Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#61 Post by ateno »

Well thats extreme...
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#62 Post by Spearmint »

The Nergal Obelisk

While Traeliorn is busy dealing with the charred sacrificial victim and Rickford and Duvall ward the prisoners, Cosmo puts his investigative skills to the test.

He does not find any secret niches or heap of treasure but almost certainly finds a heap of trouble. Whether initiated by the praying prisoners or just an effect in place from the radiant evil that emanates from the alcove feature, the gnome gets too close to comfort to the gaping open mouth of the horned visage.

He almost scrabbles up and convinced that maybe treasure or glory exist beyond, tries to reach beyond into the black void. It is almost as if the great mages of the Ghazan Academy are calling him onwards and inwards ...

He is pulled back by Callen, the priest conscious of the evils of this place and he grabs the gnome by his legs, pulling him back from the brink of doom.

actions Cosmo can you give me a Save vs Spells, modified by Wisdom please. Succeed and you can act as normal. Fail and you receive a 'bane' to your character (like developing a phobia).

The mercenaries cosh the praying prisoners and gag them from further demonic lip service.

next actions please.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#63 Post by ateno »

I accidentally hit 'go', I wanted to make it look better, but I wont be that guy

saving Throw [1d20]=11 missed by one.

Cosmo says he cant find any traps and moves to the entrance of the chamber.

"That thing needs to be destroyed, I don't think we are powerful enough."

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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#64 Post by Spearmint »

The Nergal Obelisk.

The alcove at the foot of the mound has an evil radiance, the aura chill and eerie as if this place was literally watched over by the inanimate face carved upon the wall. Apart from a morbid invitation to be swallowed up by death and the grave (crawling head first through the open mouth), there is no other manifestations though the physical presence of evil intent is beside it with the iron brazier used for sacrificial and burned offerings.

The two cultists, bound and gagged can be led away. They seem both resigned to their fates but they also confident that they will not face the justice you might seek for them.

You can walk the short distance back up to the top of the mound and try to gain further insight into the Obelisk itself or choose another action, exploring the mounds further or trekking back to Helix. As far as defiling this alcove and carved face may be concerned, a cautionary tale of incurring the wrath of the underworld gods might be good advice should you action any defilement of the place, though you can balance that, particularly for Callen, with serving the lawful and good aligned St Ygg.

decisions and actions please.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#65 Post by ateno »

At the top of the mound Cosmo explaines. "Don't want to be caught out here, I vote to head back. I think we have fufilled your contract Callen."

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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#66 Post by Hadarai »


"Yes...I agree, no good can come of going any further. Let's head home and report our finding, we should follow the way we came yes?"
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#67 Post by Spearmint »

The Nergal Obelisk.

Trek back to Helix.

Deciding to complete the expedition, the group start to trek back, firstly retracing steps over the mound with the outstretched skeleton hand. One of you might swear that you saw it wave or even give 'the middle finger' as you passed but one can never be sure. Maybe the buried skeleton has a bone to pick with the Nergalites for his current state or an axe to grind against all the living. You look a second time but the exposed bones are just dangling limp and inanimate.

Vultures squabble in a little flock, unseen but not unheard. Perhaps they feast upon the bodies left behind, nothing goes to waste and as you have seen, often that which is left to rot comes back to unlife again.

You go through the field of Mammoth bones. The ribbons placed as tokens on the arched ribcages waft gently in the breeze, soft wind chimes of hollow reed pipes blow a few off chord notes. Giant ants cross your path; a numerous stream of fiery red headed critters each as long as a sword blade. Many carry little bundles of unhatched eggs, larger ones carry the remnant sections of caught bugs, halved centipedes, skinned rodents; several join together to carry a shoeless foot, the hoary toes wriggling as tendons that stick out from the exposed flesh are tugged and pulled. Its painted toenails a vain beautification of a rotting morsel.

There is very little chance of 'ashes to ashes and dust to dust' out upon the Barrow Moor.

Barrow Moor: Nergal Obelisk trek: random and even more random vs 1 [1d6]=6 [1d6]=1 [1d6]=6 [1d6]=3 option [1d10]=5

The trek back is not without difficulties. A couple of hours in and Traeliorn signals a halt as he senses danger ahead.

For Cosmo, you have a hint of recognition. Having fought against Lizardmen before, you recognise some of their language and garb, noting a plumed helm standing out among a group of figures that approach. think typical Centurion style design
The lizardmen or as they are known here as the Saurons are regarded largely as 'superior evolved hatchlings' who have a semi civilized culture around the worship of ancient draconic gods. Previously Cosmo was on an expedition, 'Secret of the Saurons', which focused on a Barrow Mound that they had guarded for centuries. Rather than being used for neferious reptilian worship, the shamans were actually conducting a ritual to keep at bay a Nergal Death Knight from riding from the grave and leading a host of skeleton legionnaire to rampage again. Unfortunately, the expeditioners didn't know that and skew the lizardmen guarding the mound.

