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Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:25 pm
by Rex

Re: Lharzin

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 1:53 am
by Marullus

Lharzin of Clan Grimhald, Female Dwarf, Speaker of Stone
  • Born the 24th Day of Nolus, Early Summer.
  • Sunsign: Ahnu, the Fire Dragon
  • Age: 28
  • Heavy in frame, 4'8" and 100lbs. Of Plain appearance with fair skin, black hair, and green eyes.
  • Born a Bastard, only lovechild of father with his mother. Unacknowledged by father, King Hazmadul III.
  • Mother is Herrithr, Apothecarist of clan Grimhald
    Norse Dwarf Name Generator: Herrithr meaning "Army-Beautiful"
Lharzin has been away from Azadmere for half her life, which isn't as long as it will be as a dwarf, but nevertheless a point of reflection for her long nights on the road. Her two ponies, Barri and Bildr pull the wagon that has become her home, a perfunctory bunk with the rest dedicated to her worshops with a pots and pans, small furnace and anvil, alembics and glassware for apothecary decoctions, and festooned with drying herbs.
Lharzin - Speaker of Stone.pdf
(460.79 KiB) Downloaded 9 times

Sunsign, Psyche, Psionics:
AHNU, the Fire-Dragon
Ahnu is the fourth constellation of the Kethiran zodiac (Nolus 4th–Larane 4th) and located in the northern sky. The dragon symbolizes the cleansing destruction of fire. What the smith brings forth, Ahnu destroys. This is not necessarily wanton destruction, for Ahnu cleans and prepares the world for renewal, an ordeal that purifies, that destroys the unworthy and the superfluous, and makes room for the new.
Those born under Ahnu are perfectionists, which is both a strength and a weakness. They dislike and cannot find room for fault. Ahnuans tend to be intolerant and impatient; they have quick and violent tempers. They are slow to praise, quick to criticize. They are not fond of the conservative or the old and solid, but tend towards experiment and progress. Often they are radical revolutionaries prone to purge rather than correct.
Morality: Unscrupulous
Severe Violent Temper (loses control). Will ×1.
Mild Ballistophobia (fear of missiles). Will ×5.

Worshiper of Siem, as all dwarves. Piety 16.
Disembodiment x2 - The ability to detach the ethereal spirit from the body, which is left in a state of metabolic suspension. The disembodied spirit is referred to as an astral entity.
Unique (Voice of Ages) x2 - From other RPGs, a Dwarven Ability to commune with earth and stone and receive its memories (like a custom form of psychometry)
Sensitvity - Sensitivity is subject to Passive Triggering and may be used actively to scan for magical or psionic residue/effects. Sensitivity can also be used to attune to magical artifacts or effects.
Clairvoyance - The ability to visualize events currently occurring at a remote location.
Healing - Talent requires skin contact between the healer and the patient (who may be the healer). Four options exist: Empathy, Restoration, Bloodloss, Heal.
Prescience - The ability to determine the “fate” of a group, person, or item. Two forms: Prescient Vision, Sense Danger.
Hex - Sometimes called “the evil eye.” Hex is the ability to “curse” a victim, causing them to have bad luck.
Attributes and Skills:
Strength 15
Stamina 10
Dexterity 12
Agility 8
Eyesight 9
Hearing 9
Smell 14
Voice 10
Intelligence 15
Aura 16
Will 17

Khuzdul/80+SB [SB 14]: 94
Harnic/3 [SB 14]: 42
Runic Script/70+SBx2 [SB 12]: 94
Lakise Script/70+SB [SB 12]: 82

Mental Conflict/4 [SB 17]: 68

Initiative/5 [SB 14]: 70
Axe/Warhammer/5 [SB 15*]: 75
Spear/6 [SB 14]: 84
Shield/5 [SB 13]: 65

Agriculture/3 [SB 14]: 42
Alchemy/2 [SB 15]: 30
Animalcraft/2 [SB 12]: 24
Cookery/4 [SB 14]: 56
Embalming/2 [SB 12]: 24
Folklore/5 [SB 14]: 70
Foraging/5 [SB 14]: 70
Heraldry/2 [SB 13]: 26
Herblore/4 [SB 13]: 52
Mathematics/2 [SB 16]: 32
Physician/4 [SB 12]: 48
Survival/5 [SB 14]: 70
Tracking/3 [SB 14]: 42
Weaponcraft/3 [SB 16*]: 48
Weatherlore/4 [SB 13]: 52
Fyvria [SB 16]: 48
Neutral [SB 17]: 51

