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Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:45 am
by GreyWolfVT
Your feet kick up clouds of dust from the road as you walk along. Although it’s only been a few weeks since the trouble in Tragidore began, you can tell that already the road is showing signs of disuse, because few people are traveling to or from the beleaguered town. Weeds are starting to sprout in areas where wagons used to roll and horses used to tread. An expanse of brush and low shrubbery borders the north edge of the road, with an occasional tree rising out of the undergrowth. On the horizon to the northwest you can see an area where the trees are larger and more numerous. To the south of the road is fertile agricultural land; you pass a few modest farmhouses and outbuildings, and occasionally you see a farmer working his fields. The only sounds you hear are your own footsteps and voices. An uneventful journey so far-but it’s almost too quiet. . . . Suddenly, you hear a plaintive wail from
ahead of you around a bend. There is someone-or something-else using the road!

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:00 pm
by Talmor
Eirik signals his companions to hold, as he draws his sword and readies his shield. Something seems off about this to him, and while he knows they must act soon, he will not charge blindly into what reeks of a setup. Once his companions signal their readiness, he will approach the disturbance.

unless Lubidius want's to scout ahead a bit first. Eirik is find taking point, but he's not leaving the squishy ones to be taken down too easily

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:03 pm
by ybn1197
Neev readies his morningstar and says a prayer then signals his readiness to Eirik.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:05 pm
by PyroArrow
Theodore Mumfordian (Half Sylvanian Wood-Elf) Ranger HP 8/8 AC 5):

Theodore draws his Long Sword & will scout ahead with Lubidius.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:55 am
by velkymx
I'm going to hang back a little, moving a little slower and keeping a cautious pace.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:11 am
by Lubidius
Lubidius creeps up, sniffling and wiping his nose along his grubby arm's shirt. "I can try and see whats what. I'll come back and signal you forward if the coast is clear. I'll point to the best approach or come all the way back with news of what we face if it is better to avoid all together.". [OOC, I attempt to hide in shadows and move silently to creep up on whatever is creeping ahead. I'll give the group a hand signal to proceed around the bend - and which direction would be better to approach.]

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:24 am
by GreyWolfVT
Lubidius PM sent of what you see. ;)

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:48 am
by PyroArrow
Theodore Mumfordian (Half Sylvanian Wood-Elf) Ranger HP 8/8 AC 5):

Since Lubidius decides to creep up ahead using his skills, Theodore will hang back & wait for his signal...or scream....

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 4:15 am
by Lubidius
Lubidius is seen coming back towards the group and flagging them forwards to his position. He is then seen disappearing back towards the direction he scouted. Lubidius then approaches the person he sees and says "Old man. What ails you this fine day?" [OOC: Assuming the group hears a mumbled version of this, I say it somewhat loudly so they can overhear it. The assumption is the group will still approach with caution but approach where he signed to them.]

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:17 am
by Dune
Dune cautiously walks up following the lead of the others and keeping his thoughts on preparing a spell should the group feel they need one.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:18 am
by PyroArrow
Theodore Mumfordian (Half Sylvanian Wood-Elf) Ranger HP 8/8 AC 5):

Theodore moves to where Lubidius signaled, then creeps up just to where he can see the Old Man & Lubidius.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:24 am
by GreyWolfVT
You all see a lone man is slowly staggering along the road toward you. His head is down, and he seems oblivious to where he is or what he’s doing. Every few seconds he lets out a sob or a soft cry of despair. He looks very distraught and has recently drowned his sorrows by finishing off the contents of his wineskin, he acts as if he doesn't even see any of the party or hears any of them speak. The man down the road, not even acknowledging any of you.


Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:27 pm
by PyroArrow
Theodore Mumfordian (Half Sylvanian Wood-Elf) Ranger HP 8/8 AC 5):

Theodore approaches the fellow & asks,
"What troubles you Sir? Perhaps you would like to see a Brother of Pelor at the Chaple in Hanuman?"

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:21 pm
by Talmor
Eirik, seeing that Theodore is tending to the distraught man, moves forward, keeping a wary eye out on the brambles and bushes that line the road.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:26 pm
by GreyWolfVT
So far the man has just ignored everyone trying to talk to him and just keeps dredging forward not looking at anyone still attempting to drain every drop of wine from his wineskin. Looking very depressed and drunk.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:28 pm
by ybn1197
Neev approaches the man along with Theodore. "Though my skills are no match for my brethren in the chapel, I can assist you if you so need." Neev looks the man up and down trying to ascertain if there is any physical damage which the man is suffering.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:30 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Neev sees no physical wounds upon the drunken man. The man still just ignores you all as he is staggering drunk down the road slowly still sulking, sighing and acting depressed and sad on top of the obvious drunkenness.

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 3:53 pm
by Dogma
"Someone give him a sound clout to the head" suggested Thifli, "That should bring him around. At least it always worked for my mum when Da come up in his cups."

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:36 pm
by Lubidius
Lubidius acts like he is going to pick pocket the poor sap, gets a sad look of morality from the group, and gives a burp and a grimace. "Lets move on. No cash staring at a geriatric drunkard, trusts me, I stared at me Da for years; then they gave me a mirra! ahah!" Lub jiggles and giggles, the neck beard scratching his skin tags and warts a horror show. (ooc: lets move along. I'm concerned something more than drink may be at play, but , we'll check things out more in the target town)

Re: Part 2: Enroute to Tragidore

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:47 pm
by ybn1197
Neev stands his ground. "Nay. I will not abandon a man in such obvious case of distress as this man is. I will not humiliate myself in Pelor's sight in such a way. Besides, don't you think it odd, that the only people who have been witnesses from Tragidore of late are women, yet the first person we come across is a man. A man in dire shape no less. I think if we can somehow break through his malaise, we may learn of what troubles the village." Neev pulls out his waterskin, places himself directly in front of the man and offers the water skin to him like it was another wine skin.