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Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2024 9:16 pm
by grokkngrognard

Experience Points Level Title Level & HP (d6) Attack Bonus
0 Thug 1 0
1,350 Knave 2 0
2,600 Purse-Cutter 3 0
5,100 Charlatan 4 +1
10,100 Blackguard 5 +1
20,100 Vagabond 6 +2
42,600 Sneak-Thief 7 +2
70,100 Burglar 8 +3
110,100 Master Thief 9 +3
160,100 Guildmaster 10* +4
*A thief requires 220,100 experience points for each additional level beyond the 10th and gain 2 hit points per level plus Constitution Modifier (if applicable).

Ability Requirement: None
Race & Level Limit: Human U, Dwarf 12, Elf 10,Gnome 12, Halfling 14, Half-Elf 12, Half-Orc 12
Hit Dice: d6
Starting Gold Pieces: 20-120 (2d6x10)

Guild and Dues: A thief must be part of guild “for their protection” and remit 10% of all earnings.
Weapons and Armor: Thieves may wear leather and studded leather armor. They may not use shields. Thieves may not use two-handed melee weapons.
Language: A thief begins play knowing Thieves’ Cant. Thieves’ Cant includes a mixture of verbal language and sign language that can vary between guilds.
Backstab: A thief may backstab. The thief must attack his/her opponent from behind using Move Silently and Hide in Shadows. Under these conditions the thief may attack at +4 for double-damage.
Comprehend Languages: At Level 4, a thief can Comprehend Languages with an 80% probability of success. This excludes magic script.

Ye Olde Thief Fast Pack
Pack 1: Leather (AC: 8), Shortsword (1d6), Shortboand 20 Arrows (1d6), Dagger (1d4), Backpack, Thieves’ Picks and Tools, Caltrops (2), Rope (50 Feet),
Grappling Hook, Torches (8), Flint & Tinder, Garlic (3 Cloves), Wineskin, Rations (7) (96gp).
Pack 2: Leather (AC: 8), Scimitar (1d8), Light Crossbow and 20 Bolts (1d6), Dagger (1d4), Backpack, Thieves’ Picks and Tools, Vial of Acid (1 Use), Manacles, Quill, Parchment, Ink, and Scroll Case, Torches (8), Flint & Tinder, Crowbar, Wineskin, Rations (7) (101gp).
Pack 3: Studded Leather (AC: 7), Broadsword (1d6+1), Light Crossbow and 20 Bolts (1d6), Dagger (1d4), Backpack, Thieves’ Picks and Tools, Vial of Sleep Poison
(1 Use, 10 Rounds), Lantern, Flask of Oil (4), Flint & Tinder, Small Iron Box, Small Steel Mirror, Wineskin, Rations (7) (115gp).

Thief Skills
ThiefLevel Pick Pockets Open Locks Find & Remove Traps Move Silently Hide In Shadows Climb Walls Hear Noise Appraise
1 35 35 35 33 25 85 1-2 1-2
2 40 40 37 37 27 86 1-2 1-2
3 45 45 40 40 30 87 1-3 1-3
*Not sure how to fix this now

Thief Skills
Thieves have unique skills that improve by level. The Maze Controller rolls all thief skills secretly. Thief skills may be attempted once per situation/encounter. Note
that qualitative role-play for thief skills always precedes the use of quantitative die rolling for task-resolution. A successful roll must be under the percentage indicated.
Pick Pockets: A roll 15% over the thief’s percentage of success alerts the target to the attempt.
Open Locks: A thief requires thieves’ picks and tools to pick a lock. The time to open a lock is subject to the trap type (normally 1 turn).
Find and Remove Traps: A thief must find a trap prior to disarming or removing it. Traps can often be found through careful observation and questioning.
Move Silently: The thief may Move Silently for 40 feet/10 feet per level (per successful attempt).
Hide In Shadows: To perform this skill, the thief must remain motionless while hidden. In battle, a thief may remain hidden for 6 rounds plus one per level

Racial Thief Skill Bonuses
Dwarf: Pick Pockets +7%, Find and Remove Traps +10%, Climb Walls -10%.
Elf: Pick Pockets +5%, Open Locks -5%, Move Silently +7%, Hide in Shadows +10%, Hear Noise +1 on d6.
Gnome: Open Locks +5%, Find and Remove Traps +7%, Move Silently +5%, Hide in Shadows +5%, Climb Walls -15%.
Halfling: Pick Pockets +5%, Open Locks +5%, Find and Remove Traps +5%, Move Silently +10%, Hide in Shadows +10%, Climb Walls -15%.
Half-Elf: Pick Pockets +10% and Hide in Shadows +5%.
Half-Orc: Pick Pockets -5%, Open Locks +5%, Find and Remove Traps +5%, Climb Walls +5%.