21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

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21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#1 Post by dmw71 »

The group exits the 'Sleeping Dragon' and is quickly joined by Grim as he leaps from the rooftoop.

The conversation continues during the journey back to the lair. "I agree with Strom." Gwillt says regarding the idea of smoking the troglodytes out of their lair. "While I'm not fully opposed to the idea, we'll need more than some wood and a blanket or two, or ten." The ranger continues: "Even though I was unable to find anything above ground, I still suspect they have a second exit to their lair so even if we could get smoke down in the tunnels, they could escape through secondary tunnels and then, in turn, surround us above ground..." the ranger finishes, becoming silent as he ponders what he knows of the lair layout and its inhabitants thus far.

After not speaking for some time, Gwillt suddenly breaks the silence, "I wonder if the spiders and the trogs had some sort of agreement or... mutual understanding? The spiders' area was more like natural stone, if I recall correctly, not a hole dug in the ground. I bet... I bet there's another exit out that way. And it didn't appear the trogs had any problems moving near the spiders, like they can travel safely among them."

The party travels for several uneventful hours interlaced with occasional stops to rest. Gwillt vigilance for danger heightens as the party draws near. After a moment of consideration, the ranger veers the group east, diverting them around the lair for an hour or so, before steering the group back towards the lair from the opposite direction as last time.

(Further east, the bog lessens and, off in the distance, a dense forest is seen with a hill even further behind it).


Gwillt stops suddenly and crouches, encouraging everyone else to do the same.

With everyone on a heightened sense of alert, “Damn you lizards, by Crom!” can be heard yelled in the common tongue. Further ahead, closer to the lair and heading directly for it, you spy what appears to be a young barbarian in full chase. This hulking individual easily stands over six feet tall and with worn leather armor covering his scarred, naturally muscular frame. The large sword is in his hands is your clue that this individual means business as he gives chase -- to something -- through the knee-high bog.

You're positive this man used the word "lizards."

The man stops abruptly and seems agitated as he kneels to peer down a hole in the raised area you know to be the lair. The creatures he was pursing, at least momentarily, appear to have escaped. You continue to watch as the large individual pauses, looking uncertain whether to enter, or possibly debating whether he could even fit.

With startling quickness, the big man turns about, sword flashing into a defensive position. He glares around suspiciously; his eyes linger in your direction, then move on. You notice his non-sword hand fall to the handle of a hand axe at his waist. His gaze turns back towards the party.

“Be you friend or foe?” he calls out in your direction.
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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#2 Post by dmw71 »

dmw71 wrote:The man stops abruptly and seems agitated as he kneels to peer down a hole in the raised area you know to be the lair.
I want to clarify, this hole is not the entrance to the lair you used previously.
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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#3 Post by ravenn4544 »

"Oi! That'd be friend if you be thinkin' those stinky bastards are your enemy! Eh? If you indeed have a mind to follow them stinky lizards, then maybe you ought to think a bit 'bout joinin' up with us. Ya see, the lads here in this group have had a run-in or three with these bastards. Mind tellin' us if you would be so kind as to how you managed to end up here? Follow a scoutin' party maybe? Had a sniff of their stink and couldn't get enough? hah! Bless the light, lad, what has your feet leadin' you here?"
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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#4 Post by Stonjuz »

"Does anyone EVER say anything other than friend to that question? I mean really, would a foe actually tell ya that he was such?"
Shannigans says, probably not loud enough for all to hear, but certainly any adjacent.
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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#5 Post by ravenn4544 »

O'rek claps Shanny on the back and says quietly, "my boy... let me tell you of a lesson I once learned in my youth coming down out of the mountains... I stumbled across a mama grizzly defendin' 'er cubs... she was a big one, for sure. b_i_g. big. Know what I realized at that moment when she was rearin' up on her hind legs and threatin' to make me wanna wish she never been born? I tell ya - it's simple. It's just simple. She was big. biggerin' me! hah! And the lesson I learned that day, bless the light, bigger is always gonna be there and ya best give it a LITTLE consideration or bigger will, in fact, make ya dead! hah!"
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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#6 Post by Zhym »

Kendrick steps up as well, "Friend always, unless forced to be different!"

"Hail! I am Kendrick Llewellyn, Sword and Shield of the Congregation of Avatars!" says Kendrick, who does seem to like introducing himself. "But please, call me Ken! And these are my new companions who, um..." He realizes he's still picking up on everyone's name in this rather large adventuring party. "Well, I'll just let them introduce themselves!"
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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#7 Post by wolfpack »

Allow me to handle this. Epsilon says as he steps forward.

Greetings and salutations my rather large and uncoth acquaintance. We are a exuberant adventuring band who are zealous in our endevor to eradicate these troglodytian monstrosoties which have depredated a hamlet not far from here.
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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#8 Post by Grognardsw »

Barbarian Abroad

“Hold your blades, adventurers!” says the young barbarian, by the looks of him. He stands 6'5”, 225 lbs, black hair, blue eyes, and chiseled plain features. Worn leather covers his naturally muscular frame. Scars can be seen on his arms, legs, face. A battered buckler is on his forearm and a massive sword and axe are in his powerful hands. The sword is stained with blood. He assesses the group suspiciously for a time, but their friendly words sway his doubtful nature.

“I am Aric Inglorak of the Iron Tribes, known as Aric Swiftsword, wanderer and slayer of these lizard beasts,” he says with a heavy northern accent, spitting in the direction of the hole. He puts his ax in its sling. “These annoying lizards have been plaguing me for a league now. I lost patience."

