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Operating Procedures

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:25 pm
by Keehnelf
This thread will include information on how to format posts or what my expectations will be regarding communication, as well as any house rules.

Re: Operating Procedures

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:00 pm
by Keehnelf
My Posts:

GM posts will be formatted as follows, in general, unless I'm asking a question or responding to an inquiry with some more information but no new events are taking place.

<Date> <Turn #> <Location and lighting conditions>

<Descriptive Text>

<Mechanical Outcomes>


<PC Status and Conditions>

Re: Operating Procedures

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:08 pm
by Keehnelf
Player Communication:

-OOC communication in Action threads is OK, just make sure that you enclose any OOC comments in spoiler tags.

-Dialogue spoken by your character should be in blue text.

-If you ask a question about the environment, I will assume that you just want what can be discerned from your present position. If you want to do more to examine, you need to describe the type of activity your character is engaged in to gather that info. This may or may not trigger new events (usually not but no guarantees due to traps, etc.)

-You will be responsible for any die rolls your character makes, but you need to give other players an opportunity to pitch in with Help or Advice or anything else. Then you can indicate which help or advice you accept, at which time I will call for the die roll and set the parameters. Once I've called for the roll, you can do more discussing but no other actions can take place before the dice are rolled and we adjudicate the result. I will try to always give clear directions about where we are in things, but the following are the overall stages:
1. Active player declares action/intent.
2. GM indicates Test type (skill or ability used) and what the target is based on (not the number but where the difficulty arises from).
3. Other players offer Help, Advice, etc.
4. Active player indicates acceptance or not of #3.
5. GM indicates dice rolled and final Obstacle.
6. Active player rolls.
7. Active player employs Fate, Persona, or Traits as appropriate to influence the final result.
8. GM describes results of the Test.

Re: Operating Procedures

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:45 pm
by Keehnelf
I've been doing some thinking on the topic of Prologues, and here's my conclusion:

In a normal TB face-to-face game, one player volunteers or is tasked before each Adventure with recapping the events of the previous adventure, to get everyone back in the mode and to remind people of important plot points. However, since everything in our game is documented in the threads, it seems a bit redundant. However-however, in the TB rules the Prologue is an opportunity to alleviate conditions or restore your Nature if it is taxed--and thus the PbP format actually would eliminate a potential safeguard for the PCs.

My proposed solution is this:

I am going to set up a new thread in the forum called The Tavern. Between Adventures, I will post a couple of conditions around which one player will be selected or given the chance to retell the events of the prior Adventure in a mode or to an audience that is narratively appropriate given the context of the tale. The only limitation is that one player can't do two of these recaps in a row, just like in the standard rules, and that it really should be a character with a persistent Condition or some Nature Tax that does the retelling to gain the benefit.

This will create a thread in which people can quickly catch up on the events of the overall story if they like (without reading through lots of mechanical stuff or other fluff), and enable creative storytelling and characterization of your PCs based on the conditions I set in the thread (i.e. one time it might be a crowded tavern full of drunk caravan guards you're regaling, another time it might be a band of orcs that has kidnapped the party and you're trying to distract them from killing and eating you while someone else attempts an escape, etc.)

Feedback on this idea?