Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#141 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring beyond the Cistern

Bogtown. Silvanus Embassy.

May 20th 1066

The sneaking gang access the lower floor of the complex, spreading out to search for cultists. The door to the expected smaller of the next room is opened. There are no traps, no alarms and Gunter & Golgarth walk in warily.

The room is quite small, ten feet wide and twenty long. Dusty and musty shelves line both side walls. A dimmed lantern dangles from the ceiling, at the far end a hunched figure in laboratory cloak stands leaning over a work desk.

Several dirty glass tanks are scattered about the room, in one small rodents play in a wheel or nibble cheese portions. The next has a large mantis, stationery on twigs camouflaging themselves to lurk for other creepy crawlies that scuttle about. A third has strange goldfish, tarnished dull with flaky scales. As you peer into the fourth, your presence is detected and the acolyte looks up.

He might otherwise be very concerned to be disturbed at his studies but the two intruders have donned the black cloaks and bird-mask disguises and so he does not immediately react negatively.

He greets you in Elven, not giving a traditional Silvanic greeting though, one of bestowing peace and longevity towards another but quoting an old proverb regarding plagues and the coming Judgement.

With both characters having larger human physique, he switched then to Common tongue.

"Brothers. May I help you?"

Scuttling in his desk, a cat sized bug unlike any you have seen before. He tickles it with a finger under his chin before feeding it a juicy centipede from his pocket.

Larvae Bug
Larvae Bug
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#142 Post by Bluetongue »


I must admit I am tempted to splatter that creature all over the desk. But maybe before any bloodshed we can extract a bit more information.

I just realised too that we left the tied up Farrier and surviving labourer in the care of Rodders and Dellboy, one of whom was to come to the Silvanus Temple looking for aid.

"Brother, good day to you. My Dwarven is good, my Elven less so. Though one day every knee will bow and every tongue confess." he says, trusting in some inferred proverbial wisdom that might suit any profession of faith.

"Do we disturb your work? I am new among the faithful and learning my way around, both the building here and the rituals.

I converted after the Cromm priest incident. What happened to him? Do you know?"

He asks and tries to look around feigning interest rather than horror at the various critters on display.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#143 Post by Hvalreki »

Exploring beyond the Cistern

Bogtown. Silvanus Embassy.

May 20th 1066

Gunter Red Shirt

Gunter hangs back and lets Golgarth do the talking. He strains to notice if he can still hear the chanting from the other rooms or if the walls are thick enough to muffle sound in case this encounter turns violent.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#144 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring beyond the Cistern

Bogtown. Silvanus Embassy.

May 20th 1066

The faint hush of chanting and ceremony is heard through the walls from the larger chamber next door. Inside the vivarium room, the Acolyte responds to Golgarth's questioning as Gunter shuffles among the shelf units.

Acolyte reactions to Golgarth [1d100]=3

"Please, don't disturb those. They have such delicate lives." he says pointing to the varied tanks that Gunter presses his beak against, interested in the creatures and trying to hear from the room next door.

"Delicate and fragile too as we all are. Strange you ask about the minister. He serves the altar next door. It was Betty here who spawned his avatar." The acolyte shivers, a noticeable hunch between his shoulders. He fondles the large bug on the desk, larvae of new critters visibly wriggling en masses within its opaque abdomen.

The bug chitters and flexes two huge beetle like wings that come from under its carapace shell. The Acolyte seems to comprehend the creature and then looks up confused. You are disguised in costume yet the man begins to have a hint of recognition that all is not as it appears.

"Please leave, I should be about my studies. You have no avatar of your own yet? You should be in the ceremony then that the Prophet may lay his hands upon you." he says firmly and abruptly, releasing the creature to hover above him, unsteady and cumbersome. He tries to usher you out of the room.
Acolyte reactions to Golgarth [1d100]=3 violent negative reaction adjusted by disguise +25%
actions please.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#145 Post by Bluetongue »


Has heard enough. And seen enough. He draws his Warhammer and tries to splatter the larvae ridden creature into a gruesome splatter on the desk.

"For vengeance and for Cromm" he tears off his mask, ashamed to cower behind such an unholy disguise.

"Let it be as it should be and damn this profanity of man!"

