House Rules

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C. Steven Ross
Posts: 417
Joined: Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:54 pm
Location: Baltimore, MD

House Rules

#1 Post by C. Steven Ross »

This is mostly just a few items, for those of you familiar with the already complicated rules, to clarify and smooth out the PBP format of this game.

* I try and always show a rough map of the current area (though never on how areas connect to each other unless actually mapped), and more generally I try and provide as many visual clues as I can. This is a little against the grain of the rules-as-written, but I think it goes a long way towards less frustrations in this medium.

* Helping. PBP games tend to see any given player with a spurt of creativity and availability, followed by a period of time where they simple can't post, or can't come up with anything particularly great. Let's accept this facet of the medium and roll with it.
For Help, the active player will look at everyone's character sheets and call out who in the party is providing assistance to the test, if any. We cannot wait for everyone to chime in on every single test. That way is madness.
Also, I am a little more loosy goosy with what skills help what other skills than rules-as-written. We'll get to that more in-game.

* Many mechanics of the game function on a "per session" basis. In my experience, each session sees, on average, about 13 Turns. So for this game, we will go through End of Session and then Beginning of Session procedures after 13 Turns have passed.
For example; you guys could adventure for 9 Turns, Camp, adventure 3 more, go back to Town, then have 1 more adventure phase Turn before we hit end of session.

* Prologue, done at the beginning of sessions, is a summary of events that must be no longer than 140 characters and, of course, entertaining. It will be tweeted publicly for the whole world to get a recap of your shenanigans.

* We will have custom made Towns. More details there later.

* Speaking of Character Generation, that will be done all together in an organic fashion. Doin't send me a character sheet, we will be building it as a team. I think Character Generation in this system is a fun little romp.
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