Ch 4: What's our vector? Vecna?

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Ch 4: What's our vector? Vecna?

#1 Post by Stonjuz »

The scholars of Greyhawk assigned to assist Branc in translating all he can relate of the events from the Howling Hills, are dull in their detail. The mage longs to be done with the constant repeating of his tale. Going over and over each fraction of a second, as best as he can, again, and again, Branc wonders and fears what the scholars may later unveil, perhaps enriching his own understanding of the days prior.

Agrim is agrrevated at his inabilty to tell his own recount of the tale without impediment, and nods mostly as Branc does the bulk of the talking. The scholars seem like inquisitors at times, and at others, harsh schoolmasters, and at still other times, friendly couselors. Early into the morning, it is, before the tale is completly told. Each are given comfortable accomodations for rest.

Benson awakes in the hospital. Having been unconcious during the portal travel, he was immediately taken to this bed when the party reached the City Greyhawk. He has awoken several times throughout the night, only to be told that he cannot leave until the healers give him proper clearance for returning to duty. No other activity of note until morning when he is released to the command of his Captain, where he undergoes his own debriefing, with scribes and scholars all about, to record and question the man.
The chart at the foot of the bed across the room says 'Lesh, Nayman'. The sheets, pillows and mattress there show no signs of being used.
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Re: Chapter 4: What's your vector Vecna?

#2 Post by grey_starr »

Stonjuz wrote: No other activity of note until morning when he is released to the command of his Captain, where he undergoes his own debriefing, with scribes and scholars all about, to record and question the man.
*blah blah recap blah*
.... It was no failure on the part of the others, it is just that due to my training here in the mighty Greyhawk that I was able to do the bulk of the damage to that ant like creature. I will also not begrudge them their fear of the cursed paper - I was only doing as need to be done... as any of the guard would do for the city! ...
*blah blah recap blah*
.... Would you believe some of them were too afraid to even enter and clear out that nest of evil?
*blah blah recap blah*
... T'is true, I lost a good friend and comrade that day... My head was not clear coming through the portal, and the location was not ideal ... still ... I wish I could have done more, I should have taken command coming out ... perhaps that was what was required.
*blah blah recap blah*
.... is she really that pretty? I may have to go see ...
*blah blah recap blah*
... I know! that stutter is something... but he's not so bad himself - so shut it or I'll give you a stutter...
*blah blah recap blah*
... you know, I really would like to continue the adventure and take the fight out to them ...
*blah blah recap blah*
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Re: Chapter 4: What's your vector Vecna?

#3 Post by Stonjuz »

As Nayman steps thru, the darkness surrounding him is visible to all and he creates quite a stir until Garth is able to defuse the situation by explaining the tactical situation to all of import. First motioning to the guards and then to the Captain, quickly on the scene, Garth's calming demeanor in handling their arrival, results in his being asked to accompany the dark globe that is Nayman, to the inner Council. Questions abound. Silence is called for many times before the Council gives their command and the two are taken to the clerics of Pelor for study of the phenom and later, the subsequent curse removal attempt.
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Re: Chapter 4: What's your vector Vecna?

#4 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Agrim does his best (or worst) to mime the scenes that Branc describes to the pesky officials and bookish types. Every time he starts to speak, he simply finds it easier to look in distress at Branc, and then mime away.

[This is the evil goth witch-queen falling with Garth and that horrible gnome on top of her...]

[Here's the death-blow Agrim dealt to the giant lizard (yeah, you all know it was Ag that landed the telling blow ;) )]

[Here's a sheepish Agrim showing how he kicked the bowl and how it managed to grab a little of Nayman's blood and finish the curse that resulted in Ag's attempt to call his mother's spirit to help -- boy was she mad at him! He could tell, it was that quiet kind of angry...]

[And who could forget practically falling into the ant-thing death-trap, not being able to see a Beory-blessed thing, and realizing that only more (but lesser) darkness could make it bright enough to see...?]

[Last is the many times picking Benson up, laying him back down, picking him up, and laying him down... Agrim thought he was going to bust a gut... He's one strong halfbreed, but Benson is no little man, and what with all that equipment...]

Agrim shoots a puzzled look at Branc, then says, "Couldn't j-just l-l-leave his cl-lub th-th-th- ... leave his cl-lub in Iuz..."
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Re: Chapter 4: What's your vector Vecna?

#5 Post by Stonjuz »

Time has passed faster than thought possible in the last few days. All of the events befallen our heroes have taken place within two days. Benson is first allowed to get out of bed at precisely the same moment, two days prior, that Nayman passed the guards, hiding in that covered wagon.
One day in the Inn, that night in the Iuz cave
Next day in the cave and temple below, that next night arriving in Greyhawk.

(I hope I gave that sense)
All of Greyhawk inquire about the Gryphons. "No signs of their return. Of course, they aren't actually late.....yet. Did you see them?
You were to meet them; remember? Agrim, Garth, you were to inform the party of this plan."

