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(1) The Docks

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 2:54 pm
Aside from the omnipresent wind blown sands, the docks area of Xambaala is similar to most other sea ports you have seen throughout Hyperborea. Large seafaring ships are moored along the wooden docks, their uncouth crews shouting profanities at any obvious land lovers or belting out wild sea chanteys as they toil with various loads of cargo. Viking longships, Khromari cogs, Esquimaux umiaks, Zangeriosan coasters, and Amazon carracks can be seen at port along the many weathered piers. Smaller vessels and fishing boats take up space along the smaller docks as well, selling all manner of fresh seafood right from their dilapidated boats in some instances.

Merchants, shrewd and sycophantic, take up the central area and dominate the entire street that faces out towards the harbor, shouting loudly to garner attention to their particular wares. Aside from the ample seafood selections for purchase, other goods including dates, figs, grapes, pomegranates, ivory, animal pelts, wine, tools, weapons, oil, peat, carpets, and rugs are staples being bought and sold daily along merchant alley.

Predictably, the portion of the city surrounding of the docks area is filled with establishments geared towards the many variety of thirsty sailors looking for wild times, good lotus, and not so good companionship. Several taverns, wine sinks, lotus dens, and brothels dot these dusty streets, offering patrons of any race a long list of immoralities to spend their hard earned gold on.
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The Continuous Lighthouse (11)

A tall, slim, unadorned tower with a dull white light permanently shining atop its conical roof. A lone Xambaali guard stands outside the ground floor of its only entrance.

The Last Plank (13)

One of the more popular drinking establishments along the docks, The Last Plank is a larger wooden building sitting at the very end of merchants row. Music and revelry can oft be heard breaching its weathered walls virtually anytime, day or night.

Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:19 pm
Following The Shoreline

The group pass the outskirts of the Old City, spotting a few dark skinned natives making their way through sand choked alleys of half buried dilapidated mud brick buildings. This area reeks of rot and smoke along with a few other even worse stenches.

Passing a few more prominent looking homes along the inner portions of the city, complete with stone fences surrounding nice yards and watered gardens and vineyards, the blatant social divide between the free people of Xambaala becomes painfully obvious.

As you are about to enter the docks area, you see three men fishing along the cliff side. They are wrapped in layers of drab light linen with most of their heads and faces covered, though it is easy to surmise, even from a distance, they are basically staring directly at your group as you pass.


Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:51 pm
by shaidar
Xenos nods at the men as they pass

"Good evening, how are the fish biting?" he asks in ixian.

Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:57 pm
by Rex

Drest just stares back at them.

Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:19 pm
by sastaz
Tuurna rolls her eyes and mumbles

"Here we go again."

Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:06 am
by Bluetongue

Has a few silver coins to spend on basic supplies which right now means food and drink.

She wil look for a street vendor, maybe one of those that slice up a dozen fresh oranges and squish them with sugar lumps. Then some tradition Esquimaux food, choosing a fish from a water filled barrel, "that one with the clear eyes and smooth scales." and having it gutted and deep fried, in chunky bread.

At least, she hopes some vendors are about. "I'm hungry."

Seeing the fishermen, she has hope they have caught something (besides herpes or syphilis) and she can purchase it so that a vendor can cook something up.

"Say, what have you caught? Bay eels, sea bream, Blue Gill pilchards? Can I buy some off you please?"

Valkrina charisma check vs 16 [2d6+1]=5+1=6

Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:14 pm
by Karaunios
Akhilleus also stops by the fishermen and stares at them, but not in a menacing way. He places his hand on his sword pommel, although his posture seems relaxed and lets Xenos do the talking.

Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:41 pm
Meeting The Natives

Valkrina ignores the others stopping by the fishermen, her stomach growling for some traditional Esquimaux food. She walks right into the hustle and bustle of the docks area, chatting with vendors and looking over their fare. She spots an old Inuit woman frying a flatbread dish called bannock, smearing it liberally with some akutaq, a combination of berries mixed with seal fat. A few silver coins later, she is thinking about home as she enjoys her dinner, standing there discussing current affairs with someone who vaguely reminds her of her mothers sister.

"You look like someone who knows how to handle themselves in times of trouble young Valkrina. I see the gods have been good to you. Blessing you such as they did."

The others stop by the three men fishing from the clifftop. Xenos offers them a friendly greeting, which they return with a suspicious stare. They respond in common, looking sideways at Drest and unable to take their eyes off of Tuurma. "They aren't biting at all, friend. As you can see by our empty baskets."

One of them spots Xenos staring at his wardrobe. "If you see something you like, I can give you the name of my tailor," he replies in a jesting manner. "What business do you have in Xambaala? Along with a Pict, and a......." Again they stare at the strange ashen complexion of Tuurma, not sure what to make of the pale skinned Amazonian half-breed. Confused by her ambiguous heritage, they don't offer a guess.

One of the dark skinned men continues. "It seems you folks are new to our city, is that correct?"


Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 7:56 pm
by shaidar

"I am familiar with the city, but it has been a while since I was here. My companions are new to it's delights. If you have had no luck with the fish then maybe we can help each other. In my journeys I seem to have lost my head wrappings, important to keep out the sand and the sun. Perhaps you would be willing to sell me yours, for a reasonable price, and you would then be able to obtain some fish in the market?"

Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:32 pm
by Bluetongue

"I left The Bay for a stopover in Port Zangeros, to learn new lore and weave new songs. I penned some saga and skald lyrics and rode ocean currents in a Viking longship. It seems long ago and much like a dream.

In the end the craft, broken in mast and ragged in sail, drifted like a melting berg until we washed up on the sandbars down the coast. Blessed yes, to not be marooned or shipwrecked upon Mu but Xambaala is a strange place and unknown to me."

She answers 'Auntie', using the respectful term for an elder and wiser lady.

"I sing and play," she says showing her tambourine and flute. "Perhaps if there is a community meet I could come and sing and hear fellowship stories". She enquires about Esquimaux cultural groups and meetups.

If Auntie has a name, I will list her as a contact, at least a friendly face to speak in Mother Tongue with and the very least, buy food from. She looks in the market for her comrades so she doesn't get lost in the crowd.

Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 5:56 am
by Rex

Drest lets Xenos do the talking. Just waiting until he is finished bartering.

Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:06 pm
by sastaz
Tuurma addresses the men as well.

"Mother bless your spear, friends. We offer you friendship" and bumps the pommel of her bastard sword against her shield two times.

"We are grateful to visit your home. If you will make me the honor of assisting a guest, is this the Old City? I hear it is a dangerous place, even more so after sunset?"

Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 2:57 pm
by Karaunios
Akhilleus wonders why they're wasting their time with some fishermen until Tuurma inquires about the Old City, a subject of interest for the Kimmerian.

Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:12 pm
Meeting The Natives

Valkrina has a nice conversation in her native tongue about the old ways and new cultures with Auntie Uki, a native Esquimaux woman who now lives here in Xambaala.

"You have traveled far indeed if you were near the fabled Isle of the Mu, Valkrina. I thought it only a myth, myself."

"And please be careful when asking around about any Esquimaux gatherings or community meetings. Pure Esquimaux people only make up a small portion of the population here, and that has always made me nervous amongst the pale skins. The indigenous half-breed Esquimaux-Ixian peoples of this land have been enslaved for centuries now, and believe me, you don't want to be associated with them."

She makes another smaller folded seal fat sandwich and offers it to Valkrina for free. "If it is entertainment you seek, there is almost always song and dance at the wooden tavern at the end of merchants row. The Last Plank, right over there." She points to the ramshackle tavern at the end of the docks area.


The Cliffs

Xenos inquires about the mans light cheche as he pulls it down to reveal more of his weathered dark skin. "That is the best idea I have heard today." He reaches into a small cloth bag at his side and pulls out a second wrapping. "I will sell you this freshly cleaned one for 5 silver. You could put it on right now and wear it into town if you like." The wrap looks to be of decent quality, even if overpriced.

All three men are surprised to hear Tuurma's greeting, looking upon her with real fear in their eyes. They nod politely but cant seem to stop staring at her face. One of them finally replies. "This area is called the Cliffs. The Old City is behind you, half buried in the sands of the Zakath. It surrounds the inner city, which is where you are now. You skirted its edge if you followed the coast here. And you heard right. Dead things walk the Old City after darkness sets in. You should not go there after the eventide bell rings."


Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 6:38 pm
by shaidar
Xenos smiles at the man's suggestion.

"It must be a fine item indeed, if I may?" With arms open in a friendly gesture he moves forward for a closer look. He moves his hand slightly which shows a glint of gold "You and your friends look like you might also enjoy a refreshing drink after a long day."

Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 7:55 pm
by Bluetongue

Thanks Auntie Uki for the food and advice. She leaves and located the others.

"There is a recommended tavern at the end of the docks. A good place to eat and find a couple of rooms."

She gestures towards The Last Plank.

Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 5:24 am
by Rex

"We should get moving then, to this Last Plank place."

Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 3:01 pm
by Karaunios

"I wonder..." He says aloud, so both his companions and the fishermen can hear him. "Where do all these undead come from? Surely they'll retreat to some place during the day, and something has put them there... Do you have any idea?"

Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 5:12 pm
by sastaz
Now it's Tuurma's time to raise an eyebrow at Akhilleus' remark, following closely what is said.

"Yes. And how would we know one if we saw it, pray tell? Are they... beasts?"

Re: (1) The Docks

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2022 6:30 pm
Meeting The Natives

The group spots Valkrina returning to their area on the cliffs as they converse with the fishermen. The one selling the face covering opens his eyes wide at the offer of the gold coin. "Why yes we would, friend. One can work up quite a thirst out here in the winds all day." A second man looks suspicious at the offer. "What else would you have us do?"

The third man speaking with Akhilleus and Tuurma replies dramatically. "Some folks say they're dug up by treasure hunters searching for valuables in the dark recesses of the Old City. But I don't believe that. The dirty slaves who live there would kill em all an cook em up for dinner."

"I think its a sign from above. Helios is not happy with the fat, stupid Satrap or his whore wife. He has sent the monsters as retribution for their uncontrolled decadence and complete lack of concern for Xambaala's citizens."
He looks to Tuurma last. "You can pick them out by their sagging, rotting skin and sunken facial features that hang off their faces. They moan loudly at times too, making them easy to hear in the darkness. Whatever you do, do NOT let one of them bite you."

When Val mentions The Last Plank, none of the three men has anything to say about the tavern, good or bad.
