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1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:22 am
by Darkmane
By the look of the sky, there is a storm coming.

This far in the north, it probably means snow, and by the look of the clouds, probably a lot of it! As you pack up your belongings and step up onto the deck of the rocking ship, a cold wind cuts into your cloaks. There are men scurrying all around the boat, preparing it to dock and for the weather. They busy themselves pulling down the sails and there are men below rowing and signing out a bawdy tune about women from the Dock Ward of Waterdeep and how certain parts of their bodies have scales...

The thrust of the oars drives your craft under a massive stone gate which arches above the small wooden frame of the Salted Eel. Waterdeep has large gates that can completely shut off naval access to the city, a nice thing to have against northern barbarian raiders.

The Salted Eel got you to Waterdeep in one piece thanks to Captain Hagrath and crew. The ship got her name from years of service hauling fish, and eel, until the smell permeated every board, you really aren't sure you'll ever get rid of the smell.

As you look over the bow of the ship, you see a sprawling city, wreathed in the light of thousands of candles and fires, the smoke of which blurs out the streets farthest away.

It seems miles long, a great pile of stone buildings sprawling down the side of Mount Waterdeep, and the windows and smokestacks speak of industry and adventure. What coin and wealth can be had in a place like this, the sight of the place fills you with goosebumps. Most of the buildings near the docks are small squat stone structures, or wooden warhouses, but here and there are some amazing oddities. There are castles within these city walls, villas, wizards towers, temples with gargolyed spires. Even down by the docks is a massive building, where inside you can see men heaving ropes, and lifting massive timbers to build another full size galley ship. Looking around, you notice your companions staring out at the city also.

"Ahem", a gruff voice calls out from behind you.

"Waterdeep is a pretty girl if I ever saw one myself, it's good to be back!" Captain Hagrath has abandoned his faded ship clothes and is wearing crimson and black silks, and a wide brimmed gold hat. His boots are of black leather with silver buckles at the top. The fashion is dated, but the materials are rich.

"I'll be seeing me date tonight in the city, one of em girls from the Lantern at the club. But you gents will be needing accomodations, now wontcha! Only captains are allowed in the club! Dontcha worry now, though, this city's got just about any kind of room yer looking for. The only question is what are ye looking for?"

As he is talking to you, the ship comes up to the dock and men throw ropes over and start hauling the ship tight. The captain leaves you briefly to yell orders at the crew, "Tie this down, batten that.... etc.."

Meanwhile, you notice a group of what look like crazy people, wading out in the freezing cold waters of the harbor. There are a group of men, wearing garmets both rich and poor, who are wading out and then stripping off their garments, and throwing them into the sea! Some of the men are pouring good bottles of wine into the sea! They seem to be singing songs. Then the captain is back...

"With the storm coming in, you won't want to waste time: head off the docks... what are you staring at.... oh, those are just followers of the Bitch Queen, Umberlee."

He says her name slowly, and his eyes squint up a bit,

"Don't you laugh at them. You spend enough time on a ship, and ye'll toss some sacrifices to the bitch too and ye'll hope she pities you!"

"Now, as I were saying! You head off these docks, ye see those streets there... that is Net Street and then you take a left and your are right in the heart of Dock Ward."

He starts to get down to business, and begins to talk faster,

"Now, iffin you've spent all your money on this trip, its the Cookhouse Hall you'll be looking for, you can save your coppers there, but look out for bones in your meal. If you've got cash in your pocket and be lookin for a comfy spot to lie for the night, there are a few nice inns. The Warm Beds Inn puts nice hot rocks in each bed, cozy as could be on a snowy night like it will be tonight! There is also the Blackstar Inn, its like a fortress in there, very safe if you have somebody after you... he he... ahem..."

"If, instead of finding a nice cozy bed tonight, you are looking to party and drink, then shall have the Copper Pot. There will be dancing and drinking there until the wee hours of the morning. Some of the stuff that goes on there boys, will make yer Priest blush! Ha ho! Anyway, you figure out wherin you want to be, and I'll have one of my men take you there!"

With that he storms off to see to other business (paying tariffs and such).

Welcome to Waterdeep, the city of Splendors.

