Where Do We Go Now??? (after Wyndam)

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Where Do We Go Now??? (after Wyndam)

#1 Post by Tungsten »

Faelwen and Tungsten feel that events are pulling us eastbound and down.

Tungsten believes that we should travel to Sidon just southeast of Wyndam to ask Malazar for guidance. Sidon is the seat of primary worship for the god Malazar within the Grand Duchy. It marks an epic arrival of Warrior Angels of Malazar upon hills in this area. The town of Sidon supports the temple complex. The High Priest of The Second Sun holds court in his ornate temple. The Old Nepekon Trail Road travels west to Tradönne and southeast to Neamore.

Faelwen believes that after Sidon we should travel to the Spire (to find Ever Black or Trouble). She thinks after that we should visit Briarmore, Watercrest and Irondrake. Then we continue Southeast along the Yellow River to Usher (to see what is going on with the Great Cloud), Khell Forest (for Mooki to see the Caldearan Grand Druid), Esterik (for Faelwen to see her Mage Elders), Cern (for Tungsten to visit his master at the Ironhill Training Academy). And then work our way back up to the City of Wesphalia (perhaps visit with Grand Duke Leopold). Hopefully by then, Faelwen will have the Teleportation Circle spell and we can all jump back to Blackburn and then off to Haliford.

Both are definitely open to suggestions.
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Re: Where Do We Go Now??? (after Wyndam)

#2 Post by Mooki »

I seem to remember that the giants in the cloud came down and stole the black obsidian yes?

I do not know where we go now but after that.
It seems that we are going to a cloud in the sky.
A few small things to over come.
1. we do not have a feather fall spell. (don't know how many dice of fall damage it will take to kill us all but i bet there is more then enough.)
2. How do we get up there fly?
3. Ok once we get there we might have surprise then what? sneak in like thief's and steal the black obsidian? fight the guardian? you know the Giants have pets giant size pets i bet maybe a Dragon or some other flyings badass.
4. what if the Giants are The Good Guys keeping the Black Obsidian safe. And we are the pawns or Puppets being used to obtain the obsidian from its safe keeping?

Sounds like fun!
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Re: Where Do We Go Now??? (after Wyndam)

#3 Post by Rhourk »

Lumiere addresses the group: "Sir Tungsten is right. We need to make for Sidon, as soon as possible. The Church of Malazar is strong there, and they will offer strong guidance. This town is off, this area is off, and though we have done great things to set it right, all that we have truly learned is that greater powers are at work. They may have need of us immediately, and they certainly will before long. I know we will find answers there, or at least direction.

We can also follow up our research on the EverDark, the Necklace, the NeatherBane, and why fiends of a higher order that have no cause to work together or be in the same area all care about dust-speck towns with no apparent strategic or mystical relevance. This town is running out of answers for us, and Lord Cartwright all but insisted anyone not raised here to leave. Our safety may or may not be in question, but we are definitely being watched. Let us seek enlightenment in Sidon.

Doricin is true to us and his homeland suffers, but right now we are blind. Blind to the power of the EverDark, blind to the real face behind these strange happenings, blind to the Sladd Lord's (another arch fiend) true plans, and know that he does have plans. We cannot march the EverDark to his door. Kaleb and I are not the kind to turn a blind eye to suffering, especially to that of a true companion, but we are being played, and we need answers, so we can start playing too and stop being pawns.
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Re: Where Do We Go Now??? (after Wyndam)

#4 Post by Johnny Champion »

DM: It seems that the party will train and provision in Wyndam. Then after some rest, will travel to Sidon, seeking the Temple of the Second Sun.

DM: Grairn provides Lumiere a sealed letter to allow you an audience with the venerable Vicar Of Malazar, Eodonne Pentuuk.

Grairn: Take this Lumiere; It is the crest of our Temple in Wyndam and the Seal of my position. It will provide you introduction and audience to our Vicar, Eodonne. He may know more of the Storm Cloud or the powers that drive it. Beware, the world is more strange than you can ever guess. So long my daughter of the Red Sun.
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Re: Where Do We Go Now??? (after Wyndam)

#5 Post by Rhourk »

Thank you Father, may the light guide you and keep you safe.
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Re: Where Do We Go Now??? (after Wyndam)

#6 Post by Tungsten »

PLEASE look over the newly Modified Byruun Region that includes Sidon.

Perhaps we should check out Greenhaven, Elven Village in Deerwood (perhaps Brentwell Keep and/ or Dwarven Hold in Mentzer Forest) on the way to Sidon. We should try to discreetly get intel about these places before we leave Wyndam.
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