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Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 3:50 am
by SilverBen
Episode 5 - Old Town District of Ravenglass
Time: early afternoon
Turn 1 - Round 1

The Old Town District of Ravenglass was once its population center years ago, when far fewer folk resided here. The district presents the picturesque charm of older structures that are well maintained, in contrast to the poor and rundown condition common in the Slums District. Old Town streets were designed in a tight layout of concentric segments that follow the outline of the defensive stone wall surrounding Ravenglass. (Visibility reduced to 90' intervals of line of sight along each segment) Residents travel in pairs, or single file, along the narrow raised lanes at each side of the street. No beasts of burden appear in the Old Town District, which results in many human porters hauling their goods to be delivered using wheelbarrows or carts down the center of the streets.

The echo of the party's marching feet fills the street, scattering the irregular layer of gravel and crushed sea shells under foot. Thorily halts the party's advance and points to a single story building out to the party as the Orphanage. Although no fence surrounds the Orphanage, a practical rampart of wooden crates, open barrels collecting rainwater, and discarded sacks of food stuff stands in front of the bare walls and shuttered windows. Young voices of girls can faintly be overheard singing from within.

A simple wooden sign is posted beside the closed double doors with the etched words "Old Town Orphanage - administered by Headmistress Hildgrid, a mother to all orphans of Ravenglass."
Objectives for Episode 5:
  • Enter Hildrgid's Orphanage in the Old Town District of Ravenglass
  • Find evidence to condemn Hildrgid as a witch publicly

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 4:27 am
by Rex

"Maybe some of you not wearing heavy armor could sneak in tonight?"

He will look around and see what he can see without being to obvious.

Vatn is wearing chain mail under his robes.

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 3:29 pm
Nesta looks around for any children positioned far enough away from the building that he could speak to them without the risk of being seen from a door or window.

"Maybe we should talk to a few of the children before we simply break in?"

"We dont need to act like investigators either. Maybe we could portray ourselves as a club or something who are trying to do good by making improvements to buildings in need or something like that. She might not actually believe it, but as the saying catch more flies with honey and all that."

The elf peers around at the discarded sacks and the like, hoping to learn anything he can from it. If Nesta can find a child to speak with privately. "Hello there. I'm called Legolad. What is your name, friend?" Can you tell me how you like living here at the orphanage?"

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 5:21 pm
by Rex

"An excellent idea. I could be doing some temple related stuff."

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 8:12 pm
by sastaz
Thorily treads back and forth, looking more than a little uncomfortable.

"Well, like I said, I know Hildgrid so I can't be seen here without having a good reason. Although, I think I know where she have her quarters. Up there, see?" Thorily points at a barred window on the third half-story floor, just below the roof. "I bet the rooftops are a last escape route for her as well. I mean, not that she necessarily has anything to escape from, of course."

She looks at the elf as he approaches the child, staying in the background for obvious reasons.

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 1:24 am
by redwarrior
Thrainel attempts to look inconspicuous, staying out of sight as much as possible, drawing his cloak around him. He's not really built for sneaking.

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 4:58 am
by Rex

"Since she knows you Thorily it is probably best you head back and hang out at the tavern. If we need you we can send word."

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 4:50 pm
by Urson
Yar, I'll do some sneaking about. I won't be able to do much until after dark, but I'll start planning my route now. Once she has a rendezvous point to meet the others, she'll slip off into the maze of side streets and alleys.

Mudlark's intent is to scout the area thoroughly, looking for climbable walls, shadowed spots where she can crouch and hide, spots where she can watch without being seen, etc. She won't hesitate to scramble onto roofs for this recon.

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 5:14 pm
by Darithe

For now, Tove intends to merely blend into the crowd, while keeping a watchful eye on Vatn and the others nearby.

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Sat May 27, 2023 9:27 pm
by sastaz
Rex wrote: Thu May 25, 2023 4:58 am Vatn

"Since she knows you Thorily it is probably best you head back and hang out at the tavern. If we need you we can send word."

"Nah, I will just hang back here for a while, keeping a safe distance, laying low. I think I can still be of some use once we decide to go for it so to speak. Maybe let Mudlark check the area first before we decide on anything? Or if Nesta manages to figure anything out. Or are you planning a more, ehrm, direct approach?"

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Sat May 27, 2023 9:47 pm
by Rex

"I am not the best suited for this type thing so will leave the planning to others. I am fairly good with people though so talking to children and learning things that way I am pretty good at."