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 1:14 pm
by GreyWolfVT
"Well now I suppose I shall be headed henceforth to the Blackstar Inn. After all of that sea travel I could use a bed that does not move. For now my companions I will be there if you need me." with that said Glimble sets direction to the Blackstar Inn.

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:10 pm
by ylinett
Thorax "The Boar" Bristlebeard was happy to be off the ship, more than happy actually. If Dwarves were meant to sail then the sea would be made of ale. The trip had been too long and too costly, but unavoidable. After the way in which they had to leave, and the little that was left to them there was no real choice but to head to the storied city and seek fortune. Even if the omen had not pointed towards Waterdeep it would have been the first place they would have thought of.

Turning to the Captain Brother Bristlebeard thanks him for safe passage and the affordable rate and then asks where a group of upstanding demihumans can find profitable employ that neither violates their morals...nor draws too much attention. And with whatever answer he receives under consideration he will ask the rest of the group for their thoughts on lodging.

"I don't know about spending my last two gold on the Blackstar...and the name itself is not auspicious. I was thinking of heading to the Cookhouse Hall myself, but Brother Glimble seems to have made up his mind. Either way we should get off of the streets, just in case "someone" might have a few eyes out looking for us."

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 5:07 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Glimble will start off in the direction of the Inn he mentioned but then stop on the docks and look back and say "Well what are ya waiting for or do you all like that ship and the swaying? If you stand around on the good captains boat he just might put ya to work swabbing the decks"

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 7:34 pm
by spanningtree
Tella - Mage

The Blackstar is sounding nice, let's get a move one. Be nice to sit down to a meal where hardtack is not one of the courses. Tella will assume Glimble has an idea of where he's going and follows him.

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 7:46 pm
by GreyWolfVT
"If it helps any I'll pay for those of ya that can't afford it."

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:09 pm
by Spiderdown
GreyWolfVT wrote:"If it helps any I'll pay for those of ya that can't afford it."
That might be everybody, Muriel warns him as if it doesn't matter. But I'll take you up on that, as you know we've sunk the best part of our savings into this trip. She follows, tying back her hair against the coming rain.

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:27 pm
by spanningtree
Tella - Mage

Let's see if we can bargain them down for several rooms. I'll throw some gold into a group purchase.

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 10:23 pm
by ylinett
"I can sleep on the floor and the elf can sleep in a tree. Should help you to keep costs down. Let's head there."

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:05 pm
by GreyWolfVT
I'm a gnome I don't need an entire room to myself anyways."

Also you might notice i have a good sum of starting money still.

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 11:31 pm
by Distorted Humor
Dagmar -

First ships, and now a city. All's I need is some woods and I will be fine. but The Blackstar sounds good enough, I can pay my own way.

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:13 am
by Darkmane
One of the ship hand Thoris, takes you into the midst of the dock ward. As you enter the city, the snow starts to fall and the street traffic starts to pick up even more. Folks are running around to prepare for the impending snow.

As you get close Thoris says to you, "I've brought quite a few people here. Sometimes we bring people who are on business trips, you know discussin trade or what've ya. They tell me this place has nearly sound proof rooms and it is quite safe. "

As he says that you turn a corner and find the inn. The Blackstar Inn is an imposing structure of stone walls barred windows and an attached locked stable, all is well lit and well manned.You come into the lobby and there are clustered herbs hung in a short hallway that leads you to the patronesses desk. Thoris leaves you as a lady in her fifties, wearing a deep purple dress that runs up nearly to her chin with long sleeves, silver earrings, a severely tied bun of black hair with streaks of grey, and a long thin nose leans forward and greets you with a curt tone,"Welcome to the Blackstar, I'm Asyira Boldwinter, and this is my porter Elmuln. Rooms are 1gp per night, we don't serve dinner but for 1gp more Elmuln can have dinner delivered to your room. Just leave your plates in the hall. A hot bath is included without charge."

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:35 am
by GreyWolfVT
"Ah yes fair lady Boldwinter, I and my friends here would like to pay for a couple rooms or so. The dinner sounds most delightful to me. Might we be in luck to get any rooms before you fill up from all this snow, I suspect others might soon be looking for rooms as well. What say you friends how many rooms would we like anyone else interested in the dinner delivery?" Glimble asks before paying for those that need it. "I would wager that we would require maybe 2 or 3 rooms as near to each other as possible if you can oblige lady Boldwinter."