Charisma/Leadership checks to avoid further questioning on the matter
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Re: Chapter 4: What's our vector? Vecna?

#6 Post by Stonjuz »

[1d100] = 30 [1d20] = 3 [1d10] = 3 [1d8] = 5 [1d6] = 3 [1d4] = 4
Agrim's welcome has not drawn dry, but without the means to keep most anyone interested in his tale, it does tax the matter.
The Wanderer knows not to wander far, as he is sure Greyhawk has more questions, but he feels that he, more than all of the party, is allowed the most 'freedom' initially.
Enroute, and after, checking on Benson, who has been reassigned to duty, Agrim is the first to spot a daytime view of what is, or was, the Inn of the Unseen Servant, from the barracks across the street.
The banner afront the Servant hangs from one nail, vertically, unreadable.
The door is shut and a small platoon stands blocking the door.
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Re: Chapter 4: What's our vector? Vecna?

#7 Post by Stonjuz »

"Why yes, of course we can see to that!" Most requests from the heroes are met with a positive response.
Free training for new levels, and skills, and such, but time could be a factor.
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Re: Chapter 4: What's our vector? Vecna?

#8 Post by ragnboneshopper »

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Re: Chapter 4: What's our vector? Vecna?

#9 Post by NJWilliam »

Branc Temugen

During his discussions and questioning by the scholars, Branc will ask them for access to their libraries so he can pursue his magical research, as well as for any spells they may be willing to provide for his spellbook for his use against Iuz (and Vecna).

He will also challenge the scholars to identify the various magic items they found on their foray into Iuz.
Sebastian, A Candle in the Darkness
Ulrich, Tales of The Troll Company
Alex Fiord, The Rescuers
Hakon Geirmundarson, Pawns of the North Wind
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Re: Chapter 4: What's our vector? Vecna?

#10 Post by grey_starr »

*During his time in Greyhawk, Benson works on his Endurance (new skill -2CP) in doing this he works on Swimming (-1CP), Jumping (-1CP), Riding Land based (-1CP), and Rope Use (-1CP)*
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Re: Chapter 4: What's our vector? Vecna?

#11 Post by Stonjuz »

[1d100] = 8 [1d20] = 20 [1d10] = 1 [1d8] = 5 [1d6] = 6 [1d4] = 4
Days pass, .....The Gryphon Ryders return.....
Rumors soon abound throughout the Great City.
"They spotted three of the adventurers battling a Giant Badger."
"Of the seven riders who embarked to save the portal party,
, only three returned, and none with passengers"
"The Boneheart was enroute to the Outpost already, and ambushed the rescuers and their intended targets."
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Re: Chapter 4: What's our vector? Vecna?

#12 Post by Stonjuz »

NJWilliam wrote:Branc Temugen
During his discussions and questioning by the scholars, Branc will ask them for access to their libraries so he can pursue his magical research, as well as for any spells they may be willing to provide for his spellbook for his use against Iuz (and Vecna).
He will also challenge the scholars to identify the various magic items they found on their foray into Iuz.
[1d100] = 89 [1d20] = 9 [1d10] = 6 [1d8] = 6 [1d6] = 2 [1d4] = 1
Branc catches himself starting to laugh at the scholars as they inform him of the first item identified.
The Pillow of Extreme - The soft, featherfilled pillow will keep the buttocks muscles of the user in perfect shape if sat upon for a minumum of 90 minutes per day.
(commonly called the PX90)
The mages do not feel it a threat and give it to Branc freely
One of the more flamboyant members in the hall initially offers to buy it for 250 gp, but eventually offers 500 when shown the fine fabric and stitching more closely.
"Please, I must have it........It's, It's for my sister." :lol:
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Re: Chapter 4: What's our vector? Vecna?

#13 Post by NJWilliam »

Branc Temugen

Branc takes a look at the fop and says, "I can assure you this would be of exceedingly great value, the witch that we took it from was truly callipygous. Indeed, so much so that I can still see its effects in my mind and almost regret the witch's demise." Branc lets a bit of a sigh escape him and takes a moment to focus again.

"As you know, I myself am almost as distracted by scholarship. But since I find it hard to put a monetary value on this wondrous pillow, would you fancy a trade for an item with much cruder and less refined magical properties? A scroll or two perhaps . . ." Branc pauses and then blinks as if coming out of a daydream, ". . . ah, my apologies, I drifted off a moment there thinking of our encounter with the pillow's prior owner. Did I mention that when I first arrived at that scene she was not facing me?" Branc's eyes drift off again.
Sebastian, A Candle in the Darkness
Ulrich, Tales of The Troll Company
Alex Fiord, The Rescuers
Hakon Geirmundarson, Pawns of the North Wind
Jameson Rowan, Silverband
Disston Symonds, Sigma Chronos
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Re: Chapter 4: What's our vector? Vecna?