Golgarth initiative: [1d6]=2 Warhammer melee [1d20]=8 damage [1d8]=6 stun chance % dam+1 per level [1d100]=6
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#146 Post by Hvalreki »

Exploring beyond the Cistern

Bogtown. Silvanus Embassy.

May 20th 1066

Gunter Red Shirt

Gunter's blood stirs as Golgarth smites the vile insect and invokes the damnation of Cromm Cruach's foes. Hoping to get in a quick strike on the Alcolyte before he raises an alarm Gunter tosses his mask as well and lets fly with one of the lucky horseshoes from his belt hoping it flies true.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#147 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring beyond the Cistern

Bogtown. Silvanus Embassy.

May 20th 1066

Casting his disguise aside, Golgarth tries to hammer the critter into oblivion but his swipe just cracks loudly into the wooden desk, sending loose laboratory gear around the room. The Acolyte is startled and ducks as an unlucky horseshoe tossed by Gunter ricochets off the wall above his head. The bug hovers and spins around before unleashing a gout of acidic fluid that strikes the cleric in his face. The burning sensation clouds his eyes, -3hp & saves vs Dragon Breath or be temporarily blinded.

The Acolyte points to Gunter, invoking a Command spell and ordering him to "Leave!". Ordinarily he would be coerced into immediate obedience but wearing the silken neckerchiefs give him extra mental prowess when otherwise he might be ensorcelled.

save vs spells please. Fail and run away, succeed to disregard the command.

Jitterbug vs Gol or Gun? [1d2]=1[1d20]=19[1d4]=3

Seeing a commotion about to begin, those outside in the hallway prepare defenses, ready to rush in next round to give aid.

next saves and actions please
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#148 Post by Bluetongue »


His face melting under the burning acid, his heart burning with rage.

Golgarth random [1d20]=17

Shakes off the blinding effects of the larvae laden critter. It seems awkward and slow moving and less in danger of calling out to others. He switches to attack the acolyte, sending him to Kingdom come hopefully with a crack on his skull.

Golgarth initiative: [1d6]=5 Warhammer melee [1d20]=20 damage [1d8]=5 stun chance % dam+1 per level [1d100]=71

"Be ye steadfast Gunter? Yield not to his insipid words. Let faith arise and enemies be scattered." He tries to rouse his comrade and press the attack swiftly.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#149 Post by Hvalreki »

Exploring beyond the Cistern

Bogtown. Silvanus Embassy.

May 20th 1066

Gunter Red Shirt

Gunter confidently strides forward to attack and belatedly realizes he's left the room and is in the hallway, body betrayed by the Acolyte's command.
Save @ Spells 17+
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#150 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring beyond the Cistern


May 20th 1066

The Acolyte's skull cracks and his brains leak out, splattered under the hammering from Golgarth's anger.

Gunter runs by the others in the chamber and hastily retreats down into the cellar room. In the dark he comes to his senses and sheepishly returns. By then the larvae ridden critter, a giant tick has joined its master on the desk, walls and floor as Solly and Thommo add their blades to slicing it apart and crushing it underfoot.

The ceremony in the next room seems to go on unabated. Presently you remain undetected. No noise is heard from the ground floor above which is unexplored, quiet.

next actions please.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#151 Post by Hvalreki »

Exploring beyond the Cistern


May 20th 1066

Gunter Red Shirt

Redfaced, Gunter returns to the room and quietly closes the door behind him leaving it open just a crack. Back to his senses he collects his wayward horseshoe and quickly works to organize the group before their next move.

"Sid check the desk and displays carefully for traps or hidden compartments, maybe something we can use. Oh and don't get bit or let anything...loose. Sol, turn this rouge's pockets out and see if he has anything interesting. Tommo watch the door and let us know if anyone comes."

Turning to Golgarth, "Sorry to kip off like that Stonefather, couldn't help myself." He spits at the fallen Acolyte. "Glad to see that blighter met his comeuppance!" Here, you rest easy a bit and let me help get that vile stuff off you."