I figure 1 room for the 2 females in the group and 1 or 2 rooms for the males?

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:59 am
by spanningtree
Tella - Elf Mage

Ay, ladies and gents arrangements work fine. It's you and I Muriel, my treat. Tella will pay Asyira 4 gold. Speaking to the group before going to the rooms: Perhaps after our repast we can meet in the lobby and have few tankards at a nearby tavern before we turn in?

When Tella gets to the room she will cast continual light on one of the sticks of chalk in her pack. After the casting she will place the chalk into the scroll tube and place it back in her pack.

OCC: 4gp deducted.

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:10 am
by GreyWolfVT
"Alright I guess that is a confirmation shall we take 2 rooms for us gents and here I'll pay for the rooms and meal delivery for all of us gentlemen." Glimble then hands over 12gp. "You area gracious host my thanks."

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 12:26 pm
by Darkmane
Deduct your gold and make sure you guys don't over pay, 12 gp total.

The dark star has small rooms, and only two doubles available at this time, so two of you will end up with single rooms. Each room is furnished elegantly with dark aged wood furniture, a small table, with several porcelain cups a pitcher of water and a teapot. Each room has its own fireplace even if they don't provide much timber. Chap books and reading material line hanging bookshelves on the wall, and the rooms are finished out with elegant copper baths and brass beds. One at a time the baths are filled by stable men who bring a wheeled pot of water up and dump it into the tubs. They give you all an assortment of soaps that just might rub out the stink of the Salted Eel.

After you bathe and change, the porter arrives with platters of food; tiny whole roasted birds, with pork belly, and a lamb chop, finished with both blackberry and mint jelly. Roasted, herbed, fingerling potatoes and creamed mushrooms finish the course, and each meal has a bit of sweet custard, whipped cream, and mixed berry pie. The food is excellent.

Upon finishing up and collecting again in the lobby, you find all new guards and the night watch is now on shift. They tell you that there are several taverns nearby, but that you should be guided to one, since night has fallen and there is already over two inches of fresh snow on the ground. There is the Mermaid Arms, which is loud and busy, has good food and drink, and is a good place to meet single ladies and lads. The Hanged Man is a bar that caters to artists, poets, bards, and literary folk and is a good place to hear a song or tale. The blue Mermaid is another safe place with good ale and customers who leave each other alone. It is frequented by many of the working folk of waterdeeps Docks who are just looking for a few drinks after a long day. There are many back alleys, and unsafe areas in the dock ward the guards warn. So stick to the larger streets when returning to the Darkstar, the guards warn.

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:31 pm
by ylinett
The Mermaid Arms sounds like the place to look for work. Let's head there and see if we can pick up any leads.

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:54 pm
by GreyWolfVT
"Humm if any place sounds right it is The Hanged Man or the The blue Mermaid I don't care for the goings on of the other tavern. I personally would love a good story or song about now. But since I picked the inn this time I shall defer to the others for the tavern since I don't drink typically." with that Glimble awaits his friends to decide.

psst it helps if folks use the full editor and post with the dialog and occ tags so we get the red and blue to distinguish the difference plain text is more or less general actions and what not. ;) Hey DM I though it was the Blackstar Inn they renamed when we were in our rooms it would appear. :shock: :lol:

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:19 pm
by Darkmane
Yeah, sorry, its definitely the Blackstart... err the Darkstir... ahhh yes the Blackstar!!!! no sign post changes while you were in there, just a typo from your GM. When I use my phone or tablet to post, sometimes things get pretty ugly ;)

So, we have one vote from the Dwarf to head to the mermaid and try to mingle with the singles and another vote from the Gnome Priest to go hear some songs, stories, or rumors from the bards at the Hanged Man!

After a few more folks chime in later today, I'll probably try to push things forward to one of the bars either later today or tomorrow morning.

Re: 1-First Nights in the City

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2014 5:04 pm
by spanningtree
Tella - Elf Mage

Let's give the "Hanged Man" a try then. She will say as she puts the hood of her cloak up.