {hp: 18/18} {AC: 14}
Actions: More Rambling

Magic? You? Oh man, I love magic, I don't know any of it, but oh if I did! What plans does the Queen Mother have for us? Is it a secret spy mission deep in to enemy territory to sniff out the mole? OH, I'll bet is it a rescue mission to save her long lost brother taken ages ago in a forgotten war! Oh, or we could be ambassadors sent to make friends thru out the lands! Yeah, I'll bet that's what it is. What is Nethil like? I met an old wizard a long time ago. He was a tall fellow, there was no telling what he was gonna pull outta his cloak next! Where did you find Crow? Are we going there now? Can you show me some magic now?
Zee continues filling Xirtan's ear with more questions and requests than he can remember, bounding along giddily, with seemingly endless energy.
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#3 Post by Antman9 »

[Xirtan– Kobold Magic User 1] (HP: 18/18) (AC: 10)
Actions: Trots along happily

Xirtan trots along smiling as Zee babbles incessantly. "You ask lots questions, we be good friends." He trots along a bit further then says, "Netheril stern man, fair. You like him we think. Magic come soon.."
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#4 Post by Antman9 »


The rain stops falling after an hour's march revealing a calm partly cloudy sky. The walls of Dragons Belch begin to loom at the horizon. Small specs of light from the night watchmen on the towers and the front gate flicker and ripple in the cool night air. The sun has set long ago leaving only the droning sound of a million bugs and mammals on the prairie. A 2"-6" spider occasionally scurries across the road followed by rodents of one kind or another.

Another hour passes uneventfully. The massive steel banded doublewide wooden gates of Dragons Belch lurch into view as Zee and Xirtan come out of a low dip in the road. The gates are fully closed with a 2' tall bronze dragon oil lamp on either side to light the entrance.
Dragon_Lamp_L.jpg (70.27 KiB) Viewed 1263 times
Attached in the center of each door and roughly 5' off the ground are 2' long bronze dragon statuettes.
Bronze_D.jpg (63.02 KiB) Viewed 1263 times
Xirtan stops several feet from the gate and looks at Zee. "I has not been here in dark. Should knock?" he asks.

Before Zee can respond the two bronze dragon statuettes drop to the ground hissing and spitting green flames while circling the Zee and Xirtan. After they both make a complete revolution of the two one says, "Who goes there?" in a hideously hissing metallic voice, and the other responds with, "Does it matter?" They circle around once more before stopping before the doors. Their eyes glow a fierce green and little swirling motes of green flames trickle from the edges of their mouths and fall toward the ground. "Speak or begone!" one says, followed with "Begone or speak!" from the other.

Xirtan looks to Zee with a quizzical questioning look, then says "I no instruction. You?"


10:15 pm
June 23rd, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:37/8:30
Temp: 75.9°F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: Calm
Condition: Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 67%
Moon Rise/Set: 3:01 am/5:12 pm
Moonlight: 18%
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#5 Post by stephberg »

[Zee - Rogue - lvl 1] {hp: 18/18} {AC: 14}
Actions: Speaking to Magical Dragons

Zee squeals with delight as the dragons drop to the ground and circle the pair.
"Wow Xirtan, that's great! The fire is a nice touch Can you teach me how to do tha....!"
Seeing the concern in Xirtan's eyes, Zee looks back to the small bronze beasts.
"Oh, um...gatekeepers, yes, um. HI. My name is Zander Riverbend, but you can call me Zee! My Companion is Xirtan of the Kobold. We come in search of our friends, Crow and Harold and Clement and...um...an elf...I think I'm missing someone...but nevermind that."
Zee straightens his back and stands tall.
"We formally request entrance to the city and seek council with uh..."
He slouches and a grin starts to spread across his face, but Zee quickly composes himself.
"yes we seek council with the councilmen."
Zee stares at the pair for a second then blurts out "Oh, yes, and we come bearing gifts!" He pats himself down, shoves his hand in one of his many pockets and presents what he finds to the little dragons.

Charisma [3d6 +1] = 8+1 = 9
Pocket Check [1d100] = 53
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#6 Post by Antman9 »


Zee gets a bit excited as the bronze dragon statuettes dance their little dance, but his excitement is quickly staunched when he realizes they are for real and not toys to play with. He attempts to put on a more formal tone, at least a Kender version of one, blurting out names and rambling on incessantly before pulling a green silk handkerchief from one of his many pockets and offering it to the dragons.

The dragons seem unimpressed by Zee offering and one says, "A test," followed by the other, "Yes, a test." Wherein they both let loose a roaring gout of green flame that engulfs both Zee and Xirtan.