Vatn has a 15 Chr, so better than average with people.

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 3:35 am
by SilverBen
  • Enter Hildrgid's Orphanage in the Old Town District of Ravenglass
  • Find evidence to condemn Hildrgid as a witch publicly
  • Character developments
  • Challenges
  • Good natured humorous dialogue

Turn 1 - Round 2

Time: early afternoon
Location: Olde Town District - Orphanage

Several crows land on the stone wall that surrounds the property. After cawing and bowing, they lift away again at your slightest movement and disperse. There are no children wandering here outside the orphanage and few other passersby are visible at the moment. A small collection of windchimes dangle from a sconce in the stone wall not more than three steps away from the wooden sign posted at the double door.

This two-story structure is in good repair and appears to be an ordinary, comfortable home for anyone of firm financial means.

Make an Ability Check vs Dexterity: If 1d20 < = DEX, then you may read the spoiler below.
In the blink of an eye, you catch sight of a shape in the window of a small upstairs bedroom.
if you passed the first Ability Check, make another Ability Check vs Intelligence: Roll 1d20 < = INT. If successful, then read the spoiler below.
You are certain the shape was the outline of a woman standing in front of a mirror weeping. The shape turns to catch sight of you, then darts out of view from the window followed by an unmistakable wisk of a flowing dress.
Several regularly placed bolts jut out from the closed doors, leading you to correctly expect it may be bolted from within.

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 4:47 am
by Rex

Dex check (11) [1d20]=8
Int check (12) [1d20]=12

Vatn will try and look like he is just glancing around trying to find his way.

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 2:48 pm
16 Dex: Ability Check [1d20]=20 of course :lol:

Nesta is too busy looking at the crows flying away to learn anything new.

"Not much action out here, eh? I would think this area outside would be crawling with kiddos. Maybe its meal time? Or by the looks of that door, maybe she has them all locked inside?"

The elf does a nonchalant lap around the property, hoping there are more clues at the back of the building.

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 3:07 pm
by Urson
DX 13 [1d20]=14

Mudlark quickly moves away from the others, looking for an easy climb to the rooftops.

I know, 'never split the party', but a thief can't do her recon with a bunch of people in armor.

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 3:34 pm
by Rex

Vatn will move off and out of site of the building, trying to draw one or some of the party to him so he can share what he learned with them.

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 4:16 pm
by Darithe

She blinks at the sight of the woman in the window and as she flees, Tove rushes to Vatn's side whispering, "Did you see her?"

Dex. (12) Check: [1d20]=7
Int. (10) Check: [1d20]=7

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 4:18 pm
by Rex

"I did, we need to get the info to everyone with anyone inside noticing."

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 9:24 pm
by sastaz

DEX check vs 11: [1d20]=1 :!:
INT check vs 16: [1d20]=1 WHAAAAAT ok great you know what just waste all my crits on these rolls smh

...suddenly seems incredibly alert and smart, like if she was on some freaky combat drug. But being at a certain distance, hopefully she did not arouse any suspicion.

Thorily walks up to Vatn and Tove, looking as everyday as possible.

"I did. And I think that's her." GM please correct me otherwise "But she seemed somewhat...otherworldly, in lack of better terms. Maybe there is some truth to these rumors after all. Let's not assume anything, but there's definitely something fishy going on in there. She might just have a strange disease or something, but I don't know, it does not look good. We should plan our next step carefully and not rush to action, especially not if we are really dealing with a witch here. So, before anyone tries something stupid, let's ga.... Hey, where's Mudlark?

Re: Episode 5 - Purging the Witch

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2023 4:10 am
by SilverBen
Episode 5 - Old Town District of Ravenglass
Time: early afternoon
Turn 1 - Round 3

The skies are nearly free of any clouds under the glorious afternoon sun. What has been a light and steady wind until now suddenly strengthens into breezy gusts that lift any loose articles of your clothing or hair. The windchimes hanging near the double doors begin to dangle and sway, resonating high pitched tones when they meet. Oddly, the double doors glide open, swinging fully out towards you, and barely break the silence as they bump against the stone walls to each side.

An exquisite topiary garden is revealed behind the double doors, marred only by a dual rutted carriage path in a loop that stretches from in front of you to the front door of the orphanage. (Distance to the orphanage front door is approx 60') Perennial shrubs have been masterfully trained and clipped into geometric or fanciful shapes standing alongside the carriage path.

The voices of young girls continue singing a sea shanty, their source is not yet visible.