Cosmo returned to that mound with Bharazd'had, a Sauron soothsayer on the Blossom of Death expedition.

There is much backstory with the lizardmen, you just have to read the Completed Expeditions threads to catch up.

Cosmo might also note that the leader of that expedition was letter to be recommissioned as an officer in the Duchy Militia and sent to lead an expedition against the Sauron tribes who dwell about thirty miles away across the Moor.

So the presence of lizardmen might not be unexpected but is certainly one for concern.
actions and any questions please.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#68 Post by ateno »

Quietly I think we should avoid them, yes, or sit and let them pass, depending what they are doing, yes.

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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#69 Post by Hadarai »


The Cleric nods in agreement and hunkers down to wait for the lizardmen to pass.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#70 Post by Spearmint »

Trekking home to Helix

Whispered hushes to sit and wait out the Lizardman patrol are strategies. The group hunker down, the mercenaries on top of the prisoners, daggers to throats lest they shout any warning.

Lizardmen: detect location vs 1-3 [1d6]=1 [1d6]=1

It can be difficult though to suddenly hide in close quarters. Torches need extinguishing or lantern lights dimming. Hurried movements off the trail often splash into boggy puddles or snap thick twiglets in the thickets. Something or someone gives the ruse away and 'you know that they know that you are close by'.

Traeliorn brandishes a nocked arrow. After a tense pause one of the Saurons' call out in common and then in dwarven.

"Come approach, we mean no harm lest you be bandits or fiends in our midst.", the voice sounds more commanding than friendly, spoken by the plumed warrior among them.

A couple of firebrand torches are lit, it outlines maybe half a dozen figures, silhouetted against the mist. You might suspect though have no proof that more may be in the shadows, perhaps even circling you as you debate. One of the prisoners sweats, "This is judgement. They will feast on us and leave our bones for the carrion crows." he says fearfully.

"Release us and give us a sword. It is our only hope, humanity together." responds the other.

"I can take the leader if you give me the signal." says the archer.

actions please.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#71 Post by Hadarai »


The Half-Elf holds his hand up to the group of Liazarmen, both acknowledging them and signaling for a momentary pause.

"I can treat with them alone, if the worst comes to pass, at least the rest of you would be able to make your escale. What's important is that these two and our findings make it back to the Church."
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#72 Post by ateno »

"Lets hold off on using arrows on anyone, and lets not be racist. Callen if you want, sure, its what I was going to say.
If they ask why we are hiding still, its cause we have 2 prisoners for jail."

Cosmo will overwatch the situation, helping where needed.

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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#73 Post by Spearmint »

Trekking home to Helix.

Callen, priest of St Ygg, stands and raises a hand in friendship though his other might warily pass over his sheathed Morningstar.

Traeliorn walks alongside you.

Being neither bandit or fiend, the priest introduces himself. You stand in front of a tall lizardman, his raiment and garb bearing a military aspect. Neatly lacquered leather bands rivetted together in overlapping strips across his torso and shoulders. Underneath a thin mail shirt and skirt that drapes below his waist made of interlocking metal rings. A sword, broad and heavy strapped to his waist. Upon his elongated skull he wears a chromed plum helm, (one such item hangs in the Brazen Strumpet tavern). Several lizardmen stand around him. They appear at ease but wary, each has a long spear or some such weapon within reach. To one side a large bundle, wrapped and tied in a large canvas. You can see that it clearly contains a humanoid sized figure. Alive or dead you do not know as it is unmoving.

After a moments pause while you take the scene in, he gestures to a tribesman who passed you a wineskin. You can take the stopper off and sniff; it is some strong fermented spirit. "Drink. It might loosen your tongue." the officer type says. He waves a hand and his kin go back to whatever they were doing before.

it is obvious he awaits some answer from you and that the impression is you might not easily 'get permission' to just bypass them.

actions Callen, give you explanation or ask any questions. Give me a [4d6] vs your Charisma with you post.

Cosmo, you have met lizardmen before. On good and bad terms. You can make yourself known if you wish or stay awaiting Callen's advocacy.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#74 Post by Hadarai »


"Only if you would join me for a drink as friends." The Cleric takes a swig from the wineskin and hands it back to the Chieftain with a cough.

"My name is Callen and I am a priest and this is Traeliorn, my compatriots and I are were scouting the Barrows on the request of my church to investigate some sites around here. During our searching we were assailed by some undead as well as a group of evil men which we overcame. Now we are just on our way home to bring those we captured back to face justice for their crimes."

