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Episode 2: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:45 am
by Norjax

Combat Round 1

! A ghastly beast jumps out of the marsh’s tall brush and lands on solid ground in front of your group. It appears to be a mutated, hairless deer with large, leathery wings sprouting from its shoulder blades. The creature’s skin is transparent and ripples of “lightning” are visible inside its body. The creature lets out a loud snort and digs one of its front hooves into the ground. The leathery wings fan out and begin to flap as the air begins to crackle with electricity.

Kapok eyes the deer and projects an Empathic Suggestion into its mind:

Kapok's Mental Attack = [1d20] = 2

The mental attack does not seem to have any affect. The creature charges the center of your group as missile weapons are collectively released:

Frank's Long Bow = to hit [1d20] = 5, [1d8] = 5 dmg.

Luke's Crossbow = to hit [1d20+2] = 8+2 = 10, [1d6] = 1 dmg.

Norjax's Spear = to hit [1d20] = 1, [1d8] = 1 dmg.

Bart's Crossbow = to hit [1d20+1] = 8+1 = 9, [1d6] = 6 dmg.

OOC: I forgot Bart’s –1 “to hit” penalty in daylight, but he still misses

All the missile attacks miss their mark (a roll of 14 is required to hit).

The monster charges, unabated, through your group and flaps its wings, discharging small lightning bolts against all within 20 ft.

OOC: I'm going with a 50% or greater chance that any Player Character is within 20 ft of the monster as it passes through:

Kapok's chance = [1d100] = 58

Frank's chance = [1d100] = 83

Luke's chance = [1d100] = 8

Nor-jax's chance = [1d100] = 57

Bart's chance = [1d100] = 58

Kapok, Frank and Nor-jax must save vs. Stun Attacks. Bart is immune to Electrical Energies and Luke is outside the zone:

Kapok's save vs. Stun Attacks = [1d20] = 6

Frank's save vs. Stun Attacks = [1d20] = 11

Nor-jax's save vs. Stun Attacks = [1d20] = 13

All fail the saves and are knocked to the ground, prone for 1 round. -2 Armor Class penalty and DEX bonuses are negated.

OOC: I'm going to use individual initiative for combat. (See House Rules post)

Please state actions for the next combat round.

OOC: Let me know if I have overlooked anything relating to the character's combat abilities.



1 Hex = 10 ft.
K = Kapok
F = Frank
B = Bart
N = Nor-jax
L = Luke
E.S. = Electric Stag


Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 3:30 pm
by Alethan
Kapok, Mutant Plant

When possible, Kapok retaliates with his Mind Thrust attack (3d6 dmg).

Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:11 pm
by Dogma
Nor-Jax, Mutant Animal-gorilla

Nor-Jax scrambles to his feet, axe in hand. With a roar he charges the swamp creature, swinging to separate it's head from it's shoulders.

not sure if he can stand and attack in the same round....if not he just regains his feet.

Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:40 pm
by Norjax
Dogma wrote:not sure if he can stand and attack in the same round....if not he just regains his feet.
Recovering from prone takes 1 round. He'll get to attack in the next round.

Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 9:11 pm
by Dogma
Norjax wrote:
Dogma wrote:not sure if he can stand and attack in the same round....if not he just regains his feet.
Recovering from prone takes 1 round. He'll get to attack in the next round.
works for me. He'll get up, roaring and beating his chest then.

Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 10:03 pm
by Broggrim
Bart, Mutant Human

Bart discards the crossbow with a shrug and readies his shield... Then charges, aiming low to run through the stag legs.

He plans to draw the beast attention to himself, as much possible, to keep it from shocking the others.

Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 11:34 pm
by max_vale
Frank, Pure Human

Frank grunted from being forced back and shook his head in an attempt to clear it. Looking at the bizarre; electro-stag in front of him; he clenched his teeth and left his longbow on the ground and rose to his feet while drawing his sword. He was going to get back into this fight; up close and personal....

<OOC: Stand up; draw sword and attack as soon as able>

Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 4:43 pm
by Grognardsw
Luke, Pure Human

"Swell... Rudolph the mutant reindeer," mutters Luke, recalling the silly stories of magic reindeer from his old silver discs of childhood. He ducks further behind his turned wheel barrow as lighting sparks about. Luke draws out his unreliable .44 magnum handgun in his main hand and fires, while shooting the crossbow with his other.