Gunter tears a strip from the Acolyte's robe and wets it with clear water from his waterskin. He uses the rag to clean the insect residue from Golgarth's face, carefully so as not to get any in his eyes. Once his face is clean he rips and wets a new strip and applies and the soothing bar of Hurtloam he purchased from Verne the Apothecary to Golgarth's wounds humming to himself as he works.
The bar of carbolic mud, enhanced with the not so secret ingredient and mixed with local spring water from the Well does two of the medical triage conditions. (Breathing, bleeding, burns, bones). Applied to the skin and left to dry as a mini cast, the Hurtloam type product restores +1hp of burn damage immediately and +1hp of bleeding or wound damage over the next hour.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#152 Post by Bluetongue »


The mask of soap, a thin green carbolic cast upon his frazzled visage soothes his burns and anger. Probably helps him cool down and be less hot-headed. The healing, any healing helps.

"Basilisk gland, didn't he say!" he refers to the not-so-secret ingredient.

The nameless and now brainless acolyte mentioned that Elder Barraclough ministers next door. Above all, we should rescue him, whatever mindset or physical form he is in. He wonders if the Toadmother knew or suspected more. Is he polymorphed into a giant tick? She spoke that Gunter would need the silver? Does that refer to undead?

He wonders to what has overcome the elves of Silvanus here?

Too much thinking. Once the room is searched, one answer to the questions is chanting next door. Bust it down, charge it, cleanse the filth. Simple.

He casts his last spell, Bless outside to aid our cause before we enter.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#153 Post by Spearmint »

Exploring beyond the Cistern.

Bogtown: Silvanus Embassy.

May 20th 1066

Chanting a deep sonorous saga, Golgarth encourages the group with a rendition of an old story regarding a regiment of guards, besieged by natives and facing overwhelming odds yet they held the breach and won the day. In this case, it is once more into the breach and as competing chants combine, the doors to the underground chapel are kicked open. Thommo and Sidkrake do the honours, each putting a boot and shoulder behind their charge and the group pile in.

Before you is a simple room, a flagstone floor covered by rows of old wooden benches and a carpeted aisle in between. Seated in the front pews are four figures and after them a space for devotees to kneel before a plain slab table decorated as an altar of sorts. Two figures twitch and writhe on the floor, afflicted by giant ticks that crawl over them.

The four figures sway in the benches in some sort of communal trance, occasionally jerking as if poked or bit, the spasm seemingly creating a joyous placebo effect for the worshippers shout 'Amen's' and such like among other deep speech utterances.

To one side of the altar a robed figure shuffles. His face blackened and withered as if corrupted by the decay of death yet his eyes flit with a malicious evil intent. His attire reflects a simple life, no fancy garb or ornaments, no priestly ephod or glamour. He could be an avowed monk, walking in simple sandals, hands once worn by years of honest grafting. Of the assembly, you would empathise this being Elder Barraclough. Though now his state his beyond human, regressively so. He has become as a wight in undead servitude before an altar served by another robed figure, a coal-black skinned elf with shockingly white hair. The dark elf is raising two chalices high in adoration before an evil looking idol, an otherworldly demonic representation.

Your entrance disturbs the minister who turns to gaze at you though the other devotees keep to their ceremony.

A large black spider is not so surprised. As big as a mastiff, with long legs and drooling fangs, it springs from the ceiling above the door and lands upon the unfortunate Bogtown rogue Thommo biting him in the neck. He goes down spasming under a poisonous bite, rasping feebly, losing breath and strength as the venom reaches his lungs and racing heart.
actions please.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#154 Post by Hvalreki »

Exploring beyond the Cistern.

Bogtown: Silvanus Embassy.

May 20th 1066

Gunter Red Shirt

Torn between threats Gunter quickly decides the dark Elf is the most dangerous foe. "Cromm Cruach!!" he yells and lets fly with a horseshoe praying it strikes true.
+1 for Bless =17
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#155 Post by Bluetongue »


Assesses the room. We are outnumbered and must whittle them down quickly. A shame the rogues have no advantage to backstab.

He splats the spider feebly and directing the mercenaries to back up Gunter.

Golgarth initiative: [1d6]=6 Warhammer melee [1d20]=14 damage [1d8]=1 stun chance % dam+1 per level [1d100]=62
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#156 Post by Spearmint »

The Unholy Chapel.

Silvanus Embassy, Bogtown.

May 20th 1066.