Dispel (1) - 51
Focus (III) - 41
Eye of Kemdal (I) - 51
Talin’s Eye (II) - 46
Balm of Gresan (I) - 48
Figure of Aestras (I) - 48
Putrid Hand (I) - 48
Verdant Hand (II) - 43
Animus of Nithri (V) - 28
Herbs and Alchemy:
Herb NameHerb RarityHabitatNon-Alchemy UseAlchemy ProductAlchemy RarityAlchemy Effect
Berilik (common)Forest (Late Summer)tea;Ichor of Agrik (Common)Anesthetic and Disinfectant: Berelik is a greenish-yellow, oily paste
which is spread lightly over an open wound. It will deaden the pain of a minor wound for four hours, a serious wound for two hours, or a grievous wound for one hour. The chance of the wound becoming infected is halved. Aftereffects include numbness for 6–10 hours and lethargy (1d6 Fatigue Levels).
Fletherane (uncommon)Marsh (Year Round) The leaves are twisted into a rope and dried over a smoky fire of damp fletharane roots. Each plant yields about four feet of rope, six inches of which is considered a good dose to smoke. The inhaler soon experiences lightheadedness, leading to a trance within one hour. Heavy perspiration and hallucinations in the trance state can be intense and last another one to two hours. After-effects include lethargy and hunger. Overdoses may result in memory loss. Fletharasha (Common)Fletharasha is a popular recreational drug throughout civilized Hârn. It is similar to the Bujoc potion, but contains some extra ingredients to improve potency.
Habsulara (common)Pasture (Spring) A tea of habsulara flowers is used as an energy boost.Uhla Oil (Rare)Habsulara is used in the preparation of the Save-K’norian stimulant Uhla Oil. Possession of this oil is proscribed in Melderyn but possession and sale of the habsulara plant are not.
Homura (common)Forest (Autumn) Victims die with a characteristic red stain on their lips. The poison combines with stomach acids to produce severe gas, then drowsiness, followed by coma (toxic shock) in 20–30 minutes. A painless death by asphyxia follows within two hours.N/AN/ASince the fungus is quite delicious and the cap turns brown when cooked, only those with some degree of paranoia are likely to detect them. One mature, chopped Redhelm added to a soup or stew is more than enough to kill an unfaithful husband or overly ambitious baron. A lesser amount will cause stomach problems, internal bleeding, and some damage to the liver and kidneys.
Kithyl (common)Seashore (Year Round) Boiled kithyl root paste is effective at stopping bleeding and preventing infection and is an effective poultice to draw out pus from infected wounds.N/AN/AKithyl Root Bandages: The Kithyl root can be soaked and pounded to tease out long starchy fibers. These can be woven into bandages that are an excellent means of closing and preventing infection in deep lacerations. The bandages must be boiled immediately before use.
Lavaryctia (uncommon)Forest (Early Summer)tea; The dried leaves of one plant are used by the Taelda to brew a calming tea that brings 12 hours of good rest.Heavy Curtains (Uncommon)The leaves and burrs of lavaryctia are used in the preparation of Heavy Curtains, a powerful soporific sometimes blasphemously referred to as Naveh’s Blessing.
Quessel (uncommon)Alpine Meadow (Late Spring)N/A Elmithra (Rare)Quessel is used in the preparation of Elmithra, a valuable and potent
medicine that cures many infections and social diseases.
Raskile (uncommon)Woods, Forest (Late Summer) Rasakile Tea; The leaves can be gathered from late spring to mid-autumn. When dried, the shredded leaves of one plant provide about two ounces of tea. One quarter-ounce is used to make Rasakile Tea, a drink known to inhibit conception when used daily. A stronger brew made from two or three ounces of tea usually aborts a pregnancy of four months or less. With later pregnancies, the treatment will likely produce a stillborn child and a 60% chance of permanent sterility.contraceptiveBaby-can-Wait (Common)Baby-Can-Wait: The flowers and leaves are combined with other ingredients in the preparation of Baby-Can-Wait, a potion sold under monopoly of the Halean temple in most jurisdictions.
Tirageyth (common)Woods, Forest (Late Spring)Chewing the dried leaves of one plant promotes a sense of well-being that lasts 5–30 minutes. The euphoria is an effective pain-killer, but the drug is addictive. Prolonged use results in brain damage. Massive doses may result in coma or death. Possession of the plant is proscribed in Kanday, Kaldor, and Chybisa.
Most apothecaries in those realms will not buy tirageyth, but it has significant value to addicts and those who supply them.
Halea's Tresses (Rare, illegal)Halea’s Tresses: Tirageyth is used in the preparation of Halea’s Tresses, an addictive narcotic.
Zahuruk (uncommon)Caverns (Year Round)Reacting to changes in air pressure and small vibrations, the mushroom produces enough light to cast a glow for several feet all around, a sudden effect that can be quite startling. A picked mushroom will retain the luminescent glow for a few minutes.
The fungus is rare except where tended by subterranean dwellers. Members of the Ilviran Dark Order are said to cultivate this fungus deep in the caverns of Araka-Kalai. The Khuzdul and gargun grow them as food and usually locate zahuruk beds to provide some illumination for caverns and also serve as a warning of intruders.
N/AN/AEye-of-Dwarf (Common in Azadmere)
On Hand:
  • Tharin's Rock Salt (required for dwarves diet outside of Azadmere)
  • Ichor of Agrik (Berilik Balm), 4 doses
  • Kithyl root paste, 4 doses
  • Kithyl root bandages, 8 doses (must be boiled immediately before use)
  • Eye-of-Dwarf, 8 doses
KalilChurch (current location)Acquaintance47
Guldbund Dhuzak**Palace Builder*Acquaintance46
Valka HurenfalGuardians Jukhar*Acquaintance Best Friend84
Dwarf Guildsman (Apprentice Sage/Tutor)Unfriendly30
Church (High Official)Unfriendly24
** Azadmere City Book, B4* (GM Option)
Set of wool travel/work clothing (Long sleeve dress, leggings, vest (bustier) and cloak)
Set of fine wool clothing (Long sleeve dress, leggings, vest (bustier) and cloak)
Boots, knee, leather
Belt, leather
Gauntlets, leather
Belt Pouch
Azure Bowl Pendant, Holy Symbol, Azurite, blessed (Seim)
Tinder Box
Linen cloth (bandana/scarf/bandage)
Danistor, 10 lbs of smaller mushrooms
Torch (12)

Herbalist (snips, gathering pouch, pruning knife etc)
Alchemist (metal lab set, mortar & pestle, etc)

Tharin's Rock Salt (required for dwarves diet outside of Azadmere)
Ichor of Agrik (Berilik Balm), 4 doses
Kithyl root paste, 4 doses
Kithyl root bandages, 8 doses (must be boiled immediately before use)
Eye-of-Dwarf, 8 doses

Knife (primarily used as a tool and for eating)
Spear, Stone (enchanted, hard as steel), +2 WQ
  • Light Stone Spear, Wt 3.0 lbs, WQ 11, A/D 20/10, HM -10, impact 6 * (7)
Warhammer, Stone (enchanted, hard as steel), +2 WQ
  • Average Stone Warhammer, Wt 5.0 lbs, WQ 11, A/D 15/5, HM -5, impact 7 * (6)
Round Shield, Wooden (Light), +2 WQ (protects as Kurbal +2 AQ)

Quilt Gambeson, +1 AQ (19.8 x 0.8 = 15.8)
Quilt Leggings, +1 AQ (13.2 x 0.8 = 10.6)
Leather Gambeson, +1 AQ (10.6 x 0.8 = 8.5)
Leather Leggings, +1 AQ (8.8 x 0.8 = 7.0)
Kurbal Breast/Back Plate, +2 AQ (6.0 x 0.8 = 4.8)
Quilt Cowl, +1 AQ (2.4 x 0.8 = 1.9)
Leather Cowl, +1 AQ (1.6 x 0.8 = 1.3)
Kurbal Helm, +2 AQ (1.0 x 0.8 = 0.8)
Leather Calf Boots, +1 AQ (3.2 x 0.8 = 2.6)
Leather Gauntlets, +1 AQ (0.8 x 0.8 = 0.6)
Total Weight: 53.9 lbs
Armor + Weapons = 61.9 lbs
Encumberance Penalty: 4

Barri - The Bearing, Ready, Eager
Horse, Chelni (Harnic Pony)
Trained for combat so a warhorse of the very light charger type. Relatively small horse averaging 13 hands and 700 pounds.
Tack, blanket, saddle, reigns, hobbles, and saddle bags

Bildr - Plowman, Edged weapon
Horse, Chelni (Harnic Pony)
Trained as a pack/riding horse, not combat.
Tack, blanket, reigns, lead, hobbles, panniers

Fyvrian - an intricately woven bracelet of leather, hair, and linen strands (+4 MS, +8 CS)

Wealth: 1112d
2400d-1200d=1200d: Custom Wagon
1200d-88d = 1112d: Paid Archers

Re: Lharzin

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 1:56 am
by Marullus
Marullus wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2024 1:43 am Lharzin, Female Dwarf, Speaker of Stone

Born the 24th Day of Nolus, Early Summer.
Sunsign: Ahnu, the Fire Dragon
Only Child, born a Bastard, but acknowledged by Father who is the Clanhead.
Heavy in frame, 4'8" and 100lbs.
Of Plain appearance with fair skin, black hair, and green eyes.

Sheet:Lharzin - Speaker of Stone.pdf
AHNU, the Fire-Dragon
Ahnu is the fourth constellation of the Kethiran zodiac (Nolus 4th–Larane 4th) and located in the northern sky. The dragon symbolizes the cleansing destruction of fire. What the smith brings forth, Ahnu destroys. This is not necessarily wanton destruction, for Ahnu cleans and prepares the world for renewal, an ordeal that purifies, that destroys the unworthy and the superfluous, and makes room for the new.
Those born under Ahnu are perfectionists, which is both a strength and a weakness. They dislike and cannot find room for fault. Ahnuans tend to be intolerant and impatient; they have quick and violent tempers. They are slow to praise, quick to criticize. They are not fond of the conservative or the old and solid, but tend towards experiment and progress. Often they are radical revolutionaries prone to purge rather than correct.
Strength 15
Stamina 10
Dexterity 12
Agility 8
Eyesight 9
Hearing 9
Smell 14
Voice 10
Intelligence 15
Aura 16
Will 17

Morality: Unscrupulous
Severe Violent Temper (loses control). Will ×1.
Mild Ballistophobia (fear of missiles). Will ×5.