The flames stick to the two characters with tenacity, swirling over every inch of their bodies. It only takes a moment for the two to realize the flames don't burn, in fact are not even warm but rather cold. The flames dissipate quickly leaving the two unharmed. The two dragons announce simultaneously, "insontibus innoxia." Then they climb back up to their places on the doors, resuming their statue-like appearance without another word.


10:16 pm
June 23rd, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:37/8:30
Temp: 75.9°F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: Calm
Condition: Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 67%
Moon Rise/Set: 3:01 am/5:12 pm
Moonlight: 18%
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#7 Post by Antman9 »

[Xirtan– Kobold Magic User 1] (HP: 18/18) (AC: 10)
Actions: Dumbfounded

Xirtan stares at the dragons then at Zee with a dumbfounded look and asks, "What it mean?" and then begins to scratch its scaly scalp as it stares at the entryway.
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#8 Post by stephberg »

[Zee - Rogue - lvl 1] {hp: 18/18} {AC: 14}
Actions: Sharing wise old knowledge and opening doors.

Zee ties the silk scar around one of his axes and waves it thru the air!
"Check it out, its like I have my own green fire! Man, I gotta get some of those!"
Pleased with himself, he tucks the ax back in his belt.
"Oh yeah well, anyone can tell you that that means...uh..."
Zee ponders for a second and quickly continues
"Welcome, come on in! "ensemblus noxious" yeah, that's it."
Zee eyes the dragons closely, reaches up, pokes one on the hind quarters, then latches on and gives it a big tug, pushing his foot on to the other door for leverage.
"Come on Xirtan" Zee grunts thru his teeth "Help..Me..Open this thing
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#9 Post by Antman9 »


Xirtan furrows his scaly brows and snakes his tongue in and out slowly, as if in deep thought. He doesn't seem to take note of or even hear Zee's feeble attempt at humor. After having a bit of Kender fun Zee tucks his toys away and tentatively poking one of the brass dragons in the hindquarter, grabs ahold and tugs with all his might, first placing one foot, then the other on the door for leverage. His arse droops heavily, nearly touching the door, as he asks Xirtan for assistance: "Help..Me..Open this thing."

Xirtan looks up at Zee and then begins to laugh uncontrollably, falling to the ground holding his stomach. "You...butt hang...Haaa..Stop, you make hurt. Hahahahahahahaha"

Xirtan rolls around laughing for a minute before coming to a sudden realization, "Oh, ha, Xirtan member now." He digs around in a small pouch at his side and retrieves a small silver medallion attached to a leather bracelet. He slips the bracelet onto his wrist and says, "Hmmm, what words they?"

His brow furrows again as he begins mumbling words to himself. "Ingredient, no not it. Oh! ingrate, no either. Hmmm..." He thinks hard for a moment more then shouts, "ingredi!" The torches to either side of the portal flare momentarily and a deep gong sounds within the gate. Half a moment later the gate Zee is not attached to opens with a creak and a guard appears with a gruff greeting, "Who goes there? State your business, I don't have all night." He sees Zee hanging from the door and shouts, "Get down from there you!" The bell is not to be used for child play! State your business or be gone with ya."

Xirtan stands in awe, surprised that, first he remembered the right word, and second that it actually worked. His mouth hangs open and his tongue lolls to one side in disbelief.


10:20 pm
June 23rd, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:37/8:30
Temp: 75.9°F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: Calm
Condition: Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 67%
Moon Rise/Set: 3:01 am/5:12 pm
Moonlight: 18%
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#10 Post by stephberg »

[Zee - Rogue - lvl 1] {hp: 18/18} {AC: 14}
Actions: Greeting of the Guards

Zee stares at the guards for a moment, then drops to the ground straightening his attire.
Insulted, he shoots back, taunting the guards. "I am no child, and these are no games. For a simpleton doorman, you sure aren't very good at your job, and there's even two of you! We've been here for some time. Are you gonna do your job and hold that door, or am I gonna have to teach you both a lesson?"
Zee feigns an attack, pulling his ax, the one with the green scarf, half way out of his belt before letting gravity drag it back to its proper place.
"Now, I don't like to get ugly, but I'm not above it either! Stand aside!"
Light on his toes like a kick boxer in the ring before a fight, Zee stares at the guard, arms out, ready to react, with an amused look on his face.
Suddenly he stops and asks the guards, as if he didn't just belittle them.
"Any chance you guys know a fellow named Crow? He's big folk, like you guys. He tends to be a bit quiet, kinda mean looking too, one of them corner sitters. We are actually looking for him, he's supposed to be here."
Turning to Xirtan "Oh and what's the name of that wizard friend of yours?"