#14 Post by Stonjuz »

When informed that Nayman has not survived, Garth turns his attentions to the Philidor the Blue and the Forest of Vesve.
Word of what may have brought him to the Great City initially, again pulls at him, and he begins inquiring into how he can be of assistance to what new challenges his homeland certainly faces. Iuz's wrath will most assuredly fall on at least part of Vesve.
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Re: Chapter 4: What's our vector? Vecna?

#15 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Agrim is saddened by the loss of Nayman, and he is even more determined to strike some great blow against Iuz. Any who ask him about this get a simple answer: "Th-the orcs who killed my mother bore letters from Iuz."

Agrim long searched for these orcs, and for his orcish father Golbrak, intending to exact his rightful revenge, but to no avail. With time left to himself, he first seeks out the simplest possible shrines to Beory and Obad Hai. At both shrines he does suitable obeisance, and from the priests of Obad-Hai he seeks one who might prepare for him a new shalm-styled quarterstaff. He explains, I l-lost mine in the vile l-lands of Iuz." He has very little to offer in return, but he is willing to trade some more tangible service if his funds prove too scant.

This done, he seeks out some secluded natural area just without the city where he might enact a midnight ritual to call the spirit of his dead mother. After dancing in the way of his ancestors for an hour and more (at least 70 minutes), he calls upon her for wisdom, asking what path he ought to take in order to strike the greatest blow against Iuz and its vile ruler and protect Oerth from whatever evils being planned involving ant-things and armies. He will spend the entire night before and after the ritual in wakeful vigilance. If any in the party ask to go with him, he agrees, though shrugging as if wondering why: "Y-you will see n-n-nothing but th-the firelight and hear n-nothing but the wind..."

Agrim, call minor spirit: [1d100] = 1 Wow! Base chance of 20% at level 2 + 70% for the length of ritual...

Finally, Agrim seeks some barbarian warrior of repute with whom to spar or, lacking this resource, spends much time outside the city, tossing his hand axes and shadow-dueling with his scimitar. He also uses this time to replenish his spell components.
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Re: Chapter 4: What's our vector? Vecna?

#16 Post by Stonjuz »

"A Ring of Elemental Control. Congratulations young man. A fine treasure for an adventurer as yourself. It seems to hold but four charges at a time."
Branc is handed the item proudly. The scholars and scribes about glance around, hoping that Branc sees the item as a recompense for having turned over most of the Iuz garb. "We're still working on the bagpipes."
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Re: Chapter 4: What's our vector? Vecna?

#17 Post by Stonjuz »

ragnboneshopper wrote:...... dancing in the way of his ancestors for an hour and more (at least 70 minutes), he calls upon her for wisdom, asking what path he ought to take in .....
Agrim sees the woman's back, dancing, adorned in her most beautiful garments. Her hands extend out to each side. In each hand are symbols and trinkets for Agrim's dieties. The woman remains silent as our hero sinks into his vision. Agrim can almost feel himself returning to a younger time, childlike in his 'approach', he feels the need to reach for the hood of her robe. When her face is exposed, the hands empty of their contents and the face begins to blacken, much the same way that Nayman's face had.
Agrim viligantly regains his senses of being and remains in the sway of her dance looking for his mother somewhere in the black mist. He hears her audible reply, ......
"Iuz is here"
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Re: Chapter 4: What's our vector? Vecna?

#18 Post by Nuke66 »

Garth spends time in the City, seeking a Mage guild with which to study for a bit. He regroups with the rest of the group nightly, hoping to get an understanding of the loot.

I know I owe you a level two update.
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Re: Chapter 4: What's our vector? Vecna?

#19 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Agrim spends an extra day and night outside the city after the troubling revelation. He repeats his ritual, this time asking the departed spirit to give him a name or even a symbol related to where he and his companions should start looking for this "power of Iuz in Greyhawk."

Agrim, call minor spirit: [1d100] = 16 (again, a 90% chance after 70 minutes ritual... good dice roller, good dice roller! :D )

BTW, the whole transformation of mother-face into no-face (Nayman-face?) was delightfully spooky! :shock:
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Re: Chapter 4: What's our vector? Vecna?

#20 Post by Stonjuz »

Benson carries on his regiment of training with vigor not seen since his initial recruitment days (boot camp). Swimming will be an issue, as the barracks and immediate vacinity house no such aquatic training facilities. The Selintan River being the most obvious choice, is kind of out of his way, beyond the northwest section of the city, but is accessible. His assignments from GH have only included the Old City's southern section (where the Unseen Servant was located), but he has gone to the river occasionally in the past. On approach to the NW River Quarter he is stopped several times, each time by locals, either wanting news of the Inn, or them asking Greystarr,"When are you gonna do something 'bout the unusually high number of unfriendly strangers roaming the streets in the last few weeks?" Passing the fish processing section, he is again stopped. The Black Gate, the northern barrier of the Old City, leading into the River Quarter stands guarded. "Lookin'fer a transfer?"

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