Worshiper of Siem, as all dwarves. Piety 16.
Disembodiment x2 - The ability to detach the ethereal spirit from the body, which is left in a state of metabolic suspension. The disembodied spirit is referred to as an astral entity.
Sensitvity - Sensitivity is subject to Passive Triggering and may be used actively to scan for magical or psionic residue/effects. Sensitivity can also be used to attune to magical artifacts or effects.
Unique (Voice of Ages) - From other RPGs, a Dwarven Ability to commune with earth and stone and receive its memories (like a custom form of psychometry)
Clairvoyance - The ability to visualize events currently occurring at a remote location.
Healing - Talent requires skin contact between the healer and the patient (who may be the healer). Four options exist: Empathy, Restoration, Bloodloss, Heal.
Prescience - The ability to determine the “fate” of a group, person, or item. Two forms: Prescient Vision, Sense Danger.
Hex - Sometimes called “the evil eye.” Hex is the ability to “curse” a victim, causing them to have bad luck.
Psychometry (perhaps add to the Unique:Voice of Ages as x2)
Mage(All): Runic Script/70+SBx2, Folklore/5, Mathematics/2
Mage (Fyvria): Foraging/4, Survival/4, Agriculture/3, Herblore/3, Tracking/3, Animalcraft/2, Embalming/2, Physician/2
Apothecary (Family): Herblore/2, Physician/1 (Total of Herblore/5, Physician/3?)
Military/Clansman: Melee Weapon (Warhammer?)/4, Spear/4 and Shield/4
Optional Points (5) [from Mage option list]: Cookery/4, Runecraft/2+1=3, Mental Conflict/4, Weatherlore/4

Runic Script/70+SBx2 [SB 12]: 94
Folklore/5 [SB 14]: 70
Mathematics/2 [SB 16]: 32
Foraging/4 [SB 14]: 56
Survival/4 [SB 14]: 56
Agriculture/3 [SB 14]: 42
Herblore/5 [SB 13]: 65
Tracking/3 [SB 14]: 42
Animalcraft/2 [SB 12]: 24
Embalming/2 [SB 12]: 24
Physician/3 [SB 12]: 36
Axe/Warhammer/4 [SB 15*]: 60
Spear/4 [SB 14]: 56
Shield/4 [SB 13]: 52
Cookery/4 [SB 14]: 56
Runecraft/3 [SB 16]: 48
Mental Conflict/4 [SB 17]: 68
Weatherlore/4 [SB 13]: 52 be continued.
  • I need help determining Age, then can move to Contacts/Friends/Enemies.
  • I need help setting languages and scripts.
  • I need the GM to set clan and social class, given she's the acknowledged bastard of a Clanlead of higher station, then her mother is a guilded Apothecarist.
  • I need the GM to set the level of the Chantry I am from.
  • I need GM to adjudicate psionics (open, dormant, combinable?)
  • I need to get the Magic PDF and pick spells (16pts)
  • I need help knowing what "Tools of the Trade" are, what clothing and armor I have from my social class and station, and what to use on the Family Wealth table.

(I'm assuming no veteran options - she's young and weird, and hampered by her temper.)

The Process:
1. Select a species and sex
a. Human, Khuzdul (dwarf), Sindarin (elf), or other (we will avoid other for these purposes)
Choosing Dwarf.
b. Male or Female
I'll leave to chance. Harnmaster says 75% chance male.
Gender [1d100]=72
...That said, a Female character would be interesting, too. If you want it to be 50/50% then that's the result.
Edit to Add: As the character evolved, I came to think more that she's female. Switching to that.

2. Birth date generation
Roll 1d12 for month and 1d30 for day, determines Sunsign
Birth Date [1d12]=4[1d30]=24
24th Day of Nolus, Early Summer.
Sunsign:Ahnu, the Fire Dragon

3. Birth Place, Culture,and Social Class we will ignore for now.
I'd like to be from Azadmere, just so I have a reason to read the book.
4. Family Development
a. Sibling Rank, roll %d and 1d6-1
I. Khuzdul and Sindarin are -20% to the roll
Sibling Rank [1d100-20]=1-20=-19 [1d6-1]=1-1=0
That equates to only child.
b. Parent, roll %d, if result is 01-50 or 91-00 roll an additional %d
Parent [1d100]=80[1d100]=49
Result is Bastard, acknowledged by Father.
Bastard: Character’s parents never married, most likely because the
father was of a higher social class, or one (or both) parents were already
married or betrothed. Character is acknowledged by father if roll was
76–80. Character probably lives with mother, but may reside with father
if acknowledged.
c. Estrangement. roll %d
I. Eldest child adds +5%
II. Members of small clans and all Khuzdul and Sindarin add +20%
III. A roll of 01 is always an Outcast
Estrangement [1d100+25]=39+25=64
Popular with family.
Popular: Character liked by
most relatives and may enjoy
special favor, but should not
take things for granted.
d. Clanhead, roll %d, if 01-50 roll another %d each time
Clanhead [1d100]=90[1d100]=60
Father or Mother is the the Clanhead. Given the Bastard roll, let's make it Father.
5. Appearance Attributes
a. Height, roll 4d6
I. Ivinian +1", Nobility +2", and Urban Poor -2"
Dwarf is 40+4d6, I don't know if we are Nobility or Poor because we omitted that step.
Height [4d6+40]=18+40=58
4' 10"
b. Frame, roll 3d6
I. Human Female -2, Sindarin -2, and Khuzdul +3
Frame [3d6+3]=11+3=14
Heavy frame, weight is 91+10% = 100lbs
c. Weight, no roll
I. note Character Size from table and modify for Frame, it will modify Strength, clothing and armor weights
d. Comeliness, 3d6
I. Sindarin +2, Tribesman Female (Kath only) +1
Comeliness [3d6]=8
Plain in appearance
e. Other, we are choosing Complexion, Hair and Eye color
Complexion [1d100]=62 Hair Color [1d100]=41 Eye Color [1d100]=71
Trying the tables: Fair skinned, black haired, and green eyed.

6. Physical Attributes
a. Strength, key attribute, roll 4d6 drop lowest
I. +4 Khuzdul, +1 Sindarin, modifier from Weight/Strength Table
Strength [1d6]=5[1d6]=4[1d6]=1[1d6]=2
5+4+2+4 = 15
b. Stamina, key attribute, roll 4d6 drop lowest
I. Khuzdul +2, Sindarin +1
Stamina [1d6]=6[1d6]=2[1d6]=4[1d6]=2
6+4+2+2 = 14
c. Dexterity, key attribute, roll 4d6 drop lowest
I. Khuzdul +1, Sindarin +2
Dexterity [1d6]=5[1d6]=2[1d6]=2[1d6]=4
5+4+2+1 = 12
d. Agility, key attribute, roll 4d6 drop lowest
I. Sindarin +1, modifier from Agility Frame Table
Agility [1d6]=3[1d6]=2[1d6]=3[1d6]=3
3+3+3-1 (Heavy) = 8
e. Eyesight, roll 3d6
I. Sindarin +2. Khuzdul +1, Tribesman +1
Eyesight [1d6]=6[1d6]=1[1d6]=1
6+1+1+1 = 9
f. Hearing, roll 3d6
I. Sindarin +2, Khuzdul +2, Tribesman +2
Hearing [1d6]=1[1d6]=3[1d6]=6
6+3+1+2 = 12
g. Smell. roll 3d6
I. Sindarin +3, Khuzdul +2, Tribesman +2
Smell [1d6]=3[1d6]=2[1d6]=3
3+3+2+2 = 10
h. Voice, roll 3d6
I. Sindarin +2
Voice [1d6]=6[1d6]=4[1d6]=5
6+5+4 = 15

7. Personality Attributes
a. Intelligence, key attribute, roll 4d6 drop lowest
Intelligence [1d6]=6[1d6]=3[1d6]=6[1d6]=1
6+6+3 = 15
b. Aura, key attribute, roll 4d6 drop lowest
I. Human Female +2, Sindarin +4, Khuzdul -2
Aura [1d6]=2[1d6]=1[1d6]=2[1d6]=3
3+2+2-2 = 5
c. Will, key attribute, roll 4d6 drop lowest
I. Khuzdul +3
Will [1d6]=3[1d6]=6[1d6]=3[1d6]=1
6+3+3+3 = 15
d. Morality, choose
Morality [3d6]=12
I'm curious what a roll would say, because I'm still developing the direction here. The result is Law Abiding... I might change it to Unscrupulous.
Edit to add: As this evolved, including unstable temper, I think she's lower on the scale. Setting to Unscrupulous.