"Guys, I feel a change coming!"
.44 magnum fires 50% of the time.

Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 3:00 am
by Norjax

Combat Round 2

Initiative, in order:

Bart's Initiative = [1d10+1] = 10+1 = 11

Electric Stag's Initiaitve = [1d10] = 9

Frank's Initiative = [1d10] = 6

Luke's Initiative = [1d10+2] = 2+2 = 4

Kapok's Initiative = [1d10] = 2

Nor-jax's Initiative = [1d10] = 2

Bart charges the Stag, swings his axe and connects for 8 points of damage!

Bart's axe attack = [1d20] = 18, [1d8+1] = 7+1 = 8 dmg.

The Electric Stag rears and slashes at Bart [AC14] with its two, taloned hooves. One strikes for 3 points of damage. The Stag gores Bart with its horns for 2 points of damage.

Electric Stag's attacks = [1d20] = 19 hoof, [1d20] = 13 hoof, [1d20] = 16 gore

Electric Stag's damage = [1d8] = 3 hoof, [1d8] = 8 hoof, [1d8] = 2 gore

Luke hastily fires two ranged weapons into the melee. Firing two weapons has a -2 to hit penalty for the primary and a -4 to hit penalty for the secondary.
When firing into melee, the Stag is Large and Bart is Medium. There is a 2:1 ratio that the Stag will be hit vs. Bart. 1-4 targets Stag, 5 & 6 targets Bart.
(See House Rules)

Revolver Firing into melee = [1d6] = 2

Crossbow Firing into melee = [1d6] = 2

The Stag is the target at AC 14, and the Revolver fires and hits for 2 points of damage.

Luke's revolver attack = [1d100] = 49, 50pc. chance to fail, to hit [1d20] = 20

Luke's crossbow attack = to hit [1d20-2] = 15-2 = 13

Revolver dmg. = [1d10] = 2

Frank, Kapok and Nor-jax recover from the prone position and ready themselves for action.

I'll need Bart and Luke's actions for Round 3. Kapok, Nor-jax and Frank have made their declarations.


Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:12 am
by Grognardsw
Cthul Hand Luke, Mutant

"Arrggh!" cries Luke as he undergoes a transformation. Tentacles spurt from his shoulders, arms and legs elongate, claws form, face shifts to tentacled horror:


"Don't let this bother you," says the strange new Luke with a disturbing trilling alien voice.

He attacks the stag with both his claws.

Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 1:55 pm
by Broggrim
Bart, Mutant Human

Bart hearing a scream from behind turns to take a few second’s glance at Luke. He is slightly stunned as Luke bears down at the Stag. He grins and moves out of the clawed mutie’s way, seeking a flank position to the stag. He then attempts to fell one of the creature’s legs. As he does, he remarks, “It is a pity that you are so violent towards us friend stag.”

Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:03 pm
by Norjax

Combat Round 3

Initiative, in order:

Luke's Initiative = [1d10+2] = 10+2 = 12

Bart's Initiative = [1d10+1] = 10+1 = 11

Electric Stag's Initiative = [1d10] = 10

Nor-jax's Initiative = [1d10] = 9

Kapok's Initiative = [1d10] = 5

Frank's Initiative = [1d10] = 1

Luke finishes his transformation into a most alien-looking mutant, behind the cover of his wheelbarrow.

Bart once again hits with his axe against AC 14, doing 4 points of damage.

Bart's axe attack = [1d20] = 15, [1d8+1] = 3+1 = 4 dmg.

The Electric Stag slashes and gores at Bart, AC 14. One hoof hits for 3 points of damage.

Electric Stag's attacks = [1d20+6] = 6+6 = 12 hoof, [1d20+6] = 10+6 = 16 hoof, [1d20+6] = 5+6 = 11 gore

OOC: I forgot to add the Stag's +6 to hit due to its Hit Die in Round 2

Hoof damage = [1d8] = 3

Nor-jax enters the fray, swinging his axe but coming up short against AC 14.

Nor-jax's axe attack = [1d20+2] = 8+2 = 10, [1d8+2] = 8+2 = 10 dmg.

Kapok projects his Mind Thrust at the Stag, but doesn't blast the creature's mind. (Needs an 8 or greater)

Kapok's Mind Thrust attack = [1d20] = 5, [3d6] = 4 dmg.

