IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#81 Post by MrHemlocks »

***Mukuli, Upstairs of the Temple***

Before leaving the room, Mukuli will search it top to bottom for any other compartments that are shut and need opened.

[1d20] = 9 inspect room
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#82 Post by imperialus »

Within the wardrobe you actually find a false panel in the back. Opening it, you see a set of black robes with strange arcane symbols sewn on them in silver thread and a knife with an obsidian blade. Ptah easily recognizes them as equipment for a sorcererous ritual, but neither he, nor anyone else recognizes the symbols themselves.
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#83 Post by MrHemlocks »

***Mukuli, Upstairs of the Temple***

"Well now what do we have here!" Mukuli, ask Ptah if he would like to have the cruel looking blade. Eyeing up the robes, Mukuli takes one and places it within his backpack. "I suggest we best be moving on to the next room. This one looks pretty much cleaned out."
The map is kind of confusing. not sure what doors lead out to and what are the rooms. Small look like hallways while others? Not trying to be picky but hard to move forward when not being able to figure out the lay of the building. :?
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#84 Post by Dogma »

Ptah-Kahtmak, Upstairs of the Temple

The sorcerer makes no move to take the ritual knife and places his hand on the theif's arm to stop him from taking the robe. "Leave these where they lie, Mukuli. They are items of great import to sorcerous ways and will only bring woe to those to tamper with them. This is known."

He moves away from the wardrobe. "Come, there is still much to search and many other trinkets of less risk to take."
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#85 Post by Rostranor »

Ari-nasir produced a pouch of figs from somewhere secreted about his body. Leaning against the door frame he picked a couple out and began to munch on them.

Yes, and probably easily identified by their owner or his friends. Let's check the other rooms and be done with this errand.
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#86 Post by MrHemlocks »

***Mukuli, Upstairs of the Temple***

Ignoring Ptah-Kahtmak concerns, Mukuli keeps the robe."It might be useful later. We might try to use it to sneak into the cult's meeting undetected."

Looking back at Ari-nasir. "After you stop eating those figs you lead to next room. Your hiding in times of danger got to stop! We are all in this together..are we not?"
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#87 Post by Todd Spengo »

Arngrim continues to wait in the upper floor's hallway, alert and on guard.
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#88 Post by imperialus »

Unlocking the door to the south, you push it open and find yourself in a spacious study. There is a writing desk along one wall, a bookshelf to the south, a chest to one side of the desk and a low divan.
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#89 Post by Rostranor »

“I was simply watching your technique good Mukuli, professional curiosity.”

Ari-nasir spit the pit of the fig on the floor.

“The hidden blade cuts the deepest.” Glancing out into the hallway he saw the dead maid and bent to pick up the pit, “and is the quietest.”

Ari-nasir pointed to the key, held out his palm and caught it when it was tossed to him.

He exited back into the hall and motioned for Arngrim to watch the stairs while he moved on to the next door. Quietly he made his way to the door and observed it and the locking mechanism before touching anything. Crouching before the door he listened for any sound from the other side. Hearing nothing he then swiped at the crease of his nose to gather up the collected oils of his skin and then ran it along the key to lubricate it. He slide the key in slowly and then looked to Arngrim and nodded to let him know he was going to attempt entry.

The key turned quietly and quickly in the lock but the thief waited a moment before opening the door. He paused, one hand on the latch and the other on the door ready to push or pull. A slow moment passed and then unmoving he pushed open the door. He quickly scanned and assessed the room, then he looked above the door and along the door jam. Standing he made a sound like a desert lark so his companion would know that the room was clear and that he would enter.

Moving like a lazy cat in the heat of summer he glided into the room, first to the desk. Once there he observed the drawers and cubby holes, but touched nothing. Then testing the resistance on the drawers he opened them one by one quickly scanning them but removing nothing looking for any danger or keys. Items of worth could be gathered later when the room was cleared and time allowed.