8. Re-arrange Attributes
I'm open to suggestions, but I think I may be good with it as is... I have high INT and WIL for magic and STR as a dwarf. I'd like a higher Aura, as I want to be super-mystical. I can at least swap Hearing and Aura, so lets do that. Aura becomes 10-2=8. Hearing becomes 7+2=9. Maybe I can swap Aura with something higher? I need advice before I do that so I don't break something.
Edit to Add: I've now read the convocations and found that Aura is the primary stat (not Int or Will), and strangely, so is Smell. I still want high Int and Will (for the concept, I am sure it will matter). The only other high raw roll I had was Voice at 15. I'll put that into Aura (-2=13, then +3 from the Psyche roll is 16 Aura). The Aura roll still goes to Hearing (7+2=9), and then the Hearing roll replaces Voice (10+0=10). To get better Smell, I'll have to move a physical attribute. I'll swap Stamina and Smell (each with a +2 as Khudzul) making Smell 14/Stamina 10. (She's got the big dwarven nose, but spent too much time in books.)

a. Do not include Morality

9. Medical
a. Roll %d, if 66-70, roll %d twice
I. Additional rolls may be required
Medical [1d100]=74[1d100]=17
74 is "No Disorder."
b. You may choose to take a second roll (%d)
I. if you took the roll add a total of +2 to any attribute(s) of your choice as long as it wasn't modified (+ or -) by your Medical rolls
I'll take a roll for +2 points! Especially since I got lucky the first time.
Medical [1d100]=84[1d100]=54
Lucky again. Something in this Bastard's favor. :) I'll add it as +2 Will, assuming its for spellcasters.
10. Psyche
a. Roll %d, if 66-70 roll %d twice, for each roll of 01-65 roll an addition %d for Severity
Psyche [1d100]=9[1d100]=30[1d100]=4
9 is Ballistophobia (fear of missiles). 30 is "Mild Will ×5."
b. You may choose to take a second roll (%d)
I. if you took the roll add a total of +3 to any attribute(s) of your choice except Will
...also really tempting. Let's do it.
Psyche [1d100]=63[1d100]=91[1d100]=31
63 is "Violent Temper (loses control)". 91 is "Severe Will ×1."
Can I add the +3 also to Will and raise it to 20? Or should I do something else?

11. Sexuality
a, Not rolling, You can note if you want or not
I'd prefer to leave this out of play. We'll see if it ever matters and decide then.
12. Deity/Religion
a. Choose
Siem, per your note to others.
All Khuzdul worship Siem and his demi-gods. They are directly opposed to Morgath and are the only species that can not be turned into undead (corrupted by the shadow).
13. Piety
a. Roll 5d6, if Cleric Willx5 instead (will not know at this point so you will adjust later if necessary)
Piety [5d6]=16
14. Psionics
a. Roll 3d6, if Aur-the roll is a positive.non-zero number consult with DM
I. Comment, by the rules the DM makes this and following Psionic rolls in secret for the player and notes and informs the player of the Active only. I prefer the player to make the rolls and just require them to roll play what they know or don't know
Psionics [3d6]=7
With the swap I did, that's a success! So, that's two generation rolls. (If we swap with a different attribute, it would be more?)
Psionics [1d100]=83[1d100]=14
Disembodiment - The ability to detach the ethereal spirit from the body, which is left in a state of metabolic suspension. The disembodied spirit is referred to as an astral entity.
Sensitvity - Sensitivity is subject to Passive Triggering and may be used actively to scan for magical or psionic residue/effects. Sensitivity can also be used to attune to magical artifacts or effects.

Actually, if I apply the +3 bonus from Psyche to Aura, I get Aura up to 12 and get three more rolls to make her eldritch... Switching Voice to Aura as the main Mage skill and adding the +3 Psyche bonus makes it 16, which is a total of 9 rolls. I already made 5 (2 above, 3 below), so I will make four more.
Psionics [1d100]=100[1d100]=7[1d100]=21
That comes together as a REALLY solid concept. I like how this character evolved.
Unique (Voice of Ages) - From other RPGs, a Dwarven Ability to commune with earth and stone and receive its memories (like a custom form of psychometry). Psychometry is recent memories of any object, Voice of Ages is long-term memories but off of only stone things.
Clairvoyance - The ability to visualize events currently occurring at a remote location.
Healing - [/color]
Talent requires skin contact between the healer and
the patient (who may be the healer). Four options exist:
[1] Empathy: An attempt to diagnose the patient’s
emotional state and/or physical well-being.
Information depends on success level.
[2] Restoration: An attempt to remove fatigue. CS
eliminates four Fatigue Levels (F4); MS removes
two Fatigue Levels (F2).
[3] Bloodloss: An attempt to clot a single bleeding
wound. Any success stops bleeding, and CS also
reduces accumulated bloodloss by 1BP.
[4] Heal: An attempt to increase the healing rate of
one identified ailment or wound. CS increases the
healing rate by 2, MS by 1. If this brings the healing
rate to H6 (or more) any infection, disease, or
poison is defeated (cured).
Psionics [1d100]=57[1d100]=10[1d100]=28[1d100]=64
57 = Prescience
10 = Disembodiment (x2)
28 = Hex
64 = Psychometry (perhaps add to the Unique stone version as x2)

15. Occupation
a. Choose
I. Note that all Khuzdul and Ivinians without a primary Military Occupation will have Military/Clansman as an additional starting Occupation with no Option Points
I want to play with herbs, so we'll go Apothecary: Herblore/4, Alchemy/2, Mathematics/2, Physician/2, Script
b. Choose matching Social Class and Culture (this may be determined by Species/Race selection instead of Occupation)
c. Determine Parent Occupation by discussion with DM, is usually the same as the PC but sometimes not
She's an herbalist/apothecary like her mother. Her father is the dwarven clanhead and her illigitimate father. (Mother teaching Apothecary adds +1SB to each of those skills, so Herblore/5, Alchemy/3, Mathematics/3, Physician/3, Script/2.
Okay, I now realized that I have to take the Mage occupation for her delving into her studies. This sets her different than her mother's occupation as Apothecarist. From her Mother she gets Herblore/2 and Physician/1. From Mage, I need to go read the Convocations.
Looking at the convocations, Fyvria is what I was imagining. (Who can argue with "Healing, Horticulture, Necromancy, Earthquakes"?) It fits the theme well of her trying to embrace her Psionic talents and a dwarven earth-connection. Peleahn also goes with her Sunsign and Psyche, but lets see if we go there in play (a hot tempered character with actual fire-powers) and she's trying to control herself right now, not lean into it.
Trying to follow the skill section, the Mage gets an "all" set, a Fyvria set, and then "option picks."
Mage(All): Runic Script/70+SBx2, Folklore/5, Mathematics/2
Mage (Fyvria): Foraging/4, Survival/4, Agriculture/3, Herblore/3, Tracking/3, Animalcraft/2, Embalming/2, Physician/2
Optional Points (5) [from Mage option list]: Cookery/4, Runecraft/2+1=3, Mental Conflict/4, Weatherlore/4
Not sure how the family skills and mage skills act when they double-up. They sum?