The raid on the ceremony begun, the group rally quickly to attack the perceived main threats. Gunter and Sidkrake advance down the aisle to close within striking distance of hitting the priest without an accuracy penalty for range. The dark skinned elf is battered by a skull numbing crack as the horseshoe hits his temple and a dagger sticks in his torso. -7hp. He drops the two chalices he holds, the injury halting his incantations. He resorts to ordering the devotees out from their trance to defend him. The four seated stand, jerking and eyes roiling inside their heads. Drawing daggers they form a line.

The two figures on the ground continue to be tormented by a number of biting ticks that draw blood from each. By their cries you recognise the voices as Dellboy & Rodders. Indeed the Farrier and surviving labourer from the earlier encounter are among the quartet who worship here.

The wight-form of Barraclough snarls and interposes itself between the men and the priest, a veritable wall of evil to be breached.

Solly, Golgarth and Thommo with his dying action, attack the spider. Each strikes true and the venomous critter is slain, bleeding out on top of the unfortunate rogue who breathes his last.

The dog Kolt and dwarf Froed run around the benches to attack from the side but to no avail.
next actions please
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#157 Post by Hvalreki »

The Unholy Chapel.

Silvanus Embassy, Bogtown.

May 20th 1066

Gunter Red Shirt

Gunter smiles as the horseshoe connects with the dark Elf, "Praise Cromm!" His elation quickly turns to fear and finally resolve as the Elf's minions form for battle.

"Victory! Victory or Death!! Kill them all in Cromm's glory!!!" He may die here but he'll go down fighting.

Grabbing another horseshoe, only two left after this, he tries to maneuver to get another shot at the Elf hoping its demise will release the old cleric from undeath. If not and Cromm Cruach forgive them all, he throws instead at the thing Elder Barraclough has become and hopes the magic of the Horseshoe Hammerblow is enough to hurt it.
(Throw at the Elf if it's possible otherwise at the undead cleric)

With Bless Spell +1 to Hit =14 (not sure if the Horseshoe itself is +2 to hit or just +2 damage)
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#158 Post by Bluetongue »


Keeps up with his attacks, pressing ahead to take on those in the aisle.

Golgarth initiative: [1d6]=3 Warhammer melee [1d20]=18 damage [1d8]=2 stun chance % dam+1 per level [1d100]=11

"Save any more magic missiles for our dear brother Barraclough as we cannot give him peace with normal weapons."

He advises Gunter, wary of the necrotic touch such undead may give. "Under his wightish hand we will become as he is. Cromm forbid. Take my head from my shoulders rather than let me walk as a forsaken harrowed." he says should the worst happen to him.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#159 Post by Spearmint »

The Unholy Chapel.

Silvanus Embassy, Bogtown.

May 20th 1066.

The struggle for survival continues. Both Golgarth & Gunter strike their respective opponents. The Barraclough wight struck across the forehead with a loud crack and an unholy decayed welt of ours and bloated rot appears where the enchanted iron lands a hammer blow. The quartet of minions become as the Withermen, manifesting a jerk halting lurch and rolling eyes of madmen possessed. They are pressed back by the group, trading blows. The dark elf alone is untroubled until the tick ridden Dellboy & Rodders arise from their prone position. They try in vain to grapple the priest of Impurax but he is nimble and lithe, dodging their grasp. He signals towards his guardian undead who grabs one of the unfortunates and throttling him of life, drains his existence of all that is good and wholesome. Rodders feebly dies, screaming as his soul is touched by the necrotic evil that sustains the undead elder.
next actions please.

I can see this going a few rounds so roll me three attacks each please and I will reconcile them against the various opponents.
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Re: Bogtown: The search for the priest of Cromm.

#160 Post by Bluetongue »


You know keeping those minions between us and the Wight might be a good idea. But somehow, I think we need to get this done.

"Keep up the missiles, bring him down". he says, a little shamefully that he speaks of the former elder that way.

I will attack the Withermen and the dark elf if I can reach him. Three attacks as requested.

Golgarth initiative: [1d6]=4 Warhammer melee [1d20]=20 damage [1d8]=4 stun chance % dam+1 per level [1d100]=72Golgarth: Turn Undead [1d20]=12 number turned [1d12]=4 rounds turned [3d4]=8Golgarth initiative: [1d6]=1 Warhammer melee [1d20]=20 damage [1d8]=2 stun chance % dam+1 per level [1d100]=28

A critical hit, if I slay the minion I will attempt to Turn Undead (fails vs Wights) , then attack the priest, another critical hit.

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