Charisma [3d6 +1] = 11+1 = 12
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#11 Post by Antman9 »


While zee regales the guards with his warrior skills Xirtan, behind Zee, holds up his medallion for the two guards to see.

the Guard being addressed by Zee promptly opens the door wide, bows, and says, "My apologies sirs. Please come in."

After Zee and Xirtan enter the two guards close and bar the gates.

Xirtan begins to trot off down the road, completely forgetting Zee is with him. He turns after ten feet or so and says, "Oh, Zee. Come, follow." He turns again and trots off, following the road to the left and south.

Xirtan leads Zee through a winding maze of streets, alleys, and main thoroughfares, lined primarily with dirt rather than cobble, and eventually comes to an end at a crumbling tower of grey stone that looks older than the planet itself. Two hideous stone gargoyles at either side of an immense steel-barred door stand and block further passage; one holds a massive steel broadsword, the other a spear. As they shift their position to meet the newcomers a creaking in their joints sounding more steel than stone.
gargoyle__400x300.jpg (25.31 KiB) Viewed 1256 times
Gargoyle.jpg (25.61 KiB) Viewed 1256 times
The two adventurers look puny in the shadow of the two massive gargoyles. The two hideous looking beasts move to block the door without a word or sign to Zee or Xirtan. A smaller Gargoyle, not so hideous looking, and nearly the same size of Xirtan, suddenly appears in front of the two adventurers and says, in a childlike voice, “Xirtan, I welcome you back to us. Who is it you have brought to see us?
Small_Gargoyle.gif (36.85 KiB) Viewed 1256 times
Xirtan jumps up and down several times and wakes his hand. “I glad meet you too. This Zee, he need help, Netheril help.

The little gargoyle nods and ushers the two into the tower. The large hideous gargoyles part just enough to allow entrance and stare menacingly the whole while. He takes you up a winding stone staircase that seems to lead to the heavens. He stops at a large ornately carved wooden door, and turning, says, "Please wait here. I will see if the High Wizard Netheril is available." He disappears through the heavy door, as if it were thin air and returns shortly the same way.

Netheril will see you now,” he says. He points to the door and it slowly opens as if on command.

As you enter, the pungent smell of pipe smoke fills your nostrils threatening to choke you. The room is filled from floor to ceiling with leather-bound books of all shapes and sizes. You are able to discern several items of a highly unique nature. A crystal ball set in a clawed hand, a wand of intricate design, and many items you've never seen or heard of before. Netheril is hidden behind a purple, plush, high-backed chair, from which curls of smoke rise in strange patterns and shapes. As you wait to be addressed, a tall lean figure in grey robes appears from behind the lavish chair. His face is heavily wrinkled and his hair flows in long scraggly tendrils of black and grey. His salt and pepper beard is nearly two feet long and covers most of his face. He runs a few skin-and-bone fingers through his beard several times before addressing you.

Ah, Xirtan. I was wondering when you might return. I have given Crow additional medallions for...shall we say, important persons. I think you know what I mean. Now to business. Who is this young lad you have brought with you?"

Xirtan looks to Zee and say, “This Zee. He with Crow when get orb. He bad shape, we fix. Say hello Zee, this High Wizard Netheril.


10:40 pm
June 23rd, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:37/8:30
Temp: 75.9°F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: Calm
Condition: Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 67%
Moon Rise/Set: 3:01 am/5:12 pm
Moonlight: 18%
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#12 Post by stephberg »

[Zee - Rogue - lvl 1] {hp: 18/18} {AC: 14}
Actions: the wizard

Zee strolls thru the gates, proud of himself, lost in his own glory when Xirtan's brings him back to reality.
Moving too fast to take in the city, or really which way they are going, Zee looks around wildly until faced with two massive stone statues...that move.
Seeing the tiny gargoyle Zee smiles widely, he didn't realize these creature were real, just scary statues to ward off an assault from some unseen foe. Is this their real size, he questions, or a child?
Staring in wonder, he follows along without saying a word.
Once inside the wizards chambers, even more pretties abound. Standing gap jawed, he looks from relic to relic wanting to know what magical thing each one does.
Eyeing the crystal orb, Zee is drawn to it. With tunnel vision, he slowly approaches.
Ignoring Xirtan, Zee whispers "It's so shiny" as he extends his hands to caress it's surface.
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#13 Post by Antman9 »


Netheril promptly whacks Zee on the hand with his staff and snatches up the orb. He mumbles a few words, "quod lux a float pluma ut apis" and Zee begins to rise up off the floor until he is nearly three feet off the floor. "That should do," Netheril says. As he turns to take a seat in his plush purple chair he mumbles, "For both of us I should think."