16. Age
a, Determine age based on Occupation(s)
b. Potentially adjust age up based on discussion with DM
I. Comment, I usually adjust weaker Occupations up with Veteran Years, but this is always based on discussion with the player, if they want the challenge of running a 15 year old Beggar I am OK with it
I'm not sure what to do with age? Help?

16. Skills
a. Assign Occupation Skills with OML
b. Assign Family Skills or Adjust OML of Occupation Skills depending on Parents Occupation
c. Discuss Milita option with DM, if granted add Melee Weapon/4, Spear/4 and Shield/4 for unarmored Foot or Bow/4 and Melee Weapon/4, Crossbow/5 and Melee Weapon/4, or Melee Weapon/4 and Sling/3 for unarmored Archer
Note that Melee Weapon type is always at the DM's choice based on starting location but is usually Axe (Hand Axe), Club (Club), or Sword (Short Sword), rarely Dagger (Dagger)
d. Select optional Skills and or adjust current skills (may include additional Veteran Option Points)
Okay, using the skill lists determined above, I calculated all the SBs and OMBs. (Only Axe/Hammer gets a +1 from Sunsign)

Runic Script/70+SBx2 [SB 12]: 94
Folklore/5 [SB 14]: 70
Mathematics/2 [SB 16]: 32
Foraging/4 [SB 14]: 56
Survival/4 [SB 14]: 56
Agriculture/3 [SB 14]: 42
Herblore/5 [SB 13]: 65
Tracking/3 [SB 14]: 42
Animalcraft/2 [SB 12]: 24
Embalming/2 [SB 12]: 24
Physician/3 [SB 12]: 36
Axe/Warhammer/4 [SB 15*]: 60
Spear/4 [SB 14]: 56
Shield/4 [SB 13]: 52
Cookery/4 [SB 14]: 56
Runecraft/3 [SB 16]: 48
Mental Conflict/4 [SB 17]: 68
Weatherlore/4 [SB 13]: 52

17. Invocations and Spells
a. Clerics select Invocations and Mages select spells
So, all mages get FOCUS and DISPELL.
Then we get spell points equal to Aura (16).
...I need to get into the Magic PDF to know what they are.

18. Friends and Enemies
a. Contacts, a number of contacts = age/5 (round)
b. Work through this process for each Contact you have
c. A Contacts office, rank, or tittle is significant, 10% of a high office, rank or tittle where applicable
d. Roll %d to determine Contact (may require additional rolls on Occupation Table)
e. Roll %d to determine Relationship
f. Roll 1d20 to determine Loyalty
g. Once all Contacts are determined, choose 1 to be your Best Friend, adjust their Loyalty to 70+the result of their original d20 Loyalty roll
19. Equipment and Funds
a. Equipment everyone starts with
A set of clothing suitable to their station and occupation (I will give more detail on this)
A backpack with any portable tools of their trade
Fire making tools (tinder box or flint and steel)
bandana or scarf
Knife or Dagger
A weapon for each Weapon Skill (DM's choice)
Armor, maybe, depending on Occupation and Social Class
Credentials, depends on Occupation, Social Class, and situation
b. Funds and additional Equipment, roll 3d6, see Family Wealth Table and Veteran Equipment
I. 3-9 poor, 10-14 Average, 15+ Wealthy
c. Other
I. This category involves items that an individual can make themselves or are likely to have made
II. They must purchase or be able to reasonable gather themselves all raw materials
III. They must have access to any necessary tools, special needs
IV. All required rolls will need to be made, Crafting, Spell Casting, Praying etc.
V. Depending on item and rolls additional attempts may be allowed (Mages will start with a Focus for example but it may take several attempts)
I will note here that High Quality Item, Holy Item, Magic Item creation as well as Herbal and Potion creation are all nicely detailed and even possible for starting characters
20. Connecting the Party
a. I usually have some rational for everyone knowing each other or at least being together, but in this scenario we will not worry about it
Marullus wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2024 2:54 am Question for the group:

What is the theme/feel of the current campaign and your characters? Are we dark and gritty, or noble and heroic?

I have worked through and developed a character and reached a decision point. I am happy with either choice, and that the result to best-fit with the theme and the other characters.
Which character would you and your character prefer to join-up with?

Either way, Lharzin is the bastard love-child of a rather important Dwarven Clanlead's extramarital affiar with her guilded apothecarist mother. Born under the Sign of the Dragon and, perhaps fulfilling ancient prophesy, she evidenced strange and eldritch powers quite unusual among the Khudzul. Evan as a child they realized that, when she walks in her dreams, she walks the real world and sees that which she should not know, and that she found solace in the deep tunnels and caverns listening to the mountain speak of ancient lore, because for her the walls really DO talk. Whether from an imbalance of nature or trauma of childhood, also evolved a violent and uncontrollable temper, much like a firy dragon herself. To help her overcome her temper and harness her eldritch nature (and to move her out of sight as her father politics around the uncomfortable truth of her bastard existence), she was sent to be cloistered at a chantry among the Shek Pvar.

Option 1: (Dark and Gritty)
She was trained to embrace her fire and anger, as the wizards seek most to unlock her inner power. She has learned to face and use her rage and frenzy, not to fear it. Her inner fire also lends itself to the forge and she can smelt items and weapons (and imbue them with firy enchantment).
(Peleahn convocation, Fire magic. Skills of Alchemy, Cookery, Weaponcraft, Metalcraft)

Option 2: (Noble and heroic)
She was trained to balance her fiery anger with the immutable power of earth and life. By focusing on life force, healing, and the growing of things, she can keep her fiery nature in check. Her anger and rage is a liability she balances and controls, containing and hiding it (until she can't).
(Fyvria convocation, Earth/life magic. Skills of Agriculture, Herblore, Foraging, Animalcraft, Tracking, Survival, Embalming, Physician)
Rex wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2024 7:19 am That is an interesting question.

They saved a caravan and discovered a hidden dwarven key along the way.

The key led them to a long abandoned dwarven outpost where they met the ghost of its ancient caretaker. Should mention they defeated an Orc patrol/hunting party along the way.

They located and gave proper burial to the ghosts earthly remains, thus freeing it to move on to its reward.

Tracked and killed a Drake (land dragon), claiming its horde.

Met and negotiated with the Baron who holds the lands the outpost is on. Agreed to go on a griffin hunt with the Barons and other important people.

Either option works but I am very interested to hear what those involved think of it.
shaidar wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2024 6:05 pm Interesting. I think we're somewhere in the middle.

If dark and gritty is 1 and noble and heroic is 10, I think I'd place us at a 6. I think we all have our reasons for looking for wealth and influence, but we're not quite a band of roving murder-hobos, but are looking for our own advancement via generally positive means.