Callen eyes the human shaped sack for a moment and returns his gaze back to the Chieftan. "It seems you've ran into some troublemakers yourself. We apologize for any intrusion we may have caused, we were hoping to pass by without notice so that we could keep the prisoners moving and not give them any chance to escape."

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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#75 Post by ateno »

Callen is doing well and as he noted, Cosmo would like to stay to ensure the prisoners don't escape.

That would look bad in front of the Lizardmen.

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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#76 Post by Spearmint »

Trekking home to Helix.

The lizardman drinks, a long draft, using the time to study you and assess his answer. He offers a swig to Traeliorn though he refuses.

For a long time, the general view of the lizardmen tribes were ones of 'uncultured savages' engaged in cannibalism and shamanistic rites. Yet more recent engagements demonstrate a different picture. A structure and order, hierarchy in command, devotion to duty, keeping oaths swirls by generations earlier.

You both eye each other. The 'officer' you are not sure how the plumed helms rank among them, is not visibly impressed. In fact, if you can read reptilian frowns he might be both contemptuous and angry. He lifts the medallion on your chest, looking at the holy symbol you wear.

"Evil is as evil does." he rasps, "Men who wore this incarcerated my kin. A Peacemaker, he found none; tortured and branded within the dungeons. He spoke Truth to them so they took his skin. He spoke what they wanted to hear so they took some more.

Building a scaffold in the square to disembowel him and burn his remains though that was not carried through. Perhaps he died of his wounds, a small mercy.

Do you intend such justice for those?"

He speaks loud enough for those hiding in the thickets to hear. The revelation of 'St Ygg's' justice causes more than a squirm or two though Rickford and Duvall hold them firm.

While much of what the Sauron refers to happened before Callen entered the settlement, some of it related to Cosmo and the 'Blossom of Death expedition. The Sauron is speaking in regard possibly to Bharazd'had, a Sauron 'soothsayer' who was taken captive by the Old Dwarf Bridge and convicted of the murder of a local ranger and his apprentices. He was secretly released from the dungeon as he could help in sealing a 'portal' that undead where trying to open in order to release a unholy knight (which the Saurons' had spent generations keeping guarded and closed).

you will have to read some of the Completed Expeditions to get backstory.

As you contemplate an answer, one tribesman kicks their prisoner bundle which eventually rouses a groan and some dwarven cursing.

comments and actions please.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#77 Post by Hadarai »

Callen frowned as he looked down at his symbo before meeting the Sauron's gaze. "I have no power to pass such judgments but I imagine their fate would be the same. I am sorry to hear what has befallen your kin, but I am just newly arrived to this region and have heard no news of such events, at least not yet.

Actually, truth be told, you are the first of your kind I have ever laid eyes on. May I ask what is the name that you and your people go by? So that I may be able to address you with the proper respect."

The Cleric looked Traeliorn then back to his companions and sighed. "What has happened in the past I cannot speak too, but here and now I offer my trust to you and your people. You hailed us in a peaceful manner and we drank in friendship. I believe there is a path before us that could lead to benefit to all. If you could let us complete our mission, perhaps there is something that I could assist you with?"
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#78 Post by Spearmint »

Trekking home to Helix.

While Cosmo remains hidden, the two prisoners squirm as Callen and the Sauron officer debate their fates. Previous bravado at the Nergal Obelisk perhaps fading as they have little ability to change their captive circumstances.

The officer listens to the priest. One of the other lizardmen speaks up from the back.

"Ahna mhux nhutna. Txo moe neu to fpe’ a ’upxare , terkup fko, mixux to' lahe." The tone is contemptuously spoken but only elicits a raised eyebrow of indignation from the senior.

Instead he kicks his own prisoner, "Hear. Lom. Your judiciary's pronounce your judgement. So be it."

The word Lom infers an insult rather than a name.

"They are right. I am not your brother and you have yet to gain the status as Ngenga, an honoured adversary. You can take a message to one who is though. His kinsfolk dwarves, that renegade priest. Tell him I have Three-Moons and that is all he will get. Three days and nights. After that his head will be posted here upon the trail." He plants a spear into the ground as if to signify he will go thus far and no further.

He nods, gesturing you and the others to hurry by lest he change his mind.

any last actions or comments here please.
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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#79 Post by ateno »

Cosmo stands up with the others and joins Callen behind him, weapons sheathed.

He will bow when leaving, watching the two prisoners.

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Re: Barrow Mounds: Mapping the Nergal Obelisk

#80 Post by Hadarai »


"Very well, the message will be delivered. Thank you for the drink." Callen will wave the others over and continue their trek back to town.

"Well...all things considered that didn't go too badly...I'll need to find Three-Moons' kin when we get back, does anyone know who that would be?"

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