Once seated he smiles grandly at Zee floating in the air and then turns to speak to Xirtan. "We can discuss names later." He holds out two additional medallion bracelets which Xirtan promptly takes. "One for...your friend there, the other for Crow. You will find him at the The Belfry Tower. It is no longer safe to stay at the Red Ale Inn. That imbecile Brickfoot has been sticking his nose in to my business far too much lately. I do not have the patience or the time to deal with him just yet. You know what to do with the bracelets. I will give you each something additional for the troubles you may soon endure. Xirtan, as the envoy for your people, I am offering a truce, a partnership if you will between us, that is to say Dragons Belch and your clan. My offer is this: In return for your services, repaving of Dragons Belch and any additional serves that may be required thereafter, I personally will offer you protection and freedom from all men and beast henceforth. I wish to send you, this little man in the air, and Crow to your people in the Grey Mountains to propose my offer. Your people will have safe haven, a kingdom to build, and a fair trade partner for your people's future health and welfare. You may build your kingdom within the old site of Damara's Castle. It is a fitting end to his legacy I think. Do you understand what I am asking of you and your people?"

Xirtan nods and bows saying, "Understand."

Netheril looks out the window into the darkness for a moment, "I assume I can trust your friend, otherwise you would not travel with him. Sleep in the gust quarters on the top floor if you like tonight and in the morning tell me what it is you would have for your journey. There are very few things I cannot provide, but I encourage you to thing well on your choice. You may inform me of your choice in the morning. I have already sent work to Crow. He will be here at first light. The night is late. Get some rest. I will send Gunther to get you in the morning."

Netheril swivels in his chair as if it were on a curtain of air and lights his pipe in thought. Then he remembers Zee. With a wave of his hand Zee floats back down to the ground and Netheril says "Goodnight."

Xirtan takes Crow up several more flights of stairs to the a large room on the roof. The walls are lined with bookshelves filled with books of all shapes and sizes. There are three large purple plush down feather beds with massively plump blankets. The weather is such that the blankets won't be needed but the luxurious nature of them is awe inspiring. There are several tables and chairs throughout the space and window opening nestled throughout the bookcases all around the room giving a 360 degree view of the city. Waves can be heard in the distance crashing against the southern cliffs of the city.

Xirtan plops himself down on one of the beds and asks Zee, "What you like from Netheril? I no decide. You with yes?" Xirtan looks at Zee with hopeful eyes.


11:00 pm
June 23rd, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:37/8:30
Temp: 77.0°F
Visibility: 8.0 Miles
Wind: 6.9 mph from the SW
Condition: Overcast
Humidity: 89%
Moon Rise/Set: 3:01 am/5:12 pm
Moonlight: 18%
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#14 Post by stephberg »

[Zee - Rogue - lvl 1] {hp: 18/18} {AC: 14}
Actions: Marching orders
Zee says as he yanks his hand back and looks at the wizad sheepishly.
"What's he saying? I don't understand. Whoa, hey, what the?"
Zee flails his arms and legs as he rises off the floor.
"Hey, I'm flying! Whoa"
Zee continues to flail about as if he is continuously in a state of falling over as the conversation continues.
He is flailing some much that he nearly stumbles in to the table as he exaggerates the landing before looking between Xirtan and Netheril as he follows his friend out of the room and up the stairs.
Letting his leather and scales hit the floor as the door swings open, Zee lets out "WOOHOOO!" as he runs and lauches in to the plush bed that was even more soft than he expected. He tosses several times, landing on his back, taking up as much space as possible.
"Oh wow, I've never even thought about what I would ask for, I have everything I need, a soft bed and good friends...hmmm. Oh I got it! I can see colors at night, but I still need light sometimes, I've heard tales of...I don't know if its an orb or what, but it floats and follows you to light your way, and you can send it forward almost as far as you can see, but if you move, it comes back to you. I want one of those! I don't even know what to call it. but they are so pretty, I like to just sit at look at it. Do you think I could get one of those? This bed is so comfy, I don't think I've ever been in such a wonderful bed."
Relaxing in the bed Zee feels sleep dragging him away, he doesn't fight it, he's comfortable tonight, safe, in good hands.
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#15 Post by Antman9 »


Gunther comes to Zee and Xirtan's room around 9am for their wakeup call. He take them both to a library on the 2nd floor. "Netheril will not be speaking with you this day. He has other affairs to attend to." Turning to Xirtan he says, "Netheril would like for you to consider postponing your trip to the Grey Mountains. He has gotten word of something that needs tending here close to home. Apparently someone, one of Netherils Magic-User apprentices it seems, got their hands on a 12 Tanystropeuses eggs for some potion or other and, well...they hatched during the night and are now terrorizing the sewers, climbing up into people's homes, causing a general row if you will. Well, I don't have to tell you how this is going to look for Netheril. Anyway, Netheril would like you to capture all 12, alive if possible. He understands the risk involved and will understand if one or two, uh, don't make it back. Should you choose to accept the mission...your payment, as usual, and gifts are on the table yonder. Crow will be here shortly and you can discuss it with him. I will return in one hour with additional instructions, should you accept."