I can see advantages with either character version. With the type of circles we are looking to move in to set some of this up the angry fiery version could make things interesting, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
sulldawga wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2024 9:12 pm I'd generally say that, unless we're desperate for more healing, play the one you want. I feel like, from reading the threads, we're gritty but not dark, and also noble and heroic but not too selfless.
Ahlmzhad wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2024 4:35 pm I'm probably more on the gritty side. Son of a local cheif's son and the village seeres. My Uncle was our protector, but Mom died and I figured it was better to get out of dodge. Mainly trying to find a way to live reasonably and do no harm (to good people). I'm more focused on my visions, readings, and use my crafts warily to aid others.

Re: Lharzin

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 1:59 am
by Marullus
Rex wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:35 pm So far everything looks good. That said I can't really check everything until I know for sure what your occupation is and what your parents occupation is. Based on the other post you are thinking fire or earth mage I think. You will also get Dwarf Clansman.

The most common convocation for dwarves is Jmorvi (metal/artifice), followed equally by Peleahn (fire/action), and Fyvria (earth/life cycles). The other 3 are very rare.

Important note about Jmorvi vs Fyvria: A stone wall of a castle (ie the stone is worked into something) is artifice thus the domain of Jmorvi. A cave wall worked by nature is Fyvria. For most spells the final objective can be obtained by different convocations just by thinking about it from a different approach.

Re: Lharzin

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 10:35 pm
by Marullus
Marullus wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2024 10:39 pm
Rex wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2024 4:47 pmYour build is very complicated but for a first time you didn't do bad.

Thanks! Am I working in a different version of the book? I have Version 3.5.2. Addressing below, let me know.
Rex wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2024 4:47 pm You get the skills of a Fyvrian Shek-Pvar at there listed levels. Your chantry is 4 stars so Fyvria and Neutral are 3 OML. (Khuzdul Chantries are considered as J 5, F and P 4, O and L 2, and S 1, but they don't actually have any chantries)
Perfect, thanks! Updated.
Rex wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2024 4:47 pmFamily skills of another occupation give you +1 OML to Herblore (you have this) and pick another Apothecrist skill to open at OML or +1 OML if you already have it. These are Alchemy, Math, or Script (Script could be either another or +1 OML to one you have)
It says (p. Character 16) the first skill gets a x2 (Herblore) and then another skill gets x1 (I picked Physician). g
I added this to Fyvria Herblore/3, Physician/2 to get what I used: Herblore/5, Physician/3.
...I still want Physician as my second pick, are the numbers then right?
Rex wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2024 4:47 pmAs a dwarf you get clansman skills (even females): This will grant you the following skills you don't already have Heraldry/2 (missing), Weaponcraft/2 (missing), and modify the following you do have: Initiative/5 (you have 4), Spear/6 (you have 4), Axe/5 (you have 4), Shield/5 (you have 4), Foraging, Survival, and Physician you have correct
In your instructions you had: " Discuss Milita option with DM, if granted add Melee Weapon/4, Spear/4 and Shield/4 for unarmored Foot or Bow/4 and Melee Weapon/4, Crossbow/5 and Melee Weapon/4, or Melee Weapon/4 and Sling/3 for unarmored Archer."

Switching to your dwarf version: Heraldry/2, Weaponcraft/2, Initiative/5, Spear/6, Axe/5, Shield/5

My Foraging, Survival, and Physician come from Fyvria, are you saying there is an additional amount from dwarf militia?
On Character 27, it says those skills go to Military except Militia. We're getting them anyway?
Rex wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2024 4:47 pmAs a dwarf you spend another year and get Harnic or Jarinese at OML 3 and a Script, normally Runic but you have it already so Lakise at 70+SB, Your Khuzdul will be 80+SB (Scholar) and Runic will be 70+SBx2
Harnic/3 added (as 42), Lakise added, Khudzul added, Runic was right.
Rex wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2024 4:47 pm5 Option points: You have Folklore/5 (4 from occupation +1 from OP) so 1 OP here, Runecraft/4 (opens at 2 with 1 OP and then +2 is another 3 OP) so 4 OP here, Tracking/3 (2 from occupation +1 from OP) so 1 OP here, Weatherlore/4 (opens at 4 with 1 OP) so 1 OP here, Mental Conflict/4 (opens at 4 with 1 OP) so 1 OP here). Total of 8 OP, 3 over, need to trim here.
Page Character 26 says all Shek P'var start with Folklore/5, and that Fyvria start with Tracking/3. I don't want to use OP on them (even if they're lower.)
I said I spent my points on (in "the process" spoiler):
Optional Points (5) [from Mage option list]: Cookery/4, Runecraft/2+1=3, Mental Conflict/4, Weatherlore/4
Did I get Cookery from somewhere else in your math?

Runecraft was only set to 3 (Runecraft/2 plus I did spend 1 OP). That said, in the post about Murgar today he said he's focusing on divination so I don't want to edge into that territory. I'll drop Runecraft.
...can I add these points to Weaponcraft instead? That feels extra-dwarfy.
Rex wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2024 4:47 pmAwareness is a typo I think it should be 44 not 34
Yep! Fixed.
Rex wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2024 4:47 pmI am fine with you being an unacknowledged bastard of the King. You may even be a known bastard but that doesn't place you in line for the throne but would grant you some obvious privileges. For an example of this the King of Kaldor has 3 known but unacknowledged sons. All are treated as noble (only one is from a noble mother) and hold positions of power in the kingdom. You would pick your mothers clan name as Shek-Pvar don't have their own clans they remain part of their parents clan. I know you have Azadmere but if you need help finding it let me know.
That's awesome. :) This should add to the story. No intention of being in-line for the throne - this just adds political interest as we head to Azadmere.

If your read what's in my spoiler tag with all the rolls, the rolls were Only Child (from this union), Bastard Acknowledge by Father, Father is Clanlead, and Popular in the clan.
...being clear, you're saying we're switching to Unacknowledged Bastard and to my Mother's clan instead of Tarazakh (in which case, what is her clan?)? My Popular applies to mother's clan and you'll set a starting disposition for her relationship with Tarazakh?

What is her Social Status? Is she Noble even if not Tarazakh, or another tier?

What is her age? I can't figure that out.

Once we know that, I can continue into the Contacts, Equipment, etc that's still unanswered under the spoiler in my post.
Rex wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 6:03 am I hate trying to get quote boxes to split so I will use numbers to match up with each of your non-quoted sections.

1. We definitely have different versions. Use yours and I will go off your clip.

2. Chantries, all set.

3. Your clip is higher for Foraging, Survival, and Tracking by 1 OML each. Foraging and Survival will get +1 OML each from Clansman (see later). So you should be Foraging/5, Survival/5, Tracking/3
By the rules you always start with Occupation and if something adds to something you already have you don't add OML's but increase the higher by 1. So it isn't Herblore/2 + Herblore/3 = 5, it is Herblore/3 +1 =4, hopefully this makes sense. Adding to physician is fine but clansman also adds for a total of 4 (2+1+1=4)

4. Sorry for the confusion, that is for non-dwarves. All dwarves get Clansman at a cost of 4 years. It is All Military skills plus Khuzdul Clansman Skills. You would be a member of the Crech Guard or more likely the Guardians (Azadmere 28, newest version). Any skill you already have gets +1 OML. Algrim and Beryl are both members of the Beardless Guard.

5. All set.

6. I think we have this covered based on the different version. All set now

7. I just missed cookery completely somehow. All set.

8. She would be treated as a noble by anyone who knows she is the kings bastard. Interestingly all Khuzdul are treated as noble outside Azadmere (just too much risk otherwise). Keep in mind all Khuzdul are free. Her clan would be Grimhald (the only Khuzdul Apothecary clan, E8 on Azadmere City 9).

