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Setting Notes (Leitz's game)

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:46 pm
by Leitz
Setting Notes

We are going to use a semi-historical Earth, circa 1655 anno Domini. The "semi-" in that is because we'll try to stay within historical bounds, but I'm not a historian and I don't care to inflict historical perfection on any of us. So, think like the Three Musketeers, but a bit later, and indulge your fancy. If you like history, this is shortly after the Thirty Years War and the English Civil War.

In this game, who you are will impact how people respond to you. That means, if you're rude, people will respond in kind. If you are rich, they will fawn over you. For game mechanics, males and females are equivalent, and I have no requirement that female PCs fit cultural expectations.

Per the ScenSim encounters, there will be some fighting, some thinking, and some socializing. A well rounded group will be useful, but not everyone can be perfect at everything.

You are all members of the "League of Adventurers"; an international shadow organization that rights wrongs and defends the defenseless, without concern about cultural background or geographic terrain. The League has chapter houses in many places, where you can stay safely, for a very small donation. All members of the League can speak, read, and write Roman Latin, and it is the "common tongue" of members.

Who founded the League, and who funds it, are up for debate. Most members believe that several German nobles, grieved by the depredations of the Thirty Year's War, vowed to never let it happen again. The idea has grown across geographies, and members come from all cultural backgrounds.

While members out doing good may accept small gifts from the people they help, members do not steal and do not seek personal financial gain. Members may donate wealth, if they like, but their service is the prime currency. For good service, members are taken care of.

The League does not order assassinations. However, members often find themselves at odds with malevolent petty dictators, and are certainly allowed to defend themselves. Usually, it gives the same result, but maintains honor.


There are eighteen skills to choose from, and each character can pick ten. In a major way, your skills should support and refine your High Concept. Here are the skills:


The skills are intentionally broad. For example, "Fight" covers about anything from hand to hand, to pole arms. "Shoot" covers anything at range. Keeping in mind our setting, here are the detailed explanations.

My recommendation is to pick your ten skills before you read further. This isn't a hard and fast mandate, but it might make it easier on you for the next step.

Re: Setting Notes (Leitz's game)

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 12:27 pm
by Leitz
For those new to Fate, if you have a skill then you have the tools for it. For example, if you have "Shoot", then you have something to shoot, as best fits your character. An artist would have whatever tools and work spaces they need, and an inventor would have a lab. Someone who hangs out with the Parisian social elite would have proper clothing, and at least a small apartment in the city. More, if you want it.

If anyone is using firearms, flintlocks are available. Much easier to deal with than matchlocks.

In this game, you also have transport. Probably a horse, and tack, and the basic skill for it. If different transport is needed, for example, across a body of water, the League provides funds for you to handle such issues. If you pay from your own purse, they will reimburse you.