Gunther bows graciously and leaves you to your thoughts.

On a large wooden table in the center of the room are three items with a parchment and a small leather pouch near each. The Parchments and items are as follows:

50 gp
1" tall Bronze Pixie


50 gp
Simple Wooden Wand

50 gp
Tarnished Silver Ring.


10:00 am
June 24rd, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 5:37/8:30
Temp: 73.9°F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: 6.9 mph from the NW
Condition: Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 87%
Moon Rise/Set: 3:43 am/6:09 pm
Moonlight: 11%
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#16 Post by stephberg »

[Zee - Rogue - lvl 1] {hp: 18/18} {AC: 14}
Actions: CROW!

Nearly too excited to take note of the goodies on the table.
CROW! Crow is coming!"
Zee jumps around the room until a glint of light from the small bronze statue catches his eye.
Like a cat seeing movement, he locks on and stalks his find. He comes to the edge of the table, his eyes level with the tiny figurine. "Whoa"
He stares for a long time, then slowly, gently, as if he might break it, picks up the pixie and carefully examines her.
"She's so pretty" he murmurs.
Leaving the gold, he retreats to a corner to admire his new treasure.
"I'll call her Fen...Fen Elfwand. Tell me Fen, what would you like to do today?"
Zee continues to play with his new "friend", forgetting all else for the time being.
Last edited by stephberg on Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#17 Post by MonkeyWrench »

[Crow - lvl 0] (HP:10/10) (AC:13)
Action: Long time no see

Crow approaches the door, walking casually after getting the report to meet his new team and receive a item promised to him. Upon opening the door his eyes widen as he see's the playful Kender inspecting a little idol figurine, "You... died"
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#18 Post by stephberg »

[Zee - Rogue - lvl 1] {hp: 18/18} {AC: 14}
Actions: An ecstatic reunion!

Hearing Crow's voice, Zee turns, locks on, takes 2 steps and launches off a near by chair.
"Crow!" Like a jaguar lunging for his dinner. Zee clears the room in one leap and latches on to Crow with the closest thing to a bear hug a little kender could muster. Hanging from his neck Zee exclaims "Holy Cow, I never I'd see you again!" Squeezing tight then dropping to the floor, he continues "This is Xirtan, he is one of the Kobolds we traded with. No, no Xirtan, its ok, come over here and say Hi to Crow again! Xirtan found me, I don't remember exactly what happened, but Xirtan was there, he somehow...brought me back." Zee gets quiet as his mind drifts back to that dark moment, but only for a second.
"I was in the great room and there was a carving of the old war, in the time of Dragons, and I met the Queen Mother, she asked me to join her elites and help her cause, ME! Can you believe it?! She had this scale custom fit and check out this helmet! Oh hey, look what the wizard gave me! I don't know what all it does yet, but it sure is cool!"
Zee produces the little statue and twirls it around for Crow "May I introduce you to Fen Elfwand!"
Zee tips the statue forward as if it was bowing "Pleased to meet you" He says in a girly voice, then grabs Crow and drags him to the table insisting that he tell every detail, taking care to leave nothing out!
"I want all the details!"

Dexterity [3d6+2] = 13+2 = 15
Last edited by stephberg on Fri Feb 20, 2015 2:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#19 Post by MonkeyWrench »

[Crow - lvl 0] (HP:10/10) (AC:13)
Action: Talking about things

Crow takes a moment to stand up, walking over to the table and picking up the ring. he inspects it for a moment silently before slipping it onto his finger.

Immediately Crows presence almost seems to vanish, Zee's and Xirtans eyes seeming to slide off the man as if he is no longer there. Only by knowing Crow is there and forcibly looking in the direction does his presence feel real.

Crow walks over to a nearby table, sitting down, "Tell me first, why did you bring a bed down to the library?"
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Re: Kobold State of Affairs

#20 Post by stephberg »

Ok, so I missed, or more accurately, completely skipped the line about being taken to the library! So instead of a bed, he retired to a corner to admire his goodie bit.
He vaulted from a chair to Crow's neck.

I fixed the posts below referencing the bed.
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