Age = 13 plus 1d3 + occupation years +1 for Dwarf language/scripts bonus. In your case 13+9+4+1=27+1d3, note I house rule Shek-Pvar from 7 to 9 years based on the fact they get a lot of skills.

When you are ready to start on spells we can work on those.
Marullus wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 11:09 pm Okay! Combined all together, that gives these skills:
Mage(All): Runic Script/70+SBx2, Folklore/5, Mathematics/2
Mage (Fyvria): Foraging/4, Survival/4, Agriculture/3, Herblore/3, Tracking/3, Animalcraft/2, Embalming/2, Physician/2
Apothecary (Family): Herblore/2, Physician/1
Optional Points (5) [from Mage option list]: Cookery/4, Runecraft/2+1=3, Mental Conflict/4, Weatherlore/4, Alchemy/2, Weaponcraft +1
Military/Clansman: Heraldry/2, Weaponcraft/2, Initiative/5, Spear/6, Axe/5, Shield/5, Foraging, Survival, and Physician
As a dwarf you spend another year and get: Harnic/3, Script, Lakise at 70+SB, Your Khuzdul will be 80+SB (Scholar) and Runic will be 70+SBx2.

Total Skills: Khuzdul 80+SB (Scholar), Harnic/3, Runic Script/70+SBx2, Lakise Script at 70+SB, Mental Conflict/4,
Initiative/5, Spear/6, Axe/5, Shield/5
Agriculture/3, Alchemy/2, Animalcraft/2, Cookery/4, Embalming/2,Folklore/5, Foraging/5, Heraldry/2, Herblore/4, Mathematics/2, Physician/4, Survival/5, Tracking/3, Weaponcraft/3, Weatherlore/4
...and these OMBs:
Khuzdul/80+SB [SB 14]: 94
Harnic/3 [SB 14]: 42
Runic Script/70+SBx2 [SB 12]: 94
Lakise Script/70+SB [SB 12]: 82

Mental Conflict/4 [SB 17]: 68

Initiative/5 [SB 14]: 70
Axe/Warhammer/5 [SB 15*]: 75
Spear/6 [SB 14]: 84
Shield/5 [SB 13]: 65

Agriculture/3 [SB 14]: 42
Alchemy/2 [SB 15]: 30
Animalcraft/2 [SB 12]: 24
Cookery/4 [SB 14]: 56
Embalming/2 [SB 12]: 24
Folklore/5 [SB 14]: 70
Foraging/5 [SB 14]: 70
Heraldry/2 [SB 13]: 26
Herblore/4 [SB 13]: 52
Mathematics/2 [SB 16]: 32
Physician/4 [SB 12]: 48
Survival/5 [SB 14]: 70
Tracking/3 [SB 14]: 42
Weaponcraft/3 [SB 16*]: 48
Weatherlore/4 [SB 13]: 52
...and then this age:
Age [1d3+27]=1+27=28

Updated all that on my sheet. I'll go figure out more stuff later when I get time and come back to post it. (Saving for now so I don't lose this work.)

Re: Lharzin

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 3:37 am
by Marullus
Marullus wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 3:35 am The remainder of the Process:
Age [1d3+27]=1+27=28

18. Friends and Enemies
a. Contacts, a number of contacts = age/5 (round)
28/5 = 6

b. Work through this process for each Contact you have
c. A Contacts office, rank, or tittle is significant, 10% of a high office, rank or tittle where applicable
d. Roll %d to determine Contact (may require additional rolls on Occupation Table)
e. Roll %d to determine Relationship
f. Roll 1d20 to determine Loyalty
g. Once all Contacts are determined, choose 1 to be your Best Friend, adjust their Loyalty to 70+the result of their original d20 Loyalty roll

Contacts [1d100]=26[1d100]=91[1d100]=93[1d100]=74[1d100]=24[1d100]=27
Relationship [1d100]=49[1d100]=45[1d100]=54[1d100]=13[1d100]=5[1d100]=19
Loyalty [1d20]=17[1d20]=16[1d20]=14[1d20]=20[1d20]=8[1d20]=14
High Official (on 1) [1d10]=9[1d10]=4[1d10]=4[1d10]=9[1d10]=9[1d10]=1
Guildsman Occupation [1d100]=40
Combining all those into a readable table below.

Added names to friends. Kalil I figure is a young female friend who is an acolyte in the king's court. Guldbund Dhuzak is a named NPC in the book who I'd love to know. For best friend, I'll take Valka and say she's the Jukhar of the Guardians - the one who oversees the Godstone has a personal interest in this young bastard girl with eldritch talent. I'm leaving the three enemies for you to name and place. (You're free to modify the above, of course, just giving you something to work with.) Not sure if it is fair to use....
the King, Hazmadul III (her father... Acquaintaince? Friendly? Unfriendly?)
Queen Nodra of Azadmere (as Unfriendly... I'm the other woman's daughter)
...I figure that they're not "people she calls on for help" as Contacts do, so its fair to leave them out. (I want to remember their names, so leaving the note here for that purpose, too.)
Kalil Hardakain
Guldbund Dhuzak**
Valka Hurenfal

** Azadmere City B4
Church (King's Court)
Palace Builder*
Guardians Jukhar*
Dwarf Guildsman (Apprentice Sage/Tutor)
Church (High Official)

* (GM Option)
Acquaintance Best Friend



19. Equipment and Funds
a. Equipment everyone starts with
...I don't see an '"Equipment" spot on the sheet?

A set of clothing suitable to their station and occupation (I will give more detail on this)
...If you're putting her in the Guardians, then it says she gets Kurbul and a non-metal weapon (a stone-tipped spear, perhaps?)

A backpack with any portable tools of their trade
She has a LOT of trades... which ones do you want to give tools for?

Fire making tools (tinder box or flint and steel)
bandana or scarf
Knife or Dagger
A weapon for each Weapon Skill (DM's choice)
Armor, maybe, depending on Occupation and Social Class
...If you're putting her in the Guardians, then it says she gets Kurbul and a non-metal weapon (a stone-tipped spear, perhaps?)

Credentials, depends on Occupation, Social Class, and situation
b. Funds and additional Equipment, roll 3d6, see Family Wealth Table and Veteran Equipment
I. 3-9 poor, 10-14 Average, 15+ Wealthy
Family Wealth Table [3d6]=11
Average Noble is 1,200d (Assuming Dad sent her off with some guilt money) or 180d (if her Mom had to scrape it together)

c. Other
I. This category involves items that an individual can make themselves or are likely to have made
II. They must purchase or be able to reasonable gather themselves all raw materials
III. They must have access to any necessary tools, special needs
IV. All required rolls will need to be made, Crafting, Spell Casting, Praying etc.
V. Depending on item and rolls additional attempts may be allowed (Mages will start with a Focus for example but it may take several attempts)
I will note here that High Quality Item, Holy Item, Magic Item creation as well as Herbal and Potion creation are all nicely detailed and even possible for starting characters
...I'm not really sure what to do, or what's fair, so I'm just going to let you (GM) tell me what she has.

20. Connecting the Party
a. I usually have some rational for everyone knowing each other or at least being together, but in this scenario we will not worry about it

When you are ready to start on spells we can work on those.

Okay... we get spell points equal to Aura (16).