“These 'trogodykes' bring so many into this dismal swamp?" he asks, stumbling over the names of the creature. "Those little lizards I've been swatting? They don't seem that dangerous, unless I've yet to meet their bigger kin."

In answer to questions asked of him, Aric says: "Myself, I seek new lands to explore, enemies to smite, coin to gain and women to enjoy." He clenches his fist. "Yes I shall join you, by Crom!"

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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#9 Post by Alethan »

Gwillt sighs, "This is going to get cozy..." and shakes his head and examines the small lizard tracks going into the hole. He suspects the barbarian is hunting mudkins, but wants to confirm.

"Maybe we can split up into two proper groups, with this many people..."
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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#10 Post by Stonjuz »

"Your not going in there with no clothes on are you?"
Shannigans notices the lack of clothing. He looks back to the party trying to determine how many are dressed to the bare minimum also.
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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#11 Post by onlyme »

Ewell rubs his beautifully sculpted peachfuzz of a mustache and grins,
"Welcome Aric and glad to make your acquaintence. I have no problem with you joining us. We could have used another lantern holder during the last battle, and you look more than capable."
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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#12 Post by Computer +1 »

Strom nods at the newcomer. Another fighter is welcome as far as he i concerned. How long will the new fighter last without any armor, wielding a axe in confined space, Strom is not sure. The other barbarian has proven to be quite resilient so far so Strom has high hopes.
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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#13 Post by dmw71 »

The group plus one, now a dozen members in total including Darrin, stand just outside the troglodyte lair. Aric confirms Gwillt's suspicion that the barbarian was in fact pursing the pesky muckdwellers. The tiny lizards did escape into a lightly concealed hole -- like a cave entrance -- in the side of the lair. The hole itself is about three feet high and two feet wide, but even casual examination reveals that the passageway beyond basically doubles in both height and width, closely matching the single-wide passage the group previously discovered. There are no odors or sounds currently heard from within.

The initial lair entrance, you estimate, is a few hundred yards away further east.
Last edited by dmw71 on Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#14 Post by ravenn4544 »

"oh good - another hole for these stinky buggers to get at us.... anyway to plug this up? After our last foray into the tunnels, I don't think we should be splitting up -- think we may have our hands full watching in front and makin' sure nothin' sneaks up behind!"
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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#15 Post by wolfpack »

Ah another hole! So this should help to draw smoke into the tunnels if we build a fire at the entrance. Much like the fire pit model of the Nahil tribe!
Epsilon whips out a piece of paper and quickly schetches a drawing

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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#16 Post by Alethan »

Gwillt studies the drawing intently and then says, "Doesn't it look like that will just help the fire burn, not smoke the tunnel? The smoke will still go straight up, as your arrows indicate. Indeed, wind going into the smaller tunnel and out the front entrance will prevent smoke from going back into the tunnels."
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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#17 Post by dmw71 »

Also, I should add that that you don't enter down into the lair; it's more like entering a cave. While not perfect, both entrances are similar to this:

04. Troglodyte Lair Entrance

In both cases, it is more swampy at the base.

The initial lair entrance is taller, and far more concealed with a makeshift door. This new entrance is closer to the above image, but it too is smaller and even it is more concealed; partially hidden by swampy stuff at its base.
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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#18 Post by Alethan »

dmw71 wrote:Also, I should add that that you don't enter down into the lair; it's more like entering a cave. While not perfect, both entrances are similar to this:

04. Troglodyte Lair Entrance

In both cases, it is more swampy at the base.

The initial lair entrance is taller, and far more concealed with a makeshift door. This new entrance is closer to the above image, but it too is smaller and even it is more concealed; partially hidden by swampy stuff at its base.
Ah, I was picturing something different, more like this (only bigger). So the smaller entrance doesn't look like it could be enlarged any, then? I suppose it might be possible for some of the party members to get in through a 2'x3' wide opening... nobody in any kind of plate armour, though.
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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#19 Post by dmw71 »

Alethan wrote:Ah, I was picturing something different, more like this (only bigger). So the smaller entrance doesn't look like it could be enlarged any, then? I suppose it might be possible for some of the party members to get in through a 2'x3' wide opening... nobody in any kind of plate armour, though.
I actually like your picture better for this new side entrance. While the entry dips down slightly, it is more in than it is down.

As for getting into the hole with armor, Strom would struggle the most with his splint mail but it would be possible. If a round is a minute, I imagine it would take him multiple rounds of twisting, turning, shifting, being pushed or pulled to get through completely (~3-6 rounds). Those in chain will have some minor struggles, but should be able to get through without too much effort (~2-4 rounds). Anyone wearing lighter armor can get through in a single round.
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Re: 21. Revisiting the Troglodyte Lair

#20 Post by Grognardsw »

Aric listens to the conversation about invading the home of even bigger lizards. Squeezing through holes? Tight spaces underground? Fires? This be adventure, or rodent extermination? the foreigner wonders.

“Do these green skins have treasure?” he asks abruptly, interrupting the counsel of strategics. "And just how big are they?"
Normally I wouldn’t favor splitting the group, but there are so many of us. We might otherwise get in each other’s way in tight quarters. It seems there are two paladins. Put one in each group and have them periodically detect evil, hopefully guiding us to (or away) from trogs and preventing sneak attack?
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