Next the Fortunate Sailor of the Sands made his way to the chest. He observed it from all angles as well as the way and manner in which is sat on the floor and then kneeled down before it. He examined the locking mechanism and then lightly knocked upon the chest. Repeating his technique from the previous door he then attempted to use the room key, and then any other keys found in the desk to open the chest. Next he unrolled the thieves tools he had just recently purchased and set them beside himself. Trying first the skeleton keys he then moved on to the finer tools of his trade. He expectantly waited to hear the mechanism give way and prepared to use his dagger to lift the lid while he crouched to avoid anything that might spring from the trunk.
die roller is a pain in the butt with my iPad so I can add the roll later if you need it.
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#90 Post by MrHemlocks »

***Mukuli, Upstairs of the Temple***

Watching from within the room as Ari-nasir works the various locks, Mukuli is alert to any noises, besides the labored breathing of the party, that might alert him of incoming dangers.
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#91 Post by Blazeguard »

Seeing Mukuli is keeping watch on the balcony, Sargon will enter the room after Ari-nasir and will examine the bookshelf while Ari checks the desk and chest. Sargon will do a visual inspection to look for any possible traps or switches that might indicate a secret door. Once that is complete he will scan the books to see if there is anything interesting or unusual that catches his eye.
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#92 Post by imperialus »

Sargon and Ari-Nasar go to work ransacking the room. Little is found in the desk drawers, containing papers, letters, and other miscellaneous objects of the nobility. The chest however proves to be more interesting. After a moments work you are able to lift the latch. Upon raising the lid you suddenly smell the distinctive odor of lotus flowers. A heady feeling comes over you and the room begins to spin wildly as the musk of the sorcerous flower assaults your brain lulling it to sleep.
Sargon and Ari-Nasar both need to make fort saves.
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#93 Post by Blazeguard »

Sargon tries to keep his balance as his head begins to spin.
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#94 Post by Rostranor »

result of a nine. Imperialus if it move the game along you can make the save rolls for me. The dice roller is a pain to use with my iPad I did roll it in the generator, just was having trouble posting it
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#95 Post by imperialus »

Sargon: You manage to keep your feet under your body as the room whirls around. You're still punch drunk though so you suffer a -1 to all dice rolls for the next 24 hours.

Ari-Nasar collapses into a heap by the chest. His breathing is still regular, but no amount of slapping or other attempts to revive him work.

For Ari-Nasar:
As the room spins the world fades out of existence, and suddenly you find yourself standing by a great ziggaraut in a jungle. A host of men and Draki are battling their way up the steps, struggling against a horde of twisted demonic beings. At the temples peak you see a sorcerer standing over a sacrificial alter, rivers of blood running down the steps as he carves into the chest of a sacrificial victim. Set into the alter is a large jewel pulsing with unnatural light as the blood soaks it.

Suddenly your 'vision' if you can even call it that zooms in on one of the Draki. He wears an elaborate headdress of bronze plates and plumes and appears to be a leader of some sort. He turns to you and says. "The servant of Nythura Daldrax must not retrieve the stone!"
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#96 Post by MrHemlocks »

***Mukuli, Upstairs of the Temple***

Hearing a thump of something falling within the room, Mukuli turns to look inside. Seeing Ari-Nasar collapses before the open chest, he covers his mouth and enters the room. Grabbing Ari-Nasar by his ankles he drags him out the room and to the open balcony.

"Sargon, take whatever is in that blasted chest! Also, look for hidden compartments that might be built within it."
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#97 Post by Blazeguard »

Sargon will grab the chest and try to drag it closer to the door, trying to get it away from the greatest concentration of gas or whatever it was that spewed forth. He will then quickly ransack the chest, putting everything he finds into a sack and will then try to examine the chest for any other traps or secret compartments.
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#98 Post by imperialus »

After a bit of wrestling you manage to get both Ari-Nasar and the chest out of the room.

Sargon: The chest itself seems like the desk, containing mostly papers, and other worthless junk however, at the bottom you see what appears to be a pinhole for some kind of dart, or needle trap... Oddly enough, what you cannot find, is the method of opening whatever secret compartment it is presumably protecting.
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#99 Post by Todd Spengo »

Arngrim holds position and listens for anything reacting to the noise of his fellows.
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Re: IC: Part 3: House of the Templar

#100 Post by MrHemlocks »

***Mukuli, Upstairs of the Temple***

"Well Sargon, you best be careful with that spring trap. If afraid of tampering with the trap may I suggest you pick up that darn chest and smash it, away from you of course, letting the trap go off at a safe distance. Than see what you can find within the chest when things look safe. Or smash it with a weapon of some sort."Mukuli, looks up and out across the balcony for any signs of unwanted activity. "The only thing we need to be concerned of is noise, but than again the maid's yells did not alert anyone so chest destruction should do likewise."
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