Eye of Kemdal (I)
Talin’s Eye (II)
(The Eye of Kemdal goes well with being a Guardian, and her Best Friend connection there. She is well-able to find new discontinuities. I like her dwarfy weaponcraft going well with Dispell and Talin's Eye, which lets her make weapons that "glow blue when orcs are near." :) )

Balm of Gresan (I)
Figure of Aestras (I)
Verdant Hand (II)
Vine of Alguinas (IV)
Animus of Nithri (V)
(It says Dispel and Focus are free. Speeding healing and making things grow faster are apprentice skills she would grasp, as both are impatient in their nature and effect. Figure of Aestras is power and control over other living things, which appeals to her. She otherwise, though, grasp for great power she may or may not be able to handle - I absolutely am enamored with Animus as the one necromancy spell in the list, which effectively provides Speak with Dead, and fits her persona. The Vine of Alguinas is Verdant Hand on steroids (make growth magic violent and rage-y!)and the type of showy and impatient power she would also seek.)

Resulting Elements...

Contacts Table:
Kalil Hardakain
Guldbund Dhuzak**
Valka Hurenfal

** Azadmere City B4
Church (King's Court)
Palace Builder*
Guardians Jukhar*
Dwarf Guildsman (Apprentice Sage/Tutor)
Church (High Official)

* (GM Option)
Acquaintance Best Friend



Equipment and Wealth: (GM Discretion [Notes above])

Credentials: (GM Discretion)

Eye of Kemdal (I)
Talin’s Eye (II)
Balm of Gresan (I)
Figure of Aestras (I)
Verdant Hand (II)
Vine of Alguinas (IV)
Animus of Nithri (V)

Updated sheet attached.
Lharzin - Speaker of Stone.pdf

Re: Lharzin

Posted: Wed Jan 10, 2024 10:52 pm
by Marullus
Herbs Known:
Berilik (common) [Alchemy (battlefield anesthetic) and Non-Alchemy (tea)]
Fletherane (uncommon) [Non-Alchemy (dried and smoked)]
Habsulara (common) [Alchemy (mind-enhancer) and Non-Alchemy (tea, energy boost)]
Homura (common) (poisonous in any form)
Kithyl (common) [Alchemy (bleeding, infection) and Non-Alchemy (bandages, poultice, root paste)]
Lavaryctia (uncommon) [Alchemy (sleeping potion) and Non-Alchemy (tea)]
Quessel (uncommon) [Alchemy (paste cures infections)]
Raskile (uncommon) [Alchemy (abortifactant) and Non-Alchemy (tea, contraceptive)]
Tirageyth (common) [Alchemy (narcotic) and Non-Alchemy (chew leaves, euphoria)]
Zahuruk (uncommon) - for a subteranean mushroom [Non-Alchemy (light source)]

Revised Spells:
  • Eye of Kemdal (I)
  • Talin’s Eye (II)
  • Balm of Gresan (I)
  • Figure of Aestras (I)
  • Putrid Hand (I)
  • Verdant Hand (II)
  • Animus of Nithri (V)
Initial Wealth: 1,200d

Re: Lharzin

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 10:50 pm
by Marullus
Contacts Table:
KalilChurch (current location)Acquaintance47
Guldbund Dhuzak**Palace Builder*Acquaintance46
Valka HurenfalGuardians Jukhar*Acquaintance Best Friend84
Dwarf Guildsman (Apprentice Sage/Tutor)Unfriendly30
Church (High Official)Unfriendly24
** Azadmere City Book, B4* (GM Option)

Herbs Known:
Herb NameHerb RarityHabitatNon-Alchemy UseAlchemy ProductAlchemy RarityAlchemy Effect
Berilik (common)tea;Ichor of Agrik (Common)
Fletherane (uncommon) dried and smoked;Fletharasha (Common)
Habsulara (common) tea; energy boostUhla Oil (Rare)
Homura (common) (poisonous in any form)N/AN/A
Kithyl (common) bandages, poultice, root pasteN/AN/A
Lavaryctia (uncommon)tea;Heavy Curtains (Uncommon)
Quessel (uncommon)N/A Elmithra (Rare)
Raskile (uncommon) tea; contraceptiveBaby-can-Wait (Common)
Tirageyth (common)chew leaves; euphoriaHalea's Tresses (Rare, illegal)
Zahuruk (uncommon)subteranean mushroom (light source)N/AN/A
N/AN/AEye-of-Dwarf (Common in Azadmere)

Re: Lharzin

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 6:41 pm
by Rex

Set of wool travel/work clothing (Long sleeve dress, leggings, vest (bustier) and cloak)
Set of fine wool clothing (Long sleeve dress, leggings, vest (bustier) and cloak)
Boots, knee, leather
Belt, leather
Gauntlets, leather
Belt Pouch
Azure Bowl Pendant, Holy Symbol, Azurite, blessed (Seim)
Tinder Box
Linen cloth (bandana/scarf/bandage)
Danistor, 10 lbs of smaller mushrooms
Torch (12)

Herbalist (snips, gathering pouch, pruning knife etc)
Alchemist (metal lab set, mortar & pestle, etc)

Tharin's Rock Salt (required for dwarves diet outside of Azadmere)
Ichor of Agrik (Berilik Balm), 4 doses
Kithyl root paste, 4 doses
Kithyl root bandages, 8 doses (must be boiled immediately before use)
Eye-of-Dwarf, 8 doses

Knife (primarily used as a tool and for eating)
Spear, Stone (enchanted, hard as steel), +2 WQ
Warhammer, Stone (enchanted, hard as steel), +2 WQ
Round Shield, Wooden (Light), +2 WQ (protects as Kurbal +2 AQ)

Quilt Gambeson, +1 AQ
Quilt Leggings, +1 AQ
Leather Gambeson, +1 AQ
Leather Leggings, +1 AQ
Kurbal Breast/Back Plate, +2 AQ
Quilt Cowl, +1 AQ
Leather Cowl, +1 AQ
Kurbal Helm, +2 AQ
Leather Calf Boots, +1 AQ
Leather Gauntlets, +1 AQ

Horse, Chelni (Harnic Pony)
Trained for combat so a warhorse of the very light charger type. Relatively small horse averaging 13 hands and 700 pounds.
Tack, blanket, saddle, reigns, hobbles, and saddle bags

Horse, Chelni (Harnic Pony)
Trained as a pack/riding horse, not combat.
Tack, blanket, reigns, lead, hobbles, panniers


Re: Lharzin

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 6:48 pm
by Rex
Feel free to copy and make notes/basic changes. Name your pony, colors etc.

Weapons: Weapons come in 3 varieties, if not noted it is assumed average. Can also have Light (25% lighter) or Heavy (25% heavier). All 3 types impact is modified by type and users Strength, see Combat 3, custom weapons in sidebar.

In your case, Str 15, Light are 90% (impact x0.9), Average are 110% (impact x1.1), or Heavy are 130% (impact x1.3).
Note that stone weapons can't be heavy weapons.

Light Stone Warhammer, Wt 3.8 lbs, WQ 11, A/D 15/5, HM -5, impact 5 * (5)
Average Stone Warhammer, Wt 5.0 lbs, WQ 11, A/D 15/5, HM -5, impact 7 * (6)

Keep in mind your encumbrance is based on weight. Your Armor/clothing weights are modified by your size (x0.8 in your case)
Encumbrance = total weight (Armor+Weapons)/Endurance
I assume you will be dropping any backpack/side bag for combat, if not you add that in too.

Re: Lharzin

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2024 9:13 pm
by Marullus
I'll give her a Light spear and an Average warhammer.
I've named her ponies Barri and Bildr. I've added her wagon (let me know what to subtract from wealth).
Her Mother is Herrithr, Apothecarist of clan Grimhald.

Posted at the top as the Active Sheet.


Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 3:15 am
by Marullus
Wealth: 1122d
2400d-1200d=1200d: Custom Wagon
1200-88d=1122d: Guards to Burzyn