Frank positions himself for melee attack, but cannot connect against AC 14.

Frank's Long Sword attack = [1d20+1] = 7+1 = 8, [1d8+1] = 1+1 = 2 dmg.

Bart has been hit twice by the Stag. His Hit Points are now 52.


Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:13 pm
by Grognardsw
Luke, Mutant

Luke attacks the stag from behind, attempting to leap onto it like a cowboy on his horse while wrapping or waving his tentacles around the head to blind it while clawing its throat out.

Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:46 pm
by Alethan
Kapok, Mutant Plant

Kapok's next attack will be with sword axe, while his mind thrust recharges...

Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:03 am
by max_vale
Frank, Pure Human

Frank's eyes nearly bug out at the sight of the 'new' Luke; but all he does is shake his head and mutter; "Man....I never should have gotten outta bed today"; while attempting once again to swing his trusty sword at the Electric Stag....

Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:11 pm
by Dogma
Nor-jax, MA Gorilla

Nor-jax will swing away with his axe again.

Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 6:23 pm
by Broggrim
Bart, Mutant Human

Bart retreats far enough to remove his rope, ties a quick knot, and attempts to lasso the stag.

Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:15 am
by Norjax

Combat Round 4

Initiative, in order:

Bart's Initiative = [1d10+1] = 10+1 = 11

Nor-jax's Initiative = [1d10] = 10

Luke's Initiative = [1d10+2] = 7+2 = 9

Kapok's Initiative = [1d10] = 8

Frank's Initiative = [1d10] = 7

Electric Stag's Initiative = [1d10] = 3

Bart withdraws from the melee, slings his axe and shield, removes his rope and begins to tie a lasso. Attempting to lasso the creature is another action that must wait until the next round.

Nor-jax swings once again with his mighty axe, but cannot hit his target.

Nor-jax's axe attack = [1d20+2] = 6+2 = 8, [1d8+2] = 6+2 = 8 dmg.

Luke attempts to leap onto the back of the Electric Stag. This is a Very Hard Difficulty (5d6) against his modified DEX 17+2 = 19. The roll of 23 is greater than the modified DEX, so his attempt fails.

Luke's DEX check = [5d6] = 23

The Stag bleats and bucks in reaction to the leap, so Luke must roll another DEX check to see if he tumbles or is knocked prone for 1 round. This time the difficulty is Hard (4d6). The check is a success! Luke tumbles out of the melee and remains upright ready for action.

Luke's DEX check = [4d6] = 10

Kapok slashes at the beast with his axe. Disoriented by Luke’s "violation", the Stag's guard is compromised and Kapok cleaves for 6 points of damage!

Kapok's axe attack = [1d20] = 18, [1d8] = 6 dmg.

Itching to contribute, Frank lunges with his long sword but again comes up short. He stares at his weapon and mutters something derogatory about women...

Frank's long sword attack = [1d20+1] = 3+1 = 4, [1d8+1] = 4+1 = 5 dmg.

The Electric Stag spins wildly, striking Nor-jax with booth hooves for 9 points of damage and goring Kapok for 5 points!

Electric Stag's attacks = [1d20+6] = 16+6 = 22 hoof, [1d20+6] = 19+6 = 25 hoof, [1d20+6] = 19+6 = 25 gore

Electric Stag's damage = [1d8] = 1 hoof, [1d8] = 8 hoof, [1d8] = 5 gore

Bart and Kapok have declared their actions for Round 5.

Nor-jax, Frank and Luke must post and declare their actions.

Bart's HP = 52
Kapok's HP = 43
Nor-jax's HP = 51


Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 4:21 am
by Grognardsw
Luke, Mutant

"Ornery beast," mutters Luke as he bounces and rolls off the broncoing stag. He maneuvers behind the AC/DC deer as it attacks the others, hoping to gain a rear attack advantage. The gamma plains guacho rethinks his wrangling approach, instead coming at the stag with both claws slashing.

Re: Encounter at the Vile Marsh

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 7:27 pm
by Dogma
Nor-Jax, Mutant Animal, gorilla

Nor-Jax recoils as the hoofs slam into him. Though hurt he comes back with another swing of his axe.

"Nor-jax turn to hurt shocky-deer now!"